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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58114161 No.58114161 [Reply] [Original]

Last bread >>58097938

Get the fuck in here

>> No.58114166

when's the rug

>> No.58114181

Wrong thread, you’re looking for the APU general

>> No.58114186
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nice you used my image
unironically just downloaded the YiffyMix model and going to get pretty dirty

>> No.58114192
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>> No.58114211
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These threads are all made by brown hand pajeets. Look through the last 'general' like 8 commenters made up 90% of the 300+ replies. Obvious dogshit shilling technique.

>> No.58114219

I will have to be happy with my 100k it seems. Not like I could have gotten more any time soon anyway. But will we play this once we reach a dollar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1JYqmJU8oM

>> No.58114230
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>> No.58114254
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>> No.58114263

need prompts
>knot,fox, aviator uniform, programming in office, leaking, femboy, dripping,blush,cum

>> No.58114266

Looks like the double top is in, hold on it’s gonna be a steep fall from here anons followed by another week of crabbing at .004 then followed by never reaching .004 again. I’m looking at you Peter.

>> No.58114373

Thanks, just confirmed .01 is imminent.

>> No.58114402
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Parece que el doble techo está aquí, esperen, habrá una caída pronunciada a partir de aquí pronto, seguida de otra semana de cangrejos en .004 y luego nunca volveremos a alcanzar .004. Te estoy mirando Pedro.

>> No.58114427


>> No.58114492

rugging upwards

>> No.58114583


Lmao have fun staying poor

>> No.58114638

>buy at 6
>sell at 7
>rinse and repeat
AVI whales make it so easy to swing this

>> No.58114655

Fud Fags know their time is almost up

>> No.58114705

Post in /msdg/ on /trash/ please.

>> No.58114710


Hope you make a fortune, good luck, but swingies always get the rope eventually

>> No.58114816

Anyone know what the plan to market skybridge and the arcade is? Anything interesting to look forward to?

>> No.58114839

I’m so glad I bought avi last fall. If I don’t have these gains I’d probably just fkn give up by now cause the rest of the market has been shit for me

>> No.58114984
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reminder that APU and AVI are friends, we’re all gonna make it together

>> No.58115004
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>> No.58115205

Nobody knows shit and the devs are just useless as usual. It is delayed anyways. Expect the DUI needs to be changed or the audit failed or anything that will just postpone it as much as possible. Idk how much is intended and how much it is not, but this coin has been the worst fucking coin that I have ever invested in. The worst part is that the devs don't even care. They have their little "we are still within the timeframe" bullshit which they use whenever you disarm them. I cannot wait to fucking sell and fortget I ever waited 9 months for a shitty fucking bridge.

>> No.58115227
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kenis is the true ally of avi.

>> No.58115284

Just sell now Jimbo

>> No.58115314

thanks for the laugh anon but I will dump everything at 400 mil mcap. I'm not that impulsive, I'm calculated at least. But that does not change the fact that I count the days until that moment comes.

>> No.58115375

Why can’t AVI hold its price, whales losing trust?

>> No.58115395

>even the most ardent fudder believes it’s going to 6x from here

>> No.58115396

Not really, everybody lost interest. I have a "useless devs" indicator and that is Peter. When he stops reacting to every useless shit the jannies post in the TG that's when we are at the bottom.

>> No.58115428

Guess that’s happens with no developments and no marketing! Maybe these devs will learn from their mistakes for their next project

>> No.58115443
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Look at this dog, I can almost feel his tail wagging

>> No.58115463

As much as I hate AVI, Peter is the only saving grace for me. At least when he’s in the chat it’s readable and he keeps it alive

>> No.58115471

>25% of posts itt by these ids
male loneliness epidemic

>> No.58115475
File: 82 KB, 726x697, avi bridge mogging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a solo developer just built and launched a Skybridge competitor in a week and Jesse is shilling it

>> No.58115480

Nigger someone has to bump shit for engagement. Not letting AVI die for your laziness

>> No.58115485

Not a bridge not a competitor

>> No.58115496

youre right, acting like an annoying retard on our chinese basketweaving forum is whats keeping AVI alive

>> No.58115507
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he says himself it's not a bridge, only migrator, so the L1 token is basically dead. not a competitor at all

>> No.58115514

avi at 400m will put me at mid 7 figures. I don't know if the world is that kind but, if it happens, I still wouldn't dump it all at those levels. If it makes it to 400m, chances are it's going to rip upwards with little resistance.

>> No.58115530

Kek good Job Stixil, Magic, Pengo and especially Mitch. You are getting front run by a Indian in a basement. Good job, pack your things boys we are leaving AVI. It was nice while it lasted.

