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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58140062 No.58140062 [Reply] [Original]

Because they're too delusional to sell, they're also missing the bullrun. Let that sink in...

>> No.58140084

I just see it as money lost at this point.
Have zero hope for it ever pumping and have been buying other crypto heavily but I've been psyopped too hard to sell.
Fucking hate this shitcoin and Sergey.

>> No.58140103

I sold my LINK for APU because I didn't have much else lying around on the ETH chain lmao

>> No.58140153

I buy when u guys tell me to sell.
I sell when there are 20 WTFWT threads.
We are not the same.

>> No.58140157

I'm just stubborn, and my resolve grows with every low effort, poorly articulated FUD thread.

>> No.58140158

>hurrr everyone who holds Link is a Link maxi

Why are fuddies like this?

>> No.58140240

I am disgusted by the rank incompetence of Sergey and his army of employees. Moved mostly out of LINK, but had to keep a sui bag because the programming from /biz/ is too deep. But at least I won't miss alt season this cycle.

>> No.58140389

It's honestly fucking pathetic

>7 long years
>fuck all delivered
>constant delays
>20 fucking dollars
Absolutely dogshit investment.

>> No.58140400

>>fuck all delivered
You mean outside of mainnet and half a dozen ancillary services that have been the cornerstone of crypto for the past four years?

>> No.58140408

Oh cool that must be doing wonders for the price, let's just quickly pull a chart up... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Also you're talking shit
>no real staking
>eternal CCIP beta
>half the promised features like DECO just memory-holed
Chainshit can't deliver or pump.

>> No.58140411

i just want my build aidrops

>> No.58140423
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>that must be doing wonders for the price
It would've, yes.

>> No.58140441

And here comes the linkcuck cope.
Nobody give a fuck about your excuses for chainshit underperforming, only the fact itself matters.
Your imagined timed BTC dumps wouldn't have mattered either if Sergey didn't mismanage the project so badly.

>> No.58140454
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>nobody cares about the reason
That's odd coming from you who just listed a whole bunch of reasons

>> No.58140465

How much are chainlink labs paying you for running a node advocate?

>> No.58140513

You got grilled

>> No.58140518

Wasn't asking you baggie, now run along and be a good paypig for Sirgay while the advocate dodges the question.

>> No.58140544

Your original points fell apart and you had to change the subject. Whats with all the noise and insults?

>> No.58140594

Answer the question avocado

>> No.58140606

I never got one

>> No.58140625

Iam making money every day thanks to staking. Never selling

>> No.58140640

You know the only difference between LINK and that Q conspiracy shit from a few years ago? The Qtards were smart enough to move on after a couple years of being jerked around

>> No.58140663

What a strange thing to move the goalposts to.
>hurrr how much are nodes getting paid to do node things???

>> No.58140673

You're using that word as an insult, imagine being a link holder but not a link advocate. Literal financial self-harm.

>> No.58140807

Lmaoooo. Nigga it's an airdrop contract. Your coins don't secure shit. 7 years and that Russian conman doesn't even release staking.

>> No.58140827

I hate being told what to do. This has been key to me holding. I thank the fudders now. The irony is off the charts. Fudders made me rich.

>> No.58140930

Back to twitter avocado scum.

>> No.58140938

Lmao, this.
/biz/ is gonna be hilarious in 2 years time after the bullrun ends end linkies completely miss it again.
Wonder if any of the cultists will wake up at that point.

>> No.58140941

Why are you holding an asset you can't even back?

>> No.58140964

>bullrun ends end linkies completely miss it again
Why do you assume link holders are all link maxis?

>> No.58140995

Im still 45x up, i have no idea why you guys keep biching about it every single day...

>> No.58140998

>ummmmm achtualy it's okay if chainshit misses another bullrun because I also hold crypto that actually pumps

Lmao, this is the level of cope linkcucks are on.

>> No.58141009

You said linkies will "completely" miss this bullrun.
Probably 99% of "linkies" have significant holdings in other coins, yet you assumed link is all they hold.

>> No.58141095

price is still shit, baggie and nasty slob when never stop dumping on you for HR roasties. but let me guess, you're in it for the tech

>> No.58141119

>let me guess, you're in it for the tech
No, the guy I was replying to is.

