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File: 85 KB, 320x320, zoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58121944 No.58121944 [Reply] [Original]

What (unique) skills do zoomers have that millennials do not have? Consuming does not count.

>> No.58121964

they can build a HUGE castle or city in minecraft

>> No.58121986

Playing a videogame = consuming.

>> No.58121999

They're capable of living very subpar lives (worse than millennials) and they are able to pretend to believe in bullshit just to keep up with the status quo because they have never known a life without internet and without fear of being recorded

>> No.58122053

Turn that game into a CAD program or a building simulation and it’d actually be a tremendous boost to productivity

>> No.58122072

The ability to follow and flawlessly transition from one trend to the next. They specialize in keeping up with and immersing themselves in “current thing”.

>> No.58122107

Because they are so poor they work on their own cars. Millennials have never even used a socket set and would rather jack off to their Funko pop collection.

>> No.58122111


Im professional combat games players, literally do money with that, and fck millennial every week. Now getting some money with GRAVITY, try it

>> No.58122115


Sonic Fox is millennial and fck you anon

>> No.58122118
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>> No.58122161
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Oh I play games...
Nice skills anon, your parents must be very proud

>> No.58122201

Able to make excuses on the spot why they can't do something

>> No.58122215

This thread is about zoomers overall, not just you as an individual zoomer.

>> No.58122255

yeah and he's contributing to it retard

>> No.58122286

This isnt even remotely close to being true lol.

>> No.58122312

>they work on their own cars
Working on their own... cars, which are now all electric?
this bait is some 15 years late

>> No.58122314

haha zoomers don't even know what a file explorer is on windows

>> No.58122348

>owning anything, let alone a car
lol. Lmao. ROFL

>> No.58122368

They produce less cringe than epic baconer millennials

>> No.58122376
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He is not doing a very good job now is he, bigger retard? I am asking for the unique skills that the overall generation has, not just him.

>> No.58122385

Checked dubs. They are really good at marketing and social media boosting. Quite valuable skills

>> No.58122458

so then you take the input from 1 zoomer and combine it with the rest of the info hyper giga retard.

>> No.58122515

peeping the real and exposing the sus bobos caught in 4k type shit

>> No.58122536

Dumbass zoomer. I’m a real millennial who works on my own vehicles. Happy to challenge your knowledge under the hood.

>> No.58122873

extrapolating from 1(one) case study is a retarded way of going about things, you fucking retard

>> No.58122901

I'll tell you what they can't do:

>type on a keyboard
>install linux
>correctly copy paste a wallet address without fucking it up and sending their coins to the void
>wipe their hard drive from all the malware of the games they've downloaded
>various other computer tasks

>> No.58122930

Zoomers grew up knowing they didn't have a future and are accustomed to it, millennials realized in our 20s that our future had been rugpulled.

>> No.58123034

you combine it with the rest of the posts retard learn to read tranny

>> No.58123186
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Being 18 (does not apply to zillennials lmao too young to be a millennial too old to be a zoomer).

>> No.58123194

Zoomers are forced to get /fit and learn how to make money. Millennial just wear steampunk cosplay and drink onions.

>> No.58123211

They're good at wasting money on subscriptions and donating money to Pokimane. A zoomer the other day asked me how we used to watch tv shows from other countries or anime before all these streaming services. The motherfuckers don't even know what a torrent is.

>> No.58123297

This is probably the most disturbing realization I’ve come across. That and the fact that they are incapable of doing basic search queries.

>> No.58125407

age between 0 and 25 so prime years
not receding hairline, yet
not fat for the most part
consider millenials gigacringe fr, I have yet to see a zoomer bying funko pops and crying over star wars trailers
like sports
either autistically obsessed over shit like programming or simply enjoying their life, gravitate between full hedonism and trad retVrn poltards
we know we won't have a house --> no family --> no pussy no taxes no work
either very tech-illiterate or very interested in learning how computers work (I'm an earlier zoomer myself, born before the advent of social media and smartphones, so that must be why, I would say it applies less to the next generations)

>> No.58125462 [DELETED] 

Unlike millennials, zoomers are able to uncontrol their unnatural cravings for avocado toasts.

>> No.58125473

Unlike millennials, zoomers are able to control their unnatural cravings for avocado toasts.

