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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58118906 No.58118906 [Reply] [Original]

how much do you tip your wife for all the household chores she does? I pay her at least $500 per week :).

>> No.58118935

She will cook my food and do the housework or she can find somewhere else to sleep

>> No.58118941

i leave her a tip after fucking her too

>> No.58118954

Is Emily Peck short for Emilio Pecker?

>> No.58118982

I haven't felt a woman In over 3 years so no need to tip.

>> No.58119001

>wife does about $10-30 worth of "household production" a day
>husband does $200 worth of landscaping each weekend
>another $200 of household maintenance
>another $200 of automobile maintenance
Something tells me they just won't notice what husbands do on the weekends. Replace a toilet? Nah just don't count it. Change the oil in the car? Whoops, didn't see that.

>> No.58119006

The longer I live, the more I understand why beating women has been socially acceptable for most of human history

>> No.58119018

I’m on board with this. I do the dishes and cook and I’d like my overtime. Lazy wife strictly changes diapers and takes em to the park n shit.

>> No.58119185

I consider these tasks to be leveled by not asking her for rent.
How the fuck is it equality if the income comes only from an individual?
Know what, these people don't give a fuck about women or families. They just want to destroy and keep creating sad consumerist fucks

>> No.58119190

you would be devastated if she actually left

>> No.58119210

>pay vat and income tax on house chores
Burn these people with fire.
Unrealized house chore tax incoming.

>> No.58119222
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they should add a 50% unrealized house chore tax i don't pay a penny to my tax frauding whore of a wife and all she does is keep the house clean and look after my 20 adopted children which i can't complain about but she doesn't even do that properly since she always forgets to wash some of their clothes and never checks their homework so i get fined by the school

>> No.58119226

20% of $0 is $0

>> No.58119239

Unrealized house chore tax means the government taxes the expexted value of said house chores, regardless of whether they were performed or not. Don't forget the vat goes over the base chore value and chore tax. VAT coming to the states this decade btw.

>> No.58119247

I love my wife and appreciate everything she does for me
she'd be perfect if only she wasn't imaginary

>> No.58119254

did you know humans expend energy even while sitting

>> No.58119262

If you get too cold I tax the heat, if you take a walk I'll tax your feet.

>> No.58120650
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_20240322_195312_488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is lazy af and doesn't do anything around the house, throws her clothes and other shit wherever it lands, doesn't cook dinner, and spends way too much of her income and unnecessary items that just end up on the kitchen table never to be used or seen again. I kinda hate my life bros, my kids are all that I'm around for, they're the only reason I try to keep our house clean and food on the (coffee) table. Because my dining room table is covered in random junk all tbe time so I can't even sit and eat a meal on it. Fml

>> No.58120682

My wife is earning more than me in this faggotry corpo world.

>> No.58120692

Are we the same person? Christ modern women are unbearable

>> No.58120695

learn to beat your wife til she learns her place as a house maid. too many soft males these days afraid to put their female in her place when she gets lazy and fat. beat that beat if she puts on 3 pounds and beat her if she doesnt have dinner made. bet after enough beatings she learns to stop being a fat lazy pig disgusting loser that makes your life miserable. but you're too soft

>> No.58120713

>bro just inevitably get sent to jail for domestic violence and divorce raped in a system already rigged against you.
You are a larping low IQ nigger

>> No.58120727

you are a scared pussy sissy

>> No.58120738

how more Jewish can society get?

>> No.58120765

You are a faggot, the archetypical 4chinz larper who posts ridiculous cancerous shitposts to cope with having zero breeding prospects. Cope, seethe, 41%

>> No.58120774

I truly am sorry you're in the same predicament anon. It's a daily battle for my sanity.

>> No.58120781

>Replace a toilet? Nah just don't count it
99% of guys call the plumber.

>> No.58121203

If you’re unironically changing your own oil you’re a certified retard

>> No.58121244

>feminist post
>written by a troon
fucking retards, the society is collapsing before your eyes and all you do is beg for shitcoins that will moon

>> No.58121264

Only 3 years?

>> No.58121288

>t. soft handed child
it's one thing to delegate as your time is more valuable, entirely another is to be helpless and unable

>> No.58121309

That really sucks, I can’t imagine. My wife at least keeps the house spotless and we still have sex regularly after 17 years together and she’s still thin. Damn I really can’t complain. No mental illness either.

>> No.58121321

her reward is not getting kicked out, still getting her allowance, and if she goes above and beyond i'll make her cum

>> No.58121323
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listen up you bunch of nobadgers if you cannot even change your own plumbing or oil changes you aren't manly enough for my wife she prefers me a chad spurdo with a 15ft benis and a leathery hairy chest and i get more pussy than you even though i'm married you don't know about my time value but i can sure as hell tell you this much when my wife needs plumbing done she calls me and it gets done because im a goddamn man (a man with a huge benis and money too)

>> No.58121326

Genuinely why do you all have such problems with calling cleaning work. That shit sucks, that's why I hire someone to do it. If my wife wanted to do it instead of having a job I'd be more than happy to let her do that.

>> No.58121372

I beat my wife if her chores and food arent done. soft males with no balls to slap their useless lazy whore wives around is part of why society is failing. mouthy lazy disrespect pig wife? beat her til she begs to go on a diet and look good for you again. catch her texting males beat her ass til she's afraid a man saying hey gets her kidney punched for 10 mins later. soft pussy males submitting to females and ruining the society order of things is why society sucks and females date low class violent thugs cuz deep down she wants to be put in her place and told to have dinner ready and slapped if she doesnt.