>> No.58115533

Tell you what, this Avis really moorish

>> No.58115544

I can't wait to connect my wallet to something that was built over night. BULLISH

>> No.58115555

>sensual lovemaking in front of a fire upon rug made of bear pelt

>> No.58115559

LOBO partnership confirmed
LOBO gay relationship also confirmed, PoH (proof of honeymoon) is henceforth required

>> No.58115589

>marketing started
Alright fuddies time to go home we lost, congratulations aviators

>> No.58115736

do u have proof of this "marketing"? or is it just kerasu dming e-whores on twitter KEK

>> No.58115780

Lmao don't even get me started on Kerasu. That guy is just sucking the marketing wallet dry by being useless and doing stupid shit like empress AMA and sending two useless e-mails with nothing being done. Another thing that Stixil can get rid of is him.

>> No.58115825

yeah the team is pretty fucking incompetant, which sucks because they have a good gameplan

>> No.58115933

kenis isn't holding up its end of the alliance, pooya better get it pumping or he'll need to commit sodoku

>> No.58115945

have to admit if he's the one in charge of Twitter he's doing a bad job. If they have actual Coinbase connections they could easily get Jesse's email internally and make him aware of the project instead of doing it publicly and in Twitter DMs. Looks desperate desu

>> No.58115989

I believe

>> No.58116026
File: 238 KB, 819x2048, AFB7FD3D-A4C9-41AA-9A05-CB4B89E1FBA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The audit will soon be complete, the test net will be short, the SkyBridge will release. Big marketing has begun. Unironically: soon.

>> No.58116063

as long as the team executes I really think 1B is a layup, especially if Gotbit lives up the hype and is able to generate buy pressure to cause FOMO on CEX listing. Coinbase also has to execute on their Base/smart wallet shit as well.

Beyond that who knows, maybe Stixil can work his shib magic and get meme coin parabolic price increase. Overall crypto market cap should be much larger than 2021, so it's not impossible to pico top beyond 10B+

>> No.58116081

wtf is going on with btc/eth?? We would be over .01 by now if it wasn’t for them dumping non stop

>> No.58116092

btc is in a really volatile area since breaking ATH regardless of blackcucks dumping money into it

>> No.58116102

God is giving you more time to rank up. I am almost at 5M now.

>> No.58116121
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any furfags fans of justice? they just released a new song for their upcoming album hyperdrama, saturnine.

>> No.58116196

boomers paper handing, also the Russia attack potentially escalating things and the US having troops in Taiwan risking escalation to WWIII

>> No.58116245

sucks for the innocent people who died to psychos but i don't think itll affect btc price really at all

>> No.58116316

it's a definite black swan, but something worth accounting for that could kill a bull market early

>> No.58116331

a literal world war 3 would probably be that exact black swan but this isn't going to cause ww3, nothing really will. because the big usa says "nope, we'll do ww3 when we want to." and they aren't doing that shit lol
this is just a bad terrorist mass shooting that happened to russians, it really won't do anything to btc

>> No.58116341

you retards realize that there are already bridges that are super cheap, right?

>> No.58116371

I look forward to your next 75 posts in this thread

>> No.58116398

Ok name an example that works the same as skybridge.

>> No.58116401


>> No.58116508

Have sex incel

>> No.58117275

literally hop and jumper make this shit completely irrelevant, the issue has already been solved

>> No.58117435

can someone tell me why avi is better than these? im getting worried sisters

>> No.58117446
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do i even gotta check the other one

>> No.58117457

what does this img prove

>> No.58117485

hop bridges a very limited list of assets onto basechain, and doesnt deploy projects onto basechain.
there are already plenty of basechain bridges, and all of them are like that
skybridge lets anyone deploy any eth token or nft onto basechain

>> No.58117586

any new updates on the audit

>> No.58117615
File: 155 KB, 963x842, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked out jumper too, its more of a cross-chain aggregator.
it finds the best route for selling your tokens on one chain, bridging that profit to another chain, and then buying a different token on that new chain.
pretty neat and a convenient way to automate a couple steps, but not at all the same function

>> No.58117618

Anon do you do any research before saying these things?

>> No.58117641

i see, ok so skybridge is indeed needed

>> No.58117666

can someone update me on marketing or audit news please (im banned in tg)

>> No.58117964

It’s funny how these “terrorist groups” attack everyone except for isr*el and they always seem to ramp things up around election season. I’m sure it’s all a cohencidence. Those dang mawzlemz

>> No.58117988

Guys only 8% of my portfolio is in AVI. What are the chances something goes wrong with the audit and this goes down? I want to put more but I'm afraid this is too risky

>> No.58118123

your primary risk is not having 80%

>> No.58118133

Preliminary audit happened already man no critical issues, should be 10/10 next week once they finish up unit test coverage

>> No.58118176

if you're not investing in AVI then you're a nigger. don't get me wrong, there's niggers and black people and niggers ruin it for blacl people. just like white thrash ruins it for the whites. AVI doesnt care it only cares if you're ibvested or not and if you're no retard. I got in august 2023 and yes, we're gonna fly negromaniacs.

