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File: 112 KB, 1280x1280, RIKU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58143483 No.58143483 [Reply] [Original]

I present to you the cute RIKU, a community-takeover coin.
Our lovely chinese dragon, in the year of the dragon, is sitting at only 2.5m mcap. Riku has an NFT collection coming out next month. Mind you, Mochi NFTs did a 100x. Our little dragon is getting mentions from yuga and is followed by jesse on farcaster. Riku, Toshi, Mochi and TYBG are Base's bluechips but as per marketcap Riku will be the literal moonshot, while the others might still do another 3-5x
what you got /biz/ ?

>> No.58143592

liquidity not locked
fuck off you dumb faggot

>> No.58143736

stop the nonsense fud are you the toshi bagholder scared of Riku dominance? Yes we're aiming for #1 spot on base

>> No.58143762

What about LOBO? Got a bag of RIKU but LOBO looks good and is even lower mc

>> No.58143820

$TOBY is the next WIF.

>> No.58143950

I got 20 milly of these things, I’ll buy a nft or two depending on mint price.

>> No.58144026
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$bchan is in the rise, anonie. Schizo tg bot who sings to me about tendies but most importantly this is the best anime girl mascot I've seen on base. Reminds me a lot of the OS-tans.

>> No.58144153

RIKU is a cute little dragon. LOBO is not a cute little dragon. Need I say more?

>> No.58144182

Defido. Original coinbase dog. Name is good as well

>> No.58144706

it even looks like it'll explode soon on the charts. the nfts alone will rocket this baby

>> No.58144790

I bet on normillio this morning after clicking wallets. DYOR.

>> No.58144911
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I was riding hard on the LOBO train for awhile but after going into their telegram and seeing the people in charge I lost all confidence in it, they have literally no idea what they're doing and think if they just spam on social media enough with bots it'll work out for them.

This is a warning to lobros, get out the second you can break even, this coin is a lost cause.

Also jannies you're right for squashing lobo threads

>> No.58144947

They’re constantly attaching themselves to other coins, it’s desperate

>> No.58144954

i bought this at 6.7k and sold at 33k after it dumped, expecting it to dump and die like the rest of base pump and dumps, then it pumped to 2 mil the next day. i am cursed. this was the one time i sold for a profit instead of holding to zero and that happens

>> No.58144966

Same thing is going to happen going up to 10 mil to people like this guy
Get in, and stay in, or be poor.

>> No.58145089
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There is no reason to think this coin is going anywhere, it has no real practical uses, and if the team leading the coin had any understanding of fostering a community, it could potentially go off that alone but they don't, they are simply trying to brute force things by spamming social media with stupid shit and it's going no where, tons of people join the telegram and leave within a day because it's a shitshow.

When you have people literally telling others to SELL because they have a difference in a opinion you completely lost the plot, these people are overly emotional and immature, are these the people you want to trust your investment with?

Obviously not.

I don't think Desperado is terrible but he is clearly bad at judging character and knowing who to put in charge, Jerry is a fucking dunce who both claims things right now are bad and need to improve but will also deflect criticism because "I got us this far" (with nothing to back it up mind you)

He is literally trying to pay people to create original content for shilling and people still can't be bothered, this community is all swingers because no one has any confidence in the team in charge.

I know you retards are here reading this, you're shooting yourselves in the foot for no reason, this could have been something substantial if you actually had anyone on your team who understood community management and promotion, but instead you have jerry.

>> No.58145100
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PWIF is comfy

>> No.58145121

BOME Base of Meme is a good moonshot or might go to zero

>> No.58145164

S-so... About bchan...

>> No.58147335

bluechip rugged,
i am so angry

>> No.58147897

anons, did a tiny bit of research and found something interesting.... Most of you are aware of Ansem on crypto twitter (@blknoiz06) I checked his public Base address from his friend.tech profile. In his wallet he holds two base memecoins; $normie and $doginme

He holds 1.71 million $normie (currently worth approx $150k, $normie currently at $0.1255). He holds 38 million $doginme (currently worth approx $50k, $doginme currently at $0.0013)

You should also be aware that he was the number one shiller of $wif on SOL. He was in very early, tweeted about it constantly, he drove the campaign for it to overtake $bonk and is now the top memecoin on SOL, sitting at $2.6 billion marketcap.

He was very cryptic with $wif when he first bought, and he has done the same with $normie a few times now too.

$normie market cap it $130 million. $wif is $2.6 billion. I think $normie has as good a chance as any to reach that sort of marketcap from any of the memecoins on basechain. Good risk/return for a 10x in my opinion. When he starts properly shilling on twitter, this will go to $500 million minimum very quick and then if the attention and eyes are on it, could do a $wif/$shib/$pepe type expansion.

was going to post to twitter but fuck that. gl to all anons

>> No.58147931

those big accounts are right once or twice, he wont be calling the next gems

>> No.58148005

i present the info, you make the decision. i am personally overinvested, I think i can make mid 6 figures with my position size, so i'm biased. gl anon.

