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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58134618 No.58134618 [Reply] [Original]

It’s happening again gents. Buckle up.

>> No.58134636

I pray you're correct sir

>> No.58134643
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>> No.58134670

Neat, now it just needs to do that like 10 more times and you will be able to break even.

>> No.58134735

Stay poor, milk drinker

>> No.58134783

You didn’t really buy the top did you anon? Most of mine was accumulated around 5 or 6m, so I’m still up or even until it dips below. You ARE one of the early adopters of new alpha right?

>> No.58134800

Don’t waste your time on him. He’s clearly a dumb poor seething fagget because he buys the top and panic sells the bottom. Paper handed faggets always angry with the world like it’s not their own fault that’s they’re a pathetic idiot piece of shit.

>> No.58134804

Loaded up a big bag at 10, this shit's going to 1000x this summer.

>> No.58134831

This dogshit coin is cooked. Archeville is a low IQ/EQ brainlet who spends his time seething about other coins instead of actually marketing his own piece of shit.
You're better off with LOBO or RIKU which still have a shot at a 10x.

>> No.58134848

How much will 120b suicide stack be worth next year 2025 in the month of May? Someone please answer my fucking question.

>> No.58134860

Talking like shits over. Shit hasn’t even started you impatient fagget. It’s still March. Go chase your overnight 10x meet scams. Let the real diamond hands make millions

>> No.58134893

You dumb niggers can't even market your own coin. The entire TG is full of retards who spam a sticker of a fat guy banging a drum instead of blowing up twitter.
Every LINU bag holder is a lazy low effort piece of shit who can't be bothered to try and pump their own coin.
Archeville is the worst of them all. Ryan is too lazy to assign tasks to people.
I listened in on the voice chat a few days ago and the topic of conversation was how to do crypto taxes. The admins and community wallet signers have no idea what the fuck they're doing.
I sold mine at 15M MC and I'm glad I did. This will ever raise above 10 again.

>> No.58134913

You'll be roping in 2 weeks once this blows ATH. Screenshot this.

>> No.58134925

It will be worth about $3.50, hope this helps.

>> No.58134966

It does tremendously thank you anon.

>> No.58134967

Kek stay mad

>> No.58134993

The FUD is the best part. You’re so incompetent that you can see a pump right in front of you. It’s not even the halving yet and you act like you got out in the Knick of time. You truly are retarded.

>> No.58135029

> Coin pumps 10%
> LINU fags think this is a win despite it being down 80% in the last 2 weeks
You guys really are the most retarded people in crypto

>> No.58135043

Hahaha still mad. Imagine seething at someone elses bags

>> No.58135052

It’s down 34% last two weeks you moron, and that’s less than most as others ae down 50% or so. Why do you purposely lie tho?

>> No.58135069

And it’s still up like 480% this month, so what’s your malfunction faggot?

>> No.58135086

If you guys spent half the effort shilling on twitter as you do defending this on biz you might actually have a shot.

>> No.58135268

it's still ashit coin

>> No.58135291


>> No.58135358

One of the many reasons I love LINU is that it makes losers, redditors and neets absolutely lose their minds. You simply mention the word LINU and their bussy gets all hot and bothered and they can’t make a rational thought or argument. We are going to $10B+

>> No.58135382
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What's up niggers. What's going on in here?

>> No.58135450

>he doesn't know
Do you even go to Twitter? The amount of shilling for linu there has gone up since last week.

>> No.58135642

The shilling army only continues to grow. Dont be the poor fag that doesn’t get in before the normies

>> No.58135654

The entire market took a shit and LINU was able to hold the line strong. I stuck it out, accumulated throughout , and today I’m being rewarded for it. This is only the fuckin start!

>> No.58135696
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Don’t take it all so seriously Apubros! We all just want our meme money printing machines to go brrrrr. We’ve backed different horses but we don’t need to be shitting up each others threads.

>> No.58135702
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literally going to retrace February levels of 0.000000002 or lower. Buy AVI before the AMA tomorrow instead of some meme 'community' token. Like seriously, tell yourself the truth - the most exciting news a meme coin like this can generate is shit updates like listing on a cex (big deal) or "oh cmc info updated! yeah!"
Like get real. Get the fuck out before your bags are 10x heavier.

>> No.58135732

If you had a crystal ball you wouldn’t be on 4chan acting like a fagget.

>> No.58136170
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>> No.58136413

>The entire TG is full of retards who spam a sticker of a fat guy banging a drum instead of blowing up twitter.
>I listened in on the voice chat a few days ago and the topic of conversation was how to do crypto taxes. The admins and community wallet signers have no idea what the fuck they're doing.

Nobody has a response to this? I'm in the TG and it's true, it's that fat soccer brit sticker over and over. Emilia seems to be the only one doing any work. I wasn't on the voice chat but you haven't refuted this so I'm not doubting it happened, which is bearish.

I sold my bags yesterday and I'm thinking about getting back in. I come to these threads to get convinced but nobody is selling it very well

>> No.58136562

Then don't buy it simple as. If you're a retard that needs convincing instead of doing your own research, you're never going to make it.