>> No.58118182

do you fluff up the furry discordfaggot "devs" before you suck their cocks and give them free marketing? imagine joining their channels and saying "yes i trust these retards with my money."

>> No.58118214

remember you gotta be use the bell curve on this one. either you got in on time or you didnt. the chosen coin!

>> No.58118226

also we're goin to 0.008c next week no doubt. soon we'll be at 0.01c and before you know it we'll be at 0.10c it's gonna go faster than you expect. but first BTC will need to take a dip....

>> No.58118688
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It’s not going back fud. You can still grab a bag though I won’t think any less of you. It can be our secret

>> No.58118693

Time to turn aggressive when proven wrong

>> No.58119630

>only americans buying/selling/posting
so bullish

>> No.58119643

Ranjeet is out of money right now because of APU.

>> No.58120227

>Jesse still promoting that other migration tool
>it comes out Monday
Has the aviator team addressed this at all? Is there any reason to think this will be competition to skybridge?

>> No.58120265

Yes, unfortunately it's completely over for AVI. They blew a nine-month-plus lead. Too much time spent spilling spaghetti and fixing audio issues in the AMAs. Sad.

>> No.58120400
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No competition.

>> No.58120812

Nice. Hopefully Jesse likes what he sees with skybridge and tweets about it as well. Could use some publicity leading into the release. Wonder what the transfer of marketing funds was for and if we’ll see it used soon

>> No.58120967

I saw it used yesterday in empress newly bought lambo post

>> No.58122148

The cringiest part of AVI is all the ai bullshit. Otherwise I’d be hyped

>> No.58122282

you should see what i've generated with stable difussion and using the yiffymix model...let's just say it's quite knotty

>> No.58122393
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>> No.58122478

got the zillakami YEH

>> No.58122527
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>Hopefully we will share a date when we will release le bridgerino for userino!

Yea sure you fucking furry faggots like we would fall for the same fucking trap all over again just fuck off. Matter of fact like ANYONE will fall for the same fucking trap again. "Hard date"...just shut the fuck up Stixil...for fucks sake..rug AVI and start all over in another project you failed this one miserably.

>> No.58122604

>early spring
>possibly still 2 more weeks for audit results
>bells and whistles
>still have to beta test after that

>> No.58122610

Patience makes a rich investor, anon.

>> No.58122620
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stfu jimmy you faggot

>> No.58122624

I know, just feels like something always causes it to get pushed a little back the closer we get

>> No.58122633

you convinced me, sold my 5m and went all in on apu

>> No.58122665

Fren, dont jest like that and dont be foolish to go all in on anything either.

>> No.58122668

Sorry, all artists deserve to starve. Keep seething about AI

>> No.58122681

convinced me and sold my 100,000,000 stack for 2 random brand new listed coins the dex tools new pairs. Ended up losing all my eth. Should of stuck with AVI, damn!

>> No.58122808

Oh look biz's next rug after apu

>> No.58122841

It’s been one of the best performing assets for a month now anon, what makes you think it will rug?

>> No.58122985
File: 317 KB, 1169x1451, 791A8F99-A092-46F1-8E1A-3B947C23FBF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date and time will be announced this afternoon, AMA will be sometime this week. Soon my frens, soon

>> No.58123059

Where in this screencap does it indicate this afternoon?

>> No.58123060

Nice newfag confession.

>> No.58123075

Hey Stixil wen rug?

>> No.58123090
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>> No.58123093


>> No.58123181

Will Empress be in attendance?

>> No.58123250

The tokens that I sold for avi are all mooning right now and I would have broke 7 figures. I feel sick to my stomach because I went all in on avi. If this doesn't send by the end of this year, I don't know wtf I'm going to do with my life.

>> No.58123294

Yeh where the fuck are the buys and where is gotbit I thought there was supposed to be buy pressure

>> No.58123567

I don't know how MMs work. That whole thing was confusing to begin with. I'm guessing it was a waste of money but who the hell knows what they'll do

>> No.58123570

dont worry, avi will have you gooning to the moon

>> No.58123613

name 1

>> No.58123689

How about I name 2. Basedai and P3pecoin. I bought when the token launched and was staking the entire time before I eventually swapped it all around. Easily one of the worst decisions I ever made since I got into crypto.

>> No.58123747
File: 69 KB, 600x900, idiom-dont-put-all-your-eggs-in-one-basket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skill issue

>> No.58123760

How come you went all in anon?

>> No.58123767

dunno what the hell that shit is. try buying shib day 1 and holding til now like me.

