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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58128995 No.58128995 [Reply] [Original]

Your financial sins

>> No.58129011
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i currently have a 13x long that is down 55%

>> No.58129031
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I live off Lockheed Martin dividends.

>> No.58129036
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I lost $350,000 on AMC during the meme stock craze a few years back.

>> No.58129039

>I put my gas, water, electric, insurance, cell phone, internet, and mortgage on auto-pay
>I use TurboTax because it's easiest and cheapest

is there any hope for me?

>> No.58129041

I bought puts in the cannabis industry last week and it's still going up

>> No.58129043

If you've ever paid cash for a car, you've committed a financial sin

Unless you have poorfag, bottom feeder credit, you can lock in a 5% interest rate on a new car. Want to know what the S&P500 has, on average, returned YoY the last 20 years? 10%. What does this mean?

Well, if 2 people were to buy a $500,000 car - 1 paying cash and the other financing it @ 5% over 84 months - the one who financed it would have THOUSANDS more than the retard who paid cash.

Finance Bro:
$0 down
$500,000 invested @ 10% annual returns
Portfolio after 84 months: $974,358.55

Cash retard:
Buys car outright
Puts his would-be car payment ($7,066.95) into the S&P500 every month
Portfolio after 84 months: $840,784.83

A difference of over $130,000 hahahaha holy shit what a retard. Yeah great business strategy there, dumbfuck. If you push the time out to 40 years, the guy who financed literally has MILLIONS more

Doesn't matter if the car you bought was $5,000 or $5 million. If you pay cash, you come out with less money

>> No.58129045

You are cleansed my sons

>> No.58129078

I bought the dune lego set

>> No.58129089

Don't care. I got a mustang for 5 grand when some distant relative died.

>> No.58129097

Amen, Father.

>> No.58129129

thank you, Father.

>> No.58129165

>Your financial sins
Getting a girlfriend. They are a total financial gains goblin

>> No.58129178

Basically every time there's a top I don't sell.
I could've been a multimillionaire by now if I sold the top each time a shitcoins top. I either don't sell or sell way too early.

>> No.58129195

Praise the lord.

>> No.58129197

I have a rather large stack of silver… I’m up on its value by a pretty decent amount, but the opportunity cost has been overwhelming.

>> No.58129199

My poorfolio consists of almost nothing except for 2017 era boomer altcoins.

>> No.58129249
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I'm waiting patiently, Father.

>> No.58129250

You are forgiven, walk in the light

>> No.58129255

Thank you, Father.

>> No.58129261


>> No.58129268

Do 3 Hail Marys and all will be well

>> No.58129269

i was so bummed yesterday about the apu rug that i didnt buy more apu
id be huge up rn instead of big up

>> No.58129277

i own nothing and dump every spare dollar into my portfolio, everyone thinks im poor because i rent some shitty apartment and have no spending money

>> No.58129285

I’m afraid these are virtues and not sins my sons. Search your soul for your sins and praise Him

>> No.58129500

I have never made money picking individual stocks.

>> No.58129584

I buy exclusively stocks from the pool of dividend aristocrats and even when I got into crypto I wound up in eth/BTC only with staking

>> No.58129610

autopay as opposed to what? manually paying for no reason?

>> No.58129637
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I bought in the wrong LP and lose 60% because of price impact

>> No.58129725

You are forgiven

>> No.58129742

having a girlfriend

>> No.58129778

I bought 100BSV when it was $50 per coin. I told myself Craig must be Satoshi.

I should have watched more interviews of him, even if he was Satoshi, he's such an arrogant boomer he would have derailed it anyway.

>> No.58129929

I willingly bought honeypot coin yesterday

>> No.58130131

This one’s above my paygrade

>> No.58131356

I lost faith in Bitcoin during the bear market and stopped DCAing. Now I'm trying to make up for it by gambling on memecoins to flip them into BTC.

>> No.58132074


Wow just cant stop making bad decisions

have fun staying poor.

>> No.58132113

spent gains on hookers and a bunch of stuff that's now collecting dust

>> No.58132163

I fell for the white hand meme and got rugged.

>> No.58132205
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your turn, pepe. confess

>> No.58132252

i bought bitconnect, though i knew it was a ponzi. i bought hoping it would get out in time

>> No.58132273

i bought 1000 lanks at $40

>> No.58132510

My father sent me money for French tuition, but I spent it all on shitcoins

>> No.58132524

I can't win a sports bets and I really want to succeed.

>> No.58132609

I threw 3k into luna thinking it would repeg on 98c.

>> No.58132687

nice bait. okay i'll go finance a half million dollar car to get rich lmfao

>> No.58132695

About to get a second job :/

>> No.58132799

your blessing allowed me to close my position with a +37% gain. thank you again, father

>> No.58132811

I shorted a coin I had been holding for months

>> No.58132989


>> No.58133039
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I bought 230m APU at just under 1m mcap (so my cost was like $500), held to the ATH and just sold the recent bottom after seeing the dev closed the telegram, website & twitter page. I'm now seething that it's pumping. It's probably unironically going to 100m+ mc. I did the exact same thing with ticker: BITCOIN. had 1,250,000 of those that I got for $700 and sold for just under a 10x. I think I am unironically being targeted by shitcoin whales. They want me to kms for some reason, and they are winning.

>> No.58133095

Im willing to stay poor not buying APU due to not wanting to be associated with pajeets.

>> No.58133115

i've been stumbling into all kinds of rugs trying to make more to put into the coins i'm holding. i just don't get shitcoining. it hasn't worked out a single time and i could've just taken the money out and treated my family to something nice.

>> No.58133502

You'll feel better when it rugs again soon.

>> No.58133563


Try again with 6.4% and 20k
My credit score is 820

>> No.58133628

I held a bag of hex worth 3m usd and didnt sell.

>> No.58135019

>have steadily increased my income but my saving rate has stayed the same throughout years

All because I can't stop cooming inside women

>> No.58135058

I took a bunch of loans from the bank and left my country, that was 15 years ago.

>> No.58135112

I sold the bottom of the APU rug.