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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 139 KB, 1024x1024, flags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58128208 No.58128208 [Reply] [Original]

We need an easy way to identify people from poor Countries who are more likely to post scams and desperate 'buy my bags' coins.

this has been a problem now for fucking years. board is getting shitter and shitter, and full of street shitter too

>> No.58128232

Imagine being so retarded you can’t identify a pajeet scammed from miles away.

We don’t need flags, we need iq filters so we don’t have people like you posting here.


>> No.58128235

Oof the jeet got triggered.

>> No.58128236

Stop interacting with SOL shitcoins and all of those problems immediately go away.

>> No.58128282

I want flags (I am a westoid). But I also come from a small country and post frequently. I don't want to be known as the anon from "X" country who always posts about "X" coin (I usually only post about Bitcoin). If only there were a compromise like flags only being enabled if you are from India.

>> No.58128304

Tell you what. How about we implement a system where creating a thread costs $1 and sending a post costs 50 cents.

I’d pay for something like that and it’d massively improve the quality of the board.

Let’s use XMR too for privacy sake.

>> No.58128309

Maybe a side board, perhaps let’s call it

>/biz/ premium

>> No.58128310

YASSS!! So I can finally display my flag.

>> No.58128324

Flags are just a VPN flex.
You think you're adding a useful signal to help people not get scammed, but instead you're given scammers an easy way to scam more convincingly.

>> No.58128327

It's a good idea in principle, but look at /vip/. It's a dead board. I would rather just have flags on this board. Instead; I would probably post less to remain anonymous, but being able to avoid Indian scammers would improve the overall quality of this board.

>> No.58128338

Holy fucking reddit
It won't make a difference because they'll just use residential proxies. If you don't have the mental capacity to detect a jeet when you see one, maybe go somewhere else

>> No.58128346

I'm a fucking leaf and still want flags

>> No.58128357

we will not be showing flag bloody bastard benchod [blacks out your screen, inspect element, alters account balance]

>> No.58128358

that's delusion

>> No.58128361

This board is anonymous. This site is anonymous. If you don't like that, fuck off back to discord or twitter or reddit or whatever ever shithole you came from with your gay little avatars and faggy names and fuckwit opinions like yours. You gaylord faggot.

>> No.58128364

Couldn’t agree more. I absolutely despise indians and we should be able to recognize them for the scum that they are

>> No.58128366

lol 4chan originates from a paid forum (somethingawful)

>> No.58128375
File: 1.18 MB, 1439x1575, Mogged .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flags PLUS an avatar

Sure, go ahead and post a pic of your favorite pepe or anime character as your avi - normal people like myself will just immediately know your a weeb/faggot and avoid interacting with you. An avi is the EASIEST way to tell if someone is trash or successful. Pic related is me. I'm 2/3/4/5 for reps and as you can tell from my key fob necklace I drive a $70,000 car. Want to know who can afford a $70,000 car? Not a brokie, that's for sure LOL!
>they can finance one!
Finance these balls in your mouth bitch. No bank is going to loan some brokie $70k for a car.

Anyways, all the nerds/poorfags would be driven from the board within a month. The content of their posts would be ignored. We'd just look at that avi and immediately determine your worth.

>> No.58128389


Jeets are willing to pay eth gas fees as long as there is profits to be made, $1 won't do shit

>> No.58128401

Ignoring the jizz on your shoulder there are plenty of sites for you to go show the world how much of a faggot you are.

>> No.58128407

Ok here’s another idea. You can post for free, but in order to do so you need to sign a captcha from your wallet. The more you post, the higher the usd value in your wallet needs to be.

You need to have the following amounts in your wallet to post
>post 1: $100
>post 2: $115
>post 3: $132

>post 10: $351

>post 20: $1423

>post 30: $5757

Basically a 1.15x increase per post. Resets at the start of every month.

Let’s add some perks for contributors a la bat and we’re set.

>> No.58128414

>poor country
everywhere has poor people means nothing rich people steal more than anyone. quit your phobia I'm sure the people who have stolen from you most in your life have looked exactly like you.

>> No.58128507


>> No.58128518
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>> No.58128552
File: 106 KB, 327x303, 1694345289567923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak of the jeet and he shall appear, why can none of you speak english?

>> No.58128559 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58128583
File: 36 KB, 640x750, Aus anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Every dingo here can get fucked, how can i let you cunce know what cuntry i'm from ?