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58131477 No.58131477 [Reply] [Original]

At what level of net worth is it not stupid to buy a luxury watch like a Rolex? I’m not talking about $50K versions, but instead like a $10K one…or should one just stick to stealth wealth?

>> No.58131489
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Just get a rep, I just ordered one.

>> No.58131490

If you need to know what time it is, you aren't rich enough.

>> No.58131493

>Back in the day people had a watch so they could tell what time it was
>Today we have smart phones that tell the time
>People still asking should I buy a Rolex

>> No.58131506

Men who wear jewelry are faggots. Also it literally has the word Jew in it

>> No.58131511

>At what point does a Rolex become justified?
when you stop seeking approval from others

>> No.58131521

Stick to stealth wealth and don't hang out a giant billboard to get killed in an armed robbery.
Some people are really fucking poor and desperate these days. Violent crimes Arron the rise because of that and then also immigrants that hate their host countries and murder without even batting an eye.whe. You acquire wealth, you should do everything you can to avoid that shit. Spend your money on nice meals and nice getaways instead. Sure, you can buy a nice car and pretty rags to wear, but don't overdo it.

Think about all those rich fags with horribly expensive home interiors filled with artwork. Then those idiots decide to have giant windows so everyone can see that from the street. Absolute lunacy these days.

>> No.58131836

sensible post on biz, dont advertise

>> No.58131857

I'm a special agent and recently had a case with some guy getting brutally stabbed to death in public for a Rolex. This was premeditated and carefully planned in advance, regardless of the precautions the victim took. Don't flex wealth.
Don't be the guy with the Rolex, /biz/

>> No.58131869

When you care more about other people's opinions than the time.

>> No.58131877

If I get a Tag Huer or Breitling will poor darkies not recognize the brand? What about Omega or IWC?

>> No.58131912

The naked man do not fear pickpockets
- Sun Tzu probably

Today watches a more of a "investment" than something you wear.
If you got watches for investment, you are half a monkey because there is better way to place money.
If you have expensive watches just to show off, you are a monkey.
Casio, 20$, give you the time, that all you need

>> No.58131941

if you have so much money you dont know what to do.
you buy watches and art as a way to avoid tax and a store of value
your account cant skim off the top of your rolex

>> No.58131987

Having a Rolie is entirely about mogging. When someone sees your rolex they automatically know you're above then

Your watch is the quickest way for someone to determine your worth. When you see someone wearing a rolex, you automatically know they're above you. Actually, most of you probably cope and convince yourself they're up to their eyeballs in debt but nonetheless you saw them and immediately got defensive because your little ego got hurt simply by them existing and having a nice watch.

That's what a watch does - it immediately displays your status. It says either "yep, that's right. I make enough money to afford this watch" or "I'm so poor I have to sport this Fossil to tie my outfit together". Your watch immediately determines your value as a human. Expensive watch = high income = high paying job = high value employee. It immediately tells people you're intelligent

>> No.58131990

I've just started getting into watches. Honestly it's a nerd thing but there is something pure and perfect about watches when made well. It's not about having the time on you, it's about appreciation of human engineering, the visual beauty of a watch and the time and effort put into genuinely great watches. It's one of those things like Whiskey you either neck back any old whiskey and don't care or you are the kind of persona who will pay 1k for a rare Lagavullin. Whiskey and watches are my personal obsessions.

>> No.58131997

rolex is a great watch but has the image of niggers now. It's the ultimate dumb new money watch. There are far better watches to quietly show you have wealth. It's the Lambo of watches.

>> No.58131998

Im a breitling fan and have owned a couple. Currently just own an older super ocean abyss on rubber which I wear fairly often. Nobody ever thinks it's an expensive watch or comments on it EXCEPT when I go to Cancun. Third worlders looking for easy marks definitely notice that shit. It's part of their "job", searching for white people to rip off lol.

>> No.58132012


lol the 40 year old loser who sold me my last mattress had on a rolex - he sure mogged the heck out of me - waging his life away for a status symbol

>> No.58132023
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When you can afford it.

>> No.58132040
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Having a Rolex is just like having any other watch, it tells the time and acts as an accessory. Some people care, most do not. I opt instead for more utilitarian watches like Luminox because I spend a lot of time outdoors and wouldn't want a Rollie to get all scratched up. Besides, why would I even wear a Rollie or whatever if I was THAT wealthy? My time is worth more than having to check constantly.

Most watches make nice gifts though

>> No.58132068
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I have a networth of around 550k€ and always wanted a modest datejust. Since you can’t get a new one for the listing price, you need to pay extra. I’d expect around 8k€ for the configuration I want. I think I will get one once I’m north of 1 million € to celebrate of sorts. I’m a frugal fuck that hasn’t spend money for something for myself in many years so I think it’s nice to look forward to that and celebrate it this way but then again I don’t know if I will actually reach that million goal. My income is euro-typical dogshit so I’m praying for a solid new ath for my portfolio kek. I like the idea of wearing it forever and eventually handing it down to my kids eventually (I don’t have any yet).

Right now it would feel like larping. Like I could go and buy a Porsche but I can’t actually afford it. It’s the same with the Rolex I think.

>> No.58132072

>top signal

>> No.58132122

If you got $210k, buy a $10k watch.
It can be resold in principle, think of it as a conversion with losses.

We're humans. Not all t-shirts are the same, even if they have the same function. Owning a nice watch is nice. If you're a human, there's no point in accumulating for the sake of accumulating.
If you plan on inheriting a lot to your children, okay then save the money and accumulate the interest on those $10k whereever you invest it. Otherwise, life a bit.

>> No.58132130

>notices a random person wearing a Rolie
>gets so ethered the memory engrains itself in his brain for literal weeks/months
>shares his experience with others
You got brutally mogged and don't even realize it. Guy woke up and put on his watch and caused randos to sperg on the internet about it :skull:

>> No.58132315

dumbass take. a watch doesn't appreciate at 10%/year. the rolex appreciates slower than a total stock market fund even after the taxes paid on dividends. youre stupid for accepting far lower returns to avoid paying taxes

rich people don't buy rolexes to avoid taxes--they buy them to flex. simple as.