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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5812769 No.5812769 [Reply] [Original]

posted on /b/ but i'll post here too because im panicking
>Write an e-check to power company
>Had money in bank today to pay it
>Dumbass girlfriend took my card without asking and spent $5 buying a fucking bottle of shitty wine (throw the wine out the fucking window too and I'm breaking up with the bitch)
>Now $5 short, the check is going to bounce
So am I fucking going to lose power now?

>> No.5812816

Y u obly have five buckies?

>> No.5812846

My account had $180 in it, which is what the bill is
Now it only has $175 in it.
The check is for $180.

>> No.5812865

then put another 5$ in??

>> No.5812903

you dont have five fucking dollars?

>> No.5812917

If she can't spend $5 without your check bouncing you need to work harder...

>> No.5812965

You're bad with money. Learn money managent.

>> No.5812966

>he doesn't have $5 to spare in his bank account
why shouldn't be able to spend the money she works so hard to make while you sit around jacking around with shitcoins?

>> No.5813014

Ask your bank if they accept shitcoins as collateral

>> No.5813051

I fucking had to buy groceries. I was careful to leave enough in there to pay the bill. How was I supposed to know this bitch was gonna do this shit?
I dont fuck with crypto. I am the one working in the relationship, she has no job. Doesnt matter though, this bitch took moneny without asking. Shes gone.

>> No.5813060

Next time keep the bottle and throw the gf out of the window

>> No.5813146


Unless your business is being a fucking poorfag moron, this post has no place in /biz/ - even non-crypto related business barely belongs here anymore.

>> No.5813181

Nice larp, you said wife then girlfriend. Get help loser

>> No.5813202

chill dude. you're gonna break up with her over 5 bucks? If it's really that bad, sell some crypto for USD.

>> No.5813206

...This is /biz/ though, right? Business and Finance?
The OP is related to finance is it not?

>> No.5813218

holy shit you fucking retarded nigger you think missing one payment is gonna get your service terminated? Why not call your rich daddy and give him a bj for that 5 bucks

>> No.5813217

they cant shut off your power for missing one bill
theres laws against that, in the US anyway
you will get some warning first probably
maybe call the power company and explain

>> No.5813261

and apologize to your gf you fucking asshole

>> No.5813272

damn nice name

and OP work harder you lazy son of a bitch

>> No.5813302


>> No.5813327

cuck much?

>> No.5813328


That sucks man. Hope your financial situation improves this year. Visualise your dream(s), work to achieve and prosper.

>> No.5813342

This seems like the best response. You could also ask them not to cash the check so you don't pay the fee for it bouncing.

>> No.5813383

yeah im such a cuck for not getting mad at my gf spending $5

>> No.5813427

>I dont fuck with crypto
>I just stay poor and rage over 5 dollars

No coiners make me sick.

>> No.5813432

I dont have crypto though as I said. I also have no time to make any crypto since my power might get shut off (?)

I am calling now

Nigga I dont know. Also my dad aint rich. Hes dead lol.

Apologize? This bitch fucking took my credit card WITHOUT ASKING to buy WINE. You dont know shit. This is not the first time she has done this shit. This is the fourth time she has taken money from me wiithout fucking asking. She does nothing all day but sit around my apartment. Sex isnt worth this. Shes getting out. I have had enough of this shit.

>> No.5813440

>"breaking up" with your wife
good life choices m8, when your power is out you should try reading a book and see if it grows you a brain

>> No.5813538

Honestly you seem to be the girl in the relationship. How about using your mouth to talk to her instead of sucking dick all day you faggot.

>> No.5813588

dont listen to these NEETs, youre making the right call. unacceptable. she is jobless, stealing your money and getting drunk? next.

>> No.5813647

I'm so glad that I'm not poor.

>> No.5813656

Everyone assuming cryptomemes have something to do with this.

The absolute state of this board...

OP, see if you can borrow some money from a friend or neighbor and call the electric company. Tell them that you expect the check to bounce and would like to rectify the situation.

>> No.5813666

I honestly am in shock at the fucking responses I have gotten though. Are you people so starved for sex you would take this fucking cuckery? You crypto millionaries want some cunt stealing from you without asking to buy cheap wine? Come the fuck on. lol.

>> No.5813739

This OP.

Most 1st world countries won't cut your power off instantly without notifying you first at the very least.

I've been in your situation before, it's hard to not feel stressed out but it'll work out.

Should dump your GF and make some money though m8

>> No.5813743

we're not stupid enough to be in a relationship with some fat stinky neet girl in the first place, retard

>> No.5813819

>put up an ad on Craigslist
>sucking dick for $20
>make $15 profit
>OP can't stop sucking dicks
>up $2000 by end of day
>the chad that has been fucking your GF on the side starts using you instead

>> No.5813870
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More like crypto-millionaires wouldn't give a shit about their girlfriend spending some insignificant amount of money. In this situation though, yeah, it's time to stop


>> No.5813883

That bitch is your wife you goddamn fucking idiot.

