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58133811 No.58133811 [Reply] [Original]

"billionaires keep hoarding resources"

Yeah bro we need the government to seize and market sell Elon's 15% ownership of his meme car company to blackrock so we can feed poor people even though this would have no effort on food production whatsoever

>> No.58133838

25% of the most uprated comments are bots replying to bots, and upvoting bot accounts to AstroTurf ideas to the highest bidder. Those aren't real people. Its foreign powers doing their best to cripple private enterprise. I'm pretty sure everyone knows this at some level

>> No.58133850

neither the government nor individuals should hoard a significant amount of resources (100 million plus net worths)

>> No.58133854

if you have more than you need, you are stealing

>> No.58133888

>if you have more than you need, you are stealing
just by virtue of posting in this thread it means you have more than you need, better start giving more to the local disenfranchised youth to buy drugs with

>> No.58133910
File: 291 KB, 656x737, socialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58133952

what's best for me and what's best for the world aren't the same thing
for example, i could say that the best system is me as a dictator over the universe and everyone has to obey me. But that's not what we are talking about, is it?
"What's best for ME" and "what would be the best global system" are two different questions

>> No.58133979
File: 444 KB, 687x524, STOPYOUVEVOILATEDTHELAW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and give me your stuff, you have too much and you are stealing.

>> No.58134000

>something sounds wrong for the individual so it can be the best global system
also, internet access is obviously a basic necessity just like hot water and a roof

>> No.58134014

So you are intent on stealing then? I said you have too much. I paid $10 to the council of ownership for my badge, and have 16 carbon credits to my name. I have the authority here. Now give me your stuff, You are stealing.

>> No.58134034

i don't get your point
what's best for me and what's best for the world are two different questions. Which one are we talking about? Because if it's the first then sure, i want to keep stealing, i want aaaall the stuff actually. Is this what you are interested in? Then give me your stuff, i don't have enough

>> No.58134041

>what's best for me and what's best for the world are two different questions.
it really depends on who is making that decision, and it certainly isnt you

>> No.58134049

Anon, You have too much. I have the authority to say so. I have the badge, and the carbon credits. You clearly have more than you need.

I have exactly one gun, and one bullet. Your defense of yourself has been noted by the attending state representative.

So give me your stuff, or face the wall quietly and wait. This is your final warning.

>> No.58134061

Give me your shit faggot I need it and it’s best for the world

>> No.58134063

if you have more than other people you are stealing

>> No.58134067

they are 2 different questions no matter who you ask it to. Saying "woo the very system that you said would be good for humanity would be worst than the actual one for you!! chackmate!!" it's the dumbest shit ever, because yeah, they are 2 different questions

>> No.58134068

>Then give me your stuff, i don't have enough
*The state representative scribbles in his notebook that the offender intends to steal even more and is intent on being morally degenerate by taking more from his comrades*

>> No.58134088

>if you have more than you need, you are stealing

Net worth isn't a tangible resource you can't eat unliquidated tesla shares, and even if you sell them it doesn't produce anything just numbers on a screen

>> No.58134092

bro i'm not gonna engage in your personal fantasy. Saying "the very system that you said would be good for humanity would be worst than the current one for you!! chackmate!!" is dumb as fuck because they are 2 different questions. You can understand this or keep larping, but i'm gonna keep answering you only in one of the 2 cases

>> No.58134104

>"what would be the best global system"
Something like a small group of people who hold almost all the important resources and poach the most beautiful young people from the population to reproduce with, while 99.999% of the rest of the human race is left to live in abject poverty and squalor. But it'll be ok because they will have just enough food to not be hungry, a job that consumes enough of their time where they won't be bored, and when they get home there will be screens to play whatever dreams their hearts desire

>> No.58134122

Indeed, I am your own argument. This is how it always ends. Now face the wall "comrade"


>> No.58134124

this is the current system

>> No.58134136

And now the USSR is dead. Because communism is dumb.

