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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58141794 No.58141794 [Reply] [Original]

some telegram trannies and faggots, mass shill "APU" on /biz/, rugged abadoned by dev token, and you do nothing?

>> No.58141813

To be fair, they're laughing a lot.

>> No.58141828

i don't mind them making money or breaking even. Good for them. But jesus, it was and is a scam, KNOWN scam, and jannies let them spam same telegram faggatory over and over again.

>> No.58141858

capitalize the word "SCAM" you noob, this fud ain't working

>> No.58141896
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cause its trending for a massive breakout

>> No.58141914
File: 364 KB, 1868x1602, ApuAstronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can seethe and cope. We frens are all making money and having fun. APU is heading to the billions.

>> No.58141942

ta on a rugged token. Good job telegram faggot

>> No.58141959

Does ta not work when there's bots who trade off patterns like i posted?

>> No.58141975
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Jannies will do nothing because APU is wildly popular, so cope more nigger.

>> No.58141980

Im not dumb enough for this, its a literal, actual rugpull token. I see it pumping right now but my brain will not allow me to knowingly put my actual, real money into a LITERAL SCAMCOIN. How the FUCK am I supposed to rationalize buying this shit? I swear to fucking god crypto is so fucking dumb its like people do the dumbest worst move ever and somehow that works but if you have even one braincell you are automatically set up for failure. Fuck this shit! There is no fucking trend to follow when it is A LITERAL RUGPULL SCAMCOIN. HOW THE FUCK IS SOMEONE SUPPOSED TO KNOW TO BUY AN ACTUAL, LITERAL SCAM. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT YOU IDIOT

>> No.58142020

stay mad and stay poor

>> No.58142031
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The true nature of Apu

>> No.58142101

>he didn't buy the bottom

>> No.58142163

Anytime a bull run comes around the 3rd worlders come en masse. The scams they run are obvious, but if it didn't work they wouldn't do it. I guess some niggers think they can jump in and grab some money before whatever rug token is being peddled burns to the ground.
Jannies never do anything about the scams because they are 100% in on them. If I were a shitskin poojeet shilling on this board I'd try to bring the jannies on board, after all they work for fucking free.
newfags should just buy bitcoin.

>> No.58142176
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>> No.58142368
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That's a lie. Apu is not indian. Here is proof. Would an indian sit in a toilet? Never.

>> No.58142383

The jannys exist to scam you and prevent real gems from getting posted here. They are Jews trannys and faggots and they hate you. They don’t want you to make it.

>> No.58142598

>expecting jannies to ban (for free) one of the most popular memes on biz

Lol. Lmao even

>> No.58142966

create new apu and be a dev for it. currently shilled apu, is just a scam.

>> No.58143042
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not tru ser

>> No.58143110
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You think jannies care about you? Nah they're just here to promote scams