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58128029 No.58128029 [Reply] [Original]

barely anyone understands that chainlink is neither a blockchain nor a dapp but a unique layer in between, critical for the entire ecosystem and uniquely positioned to financially benefit from every other layer

it's not a monolithic blockchain, but a never ending suite of products, each new product released greatly enhances the network's total potential for value capture

and unlike dapps, the link token is not a governance token, but once staking is live, it's similar to a PoS architecture with value capture built in

value capture from the most used middleware layer in the entire space, it's unprecedented, the reason market doesn't understand it is because there's zero precedent for this

i really want to urge the tourists and newfags who only came in in the last couple of years, saw chainlink spammed here daily but dismissed it or refused to do research because they saw the price action was disappointing

this moment in time is what the autists have been waiting for the last couple of years, it's essentially a soft launch of the entire network

not only are the tokenomics being switched on on the biggest cross chain, cross projects adoption monopoly, it's about to be supplemented by an entire new network product that's bound to capture an even bigger monopoly with even bigger value. It's transforming into a completely different beast within the next 3 years. SWIFT has already committed to using CCIP, it's 6 years in the making and finally about to drop.

Oh, and none of this is priced in.

>> No.58128037

It's going to $0
Token not needed

>> No.58128040

this fpbp op btfo

>> No.58128049

I saw chainlink spammed since 2017 and never bought because you fucks are so annoying.

>> No.58128143
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>all according to keikaku

>> No.58128189
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Anonymous Poster KD6-3.7, Let's begin. Ready?

>Yes sir.

Recite your blockchain.

>And blood black nothingness began to spin. A system of links chainlinked within links
>chainlinked within links chainlinked within one chain.
>And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played.



Have you ever been in an institution?


Do they keep you in a cell?


When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box?




What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Chainlinked.


Did they teach you how to feel, finger to finger? Chainlinked.


Do you long for having your heart chainlinked? Chainlinked.


Do you dream about being chainlinked?


What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Chainlinked.


Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing? Chainlinked.


Within links chainlinked.

>Within links chainlinked.

Why don't you say that three times, within links chainlinked.

>Within links chainlinked. Within links chainlinked. Within links chainlinked.

We're done. Constant K. You’ve made it. You can pick up your stake.

>Thank you sir.

>> No.58128203

It's sunk cost fallacy induced delusion. Not only is token not need but the idea that one chain or entity will be the exclusive provider of all offchain and interchain data is ridiculous.

>> No.58128577
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>Two more weeks

>> No.58128623

Who cares what brownoids and cucks (newfags aka r*ddit rapefugees) think. They should stay poor and suck start a shotgun on livestream.

>> No.58128706
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>worried about newfags
>doesn’t check my holy dubs

>> No.58128721

I didn't check them because you're a fuddie and therefore also a nigger. However you raise the point and the absolute state of this board is pretty bad desu.

>> No.58128737

> a unique layer

It's nothing more than a bridge

>> No.58128741
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>> No.58128765

This post, right here, is what OP is talking about.

>> No.58128784
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If you understand, which OP understands, $1K is fud. If not, have fun playing around with shitcoins. I wish you the best.

>> No.58128820

I saw it spammed and bought on coinbase then staked
the more I read about it the cooler it seems
sorry you got filtered

>> No.58128824

Cope enjoy your heavy bags wagie. Should have hit the gym

>> No.58128845

Pepe schizo memes are no longer funny. This is not 2017. Your retarded shitcoin is not "the next eth" or whatever. It is just a shitcoin used by a fat scamming incel to buy hamburgers and the attentions of cunty HR ladies.

>> No.58129130

its literally an ETH shitcoin. everything it "does" is on ETH. stfu retard and go back to redit faggot.

>> No.58129647


>> No.58129684

invest in tokens that bring actual solid tech like APU

>> No.58130266
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nigga it's literally losing more money and getting closer to 0$ every day, stop trying to shill this failed attempt of impregnating the crypto space with a defective sample of sperm with retardation and low quality semen (sperm is the thingies that move, semen is basically those along the liquid rich in nutrients. the more you know)

we'll it's not important for me anyway, i'll look for more coins similar to loaf cat now to spend or maybe i'll just put more on loaf. Goodbye poorfags