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58125519 No.58125519 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone moved Puerto Rico for the taxes?
If so any advise?

>> No.58125560

Wear a bullet proof vest

Don’t be white

Don’t look like you have more money than anyone on the island

If someone robs you give them the money otherwise they will kill you with a gun or knife

>> No.58125572

Things to do in Puero Rico:
>get on a plane and leave

>> No.58125578

Is it that bad everywhere
Arent their tourist parts and gated communities

>> No.58125809
File: 18 KB, 368x381, 1708900228814794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can vouch it's alright to visit but anyone not from the island originally is definitely a mark/target as things have gotten much worse there over the last 10-20 years ESPECIALLY after hurricane Maria hit it and the funds that were supposed to fix the island back up were just stolen.

Also stay AWAY from the area/village-like place with the colorful buildings in OPs pic it's unironically a slum that tourists don't come back out of , ESPECIALLY at night.

>> No.58125824

what a fucking shithole. america needs to divorce from this actual monkey island

>> No.58125854
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weird place, it's a US territory but PRs don't see themselves as americans. cool to visit but that's it.

>> No.58125869

No. You're on a particularly low IQ website largely populated by racist mutts where the very structure of the website incentivizes low effort posting in the first place. Don't expect a wealth of useful answers here. Puerto Rico is pretty much like anywhere else. There's good places and bad places. Stay out of the bad places.

>> No.58126981

go back to rebbit faggot

>> No.58126998

cry more predditor kike spic

>> No.58127002

>tell me you're a nigga without actually saying you're a nigga

>> No.58127018

Odd word choice for a literal Latinx

>> No.58127042

go back

>> No.58127066

They aren't Americans.
Can't vote
Can be drafted
Is there a more cucked island?

>> No.58127201

yup called act 60, don't listen to the faggots in here. life here is comfy, just retarded slow if you're used to efficiency. saving money tax wise is definitely worth it.

>> No.58127250

if you have any questions, ill be here for a bit or will check again at midnight

>> No.58127334

What area would you recommend?

>> No.58128806

my id probably changed. take a trip here, and try out old san juan, santurce, mirinmar, isla verde. if you like surfing go to rincon. if the other anons scared you, move to viaques for solitude and quiet.

>> No.58129313
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I mean, i already made 150k with crypto and have most of it in my paw acc, but there's a problem with puerto rico:

>looks like a shithole
>smells like a shithole
>is a shithole

the only slightly valuable shit in there is ironmouse

i'd rather stample my dick 4 times and rub it on a cheesegrinder for 10 hours than to go to stay a single day in puerto rico

>> No.58129320


She's from PR but lives in the East, Coast USA.

>> No.58129334


>life here is comfy, just retarded slow if you're used to efficiency

Interesting way to say that the ones who haven't left to the US for jobs are lazy af.

>> No.58129510


>> No.58129648

it's island life in general, every island I've been to is pretty much the same

>> No.58129772

Then there's nothing good in PR.
Bomb it.

>> No.58129788

>the only slightly valuable shit in there is <a (presumably) video game streamer>

fucking kill yourself, with haste.

>> No.58129842

cut your own dick, cook it, swallow it like the dicklover you are and die
you're nothing fucking lowlife bitch ass faggot
your life means nothing and your place in society is below the dirt of my balls.

>> No.58129867

I think you need to have made your trade in PR to take advantage of the tax benefits. Otherwise I would probably have moved already

>> No.58129878

troonies like you simping over a twitch streamer make me sick to my stomach. No surprise you have some sick fucking "cut your own dick off" fetish as well, you fucking faggot nigger. Encouraging you to swiftly suck off a shotgun to finish. Now fuck off

>> No.58129965

Your mom

>> No.58129973

also don't project like that bro, it ain't health KEK

>> No.58131503

>think you need to have made your trade in PR to take advantage of the tax benefits
I am pretty sure it is all capital gains that happen when you live there
So if you bought at 100 it is 150 now but you move there and it goes to 200 you only pay on 50

>> No.58131512

Those areas are expensive. You’re basically just living in Miami with slightly lower taxes and slightly higher crime and slightly more spics

>> No.58131661

How is zero federal income tax slightly lower?

>> No.58131692

how is it slightly lower if it's 0% capital gains

not really, you're locked in from the day of the move, any further appreciation falls under PR jurisdiction which would be the 0%

>> No.58132511

Spaniard here. Thanks mutts for stealing this island from us in 1898. I cannot imagine what we would with 6 million monkeys in addition to our local fauna.

>> No.58133522

sorry bud, its a crime ridden shithole

>> No.58133803

at this stage whenever i see a post like this my mind immediately flashes this is fud intended to scare you away
there are many people that supposedly moved there for tax purposes if it was really bad you would have heard about the many irch people deaths

>> No.58134177
File: 102 KB, 237x544, 1681323802787917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only slightly valuable shit in there is ironmouse
Had to read the other replies to understand what is that. Hahahaha retarded zoomer faggot.
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