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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58137428 No.58137428 [Reply] [Original]

I say this with all due respect to other projects, and I hope the best for everyone putting in the work and having fun in the space

But if there is one token right now that is truly "it", it's APU.
The actual energy behind this shit is superior to stuff like PEPE or SHIB at the moment, you just gotta take a peek in the chat to see how insane the community is and how quickly it's gaining steam

literally everyone is there, a bunch of funny smart people all gathered in one place with tens of whales in the background playing their games, the setup is 10/10

all of this is my opinion from someone with years of shitcoining who has seen all the fads coming and going, take it as you wish

>> No.58137479

we like the frog

>> No.58137512


I'm so bullish on this coin fren. Even a smelly, shitskin dev couldn't ruin the hype and goodwill behind it.

>> No.58137517 [DELETED] 




>> No.58137530

He cute

>> No.58137557
File: 252 KB, 960x1280, photo_2024-03-19_12-16-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually agree with you
This is definitely the one, it feels like pepe in the beginning stage but on heroin

>> No.58137653

Think we will hit dodge levels or higher? Am I huffing hopium?

>> No.58137663
File: 627 KB, 864x1872, Screenshot_20240324-004751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just put 80 dollars in roughly. Godspeed anons.

>> No.58137687

I'm huffing it with you bro
we need to believe, put your energy into it

>> No.58137712


APU is the chosen one. APU the unruggable. APU who defeated death.

>> No.58137728

It’s rugging again right now. Lmao

>> No.58137731

I think APU is an easy 1B marketcap for now, on its own
if we consider other unforseable factors it may reach even 10B, but the stars have to align significantly well for that to happen

if the current trends continue, this is a slow (with sudden rips) moon to 1B over the course of a couple months or over the whole year
all my opinion of course

>> No.58137744

I see, but I am new to the crypto thing. How does one calculate what X amount of coin would be worth at Y market cap anyway? Wanna know where I will be standing.

>> No.58137750

.. if you're that new you shouldn't be here anyway
learn math first

>> No.58137763

>10% dip that gets slurped immediately

>> No.58137772

>organic /biz/-original meme on Base, first-of-its-kind meme never made into a crypto before, fees almost non-existent because it's on Base, spread of meme superior in every way
>pumps to 500K, everything looking good
>dev cannot even figure out how to get Twitter verified, no marketing to speak of, has its website stolen, members left and right turncoating and abandoning the project
>project now sits at sub-100K marketcap, everyone just spamming FoodPepes like bots hoping it magically recovers but it won't BECAUSE THERE'S NO MARKETING
>will probably rug due to some weird overlooked contract bug or backdoor or literally whatever

>millionth Apu clone
>on a network with absurd fees (ETH)
>good start with its volume, promising outlook
>rugs from 30M to 500K
>dev still holds billions of tokens and can literally rug it at any time
>pumps back up to 23M for literally no reason
>can literally rug at any moment but instead it'll probably pump to 10B "just because"

I'm starting to think demons run the financial industry.

>> No.58137776

Thanks for the info, fren! Really helpful!

>> No.58137784

tldr jews

>> No.58137788 [DELETED] 




>> No.58137795

Dev doesn't have enough tokens to crash with no survivors anymore. Hell he couldn't even properly rug the first time. Other than that, yeah, story checks out.

>> No.58137803

The bit about the developer is wrong he has no more than a top 100 whale, but aside from that there are some other reasons why APU is so much more attractive than this other meme you mentioned

1) stable chart and community
2) whales helping
3) insane volume (5m+ a day)
4) 10 year long history if not more

APU is the root of many

>> No.58137816

what is are the probabilities of a 10x, 100x or even the fabled 1000x?

>> No.58137819

Massive bull flag forming on the APU chart for last half of the day. Maybe some of you fags might still make it if you ape in now.

>> No.58137821

you need me to explain to you your gains? fine, multiply the mcap at which you entered and each 2x is worth 100% of your initial, repeat to billions

>> No.58137825

You can take a wild guess by looking at the market-cap of a token, dividing it by the number of tokens in circulation, then reversing the logic using substituting whatever price or marketcap you want to estimate.
This isn't exact at ALL because price is determined by demand over available liquidity, not just demand over total nominal supply. You just have to develop good intuition in order to understand if a token is under or over bought.

>> No.58137829

meant you

>> No.58137831

10x has already been blown past since rug. even if you jump in now, 10x is basically a certainty. 100x is very likely. 1000x is pushing it, would require a little luck, but not remotely near impossible.

>> No.58137834

>Dev doesn't have enough tokens to crash with no survivors anymore.
In this absurd clown world, do you know what I'm expecting? I'm expecting the mods of the current TG to come out and say, "Yeah, it's part of the plan" and reinstate the dev as he gives some speech about how it was for "the better good".

I'm not even kidding. You just watch something that absurd happen. And it'll pump to 10B "just because". Absolute insanity.

>> No.58137842
File: 52 KB, 405x720, IMG_20240323_223637_197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in 4chan for years and this is the only coin I've seen that has MASSIVELY FLOODED the biz board. It's absolutely insane, Apu is absolutely everywhere.

Bullish af just for promotion alone.