>> No.58123787

Jesse is a faggot who cries about people saying retard because his sister is a downie. Also plays favorites with projects, probably those who pay him

>> No.58123850

True, but I want this shit listed on coinbase so if stixil and the team have to suck his cock a little to get noticed so be it.

>> No.58123881

>who cries about people saying retard because his sister is a downie
yeah no shit

>> No.58124008

>dunno what the hell that shit is
cool, thanks for asking

It was the only project on my radar at the time which seemed worth a damn, and after making so many bad choices in the last 2 years, this was going to be my last play before giving up, so I decided to bet big hoping I can make it

>> No.58124460

did they mention anything about audit score? or are they still hiding it cause its terrible

>> No.58124481

they got a 36 out of 200 but they can resubmit the code again in a few months

>> No.58124604


>> No.58124653

actually ? i will sell 30m now if so

>> No.58124668


>> No.58124818

Hacken scores are out of 10 in the first place, fake fud

>> No.58125023

It's over

>> No.58125028

kek, thanks anon

>> No.58125081

Someone do something, chart is stagnant

>> No.58125087
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>> No.58125090

It’s never the last, FUN isn’t even getting started compared to what’ll happen in the next 6 months anon

>> No.58125151

Can someone please share screen caps when this was first shilled on /biz/

>> No.58125243
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>Imagine all the people that missed Shib getting a second try

>> No.58125290
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>> No.58125334
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>> No.58125375

out of curiosity, does anyone know what exactly happened to catbread? i remember seeing stuff about it and then it vanished

>> No.58125376

arent they just the chat mods tho kek

>> No.58125408
File: 160 KB, 1340x1159, 55811945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a medium articles and the flight paper, tokenomics. Enough substance for it to be either obvious or ngmi. Check em

>> No.58125485

That's what someone said. Idk but they clearly have a plan and know how to build project. I have high hopes based on what I've seen so far. Haven't sold a thing and not planning to until we've blasted past CB and 1b

>> No.58125499


>> No.58125530

Not that it matters to my bags but I’d like to know more about what roles they had with shib since that’s what’s being used as a shilling point. I never got involved with shib so I wouldn’t know any better

>> No.58125641


Stixil was on the Shib Defense team and also did SHIB Metaverse stuff. Other people I think that are involved are:

> UB
> Cryptosaur
> Kraken left but still goes to community events

I think other people were in Shib adjacent stuff like Bone. Basically, people heavily involved in early Shib and the community building were kicked out for calling out scammy behavior. AVI was always the most obvious play because it was the honest community leaders from Shib building useful web3 products. It's crazy people still fade it.

>> No.58125784


Kek imagine being concerned about this chart. Look at how it looks right before it moons (including volume), and look at how it looks now. What do you think will happen when we get 10/10 audit, testnet, production release, arcade release, etc.


Gotbit will use their $90k+ USD to shoot the price up on a listing. Not on Uniswap lmao

>> No.58125799
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Forgot to add chart

>> No.58125889

>$1 end of summer edition
that's 6B mcap... can it go that high?

>> No.58125944


It depends on the macro market, but they have many unique technical solutions to problems better than what exists out there (e.g. Gala games, but indie devs can easily host their games on Aviator arcade + better tokenomics + SkyBridge), and those products hit similar numbers last bull market. Aviator also has a strong community with potential meme hype as well (a flying fox, with a flying price)

>> No.58126006

A halving dump is likely at some point over the next 2 months but expect crypto begin going straight up with more media and mainstream attention by July.
All Hypothetical at this point but imagine all those normies being funnelled in by Coinbase. 1b+ is on the table if we get proper bullrun mania with retail fomo.

>> No.58126117

That’s it?

>> No.58126140
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>> No.58126154
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dumping more ai shit
>Verification not required.

>> No.58126163
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>> No.58126392

I don’t know, I just hope their marketing plan is on point. I want to see kerasu’s objectives

>> No.58126438
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Token will never be needed and you like faggot gonna buy dip after weeks of fudding just to get dumped straight into 0. Will end up in some dead end low skill job wishing for sweet release of death

>> No.58126454

“He say you brade runna” ass speech style

>> No.58126478

Break time at the call center already Ranjeet?

>> No.58126575


Token needed for L2 to L1 supersonic bridging liquidity + arcade + dao + prize wall. Sorry, but not selling.

>> No.58126653
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Stop right there, fud posting scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch!

>> No.58126669

>halving dump
What if that's what they want you to believe and instead we get a marketwide green dildo?

>> No.58127723


>> No.58127777

Aviator sitting on my face

>> No.58128881

Glad to know the real OG's still remember me. I still haven't sold, nor will I. Top ten holder here bizlets.

>> No.58129086

You’re actually an npc. You’ll never realize it

>> No.58129832

I’m just chillin