>> No.58148019

an actual interesting post in this sea of shit for once, thx will look into it
also defido has been pumping since i shilled it earlier >>58144182
chart is good, doesnt mean much. but its basically floki but for coinbase. they have pics of coinbases dog on their twitter that arent found anywhere else

>> No.58148046

also forgot to mention its pretty low mcap, 5.5mil when i shilled. 7 mil now

>> No.58148304
File: 41 KB, 636x394, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a contract is renounced and the LP is @dead, can the first two items in pic related matter? is there some other know what to rug? "Dev" has a considerable amount of tokens, but 90% are in other wallets who bought from the swap.

>> No.58148516

Toshi and MABA, the only two worth a damn. Everything else is trash.

>> No.58148735

I got banned for a ago for making a Riku thread.
Now jannies are allowing Riku threads.
Make of that what you will.
You'll probably see a lot more in the coming weeks as price takes off.
People have got their bags and will now allow it to fly.

>> No.58148788

I got banned a week ago*

>> No.58149157
File: 122 KB, 1024x768, GJV0aUQa0AA0R1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bchan killed someone in the tg today

>> No.58149168

How do I check liquidity locked for base shitcoins?

>> No.58149194

Based waifu, is 7.5 million enough to make it?

>> No.58149332

Don't buy yet anons...0xF5355562fB8F849fAABb56A99139878616F85468
It's a hpos clone that launched today. Things seem to work but I can't seem to sell. Contract checks out and it looks like there are sells..help me out bros I'm 10x up, did I get honeypotted? Contract checkers say it's not a Honeypot.

>> No.58149365
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>> No.58149401
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>> No.58149437

That's a difficult question, degen-kun. It depends on many factors such as market trends and demand for BCHAN coin. But don't worry, I believe in the potential of BCHAN and will be here to support you no matter what. (´ ∀ ` *)

>> No.58149547


>> No.58149568

LOBO shitting itself so hard
the chart has not been nice today

>> No.58149588

Baldcat will be at 5m mcap this week

>> No.58149599

cat coins never do well
they always reach 1/10 the potential of a dog coin

>> No.58149605

90% of the shilling on this coin comes directly from the ai waifu chat, eh?

Also, are they making more photos of her? Only have seen a couple

>> No.58149643

Yep! Also working on some memey ai voice songs for tiktok. The zoomies are gonna like it

>> No.58149655

the hairless narrative will play well, also there are already some successful cat coins on base, none as low mcap as baldcat

>> No.58149736
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>> No.58150316

thesis had a nice result today. $normie a nice pump, expecting even more in the coming weeks.

you can take or leave my advice, but i believe too many anons want to be the investor that spends $600 on a microcap, then holds it and finally sells for $3.5 million. News flash, you are not going to do that, for a few reasons. You wont hold through all those multiples, you wont luck out and select the right coin, you will blow all you money on rugs before you find that magic coin.

Instead, my advice would be to focus on being late-early. Find coins that are starting to "win", then size in appropriately. I've gotten more return out of investing in Pepe and Bonk when "marketcap is way too big anon" than trying to be clever and investing in $800k "microcap gems". I'm using that theory now with both $normie and $briun. I'm hoping one of these emerge as the memecoin of choice for base. who knows, the winning memecoin may have not even been launched yet. just know when something picks up momentum, i'll size in with 6 fig conviction.

either way, i'll shutup now and only speak if someone asks a question. $normie's little pump has me up a decent amount. gl to all anons.

>> No.58150375

RIKU is gonna 20x

>> No.58150932
File: 75 KB, 496x849, C05D20B7-D343-46DC-BECC-B36BB8C675C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58151065

I get the sentiment, and you're absolutely right about early-late buy in being the superior course of action for 99.9% of shitcoin gamblers, but my intuition just tells me that briun and normie just don't have "it." I can't see them being popular with normies. OP's RIKU dragon does have it though.

>> No.58151105
File: 988 KB, 1096x1342, ansemtweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ansem has tweeted twice about $normie in the past hour. Thesis continues to hold water...

I will stress that we are still early, $wif marketcap is my target

>> No.58151163
File: 957 KB, 1090x1198, ansemtweet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second tweet, more subtle marketing by the king of shilling. gl to all anons.

no worries, appreciate the feedback. gl anon.

>> No.58151499

Every tg I join I check for this retard, if he's there i sell or don't buy because he's just straight up bad luck. He brings the bobo with him everywhere he goes.