>> No.5813948


>> No.5813961

you're the first poor person I've seen in a while

>> No.5814121

I would love a neet girl like tomoko. just not a fat neet. in fact I would like any girl who isnt fat

>> No.5814192

Not even trolling anon, but you could literally go find 5 dollars on the ground in quarters if you scrounge around at arcades and shit. You could go donate blood or semen or plasma. Such a small amount of money wont be hard to replace.

>> No.5814330

> being this poor

>> No.5814414
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is there any hope for nocoiners?

>> No.5814427

Where can i buy winecoin?

>> No.5814485
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You're a whiny retard who doesn't have five bucks hahahahaha

I hope your girlfriend finds a better man.

>> No.5814664
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You know you're failing at life when buying a 5$ wine literally breaks your bank

>> No.5814796

How the fuck do you not have overdraft protection? I have it enabled but to only charge me when I use it which is rare.

>> No.5814915

OP, don't worry about missing the payment or being late unless you have several unpaid electric bills already. They don't turn the power off so easily because people forget to pay all the time.

That check bouncing can hurt you more if the bank adds some kind of fee to that, could be as high as $30 or something.

>> No.5814990

Yea NSF charges are a bitch learned that the hard way when I was 19 with room mates.

>> No.5815045


>> No.5815170

Holy shit OP kill yourself right now is the only way you come out ahead in life from here.

>> No.5815204

>thinks he's posting in a "money problems general" board
>finds out hard way /biz/ is the defacto rich people board

get rekt kid.

no but seriously, tell her what's up, ask if she can replace the 5 bucks and to ask next time, and don't be a fucking tool about it.
she broke too? ask a friend or parent if you can pay them back next week.

>> No.5815990


is it werf going full trap prostitute biz?

i have $40 to spend on amazon for slutty clothes/ makeup

>> No.5816222

> Spending $5 is a life crisis

>> No.5816262

We are nearing that fucking 800k sat wall. TEAR IT DOWN

>> No.5816317

It wont bounce, unless you dont have overdraft protection. If you do, you'll get hit with like a $30 fee (for the short term loan from the bank). If dont have overdraft protection it will bounce but who the fuck cares. Just cut them another check after you get paid. Theyre not going to shut anything off.

I've forgotten to pay my utility company a few times and the next statement they always send is for both billing amounts plus like $3 and big bold red letters stating it's my final notice. Dont be a nigger, pay your bills.

>> No.5816368

that's like an average monthly wage in certain parts of India.

>> No.5816448

But it's finance even though its bad finance

>> No.5816570

way to subtle anon

>> No.5816602

Roastie fuck off?

>> No.5816746

>the effort of this power ledger shill.

>> No.5816846

why does she have access to your money?

>> No.5816995

At least you have 175 bucks, I can't cash out.

>> No.5817532

She snuck into my wallet and took the fucking card. I don't know how else to emphasize this to you people.

>> No.5817537

Probably will go through but will have an overdraft fee tact on. Will be - $35.

Back when I was in a bad spot 10 years or so ago, I forgot to take a red box movie back. Went in to the negative fucking red box charged my account each day for 20 days so I had an additional $700 in overdraft fees alone.

>> No.5817808

Dump that sneaky worthless bitch.
If she can't respect that she doesn't have access to your money then she doesn't fucking respect you at all, and is therefore worthless. Next.

>> No.5817877

Unironically, kill yourself.
>letting the less fairer sex see weakness
Confirmed for being a husband of 20 years, who's sacrificed all he has for his family, including his ambitions and dreams, and now likely only games as a hobby, and believes he has a worthwhile and well-lived life.

>> No.5817935

fuck rent
fuck bills
buy crypto

>> No.5818034


>This is not the first time she has done this shit. This is the fourth time she has taken money from me wiithout fucking asking

>I was careful to leave enough in there to pay the bill.
>How was I supposed to know this bitch was gonna do this shit?

You're either a cuck for keeping her knowing this is the 4th time or your a cuck for not ever realizing she had sticky fingers. OP is fucking retarded or bored as fuck with his retarded story.

Kill yourself, dumb fuck.

>> No.5818063
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>he doesn't own any crypto

>> No.5818111

Woman detected

>> No.5818189

>So am I fucking going to lose power now?
How old are you?

No it doesn't happen like that.

>> No.5818228
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>> No.5818326

His GF probably didn't realize what a loser poorfag he his that he couldn't afford to spare 5$. But hey, at least your 2D waifu will never ask anything of you faggot

>> No.5818555

You're a loser. You should need to break up with her because you aren't responsible enough to have a relationship with anyone if you can't afford 5$

>> No.5819062

I already dumped her.
For some reason that makes me a cuck in the eyes of /biz/ ? I guess they like money grubbing whores?

>> No.5819218

>I guess they like money grubbing whores?
Well duh, anon. Half the NEETs here are trying to make enough to buy their first prostitute. Just like /fit/ doesn't lift for girls, but totally lifts for girls.

>> No.5819324
File: 120 KB, 581x600, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 3d

>> No.5819398

OPie are you so broke you GF was trying to something nice for the both of you buying a bottle of wine to share. holy fuck you are so poor get out of /Biz/. go be poor elsewhere i wouldnt mind if GF pulled 1k to surprise me with something nice for the both of us