>> No.58141134

kek enjoy missing the bullrun linkcuck

>> No.58141145

>Absolutely dogshit investment.
yeah bro, a 170x return, absolute dogshit investment am i rite

>> No.58141198

>whoooa broooo if you bought the exact bottom and the exact top you could have made an average crypto return!
>just ignore the constant underperformance since 2020, the infinite opportunity cost and the price being $20 after 7 years!

Lmao, you fucking pathetic paypig baggie

>> No.58141217

yeah bro 170x is an average crypto return, nearly everyone who puts $100 in crypto gets 17K back that's just average am i rite

>> No.58141246

BNB, SOL, FTM, MATIC, DOGE absolutely mogged you and held their value better while being big name alts.
Boomer coins like ETH and BTC have also been mogging you since 2020.
Face it linkcuck, you bet on the wrong horse and held like a cuck instead of selling so that Sergey could live a live of luxury and pay HR roasties 200k salaries while dumping on your head.

>> No.58141268

glad we now agree that LINK gave far more than average returns.
also LINK outperformed both BTC and ETH since 2017 and since 2023, it's your own fault for buying the top at 2020 lol

>> No.58141294

>Enron is a terrific investment because it made a handful of people money in 1988

>> No.58141298

>linkcuck reading comprehension

>BTC $10k
>ETH $300
>LINK $20

>BTC $70k
>ETH $4k
>LINK $20

looooool, thanks for playing baggie

>> No.58141306

>BNB, SOL, FTM, MATIC, DOGE absolutely mogged you
I hold three of those.

I hold all of these.

Why didn't you diversify more?

>> No.58141314

LINK outperformed BTC and ETH both since 2017 and since last year. You literally just could've bought last year and you would outperform both BTC and ETH

>> No.58141333

it's your own fault for buying the top at exactly 2020

how does it feel that even a newfag buying just last year outperformed you by a large margin lol

>> No.58141348

>ummmmmm I actually also hold good crypto so that also makes chainshit a good investment
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice try baggie

>trying to cope with his massive opportunity cost
lol linkcuck

>> No.58141378

you bought in 2020 not me lol

even newfags who bought last year outperformed you, that must sting lol

>> No.58141419

>linkcuck doesn't understand opportunity cost
>continuing to imply

>> No.58141465

His point is he had no opportunity cost because he outperformed the vast majority of the market. Like 99.9% of it. Yes, there are maybe 5-10 tokens that did better. Out of 2.4 million. Maybe you should consider shutting the fuck up if you have nothing intelligent to add to a conversation?

>> No.58141502

>looks at an overall downward sloped price chart
>selectively chooses small time intervals on the chart that are ultimately anomalies in the grand scheme of things
>"u mad u didn’t time this perfectly like I’m claiming I did here in hindsight bro??”
This isn’t nearly as clever as you think it is

>> No.58141513
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Based, fren. I also did the same. We are all gonna make it. APU is the new LINK.

>> No.58141529

yeah bro, looking at the entire chart from the start or literally just from last year is "selectively choosing", but focusing on nothing but 2020 is not selectively choosing am i rite. just say you bought in 2020/2021 and get over it lmao.

and now comes the best part where you reply how no one bought in 2017 or 2018 or 2019 or 2022 or 2023, but only 2020 kek

>> No.58141581

Lmao no he didn't you retard.
He's been underperforming since 2020 you dimwitted linkcuck.

>> No.58141593

You've been getting outperformed every year since 2020 linkcuck.

>3 years of average gains vs 4 years of eternal bleeding and getting outperformed
Lmao, linkcucks are like that fat boomer rambling about how they could have went pro in college.

>> No.58141629

Bro you made 0 gains in the last 3 years when everything else pumped 10-100x. You're a cuckold.

>> No.58141628

a complete newfag who bought just last year outperformed both you and BTC and ETH

sounds like that fact hurts you even more than someone buying in 2017 kek

>> No.58141642


>> No.58141646

>if you bought last year you matched BTC and ETH gains
>meanwhile every other alt does a x10 or x20 in the same timeframe

THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58141664

>>if you bought last year you matched BTC and ETH gains
nope, outperformed both BTC and ETH and (You) kek

>> No.58141704

Meanwhile in the real world, you keep bleeding sats
lmao linkcuck

>> No.58141732

still outperforming in pretty much every timeframe except specifically your top buying timeframe kek

>> No.58141741

>so that also makes chainshit a good investment
No, but it definitely makes me not insanely butthurt like you.