>> No.58134137


>> No.58134139

>my retarded ideology is an utter failure when put into even hypothetical practice and rather than blather more in defense of it I will dismiss you completely

You must be 18 to post here

>> No.58134145

nice larp, now go talk with a homeless person in the current system, or with anyone that works 12 hours a day for minimum wage
bootlicker and cuck

>> No.58134148

I would like to live making only what i need. I would work on average one day in a month.
But i need to pay taxes and am not allowed to do what i want.

Poor people are lazy

>> No.58134155

that wasn't hypothetical practice kek, that was not understanding the question

>> No.58134171

Are you gonna give me your shit or not? Do you understand how much I need it?

>> No.58134182

no, you should give me your shit, if we are talking about what's best for me

>> No.58134186

Pro-tip for commie spread the wealth retards:
We're not here to get poor together. Go back

>> No.58134216

1. You are dead and you can't speak now

>go talk with a homeless person in the current system, or with anyone that works 12 hours a day for minimum wage
You assume that I haven't, or don't? This is more of your powerful imagination magic thinking on example here. Suddenly I am exactly the person you imagine I am. Very conveniently for yourself of course. I envy you, life must be quite easy and simple when everything aligns perfectly to "la-la land".

>> No.58134225

In my country we don't have any homeless. In USA the rich have seven different yachts. Anyone who says the rich use money better than governemnt is retarded

>> No.58134235

True but the problem is that the masses of retarded normalfags swallow what the bots are shilling whole. That's why (((reddit))) exists: to chorale the normalfags into a manufactured consensus.

>> No.58134246

Nobody gives a fuck whats best for you, giving me and others like me your shit is best for everybody. Pay up thief.

>> No.58134255

it's easy to think the current system is ok if you only talk about it with the 10% of the privileged ones, that's all
in theory, nothing prevents us to just enslave the 25% of the population so the other 75% would live way better than they are now. It sounds awesome if you only talk to the 75%
and i don't mean "talk to" like literally speaking with them, you can just use your imagination and make a pretty good guess of what they would feel like

>> No.58134287

>giving me and others like me your shit is best for everybody
yeah i don't think the middle class should be our target buddy, but if you start using that mentality to kill billionaires we can talk

>> No.58134303

I’ve got a little spoiler for you buddy most people are fucking retards. There is no excuse for them. It’s not just that they’re financially illiterate. It’s that they’re illiterate in every single aspect of life these people willingly allow illegals to invade their country and think it’s a good thing, they give them health insurance and think it’s a good thing they don’t realize that they’re paying for it and keep in mind of the idiots at all lined up for Pfizer because they got scared into doing it

>> No.58134324

Also, based on my own personal research, I know for a fact there’s a way that we could be producing three times as much food with electro culture. Well you need to do is have negative ions sprayers above your plants in a greenhouse, and it makes them grow three times as fast and three times as large there was studies where they did it to flowers tomatoes you name it, and the food just kept growing. China did it as a matter of fact, but it’s not just them I mean it’s just one study, but they want to sit here and pretend there’s no cure hunger. There’s no cure for the energy crisis. There’s no cure for water even though there’s a way that you can suck it out of the atmosphere. There’s a way to decal it but they say it’s too expensive there’s cheaper way they don’t want you to have it because then it fucks up their game.
I personally have developed a motor that can run off the sky and give us all free electricity for the rest of our lives but I promise you if I go public with this or try to walk around with this blah blah blah I’m gonna get whacked your local electric utility or wherever the fuck is not gonna go for this shit.

>> No.58134335

you're conflating some things. building and maintaining yachts employs people who would otherwise not have work if there was no yacht market.

homeless in America is a combination of factors, two of which are that: we have a lot of gypsy blood and people who just desire to not own land or owe anything to anyone, and we incentivize this behavior in many cities as an attack on property values. it's a way to locally collapse property markets without affecting the entire property scam. just flood homelesses until the owners sell.

>> No.58134338

Used voice to text for both
I didn’t say decal I meant to say desalinate forgive me

>> No.58134347

99% of "people" need to be wiped out.