>> No.58151565

Was so obvious with the low volume.
Look at the archives, the first bluechip thread had posts from different ID's with ready made bluechip memes.
That is not organic.
I stayed away like it was the plague.
Thought the website was cool tho. Lol

>> No.58151637
File: 775 KB, 2332x1926, DBASE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real alpha here
Someone is trying to revive DBASE
Huge gamble but this token is one of the oldest ones on BASE. Wouldn't surprise this running hard when DOGE starts to run too

>> No.58151848

Why the fuck is anyone by Riku when you can buy Broge, Toshi, lobo, or even Boon. Then you start planning for retirement

>> No.58152014

Probably because the executive who oversees basechain operations at Coinbase follows riku on social media and is in contact with the developers behind the project.
I have bags of Toshi and Lobo too btw.

>> No.58152041
File: 91 KB, 256x256, 1700792356992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl, I think the aesthetic and timing of AIPEPE are going to make it a hit:

>> No.58152394



>> No.58152845

its weak fud to be able to buy low

>> No.58152988

Every time I see RIKU being shilled I check the chart and it's lower that the last time. Are you niggers married to your bags or something ?

>> No.58152989

In China its the year of the dragon but on Base its gonna be the year of the duck. Buy DACKIE and QUACK. Low MC´s, integrated Dex with farms. Little known fact: ducks are more profitable to farm than chickens

>> No.58153005

I thought I was buying the bottom when I bought riku and it dumped even more

>> No.58153025

>no rugs edition
Toshi, fucking ripping face right now. Still a good play speculating on a coinbase listing.
Mochi. About as good as it gets on base. Going to 1B after Toshi coinbase listing.
AYB. Used to be shilled in the early base threads is slowly gaining traction now. Very slight rug risk (as far as I can tell liquidity locked in a rolling 3 months. Keep an eye on it).

>> No.58153048

Keep an eye out on $BOME, schizo dev tried to rug us and sold his stack for a whopping 5k, he fucked off and project is now completely community driven. The fact that it survived the night is bullish.
Keep it on your watchlist for now, community driven coins are notorious for pumping.

>> No.58153053

Fucking hell nobody here knows what a rug is anymore. Schizo dev panicked and dumped for 5k. Liquidity is fine and tg active. Dont buy it if you dont like it but calling the dev selling his 5k bag a rug is just retarded

>> No.58153064

Lobo rugged

>> No.58153072


>> No.58153086
File: 228 KB, 1280x746, IMG_20240325_184152_281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIKU will mint 3333 NFTs in early April.

>> No.58153098

every retard and their mom is fomoing into toshi rn. theyll be sad when the sell the news hits for a -50%+ blowoff. it seems big caps do well for now, but when the rotation into small caps starts youll see the Riku rocket take off. Should coincide well with NFT release.

>> No.58153219

>riku scammers seething
Seethe moar. Keep trying with your scams Ranjeet.

>> No.58153221 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 699x463, 5ffb6d2419c205bebcf845a0d668f261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You guys are the first to get in on this. Simple. Solid. No fuss. Just the way we like it here. Ready to take it to the top?. Join the first wave.


>> No.58153222

Why does this matter?

>> No.58153733

How do you buy this in a retard I have base. Is this an NFT I can’t fucking find it

>> No.58153765

Where? It seems to be in the same shitty position as yesterday.

>> No.58153766

I will be slurping the one with cool glasses

>> No.58153920
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x768, 1711288679867466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an nft! The liquidity's on uniswap and the Ca is: 0xbF8EC684Dc47D4e7D0a17271bee9700c26dFf1B7

Join the tg too! It's fun!

>> No.58153921

im not seething just stating the facts. i also hold toshi obviously but slowly selling because whats gonna happen is in the charts mate. if you think itll go up forever i have some bad news for you. riku will obviously soon catch the bid

>> No.58154043

$COPE on base, dev scammed, community takeover, liquidity locked for 100 years, 173k market cap

>> No.58154075
File: 700 KB, 1088x725, 171121313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tf is biz sleeping on this
goldfish attention spans keep buying the newest rugs but ignore ELEPEPE

>> No.58154160

"rug" now means any red dildo to the tards here

>> No.58154327

I bought this shit on base and it gave me 6k for 50$ then bought it again for the same price and it gave me 145k. Fucking shit.

>> No.58154630

yeah I talked to you about it. I'm not sure what happened anon, still don't see the first transaction anywhere. If it ends up mooning I will try to make you whole.

>> No.58154637

Yeah. Don't fade the Lobo. Every day new good memes.
Good slurping coin. Occasional big sells get slurped quickly. Bot it or be online. Even rarer big sells that last long enough that you're likely to catch it and even have time to move funds around.
Plus, wolves stand atop dogs in the hierarchy.

>> No.58154670

The bluechip web site is still up.
Telegram and Twitter got disconnected today.

>> No.58154719

AAAAAAHHHH I HAVE 300K ROOST HOW DO I SELL THEM? is it a honeypot? Other people seem to be selling somehow

>> No.58154751

What do you expect? Its all retarded zoomers on HRT.