Should've diversified, retard.

>> No.58141833
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>> No.58141915

lmao no you're not deluded linkcuck

stay poor linkcuck

>> No.58141922

>stay poor
Says the faggot who's all in a coin he knows is an underperformer.

>> No.58142024

it's true and you know it, link maxi cuck
tell us about your maxipad bag

>> No.58142045
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Nice try orc.

>> No.58142052
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>> No.58142115

>I'm a link maxi and therefore everyone is
I love this projection, it explains so much.

>> No.58142123

I hate LINK and I love Joe Biden and trans rights

>> No.58142127

I just bought more

>> No.58142218

i mean if they buy the absolute bottom of every crypto then yes... which is what you're bragging about w Link

>> No.58142277

also hilarious linkies are still bragging about a top the coin hit 3 years ago where they did not take profits.... meanwhile btc is already back at its ath from that year

>linkcucks are like that fat boomer rambling about how they could have went pro in college.

correct, or as I always point out, they are Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynomite

>> No.58142396

Another thread where biz mocks a token which they supposedly don't hold... It's all so tiresome.

>> No.58142502

lol seething linkcuck
can't wait to see you cope when you miss yet another bullrun

>> No.58142524

>maxipad in denial

>Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynomite
this xD

>> No.58142526

Should i sell my 5k link and put it i to something else for the time being?

>> No.58142540

you tell us man
we've given you the info you need:

link = bad
literally any other coin = good

>> No.58142553

ENS sir. Safe, shilled by Skelly, lots of room to run. Good chart, no toxic bagholders, nor fatass CEO dumping tokens.

>> No.58142561

I'll sell a portion of it

>> No.58142581

that's pussy shit
pussies don't make the big bucks, retard
if link = bad, why hold ANY of it? sell it all

>> No.58142603
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>> No.58142627

The maxipads are the ones seething uncontrollably about Link's performance.

>> No.58142857

Money is money, keep seething fudcuck

>> No.58143755

Tiktok nignogs who bought SOL have had a higher return, pathetic cuckold

>> No.58144306 [DELETED] 
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The dangers of unsupervised mental illness and rhetoric such as "Two more weeks" and "It's generational wealth bro you wouldn't get it we making it this year for sure", etc. Solded for like 15 bucks each after boughted in at 8 dollars and now I plan on jumping ship to satoshisync which should come out in like a week or two (it's before the halve). Some of us adapt and overcome, others marry into bags for no reason other than the aforementioned mental illness.

>> No.58144575

>paying you for running a node advocate?
this has got to be the most retarded fud conceived lately
please do tell me in your own words: what is a node and what does it do?

>> No.58144621

How much are they paying you avocado, stop dodging the question

>> No.58144640

they're Q tard types

>> No.58144687
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Yeah, what idiots.

>> No.58144692 [DELETED] 

I dunno why they don't just get some random shitcoin like Nathan higgers make an easy 1000x and chill

>> No.58144738


Piss of with your retarded 'breadcrumbs' faggot, that shit might have worked back in 2017, nobody fucking cares anymore after chainlink has done fuck all apart from bleeding sats and shitting itself for the past 4 years.

>> No.58144795

I sold my LINK but I'm going to replace with Supra, a better Oracle, when they have TGE.

>> No.58144822

everytime you fud link i buy more, just letting you know.

>> No.58144837

you are the one that brought it up
so please explain in detail how a node works and how you think they can use a node to pay a twatter fuckboi for anything

>> No.58144853

It's honestly such a good exposition of human psychology and cult like behaviour

>> No.58144869

holy shit that ID

>> No.58145155

ahahahahahah your id says cock you dumb fucking advocate
you fucking faggot, keep sucking cocks gayboy

>> No.58145194

yeah it says true cock, thats a pretty sweet id to get
not sure how you make something negative out of that
now if it said true cuck that would be a different story but it does not

>> No.58145208

keep choking on sirgay's cock and eating up his dumps you fucking faggot

>> No.58145717

this is a classical example of what psychologist would call projecting your own repressed desires