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File: 169 KB, 577x609, Screenshot 202496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58110604 No.58110604 [Reply] [Original]

is this why they call it the "hiding strategy"

>> No.58110647

That dumping was for Sergey's first breakfast.

>> No.58110685

>light mode
Gross it’s so bright, why use light mode?

>> No.58110696
File: 186 KB, 592x549, Screenshot 202497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it's all said and done, the whole advocate thing will be one of the most remembered... imagine when the judge is sitting there so confused asking wait so you hired people to gaslight your own investors??? Even Theranos, Enron, Worldcom, etc never took it to that level

>> No.58110785

>always accuse your enemies of that of which you are guilty

i mean, yeah, why would someone arguing in bad faith get blocked by people trying to build something? i like how you took the time to compile that screenshot so you could post it to your echo chamber. time well spent

>> No.58110939

That faggot is mindbreaking link fags so hard
What a Chad

>> No.58110958

Based Adem

>> No.58111028
File: 32 KB, 730x408, supzach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so advocates do not exist according to you?
and what is this then?

>> No.58111054

Anyone who gets married to his bags is a fucking moron.

>> No.58111062
File: 1.35 MB, 1399x1622, 1708941941471376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes a degenerate loser with literally nothing better to do. Its pathetic behavior. We actually feel sorry for Adem that he hasnt gotten help or just killed himself already.

Jokes aside, everyday, he takes time out of his lonely day to come up with some sort of bullshit post about chainlink attacking employees. He has so much free time that he finds their personal tiktok accounts and tries to shame them on twitter.

>> No.58111093

lmao they really couldnt handle the banter

>> No.58111121

Its exhausting. Imagine doing the same thing everyday for 5+ years. What exactly would you call this behaviour?

>> No.58111136

Why do you sometimes post dark mode and sometimes light mode?

>> No.58111154

Advocate cope

>> No.58111165
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1673444909110643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate loser
at least they didn't employ him, like they did with that other degenerate, Zach


These 2 adds are his public ones, first one is literally chainlinkgod.eth and the second one is his cold storage I assume.

>swing trading LINK on uniswap for 3 years straight
>raking up 12,000 USD in eth fees lmao (Analytics -> TxnFees)
>lending out LINK on AAVE for shorters to do their thing for years
>getting rekt on payback transactions paying hundreds USD per txn lmao
>forced to liquidate link 0x2c9156942d67878d2464a6e0d76f4e9ac4a07ac5db9fc25681473a485392ac56
>falling for the linkpool scam and still holding SDL lmao
>using tornado cash and having his ETH stuck there and his addy tainted kek
>promoting universe xyz on twitter to marines while he got 2.4 million tokens vested for free, literally paid shilling while dumping it instantly on gullible link marines after unvesting
>he still has a lot of tokens to dump into the dead project and still does
>shilling bzx network while also having vested stake in there and dumping on twitter followers, absolute dead scam now, still dumping to this day for dust
>with bzx it's even more bizzare because they got their oracle exploited, then moved to chainlink and it could be that they paid off chainlinkgod to do some shilling for them because they were getting shit on by people who care about oracles
>not to mention the don/albert chainlink donation hack scam

>> No.58111178
File: 5 KB, 227x222, 8588768767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Advocate cope
lol lmao

>> No.58111195

Yes chainlinkgod is a loser too. Stop trying to change the subject faggot.

>> No.58111228
File: 145 KB, 480x360, 1710940434242902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my point of view, Zach is not simply a loser, he's an actual grifter, who is literally officially employed by Chainlink themselves
what about the horserimmer being hired as a core dev for Chainlink? starting to notice a pattern here, pal?
Adem/Thomas and his failed bullshit seem trivial in comparison, don't you think?

>> No.58111248

>starting to notice a pattern here, pal?
Ya, youre also faggot loser with too much free time.

>> No.58111264

he may be a degenerate, esl, coomer fuddie, but he plays an important role in the community

>> No.58111265
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>> No.58111279

I accept your concession, faggot advocate

>> No.58111322
File: 46 KB, 607x814, 797077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not the flex you think it is.

>but he plays an important role in the community
Making the community look like a bunch of freeloaders that simply bought a token and contribute nothing to the actual develop of the chainlink network?

>> No.58111336
File: 229 KB, 500x532, 1687162254383746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based advocates absolutely buttblasting the fudtrannies

>> No.58111357

>hurr you have too much free time fag!1
>6ptbid already
>keeps reposting his low quality adem memes for years
>reeee stop exposing the premier Chainlink ambassador and his grifting schemes reeeeeeee

>> No.58111409

You want to be rich so bad. Thats why youre here in a chainlink thread. Thats why you own link. Thats why you stake link.

>> No.58111445

chainlink bagholders couldn't be more embarrassing if they tried

>> No.58111453

>the advocate uses projection!
>it's not that effective...
sure little buddy, let's talk about anything APART from Zachary and his blatant scammy behavior

>> No.58111479

Ironic, coming from a bagholder.

>> No.58111512

adem... stop

>> No.58111513

Explain something to me, how can you be a holder but not an advocate?
Surely if you can't get yourself to be a net advocate for your investment, you shouldn't be invested at all, right?

>> No.58111535

>can't address a single arguments
>y-y-you're all bagholders!
there's a difference between (You) and Zach or Timmy or Jonny

>> No.58111536

we call them avocados here, fren

>> No.58111549

>there's a difference between (You) and Zach or Timmy or Jonny
What's that supposed to mean?