>> No.58121407

>letting another man touch your car ever
Can I fuck your wife too?

>> No.58121460

Not really. There'd likely be other women clamoring to take her place in a heartbeat if it meant they'd be the ones to take half of my shit instead.

Also funny thing about this study and "chores" in general. Women doing housework is seen as some cardinal sin these days, but everyone is dead silent about men spending hours at a time outside doing yard work on top of their actual day jobs. She soaks a handful of dishes in a sink and watches TV while I'm outside pushing a mower in the hot sun for 3 hours at a time, and I'm the bad guy?

Then if I bend over and say yeah baby, your work is hard let's get a maid instead so you can watch goyslop tunes all day, I'm all of a sudden the bad guy again for letting another woman run "her home" and show her up because the neighbors see me doing yard work and the maid doing house work and think she's my wife now?

Can't fucking win here.

>> No.58121513

They don't.
99 percent of guys who can recognize the problem are saving $250 and dropping by Lowes or Home Depot to grab the tools needed to fix things.
Calling a plumber is something you do when the shit is hitting the fan and there's no time to diagnose what's happening, or if you don't want the liability of fucking up on you.
Women call plumbers for shit that could be solved with Drano or a snake tool that equates to a $250 call.

As the other anon said, the equitable thing to do given that would be to say men perform hundreds of dollars worth of labor every time we plunge a toilet.

>> No.58121682

I feel at this point women are just pushing the lie as far as they can to see how much more they can get

>> No.58121739

this reads like a fucking meme bro what the fuck are you doing with your life
try being in an actual loving relationship, you might not be so tragically bitter

>> No.58121792

Good, the next step is to get the government to impose a special tax on all men, so women are paid their real value!

>> No.58121812
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I want to be paid for doing my laundry

>> No.58121873

I pay her with a place to live and food to eat.

>> No.58121958

I buy all the groceries
my woman does all the cleaning and majority of cooking
the only reason she doesn't do all the cooking is because I like to cook sometimes.
the only thing I am forced to do is take out the garbage.
the best part of this is that SHE came up with this idea. lmao
I swear women will one day be homemakers again once they realize how good they had it.

>> No.58121973

How much do you boost GDP when you suck your own dick OP

>> No.58121983

>all human relationships should be broken down to petty tit for tat exchanges and financial transactions
jesus fucking christ i hate kikes so much

>> No.58122035

>unpaid household labor
These people are unbelievable.

>> No.58122112

dubs of truth
ese the ship is sinking, society crumbling, weimar currency debasement only gets worse every day ...shitcash inu has to pull x5 and I\m out to the woods, with prepper stack, what else is there to do

>> No.58122617

You sound like someone who's never been in a relationship and can only romanticize them.

>> No.58122670

Bachelor taxes will absolutely become a thing in the next decade. Marriage and birth rates are in the shitter and robowaifus are basically here, we already have anons doing VR/AR overlays on dolls and custom robots, so once the Figure AI bots are commercially released and people make patches to their headsets we're pretty much there.

>> No.58122715

my wife's "tip" is that she's provided with a comfortable life where she doesn't have to slave for moshe to live in a rented pod in an urban shit hole. she's free to leave me and abandon her children to become more like her sister, a wage wench for 8+ hours a day returning to a lonely apartment every night, but I doubt the thought has ever crossed her mind; she does the equivalent of maybe 2-3 hours of low pressure, low intensity work a day as is, not including just "being a mother" which comes naturally to her. Thankfully she had mostly good female role models and an intact family growing up. she's not stupid, nor was she raised an urban judeo-liberal-indoctrinated environment. she understands the social contract, and she enjoys her role as a woman and is fully aware of how good things are for her, not least of all because she has the aforementioned older sister who, as she puts it, has been an example of what NOT to be ever since moving to chicago for college in their youth: single, tattooed, promiscuous, childless in her mid 30s, "depressed" and on SSRIs and "anxiety" meds for over two decades now, alcohol problems, barely ever makes it back for family holidays despite living less than 6 hours away and having no social obligations of her own (it genuinely blew my mind to see some of the incredible bullshit excuses she pulls out of her ass every holiday season in their facebook family group chat), and the only solace in her life being the excess of expendable income that she has no meaningful use for.

>> No.58122776

>99 percent of guys who can recognize the problem
>who can recognize the problem
99% cant.

>> No.58122906

women don't know how to cook or clean
their mother doesn't even know how to because her mother fed them TV dinners and the TV was their mother

>> No.58122973
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>> No.58123774

>economist does study about value of household work done.
>taxes you based off it
I know this is a possibility. Probably not going to happen because they can just print money.

>> No.58123797

>home repairs
Lol, lmao even

>> No.58123831

>Women call plumbers for shit that could be solved with Drano or a snake tool that equates to a $250 call.
even worse, a lot of tradies are low caste and know women are dumb when it comes to that, and exploit the shit out of them for it. my neighbor (old lady, not very bright, bless her soul) had a joint start leaking after a freeze this winter. I told her I'd replace the joint for her for free but she insisted she had a "real plumber" that's been fixing her pipes for years. well the "real plumber" decided he needed to knock her entire fucking basement wall out to reach the pipe because he was too fat to get under her crawl space, so she paid him three full work days of $150/h work to fix something I could have done in 45 minutes and $15 worth of parts.

>> No.58123860

>I need a tip, hubby

>> No.58123882

If you're taking 3 hours to mow the lawn then you need to invest in a better lawnmower

>> No.58124097


>letting your wife work

Well that's your problem right there