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File: 78 KB, 1648x588, chainlink-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58116976 No.58116976 [Reply] [Original]

You fud this nonstop yet you get rugpulled and shill rugpulls all day long.


The LINK token is used for transactions and to pay validators for securing the network. Remind me what APU or PEPE, or the countless other niggacoin rugpulls do again?

>> No.58116985

ICP makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.58117019

How so?

>> No.58117035

icp is nothing but a shitcoin that constantly dumps dont bring that trash coin into the same conversation as chainlink scrub

>> No.58117072 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 906x518, ch3853923727462620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link vs memecoins war LFG Marines! We shall crusade for the soul of crypto!

>> No.58117264

It already has publicly available CCIP that's faster, cheaper, and more secure.
Https outcalls replace oracles
Link is dinosaur 2017 tech trying to solve a 2017 problem

>> No.58117314

>faster, cheaper, and more secure
>trust me bro
>Https outcalls replace oracles
>copied from ICP website

If ICP is so amazing where is their grayscale trust?

>> No.58117375

the http outcall is performed by a single node is it not? I get that every fucking chain is centralized garbage now, but come on

>> No.58117394

the node performs multiple outcalls to different data providers and aggregates the results by calculating a weighted median. you know, like chainlink, but without the useless middleman

>> No.58117449

>You fud this nonstop yet you get rugpulled and shill rugpulls all day long.
Who are you talking to faggot?

>> No.58117489

>Remind me what APU or PEPE, or the countless other niggacoin rugpulls do again?

>> No.58117534

obviously not you dumb nigger

>> No.58117570

Oh ok cool just checking

>> No.58117896

>he doesn't know about chain key cryptography
>he doesn't know about https outcalls made by smart contracts
>he doesn't know about AI-empowered smart contracts
Have fun missing another bull run

>> No.58118773

what incentive do the data reporters have to not report false data?

>> No.58118779

When you say “you fud”, is that you talking to the chart?

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58118806
File: 621 KB, 749x1112, ICP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brought to you by Cloudflare and AWS

>> No.58118817

send it to $500 already

>> No.58118820

you simply have no idea the scale.

imagine a lemonade stand that serves 20 customers per day. that lemonade stand has a stockpile of plastic cups it needs for its business. you buy some of the plastic cups because they are "needed"

the lemonade stand has 20 billion cups, and they sell off 2 billion of those cups every year to fund the operation of their lemonade stand.

sure you're correct the token is kind of needed. just not your specific tokens, maybe in 20-50 years they might be though

>> No.58118888

>bro what if the new york stock exchange decided to start reporting false numbers

>> No.58118907


Do you want to btfo an advocate and drive them away from your threads? Just ask them how much money they’re making from running a node.

They tell you to be patient while getting paid a hefty salary working as community advocates, as well as making money running their own KYC’d nodes for chainlink labs. That’s why they don’t care if the token goes up in price or not.

All these “multiple anons” debating you and “bullish” on link telling you 2 more weeks? All of them are only 2-3 advocates switching IPs.

They don’t need to be patient, they just need you to shut the fuck up, accept Sergey’s dumps and stop complaining to make their lives easier.

>> No.58118926

I'll never totally understand it. If you're bored, do something productive. If you want the price lower, FUD doesnt work for a top 15 coin unless backed by news. If you are jealous, find a low cap gem.

it's a complete waste of time. pretty much is a hobby for stupid, poor evil people.

>> No.58118946

this assumes that 100% of shills are essentially paid advocates(even if indirectly, through a node).

i think some genuinely fell for the psyop. there is a real business being run, and it makes about 40m/yr pretty decent, should be about 200m mcap or so. instead its insanely overvalued and can collapse 90% or so at any time, like any other ponzicoin.

>> No.58118972
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, brainletspam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you change ids and reply to yourself?
were you that ashamed of your retarded lemonade stand analogy, or did you figure that was enough stupidity for one id so you needed to move onto the next and somehow even appear more retarded by doubling down on 'muh advocates?'
jesus christ you are shit at your 'job'
i'd tell you to shoot yourself in the head but it would probably make no noticable difference as you mash airplane mode some more while pumping out garbage invented with the full extent of the only two braincells that god had the grace to give you as one of the dumbest niggers that has ever been on biz

>> No.58118979

99% of advocates are generating a shitload of money from running kyc’d nodes. The rest of the unpaid shills are just delusional people addicted to the attention they get from posting retarded price predictions.

I made 30x last year as soon as I sold my link stack, and that shit sucks because the project had so much potential.

>> No.58119002


>> No.58119010

No need to be angry, fren. If chainlink delivers (and they will) the price will moon, there are some beartards that say the price will only pump to $24, but the sky is the limit, we might even pump to $26.

My personal prediction? Suspend your disbelief and trust me when I tell you that $28-$29 is a realistic target once bitcoin hits $150k.

It’s happening, TONIGHT!

>> No.58119111

fucking lmao, rofl even.
this fag thinks "trust me bro" will be enough to run a trust-constraint free data/computational market.

>> No.58119148
File: 51 KB, 530x794, 1518406510306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill all nolinkers

>> No.58119156

I’m going to have to ask you to stop shitting on the street.

>> No.58119196

fucking lmao, rofl even.
this fag thinks "trust me bro" will be enough to run a trust-constraint free data/computational stock market.