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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58139151 No.58139151 [Reply] [Original]

Okay listen up, faggots. I like money and I'm sick of missing out on moonshots and you probably are too. How about we all agree on a new coin to pump to 10B marketcap just like we tried with APU. APU was almost perfect. We managed to shill it to 50m and it gained a crapton of traction but the dev was a massive faggot who rugged his project and made everyone lose confidence in it.

Let's start over with something new where everyone in this thread can buy an early bag and get a 10000x after shilling it to normies. Pitch some ideas for a coin and we'll go with whatever gets the most votes then some rich anon can create the coin. Remember, it has to be normie-friendly. GO!

>> No.58139260

Unless you are mega Eth whales you can’t force these things, they have to be organic with anons believing otherwise we all just dump on each other.

>> No.58139421
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What do you think we are doing?

>> No.58139438

just lock liquidity for 99 years, burn the proper tokens, and ensure there are no "dev wallets" or other retarded bullshit

I would 100% go ape on this shit fuck it, id be glad to be a doxxed motherfucker putting his face out there (white skin and blue eyes) to be a memelord to back this shit up

coin ideas...

SKYRIM (ticker : SKYRIM)
every fucking normie, millenial or zoomer knows what that shit is. itd be hilarious to see a coin called SKYRIM go to the fucking... SKY

this one is straightforward, horny + dog. I dont really like it though

>> No.58139456

Based anon. I don't know about Skyrim though. Might need to be something more wholesome and memeable

>> No.58139462

Nah fuck this, we're forcing it this time.

>> No.58139488

ive been brainstorming hard at trying to find something that is just ... perfect
something with a good ticker, a simple name, easy memeability.
id be down to put a couple of eth as LP if someone comes up with the perfect idea and does everything right.

>> No.58139492

I think it's still APU. You really can't beat the appeal of Apu as far as memes go. If anything from /biz/ will be the next PEPE it's APU.

>> No.58139498

Like even after the rug, it's almost back at ATH and still getting tons of threads.

>> No.58139505

Sounds like playing musical chairs but with money. No thanks.

>> No.58139510

to any newfrens reading this, this is a regular scam
faggot OP will choose a seemingly "random" token (his jeet friend or his partner will post it most likely). The token has probably already been made, you'll buy in thinking this is le epic biz opportunity and they will INSTANTLY rug you.
Thanks for playing.

>> No.58139516

so then whats the play to make it as safe as possible? I mean this in a legitimately genuine way.

>> No.58139534

The only get rich quick schemes that actually work are the illegal ones. Otherwise get a good job or start a business.

>> No.58139538

It's literally not, you retarded faggot. I just want to get a moonshot like anyone does. You can see exactly when a coin is created on dextools, retard. No one would choose a coin that's already created.

>> No.58139543

This board made some of you retards so damn skeptical about everything.

>> No.58139555

btw newfrens, this jeet is not trying to convince me, but any of you reading this. Anyways, I warned you.
buy shitcoins that look good to you as early as possible.. like insanely early, know about them before launch if you can. Read website and participate on tg to guess if they are rugs/scams or not.
It's literally the only way if you're a poorfag. And it requires actual effort.
Then take initial out, some profit, let the rest ride

>> No.58139568

Thats not exactly what I'm asking.
I have coin ideas, I want to launch something that will get /biz/raelis rich, like Pepe, like Apu.
Is the best way just to start slow and small, create a community around something good, and then actually do the proper steps (lock liq, burn tokens, etc).

>> No.58139574

to build on this; is there any way to ensure community trust by deploying a simple contract with perm-locked liq, no minting, no blacklists, no bullshit no NOTHING; wouldn't this be guaranteed to moon if its built around an actual good meme?

>> No.58139577

How much of a faggot do you have to be to fud a thread that discusses coins that don't even exist yet.
Yes sir

>> No.58139578
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how about base chan? she is the official base waifu

>> No.58139580

Make it on BSC or Base, don't care which. ETH fees are ridiculous. Solana has low fees, but its reputation is absolute trash. BSC at least shows the locked liquidity on Dextools. Base does not, but its volume has been pumping as of late, so Base could be a good option too.

>> No.58139582

well you need to do the proper steps to get people to trust you and buy the coin.
Then in your case yes steady community building is very important, get as many ppl on tg as possible, soft shill regularly on biz

>> No.58139586

The main issue is whales buying huge bags at launch

>> No.58139591

and no it's not just magically guranteed, there are always issues like bots, whales, or the community fizzling out,you need to put constant work into keeping it alive

>> No.58139594
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>> No.58139607

yes this is kind of a concern I had for a eth launch, too many whales, snipers on eth just waiting to rape new coins.
Would definitely have to check out BASE. I have some secret coin ideas ive been brainstorming but saving them for the perfect launch.

makes sense.
its a long road, lots of engagement, and will probably cost me a decent initial, but fuck it man, I really want to do this one right. especially if im face-doxxing and putting myself out there

>> No.58139618

the random fucking dog in this picture really fits the bill

>> No.58139624

it's not really THAT costly. If you find trustworthy frens you can split the expenses

>> No.58139652

Yes but thats the issue.
trustworthy friends are a rarity in the cryptosphere. everyone just wants to dump on each other.
the most important things would be to find people who can help share constant management of a Telegram
additionally, while im a handsome and charismatic young man, I lack such brains to be considered a real "dev" (well, as far as that terminology goes in crypto; most devs just copy paste contracts).
Having a real trustworthy dev ally, (or at the very least, someone to do the bare minimum of contract related bullshit) would be insanely bullish.
Be it all aside, its just the vast meanderings of some faggot on biz (me)

>> No.58139677

anon if you cant take the initiative rn you need to join memecoin tg communities that are grassroots and not indian PnDs full of bots and spam
make yourself useful there then gradually talk to other active autists

>> No.58139696

find coins that are marketed as biz or community and are softshilled instead of BUY BUY SAAR, and join their tg, simple as
i dont want to drop specifics cuz that will make me look like a shill. but may we meet again if you take my advice

>> No.58139703
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Join elephantpepe tg if you want to see what this anon means.

>> No.58139749

thanks bud, keep safe

>> No.58140296
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