>> No.58137844

he's being honest though, if you just think about it for a minute it comes down to basic math

let's say right now you have $100 of x coin and the marketcap is currently 1 million

if the market cap rises to 100 million that equates to a 100x rise in value so if you take your initial investment of $100 and multiply it by 100 you get 10k which is what your investment would be at that 100m market cap

so just take your amount right now, look at the current FDV (fully diluted value) then take your imaginary future marketcap and multiply your investment by the amount the FDV would have to increase to reach that goal figure

>> No.58137862

actually agreed lol
I already know who the dev is, this is probably part of something bigger but who am I to guess

>> No.58137880

Current tg admin is the dev with a different username. This was revealed to me in a dream.

>> No.58137886

Palladia is the dev

>> No.58137892
File: 385 KB, 840x859, apu-apustaja-noose-apu-apustaja-11563647725dcccyuzr8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW accidentally found out that 5G is a tranny and because of that the TG is no longer comfy to me
I wish I never knew because I was having alot of fun in the tg. Still going to hold my APU because we're still going to 10billion+ regardless.

>> No.58137896

wdym by doge levels. same marketcap? its never happening

>> No.58137898

5G had my babies, he's not trans

>> No.58137909

If it does I will make 2.5M. But yeah, not likely. A man can dream though. No, a fren can dream.

>> No.58137941
File: 794 KB, 2250x1500, spacepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in

>> No.58137957

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.58137958

Normalfags get out

>> No.58137960 [DELETED] 




>> No.58137963
File: 103 KB, 450x405, bangs_apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're thinking strapON

>> No.58137980

were you not here for shib?

5g is sus, ignore him regardless

>> No.58137998

Hey when you're a crypto millionaire, you can be "eccentric"

>> No.58138085

biz told me thiis coin rugged so i didnt buy it what the fuck

>> No.58138146

biz told me this coin is the one and we're all going to make it
so I bought and bought more when it dumped
all depends on who you wanna believe

>> No.58138156

It did rug and will rug again. This is the double rug fomo scam play. Have fun losing your money

>> No.58138164

I'm just going to ignore the entire tg because the whole tg system is just toxic, like we're supposed to be a community coin now yet there's secret groups that no one else is allowed in? Idk w/e. Personally I actually made a million on SHIB without ever stepping foot inside of the tg and I guess I'll just have to do the same with APU.

>> No.58138193


>> No.58138234

That's why I'm drinkin' Bangs

>> No.58138259
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Apu reminds me of early Shib and Pepe, honestly.

>> No.58138271

so i still shouldn't buy right, maybe wait for when it rugs again?

>> No.58138276

It's a circle jerk for drooling fucking retards. Make your own APU channel, plenty of people would join

>> No.58138290

Just buy now I can tell you want to lose your money

>> No.58138316

No thanks I'm just going to stick to /biz/ where everyone is an anonymous fren.

>> No.58138435

Sirs this is the moonshot. Love from Mumbai

>> No.58138462
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That's pretty based anon.

Plenty of people are buying without engaging with the community, which is alright, everyone has the right to get rich by holding Apu.

>> No.58138467

This IS the APU channel. That's part 'n parcel with the meme. Apu is for people who relate to the need for Pepe, but just aren't normies. Pepe is as close to a normie as a frog can get. It's still allows anons to set aside race and gender, so obviously its "white supremacy," but aside from being a bitchen basket-weaver Pepe is a telegram using facebook having woman respecting applebees eating normie. Only Apu properly represents most anons.

>> No.58138478

Smart, fren. Telegram is for literal subhuman IQ undesirables

>> No.58138492

(Mktcap / total number coins) * coins you hold


>> No.58138508

I’ve thought this as well lmao. How the fuck did they put the same exact website up in like 5 minutes after dev rugged.

>> No.58138512

APU is will never go anywhere. It's only owned by biztards and absolutely nobody else anywhere. The same wallets are just swinging all of your liquidity over and over. have fun with your pyramid scheme.

>> No.58138730
File: 38 KB, 568x667, 1711251475495042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fud is so strong with APU, it's honestly the most bullish thing about it. No, the rogue dev can't rug again. He's just another whale at this point. The TG isn't some ivory tower, it's a beehive of energy sending shockwaves of APU awareness through twitter and biz. If the same wallets were just buying and selling, MCAP wouldn't have gone from sub 5 to over 20M in 2 days. Frens, don't let these jeets keep you on the sideline just to FOMO in later and get their bags dropped on you. Be early for once in your stupid life.

>> No.58139633
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Sold my DODGE to jump into APU, and I'll ditch APU once it hits my target to pump more into low mcap utility tokens like DUA.

>> No.58139667

This is just a tale for the gods. I'd rather go for the token that partnered with FLUUS to bring RWAs to the emerging market.

>> No.58139695

True, they are planning to do ”over the counter” trade between the new dev and old dev. This is just a way for him to wash the dirty money.

Do not trust that 5g fella and his goons on telegram. They are all in on this massive scam.

>> No.58139706

I made significant gains with PEPE, strategically exited my positions, and reinvested in Brillion token.

>> No.58140696

>dev still holds billions of tokens and can literally rug it at any time
"Billions" make it sound scary - it amounts to around 1% of supply. Let him "rug" all he wants, it won't tank the price.
If they jump in now? 40x at most. 100x is $2B mcap which is far fetched. 1000x will never happen. I will go out before mcap reaches $1B.
This is my biggest worry, but it is quite early. Looking how pepe and shib started, apu will eventually catch on. Another worry I have is that the post halving collapse will crush us. Let's hope the halving level crab into summer.

>> No.58140753

All niggerjeets talking to each other. Fuck off shiteaters.

>> No.58140831

thank you!

>> No.58142447
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