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58116059 No.58116059 [Reply] [Original]

I just spent $27.20 on 2 Chicken Tacos and a Churro on UberEats

>> No.58116083

that buys me food for a week!

>> No.58116094
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Bro I literally turn on Uber eats delivery app
Wait for order I like to come through
Go and pick up order
Click cancel when I get to my car
Now I just got a free meal
Fucking Wendy’s forgot my orange dreamsickle frosty yesterday though
I was really excited about trying it

>> No.58116108

i bought a ribeye steak and jumbo shrimp with rice for 5 bucks in philippines. how is biden's jewmerica going for you bros?

>> No.58116116

Just ordered
12inch BBQ pizza
12inch Meat Heat pizza
7 chicken wings
Large pot of coleslaw

>> No.58116129


where are you from anon?

>> No.58116141

I can live off around $12.50.

>> No.58116146
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>> No.58116220

kek i had a feeling. how's the new president? give me the real rundown.

>> No.58116258


I spend 100 on lol battle pass and GRAVITY

>> No.58116269
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Grow up boy

>> No.58116273


>> No.58116275
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Let him be anon

>> No.58116299
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Yasuo player for sure

>> No.58116304
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Already playing gravity and love it

>> No.58116428

his whole campaign was about cutting government spending and regulations, and he has mostly done that so far, at the expense of the micro economy. If the macro stabilizes, his party might have a chance in the mid terms elections next year, which he really needs because he currently has almost no seats and most of his proposals are stuck in the Congress.
I'm not optimistic at all though, mosltly because he's a wannabe jew.

>> No.58116551

the phillipines has literal rivers of garbage anon you aren't impressing anyone with your attempts at demotivation. It's so shit that ships will not even dock there because the water quality of the OCEAN is so poor near it

>> No.58116761

I spent $100 on kfc

>> No.58116823

That’s a deal right there
What restaurant?

>> No.58118096
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bruh, how low is your gut hanging? holy shit

could've given me some man, i'm startving and it's too late to order anything

like, i could get up and run towards the store next block but i'm not sure if they accept paypaw currently

>> No.58118105

it works as a card nigga, it will work no problem
you'll be fucked if they don't accept cards in general