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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58129282 No.58129282 [Reply] [Original]

this CANT be the final evolution of crypto.. right??

>> No.58129306

hpos was the endgame

>> No.58129312

still is

>> No.58129347

Man creates Meme
Meme creates Crypto
Crypto Creates Meme
Meme Creates Man
Man buys big house and big titty tomboy gf

>> No.58129351

When web3 becomes normie friendly because then that's where the big profits will be. Then in 20 years it'll be back to memecoins.

>> No.58129352

Meme coins make me feel embarrassed that I hold BTC and ETH.

>> No.58129362

you are holding the biggest memecoins idyot

>> No.58129372

It's so sad and people wonder why crypto adoption has been so slow. My brother and law till this day know nothing about crypto and only heard of btc and they think it's stupid and worthless. Imagine if I started telling them about meme coins and if they visited this board and seem all the weird frogs and food on the head of frogs they would think I'm some perverted insane freak.

>> No.58129381

aren't you though?

>> No.58129386

yeah and they're all fucking rugs controlled by high frequency trading algos to extract your money

BTC drops 5%, all memecoins dump in unison, SOL dumps. all the retards apeing these coins right now are ultra bullish, you can't tell me they're watching BTC to dump their bags.

the crypto market is fucking gay and rigged

>> No.58129401

stay poor faggot lmao

>> No.58129408

Agreed. It’s a really fucked up space that many pretend isn’t in hopes of catching the dangling carrot.

>> No.58129413

I first heard about Bitcoin in 2012

I first started buying Bitcoin in 2015

All I hold is Bitcoin and Memecoins

"Serious Altcoins" are actually just all dog shit worthless, the good thing about memecoins is that they dont pretend to have any value, its whatever community has the most autism and dedication to shilling and spamming that wins

>> No.58129419

Every single thread scammers say the same thing. I'm sure you literally create shitcoins there's a ton of you here.

>> No.58129437

I have a plan to swing all of crypto. I will eventually own all of it and you will have nothing and you'll be happy.

>> No.58129446

>when will the memecoin meta end?

when blockchain dns records are wiped from the root servers, data centers are seized, and the leading blockchain developers are disappeared to an off grid black site.

>> No.58129462

I was completely fucking redpilled by a guy on Twitter who's now suspended who was coming after the guys behind MOG and Milady NFTs.

Basically accusing them of being CIA or Feds and analyzing their wallet activity and following millions of dollars from rugs and PnDs into Coinbase before SOL fucking dumped to shit.

Literally called it a day in advance that they're exiting and on the run for the time being and that you should get out of memecoins immediately. Then we had that nasty SOL dip and all the meme coins dumped to shit and here we are

Blew my fucking mind

>> No.58129480

When low IQ people cease to exist. So, never.

>> No.58129577

why did he conclude that they were government agencies rugpulling people instead of just lone greedy jews?

>> No.58129596

He flip flopped on it a bit. The final consensus was laundering money for the cartel. Doesn't even matter who they are or who they work for

>> No.58129643

It's funny because in 2020 and 2021 we had all kinds of ponzi schemes, referral scams, opaque centralizing lending platforms, fractional reserving defi, nft ponzi games, altcoins with zero sum mining. Now it's just shitcoins. The mask is fully off. Crypto is entering a bimodal distribution where you either want the shittiest stinkiest memecoins or the strongest most proven blue chips while the middleground is just rotting zero revenue toxic ico dumpfest vaporware. I've made 300k this year on memecoins and I feel myself getting dumber every day.

>> No.58130110

>, you can't tell me they're watching BTC to dump their bags
Yes they do
People really sell their shit if Bitcoin tanks

>> No.58130118

True, in 2020 people would always aks for a "usecase" and their needed to be one even if it was just bullshit zero sum farming, 2021 was the transition.
Now the meta is actually "useful coins do bad, dont buy them"

>> No.58130167
File: 335 KB, 459x700, 170299459214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly that is the case currently.
if you look for the most recent profitable they're all memecoins or hell, even the most profitable coins of all time besides bitcoin have been memecoins in general
if you look right now, you'll find pepe, mumu, dogcoins, niggercoins, etc.
it doesn't end. and all we can do is adapt, deal with it.

>> No.58130273
File: 6 KB, 219x250, plebbit cube cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be memecoins with actuality such as plebbit.
Reddit for the plebs (the censored masses).
It has the NPC has a face and a working opensource, free to use demo that drives the 2021 whitepaper.

>> No.58130337

This is good though. No grifter projects taking away market share. Imagine if tech companies had to compete with online casinos because online casinos thought it more profitable to release their gambling software integrated in something that seems useful to the average consumer

>> No.58130359

When dogecoin inevitably wins out and people take it seriously

>> No.58130385

It's already ending, this is its final form. When real alt season begins something else will overtake it.

>> No.58130392
File: 588 KB, 1004x573, Morning HOKKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, Memecoins are the soul of crypto. The pathway that breaks the gatekeeping cunts, and allows people from all walks of life to make it. Without memecoins you'd only have a bunch of fake vaporware full of corpo-culture
At that point, you might aswell stick to traditional finance

>> No.58130394

Look at the regulations going on in the EU, end game is digital assets become our financial system which they control, crypto become illegal or pointless to have as you can't do anything with it.

>> No.58130395

Crypto was always about memecoins

The tech was a meme with extra steps

>> No.58130398

The memecoin meta will end if there is another way to get rich buying a coin for $100. until then normies will mainly FOMO into memecoins.

>> No.58130431

He says, while posting a dead flatlining shitcoin.

>> No.58130470
File: 17 KB, 184x184, 28e3d67caba25f977acf8454ca48288ead5aab4f_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd rather make it on pepe then on some zog token like solana or ethereum. simple as

>> No.58130711

The meta rn is meme coins and tools/platforms/cash-out methods for said meme coins.

The problem is that having crypto interacting with the real world still requires trust in a real-world actor to verify the info inputted is accurate at the source, thus removing decentralization and the purpose for crypto to exist. Even chainlink couldn't solve this.

>> No.58130887

You're focusing too much on propelling capitalism. The reason the game is memecoins is because that's the monopoly that governments have held. Worthless printable money.

I don't know whats going to happen but it can only be a good alternative. Governments didn't want to create a UBI but this could be propelled into an infinite money printer and the math will fall into a supply and demand algorithm. People will only withdraw to spend and we will run out of things we want to spend on alternative to our bank accounts.

Every time a new liquidity pool is formed, that is ETH taken out of circulation which helps float the sale of profits. I don't even know if ETH has a value at this point, it's just money in, money out.

>> No.58131412

You will be making daily purchases at the grocery store with “nigga stole my bike” your home load from the bank will be paid with “Jews did 9-11”