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58140783 No.58140783 [Reply] [Original]

>muh BASE
Is this a cryptofluencer forced meme?
Every shitcoin I click has barely any price action
even SOL rugs have more volume than that

>> No.58140859

I don’t get it. The stats seem to suggest Base is on the rise but I’m thinking these numbers are fake/artificially inflated. The price action on a lot of the tokens seems like crap. Where exactly is all this supposed increased volume going to?

>> No.58140880

Dumbass, volume on base was higher than sol this weekend. Maybe you just suck at shitcoining.

>> No.58140902

Don't get me wrong there have been some printers so far and the bet is that "once normies come in" they will buy memecoins directly from the Coinbase app, but seems like those memecoins are going to get vetted by Coinbase first, how are normies going to buy obscure shitcoin instead of just buying doge or other overexposed shitcoins?
SOL volume is spread across multiple shitcoins and even shitters get some good price action before dying, while on BASE the volume seems to be concentrated on a couple of shitcoins and most likely pushed by whales

>> No.58141040
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Look at this
LOBO, lot of people talking about it, 1m mcap, has literally zero volume in the past 10 minutes

>> No.58141064
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It’s literally just starting. Sol has been around for years, retail isn’t in yet and coinbase has barely pushed and promoted it yet. This is the prologue. Pack your bags now. It’s a pressure cooker.

>> No.58141116
File: 61 KB, 274x558, Screenshot_2024-03-25-13-18-30_3840x2160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROOST, the coin with the biggest 24h daily volume on dexscreener, has barely 50k volume in the past 10 minutes

>> No.58141133
File: 181 KB, 926x625, Screenshot_2024-03-25-13-27-42_3840x2160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a comparison, this beta shitter launched a couple of minutes ago has 130k volume on SOL
So where's the supposed volume bigger than SOL?

>> No.58142718

which app/website is this?

>> No.58142752
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>he didn't buy Circle when it was shilled here last month
enjoy being poor

>> No.58143046

>Is this a cryptofluencer forced meme?
Its an Ethereum Foundation attempt to keep the memecoin culture within EVM before we all leave for Solana. They know they need a chain with a "trusted" name to bring in the normies, like Binance was with BSC in 2021.

>> No.58143485

Charts are faster than dexscreener and the website is cleaner than dextools

>> No.58143524

>$20 to unstake
>$10 just to do a swap

>> No.58143557

>It’s literally just starting
if this is true and it's already $10 fee to do a simple swap, then BASE is dead in the water

>> No.58143585

Cost me 60c for a 1k swap of eth to Normie just a few minutes ago.

>> No.58143602

take your meds

>> No.58143613

can't find it. You. sure you got the name right?

>> No.58143623

Base low tx fees open the door to a lot of actual use on chain. That's the hope at least, depends on CB breaking normie opinion on crypto as a scam cebtral/meme casino.

>> No.58143626

SOL scams have volume bots faking all the shit anon. It’s starting to happen on BASE now too, which I hate, but the last month or so it’s been fairly good. There seems to be a network of scammers that have been operating on SOL for a while that really have it dialed in, generating hype on Twitter, pumping quickly on launch and generating tons of volume, the selling off over a day or two until it’s forgotten. It’s the same script over and over again. It was way easier to make money on base before these cunts moved onto our chain. I’ve been seeing a bunch of shit on base running the sol playbook now. It’s professional level shitcoin scamming. Hard for us to make money

>> No.58143636

so you're saying it's Coinbase Wallet showing higher fees than reality?
I thought having $5 in eth on base would be enough for 5-10 swaps. but it's literally telling me to add an additional $5 to initiate the swap ($10 in total)
and so the UI won't let me initiate it

>> No.58143641
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The main problem is that it requires the extra step of bridging to be able to trade on it.
It is not like Solana or Ethereum mainnet where you just send SOL or ETH to a dex and start swapping.
The bridging step filters a lot of people and therefore a lot of money

>> No.58143656

But Toshi you fucking mongoloid
Everything else is trash. Maybe Mochi is ok because they’ve been around for about as long as Toshi and have been through some shit just the same.

>> No.58143697

Likewise, trying to claim my EARNFI earnings shows a network fee of $15.73-$16.05???

>> No.58143772

I'm 100% in the right and you know it.
Solana ate EVM's lunch this cycle.
Etherum and L2 are slow, expensive and clunky.

>> No.58143796

oh look at this, the moment Base or any other L2 see a bit of traffic fees shoot up to the double digits. Dencun was a failure.

>> No.58143840

I’m showing $4 for a swap on base right now. Not bad at all.

>> No.58143864

Fuck this shit, can't even claim my tiny $3 EARNFI earnings
this L2 is not for poor people

>> No.58143874
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forgot pic

>> No.58143875
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Skybridge solves this.

>> No.58143899

Yep. Jan-feb was the best time, march made me lose more than half my portfolio. Mostly one big rug on eth, but yeah base and everything else has been shit since btc 60k

>> No.58143910

I made several swaps on base this morning and the "higher traffic" fees were like 28 cents. Swaps were almost instant.