>> No.58136572

Shes the only one hitting the bricks and grinding, everyone else spends their time in the chatroom snorting hopium. I really hope Linu makes it but I cant sit and watch my gains get melted away like this. Sold a week ago and will buy back in when I think its gonna bottom out. Probably another 60% down to go.

>> No.58136605
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listen up you retarted imbecile what research spurdo erc is pumping without research because everyone wants big benis which you don't have so it's obvious why you can't comprehend the potential so while your wifes bf takes her for a nice dinner she has already left her credit card and passport with me i'll be flying to wherever you are in your mom's basement and i expect her to be ready when i get there and she better be shaved

>> No.58136726

Anon LINU is the Q of coins.

>what is fear
>is Ryan an obese tranny
>think Archie
>think faggot
>who’s closet is full of giant fist dildos
>whos drawers are full of poppers
>what is lube
>think emilia
>tg=secret fag comms
>is Ryan Howard jfk jr

Anon the deep state fears this coin. This is literally makin them shake.
>what’s shaking but not shook
Your country depends on you holding anon. WWG1WGA … I mean WGMI. Or do I nigger .
Verification not required

>> No.58136812

Emilia should be paid. Everyone there is going rich from her hard work while she will only see a small increase of her money. I would feel guilty if I whale on this onions reddit coin that requires a woman to be a marketing slave.

>> No.58136882

Anon do you really think it’s Emilia behind the scenes. There’s war waging and linu is the key to dismantling bad actors. You’ve been given Emilia as a token
>think sniffer
Of appreciation. We’re on the thresh hold of the great awakening anon. Everyone will play their part.
>what is a whale
>who made the OG OP
>where are the devs
>think niggers
>where’s the laptop
>open borders
>be schizo
>hold linu

You’re part of something bigger than yourself anon. GODspeed and hold nigger

>> No.58137206

Didn't that list posted on here as the starting image to another LINU thread say Ryan is hiring a woman? It should be her but if it's some fucking tranny I will do whatever it takes to sink this token I swear to God. The community should revolt if it is.

>> No.58137537
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Are you guys seriously shitting up other threads now?

>I sold my bags yesterday
So you sold the literal bottom? And are now worried that you sold the literal bottom?
C'mon anon...

>> No.58137564

I did sell the literal bottom of Linu but I swapped for DeAl at it's bottom and sold it's top so I did well

>> No.58137581
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I bet you did buddy. I bet you did. That's why this on your mind so much that you're hanging out in here.
C'mon dude.

>> No.58137608

I have avi and linu
I'm degenerate

>> No.58137654

break even? I bought at 2m

>> No.58137668

>It should be her but if it's some fucking tranny I will do whatever it takes to sink this token I swear to God
Tell me you're insecure without telling me you're insecure. If they don't push their politics and did the job well, who cares at this point.

>> No.58137676

What? I bought around the 2m as well and I'm forever up lmao.

>> No.58137707
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>> No.58137725

nah, i don't want to get rugged by this again...

>> No.58137735
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>This will ever raise above 10m again.
Saved for future fun posting

>> No.58138340

I heard Linu and Avi are teaming up is that not really happening?

>> No.58138491
File: 548 KB, 1024x1024, LINU Bagholder 25th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58138537

LINU is going to use AVI Skybridge when it releases to get on Base. This has been known for a good few months.
Nothing wrong with holding AVI bags as well as LINU. I think the foxfags arent really in the know about this detail yet.

>> No.58138544

Old man bagster looks happy.
>LINU Bagholder 25th.png
Most dedicated FUDfags in the world on this token. I swear.

>> No.58138551
File: 189 KB, 1024x1024, LINU Bagholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea he is meant to be happy, it's the inverse of pic rel. It's the 25th of March my name wasn't very original lmao

>> No.58138625
File: 3.63 MB, 3456x5184, yaroslav-zotov-DXf_VSdStjA-unsplash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least the dog's happy. I can only assume that the old dude just figured out his tax bill

>> No.58139325

I got really drunk last night and liquidated all my other crypto for more LINU. Please pump my bags frens.

>> No.58139434
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Damn son... I usually make bad trades when I'm drunk lol.
You may have actually done the mythical "reverse fuck up"

>> No.58139789
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Hi linu bros I’m not selling, I’m just not.

>> No.58139854

god you jeets are sad and pathetic. pushing so hard and yet the coin is shit and doing nothing. maybe if you fired that fag ryanmcdiddler and kryptoqueer you'd get some better results. also top kek you fags have a tranny as your marketer. a fucking tranny queer that isnt a natural born female. top kek the laughs keep coming.

>> No.58139860
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We must be over the target.

>> No.58139950
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Yeah. We have some pissed off kikes circling.

>> No.58139976
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Now they just need to decide if they prefer being kikes, or if they prefer making money.

>> No.58139990
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It'll be rough for them

>> No.58140000

Fucking finally, I think I can cut my losses now before it falls again. Never trusting a memecoin ever again.

>> No.58140021
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Your sacrifice will be remembered. Brother!

>> No.58140050

Got my half trilly,
Feeling good,
LINU be on the moon, like she should.

Two more weeks, that's how it be.
1 million MC buy in, come at me.

>> No.58141302

All crypto is a meme retard