>> No.58134360

>building and maintaining yachts employs people who would otherwise not have work if there was no yacht market.
this i swear it's the most retarded mentality ever
boo-ohh poor slave owners will be jobless if slavery is forbidden
booo-ohh poor butchers will be jobless if everyone became vegan
if you can't change job to adapt to the world evolving, you should just die

>> No.58134392

Klaus schwab, are you ok?

>> No.58134415

>start using that mentality to kill billionaires we can talk
You're missing his point. And a lot of points, but that's beyond the scope of a post at this point.

To someone out there you are "the billionaire". There will always be someone with less than you who will claim that you are stealing. Either by authority by the state or a claim that they just have less than you do but its always the same result. They will hold you at gunpoint by the same standard that you have claiming that "you are stealing" and take from you.

Your, computer, your hot water, your roof. Someone out there has none of those and will use violence or cohesion to take them from you under the claim that "you don't really neeeeeeeeed them". It never ends. Everyone eats themselves up.

We don't live in a fair world, and thank god we don't. Would you like to show up at an office one day and be told exactly what is "fair" for you and live inside of a caste system? Maybe I shouldn't ask you open-ended answers like that because you seem like you don't have the best grasp on reality yet, but the answer is "probably no". We wouldn't want to live in a caste system decided by an overreaching nanny state to tell everyone what they do and do not deserve.

So if they don't get to say it, then you don't either. Anyway, I need to go. I limit the amount of time I argue on the internet. I have to return to the state office with the notes from the government official and turn the gun back in. Your corpse will be buried with 200 others in a massive pit with a single tombstone that says "thieves of the people", and we'll write a song about how we took back things from evil people like yourself with warm water, roofs, and personal computers.

>> No.58134473

Ah yes the gypsy blood is why they look like they are dying, force themself to danger and elements, have drug addictions and are mentally unstable. Lmao you mutts are fucking retarded. No european wants to move to USA these days unless they are sure they can secure a very good paying job. Nobody wants to live in an unsafe shithole like USA.

>> No.58134477

No they aren’t. You’re dumber than actual leftists.

>> No.58134569

Are you middle class? I’d bet your in college or college-aged. Probably live in the West or first world. Want to guess how much of the world would legitimately kill you to take your place if they were given a legitimate opportunity? Your ideology brings out the worst of humanity its why people will risk their lives drowning in the ocean fleeing from Cuba to Florida

>> No.58134581

yes I'm fine.

>> No.58134637

if just one of you fags actually killed a billionaire for every million times you post about it they'd all be gone already

>> No.58134988

>they'd be gone already
no they wouldn't, since they almost certainly have wills and so would be immediately replaced by a new billionaire who would inherit the wealth. It would be wackamole.

>> No.58135469

Poorfags and retards (I know, they're the same thing) are all crabs in a bucket. They're too stupid to learn how to get ahead so they just want to destroy society so that everyone is miserable with them

What I hope will happen is the elite decide to quit fucking around and just enslave/genocide everyone with a double digit IQ.

>> No.58135487

To add to this, if you're over the age of 25 and make less than a pathetic $50,000 a year or live outside of major cities yet still rent an apartment you should be killed. If you're over 23 and live with your parents still you should be tortured and then killed. Useless human beings. Biological debris

>> No.58137181

Anon actually makes good points but people are too low IQ to grasp it. Yes billionaires have a ton of wealth, but that wealth is in the form of shares and real property. It's not like Elon sits down and eats 100,000 steaks for supper. If you confiscated all his wealth and used it to buy food for niggers, the main effect would be food riots in places that are currently on the margin because of the sudden surge in demand for food and the factors of production that go into food would cause inflation.

Also, due to the (((fractional reserve system))) and hyper financialization, a lot of the "wealth" our leaders claim is ephemeral. It exists on paper, but mark my words: any attempt to seriously tap this wealth will see it evaporate. Btw this is not a "poor billionaires aren't that rich" post its a "the sociopaths in power game the metrics to make things look better than they are" post.

>> No.58137230

>facts don't care about your unliquidated tesla shares libtard
I WILL make this a thing

>> No.58137261

Anons post while glowing as fuck implies that a vigilante group whacking gorillionaires might give incentive to change