How fuckin poor are you niggers?

>> No.58143916

my swaps show $4-10 on coinbase wallet

>> No.58143923

That’s not right. No way are gas fees that high. Must be pulling main net gas.

>> No.58143937

What on earth are you using to swap? Base swaps don't cost that much. I think the max I've paid was around $1.20ish before the upgrade.

>> No.58143945

kek. its probably a coinbase wallet thing. is it bridging eth to base first, then swapping? if so, that's retarded. I have never seen a base fee more than a few cents.

>> No.58143946

I'm just using the Coinbase Wallet, on BASE chain. Are you telling me their UI is just messing up?

>> No.58143948
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Normies want easy solutions. More than two steps/tools are too much.
The normie brain only knows his cex of choice and perhaps a dex tool like uniswap. More than that is just too much to be accepted

>> No.58143965

Have you tried using the actual dex with an LP for the coin you're buying/selling? CB wallet swaps are still in beta. I didn't think anyone was "using" it yet.

>> No.58143973

yes. that's definitely a coinbase wallet issue. use the base chain RPC in metamask and this will never happen

>> No.58143997

I thought Coinbase Wallet would be fine since it's the same entity pushing BASE chain. Like a good synergy.
Guess not, thanks for clarifying

>> No.58144012

No. I'm saying you don't know wtf you're doing and, as a result, you're paying too much.

Easy mode: lookup the coin you want on dexscreener. Click the coin, then the button that says: swap. It will automatically open the biggest dex with liquidity for said coin. Connect your wallet, and swap. There's no way that will cost you more than 30-40 cents rn, but likely much less. Base is dirt cheap.

>> No.58144022
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Or goybase is trying to generate some extra money by adding additional fees when using basechain via cb wallet.
I think they would dare to do that

>> No.58144024

Okay, thanks anon

>> No.58144057

will these faggots ever do an airdrop?
i havent touched base because i really dont think they can do an airdrop, being in the US, and always fighting with the SEC...

>> No.58144061

That all depends on the coin your swapping, if you're in a shitcoin that taxes your sells and buys then sure, but most of my swaps have been literal pennies.

>> No.58144074

I use the coinbase wallet, and buy with usdc. Charges 1.60 eth fee average. It may charge more if you’re using eth to buy, don’t know why.

>> No.58144075

Airdrop of what? They don't have an own government token

>> No.58144081

Actually less

>> No.58144086

I'd love to see a transaction of a coinbase swap on base if any anon wants to post their wallet. I'm guessing they are bridging ETH network eth to BASE first, which seems kind of crazy, but would make sense I guess. like they are trying to abstract away the complexity behind the scenes

>> No.58144093
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>Charges 1.60 eth
You mean 1.60$ r-righ?

>> No.58144123

YW fren. If you click "explore" on dexscreener, then choose "base network", you can see all the tokens available on base. It auto defaults to the top trending in the past 6 hours, but you can arrange however you like. Dexscreener will give you 2 options to swap with on their swap button. One is kyberswap which is an aggregator, the other is the biggest dex with liquidity for that coin. Obviously you want to choose the dex, unless it's a bigger coin with liquidity all over.

Now you know. Go buy some good base tokens and get rich this year.

>> No.58144132

>like they are trying to abstract away the complexity behind the scenes
I mean, they have to do that to make it normie friendly

>> No.58144138

Just send eth from cex to wallet with base network

>> No.58144141

Ya, I'm interested as well. I had no idea it was working well enough already that people were actually using it.

Jesus, we're still early lol.

>> No.58144158

I'm seeing +$1 fees for simple swaps right now.
Earlier it was even higher. Meanwhile Solana its all sub 1 cent.

>> No.58144205

Lol. You think they're "fighting" with the SEC? It's not like that anon. CB, blackrock, SEC... it's all the same jews doing jew stuff. The headlines are for the masses.

The BTC purchased for all these new ETFs comes from CB. The only legit way the derivatives market for them can be approved, is through a "proper" custodian; i.e. CB.

The "war" is against us.
Read through it. Get rich. Avoid kikery.

>> No.58144226

alright nigga schzo stuff aside, airdrop or no?

>> No.58144233

Skybridge will let them swap any eth token/NFT (for advanced normie retards) to base with one click and besides they can withdraw anything from coinbase on base straight to base through their coinbase wallet. Boom, those two things open base right up. It's already heating up anon. It's time to build those stacks, you can load up on a bunch of moonbags right now and be ready for the sweet sweet liquidity that is going to flow in.

>> No.58144259

Idk anon. I haven't seen anything close to $1 since the eth upgrade almost 2 weeks ago but, maybe it is rn? Like I said, I paid 28 cents this morning and that's the absolute highest I've seen since the upgrade and flood of jeets to base. If you're using kyberswap, make sure you have the "tip" turned off.

>> No.58144268

Ok shill me sth. I have pwif and ephantpepe already

>> No.58144297

There no native token. CB doesn't want the fake volume. They're encouraging the the coin devs they've given grants to, yo randomly airdrop tokens to users. That's the best you get.

