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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58116931 No.58116931 [Reply] [Original]

What sort of jobs do /Biz/ users have and what do they do all day? (Losing money to crypto gambling isn't a job nigger)

>> No.58116954

IT security and networking (used to be a developer)
I hate my job (even though it's better than being a dev except the part that I have to interact with other people now) and if I don't make it with crypto in 7-10 years I will kill myself

>> No.58116961


>> No.58116964
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I copy and paste all day

>> No.58116969

overnight residential staff
I work at a group home for 3 disabled ladies
i pop their meds, and once they go to sleep I can do whatever I want
i get paid $60k a year to sleep, play vidya, and watch kino

>> No.58116978
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Software engineer

>> No.58116984

I literally do the same as an engineer
Get model -> use Python script (boss unaware lol) -> copy and paste results into report -> profit????

>> No.58116993

you must know my mom, then?

>> No.58117034
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Fintech and a side business that simultaneously profits from both rising antisemitism and immigration from the southern border, which is great because the more immigration we get the more people hate jews

>> No.58117040
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And we earn shit tons of money, kek. So much for "educated" work

>> No.58117061

I am a turbo autist and I drive freight trains.

>> No.58117065

how shit is your job, anon? i feel like some parts of IT is going to be automated by AI soon

t. 3rd year IT student

>> No.58117067

80% of biz are young incel american and european men who are either studying or working in IT and gamble with crypto on the side

>> No.58117070
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I'm retired*, but before this I was a naval officer. I drove aircraft carrier around. That part was fun, dealing with other navy people sucked.

*I quit after 8 years and do not collect a pension

It's really not that hard to retire on crypto. Just DCA for one or two cycles as hard as you can and poof, you don't need to work anymore.

>> No.58117083

true and it's a pool of all autistic retards with a small mix of high iqs

>> No.58117104

Lol I watched YouTube for six hours today while a simulation slowly chugged along in the background 100% client billable work.

>> No.58117109

Advertising. I tell normies what they need and why and they repeat it to their frens and family like manchurian candidates. I tell myself it's ethical because I bring fleeting moments of joy to their otherwise depressive lives.

>> No.58117124
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listen up autists that use biz the 4chan board this is a hot take on all yalls autism but its the truth you are right there are plenty of low iq degenerates in this community but there are also some high iq retards too i am literally the smartest retard in the universe so i should know the trick is to filter out the stupid autists and only listen to the truly mentally challenged no wonder i'm a spurdo chad with a giant penis

>> No.58117129

I just quit my shit job at a lumber yard and will be starting my new job building sunrooms and installing windows. 4 more dollars an hour and I get Friday Saturday and Sunday off. Although if I keep making 700 a day from shitcoins I might quit that shit too.

>> No.58117147

Pretty shit but more AI proof than most IT sectors because it does involve configuring and installing physical machines and build and secure networks according to whatever the fuck a client wants, it's far harder to automate with chatgpt than a codemonkey

>> No.58117149
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volcel. Anime women are too superior to 3DPD
I'm flattered

>> No.58117153

Restaurant management.
I’m at work right now browsing biz at the host stand

>> No.58117161

Operator and consultant

>> No.58117163

im in sales. i like it when im doing well. i dont like it when im not doing well. i mostly send emails and have about 1 or 2 actual calls per day about 30min in length each

>> No.58117174
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Based, glad you're here. What's the anime of the season next season?

>> No.58117181

Absolutely based, anyway, I'm sitting three tables behind you to your left. If my food comes in the next five minutes, I'll tip you 400 btc and you can retire.

>> No.58117187
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Human Ressources, 100 % remote.

>> No.58117190
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i got a job building residential doors, i really enjoy building stuff so ill probably stay for awhile even though the pay is garbage

>> No.58117194

Operate and consult what? I'm guessing you're a certified forklift operator.

>> No.58117199

I do OTC operations for an investment bank. I love it, my only gripe is I would love to transition to crypto operations at some point but I’m having shitty luck landing a role.

>> No.58117211

Sales 200k + 100k bonus, just shitpost when I'm not travelling

>> No.58117215

How much money have you made with crypto this bull run? (If you post your gains YTD, I'll post mine)

>> No.58117221
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Software Engineer, gameplay developer for a well known company.

>> No.58117246

Are you the reason Starfield sucked so bad?

>> No.58117263

No, it's always the woke management and design faggots fault. The fact that I'm here makes me immune to that shit.

>> No.58117265

I think they proved that was unironic feds trying to brainwash gamers. Ruined the development timeline or some shit.

>> No.58117272

I’ve made about 120% so far, just trading blue chips like LINK and BTC. Nothing insane but nothing to sneeze at

>> No.58117286

That's awesome. I've lost about 40% (~$700) cause I FOMO'd hard and bought DOGE at $0.20 when BTC first reached 73k. Then it dropped to like $0.12 that same morning and I sold I out of fear. I'm very hesitant to invest in it again. Any advice you can spare?

>> No.58117310

You have any more info on this? I'm interested in learning. I haven't played vidya since the last dark souls 3 dlc but it seems like every new trailer that comes out of a AAA studio sucks big dick.

>> No.58117326

Nice sounds like a cool job (if you're being truthful).

What coin got you there? Which longs you liking now?

>> No.58117336

middle management at Disney

>> No.58117356

Unironically I've been looking to get a job there as an electrical engineer for the free passes. Hook me up?

>> No.58117368

Yeah, you need to get in earlier would be my biggest advice. My personal take is that Bitcoin is leading the pack due to the ETF, and will be for a while, so holding Bitcoin until about 100-120k should bet you 50-60%, I believe it will likely top there this time. No idea if there will even be an alt season.

I wouldn’t sell at a 40% loss though, looking at doge right now is probably a fine time to buy back in, you just have to hold until you’re in profit or if you want to leverage be very careful and use 1.5 or 1.3x leverage only so you can’t get liq’d

>> No.58117387

There's also the proliferation of woke consulting companies and woke employees of big devs. There was a HUGE push for these people to infiltrate after gamergate. People have started noticing again.

>> No.58117405
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sure bitcoin is a solid bet but there are better tokens to buy particularly $spurdo which is absolutely blowing up right now no doubt the token is going to 10x this month alone why would i ever sell my $spurdo i mean with a name like spurdo you know its going anywhere i'd be a complete cuck if i ever sold this massive bag of my $spurdo the token is going to 10x for sure because its the next dogecoin you need to buy $spurdo right now

>> No.58117416

If I go in again I might wait until Doge drops to at least $0.14. It looks like it hit $0.125 two days ago. What makes you think it's a good time to buy?

>> No.58117423

>Then it dropped to like $0.12 that same morning and I sold I out of fear. I'm very hesitant to invest in it again. Any advice you can spare?
lol are you serious? how do you even get to the point where getting financial advice from 4chan seems like a good idea?

>> No.58117428

If it were possible for me to delete a reply, it'd be yours, gay retard

>> No.58117467

For fun? I am playing with money I can afford to lose. I was worried I'd lose it all in on-go then the fun would be over too early.

>> No.58117563
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I'm a stay at home dad and while the kids aren't driving me crazy I'm on /biz/ posting Apu memes and buying APU coins, physical and digital.

>> No.58119284 [DELETED] 

I EARN daily BTC reflections from holding BTCdragon.. thats what i do for a living

>> No.58119659

Software engineer in Europoor. Life is okay. I lose or win between 500 ans 2000 euros in crypto gambling every month and I feel nothing.