>> No.58125512

I can make all of the thing you listed and I'm third worlder zoomer

>> No.58125969

Shut up dumbass, just embarrassingly wrong

>> No.58125997
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They’re memelords and not boring and hopeless faggots like millennials.

>> No.58126473

idc seems to me that zoomers are way more whiny about everything than millenials
everything is a microaggression and shiet

>> No.58126507

Millennials are mostly poorfags coping about their past and miss being in their 20s. I will not make the same mistakes like them.

>> No.58126511

kike millenials perfected the car tuning scene. just stick to raping kids in your tunnels, k?

>> No.58126547

Unironically late to work all the time.
That's pretty based of them, actually. Until the moment they realize they're not getting a promotion. It's so easy to get promoted, but I guess you ziggers could stick to your hustle(read: cuck) culture. I'll promote that old-fuck, and watch him support his kids or hobbies.
Every generation says they're a drinking generation. Incredibly false: that's more of an age thing. Ziggers aren't even drinkers. They're too broke, and can't even get promoted.
Knowledgeable about all the wrong things. Who gives a fuck about celebrities? Or movies? Or their shitty hand-me down hobbies by millennials (read: miggers). Ziggers should be using that knowledge for something else, like trading scamjeets.

>> No.58126592

Heh. I was late to work my entire career. Didn't stop me from getting promoted over and over, not because I complied with arbitrarily bullshit, but because I delivered.
Funny you're warning the youngsters about cuck culture when your valuable advice is them to cuck themselves as hard as they can.

>> No.58126867
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play blocklords or wow for a short time, usually millennials tend to get bored for hours and they need so much stimulation that after 10m they get bored.

>> No.58127410

they're probably better at coping with the hellishness of it all. millenials were somewhat rugpulled when they realized they can't all have the life of their kid tv show main characters when first watching fight club or something and are still in denial and crying about it till the grave

>> No.58127454 [DELETED] 
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oh boy oh gee wiz i wonder what op means is he the original pussy i am an old cuck now back in my days we didn't have the interwebs or these darn millennials to do everything for us we worked hard and beat our wives and we liked it anyway i like money and this new generation is so darn lazy always watching their ticky tocks and playing their pokemons but whatever i know people are getting tired of me and my anti millennial tirade i just need to say one last thing and then i'm done for good

>> No.58127514 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 578x648, D1ImJ56ynW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these cucks are just pissed because they didn't have the vision to buy spurdo erc you are making the smart play i didn't understand these kids back in my day they just complain about things not being like the good ole days when everything was bad they just don't get it we were real men back in my day and we all bought spurdo erc for $0001 now it is the future and these cucks think they are so smart by not getting in on the ground floor of a solid project its laughable really

>> No.58129280


>> No.58129390

That's just the consequences of declining IQ, Zoomers are locked out from the midwit hell

>> No.58129452

asked some zoomies protesting Israel on campus why they don't care about what's happening in Haiti and they fucking lost it kek

checked btw

>> No.58129501
File: 83 KB, 722x1024, IMG_4845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure you demoralized faggot. Zoomers are the ones that are going to have to clean up the world that the boomers, gen x, and millennials left for them. Starting with waking up to the lies peddled by ((them)) and they’ll do it with humor. They are the most enlighten generation ever.

>> No.58129574
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uh huh

>> No.58129727
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>> No.58129785

This is how i experience both sides

>> No.58130293

>tfw zillenial and our only cultural touchstones are Bionicle and Call of Duty: World at War
I feel closer to gen x than stupidly ideological millennials and retarded uncultured zoomers

>> No.58130304

Millennials will be the fanatical officers sending zoomerwaffen into the meat grinder.
The next Hitler will be a millennial, but his followers will all be zoomies. Mark my words.

>> No.58130434

Fuck yeah.

>> No.58130497

Zoomies understand that social media is marketing, and they correctly navigate social media with much more skill than any other generation. They behave as if they were the fucking President of Marketing and Branding of their own narcissistic corporation.
Millennials are not truly capable of this, because they value "authenticity" too much. They grew up believing that they were inherently valuable.
In a way, Zoomers are blackpilled. They understand no one is valuable, only your brand is valuable.

>> No.58132022

being ultra online

also peep cashtag zoomer

>> No.58132192

I forgot, Low IQ+Narcissism, Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.58132283

Being gay.

>> No.58132316

Just cause you're fat and have a receding hairline doesn't make the entire list obsolete.