They don't want third worlder money or their scams on the network because they're trying to appeal to normies. There are plenty of good airdrops you can chase rn. Base isn't going to be one of them, but if it happens, it will be for legit users. Period.

>> No.58144316
File: 284 KB, 1050x1057, circle red dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>volume doubling every week
>Coinbase is going to launch smart wallet integration soon, 100M+ users onchain
>Friend Tech airdrop going to put hundreds of millions into the Base ecoystem
you are retarded, buy some Circle

>> No.58144359

You want the normie memes, mochi, toshi, riku (moonshot chance, Jesse follows), etc, even normie will send. Base God is cringe but has potential. Gamefi stuff will be big too. Base is perfect for it with the tx fees.

>> No.58144395

Haha, yeah.

>> No.58144439

By the way when are there going to be PWIF NFTs. It's too retarded not to mint one. I don't even care about the price, it could be at 0 and I still require one.

>> No.58144440

yes, but it obviously has a cost. if every transaction has to bridge, you end up paying a lot of bridge fees. they could give an option to move eth to base and hold there for future swaps...but then they'd have to educate teh user about wft that even means. kek

>> No.58144461

oh damn, I haven't even thought of this angle. if coinbase wallet is bridging every swap, skybridge is gonna end up being the cheapest option when it goes live. I hold 20M avi.

>> No.58144501
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But there are already NFTs, the next load will be released tomorrow.

>> No.58144531

-> >>58143613

>> No.58144536

Who cares, I can just hangout in tg and talk with the based ai waifu base Chan
BCHAN Is the Key play

>> No.58144538


>> No.58144619

This. The idea or theory is there is real money/influence from coinbase devs/partners behind a lot of these so they’re more safe than other meme coins, besides the already established ones like Doge, Shib, Pepe. Coinbase won the US, so it’s going to list several of those. Personally, I like Normie, Toshi, maybe Brett and Mochi to list and pump to billions, because they’re all
gay and retarded and we live in a clown world, so take advantage.

>> No.58145145

What about the main swapbased coin why is the MC so low, theres coins inside the platform with multiple times the MC of the main swapbased coin. is it gonna 1000x like solana or am i missing something here

>> No.58145294

All very likely. I think the base blue chip memes (I fucking hate this sentence) are a pretty sure bet.
Most excellent news.

>> No.58145406

nobody uses swapbased anon. its just a UI on top of uniswap anyway. just user uniswap

>> No.58145429


>> No.58145435
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>smugly judges you for selling your bags at 0.001

>> No.58145437

where does it cost you $10 to swap on Base? lol

>> No.58145446
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oh fuck wrong thread, my bad

>> No.58145450

I was using the coinbase wallet which seems to inflate fee's somehow.
based anons came in and saved me

>> No.58145531

the app is probably just overestimating fees. even if you accepted it would likely not cost you that much because EIP1559.

>> No.58145561

bought some boomer
gamble time

>> No.58145564

Hmm yes, could be
But the UI also blocked me from executing swaps because of this overestimation
so, all in all a bad experience to use the Coinbase wallet

>> No.58145631

Gamble with some Shibase fuckers. Low volume but stable, not rugged even after a week from launch.

It goes either to 0x or 10-100x.


>> No.58145709

next step is joing the CCIP gang, anon
check out chainswap if you got an attention span bigger than a fly's

>> No.58145746

check mystcl chart

>> No.58145764

fucking retard, you were probably swapping on ETH mainnet and not base

>> No.58145769

No, I was on the BASE network

>> No.58145804

CCIP? Is that the chinks?

>> No.58145845

This. AVI is going to be the only legit project on base for a while and they are going to help put base on the map. Web3 gaming platform + bridge + eth deployer-to-base. 0 marketing has been done and their products are just about ready once hacken is done auditing it. Coin base is going to be all over this. Yea, I’m comfy with my bags

>> No.58145928


>50m mcap
>not even 2k holders

>> No.58145958

>High IQ post

>> No.58146049

it's got some chinky slant eyed magic to it ngl but it just stands for Cross Chain Interoperability Protocol. Chainlink CCIP guarantees transaction execution with a gas-locked fee payment mechanism, ensuring delivery regardless of fluctuating gas prices on the receiving chain, brotherman
Chainswap is the only project making use of CCIP and CCTP rn afaik

>> No.58146062

So Chain swap is a crosschain swap like houdini, yeah?

>> No.58146097

>explain what it means to be early
Most anons look for low/mid cap tokens to jump into. I guess you’re the exception

>> No.58146128

This list is pretty good, NGL.

>> No.58146131

Its the same sol cabal that is now kvetching about base

>> No.58146330
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So when is goybase gonna release this direct base wallet integration everyone keeps talking about? Is it another 2 weeks meme?

>> No.58146392

once they scale the platform, last week fees increased due to all the volume. This is just a stress test and preview of what will happen once they launch the smart wallet stuff