Just answer my question.

>> No.58111554

Theres no argument. Youre a bagholder too.

>> No.58111569

paid shills are universally despised
getting it now?
>Theres no argument
yeah I can tell lmao
keep sucking Zach's cock you unpaid baggie shill

>> No.58111586

>paid shills are universally despised
Fucking why?
They're literally being paid to pump your bags.

>> No.58111597

Keeping fudding your own bags like all the other faggots.

>> No.58111600

no, they're literally being paid to create hype and allow the founders/insiders/whales/desperate baggies to dump on retards
a very elegant system indeed
the notion that a crypto holder MUST also be an unpaid advocate is asinine and exclusive to the Chainlink community only
congrats on this btw

>> No.58111610

They complain about price and then complain that people are hyping up chainlink. This tells you its a mental illness.

>> No.58111611

>pointing out that the premier Chainlink ambassador is a grifter is FUD
it's reality, time to face it chud

>> No.58111622

>come on guys, just shill your bags and stop bitching!
that is how you know Chainlink is desperate af
kek it's ogre

>> No.58111628

>no, they're literally being paid to create hype
Which pumps the price.

>allow the founders/insiders/whales/desperate baggies to dump on retards
They can dump on retards without advocates trying to pump the price too, you know.

Seems like your problem is founders/insiders/whales/desperate baggies dumping, not advocates advocating.

>> No.58111629

No one cares about chainlinkgod except you bud.
>it's reality, time to face it chud
Now admit you own link.

>> No.58111635
File: 666 KB, 1080x2340, 1694635061662885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can everyone please stop responding to Adem. He only posts here as he gets no interaction on twitter.

>> No.58111657

Zachary and Timmy have been doing this for almost half a decade with zero success, if that's the case they should be both fired, because the ONLY thing they have achieved so far, is to alienate their own community instead of creating hype or whatever the fuck you're trying to convey here
my problem is that Zach and Jonny are grifters officially employed by the team
>n-n-no one cares about Zach, we all care about Adem amirite my fellow anons??

>> No.58111678

>12 pbtid
This thread is literally about Adem being blocked on twitter by people. Holy fuck youre actually retarded.

>> No.58111690

>Engate with ME
>Reply to ME
The absolute state of fuddies. Go back you faggots, you're killing /biz/.

>> No.58111705

ok? and I'm simply pointing out that Zach is kinda worse than a poorfag Tunisian fudder living in the Netherlands fudding his own bags every day?
what's the matter, nigger?
your retard friends keep engaging with me though

>> No.58111713

>Zachary and Timmy
Are these the people who don't want to play with you on twitter anymore?
So you come here projecting their identity onto anons?

Your objection to these specific people definitely seems strong enough to warrant getting out of Link altogether.

>> No.58111732

Do you go into ferarri threads and talk about teslas?

Its pretty clear you have some sort of crush on Adem lol lmao

>> No.58111738

I don't even have a twitter handle
>NO let's talk about YOU(me) ARE YOU A BAGHOLDER? HUH HUH HUH???
your constant deflections are getting tedious, am I allowed to have my own opinion or not? just ignore me if you don't agree kek
ironic coming from the man who has actual memes of Adem saved on his phone
the absolute state

>> No.58111749

>I don't even have a twitter handle
Then why do you even care about these people?

>> No.58111769

because I enjoy pointing out to (You) that literal incompetent scammers are being employed by Chainlink while you're all too busy trying to gangbang a retarded fudder?

>> No.58111779

lol lmao Why are you so mad?

>> No.58111785

just admit you want his cock

>> No.58111799
File: 2.48 MB, 322x178, 1697210944283893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58111800

But you're calling random anons advocates all the time as well.

Also, why not just get out of link? You can free yourself from these people in an instant.

>> No.58111812

>I'm a paid shill and I'm proud of it!
good for you boy!
because you most likely are an advocate bro!
you literally claimed that holders = advocates!
kek losing track of your bullshit already?

>> No.58111824

>because you most likely are an advocate bro!
And that makes me automatically just as bad as Zach and Timmy?

>you literally claimed that holders = advocates!
Well yes. Why hold something you can't advocate?

>> No.58111833

he's mindbreaking LINK fags so hard that the pool filled up within an hour of gen access opening. brutally effective

>> No.58111843
File: 543 KB, 220x187, 65765765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 pbtid
>im a freelance fuddy.
Now i see why you defend Adem.

>> No.58111869

if you're not being paid, you haven't shilled bullshit protocols to fellow marines while simultaneously rugpulling them, and you're not constantly trying to gaslight people into keep holding their bags, obviously not, you're simply a retard who worships them, I'd say you're on par with Adem
because you want to buy low and sell high?
>I'm in it for the tech!
is the most basic bitch trap for crypto newfags, it's amazing you people have managed to latch on it for 6-7 years
dear God, you are indistinguishable from XRP holders at this point
stop responding dude, you have the same amount of posts ffs lmao

>> No.58111882

Deflection but yeah but youre the one with a mental illness defending Adem.

>> No.58111897

>if you're not being paid, you haven't shilled bullshit protocols to fellow marines while simultaneously rugpulling them
But you're angry at all "avocados".
Do you assume all of them are rugpullers like Zach, even though they never even mention other protocols?

>because you want to buy low and sell high?
>>I'm in it for the tech!
>is the most basic bitch trap for crypto newfags
Tech has nothing to do with the decision to advocate, only ownership.
Even if I were to somehow find myself the owner of the dumbest project with the worst fundamentals on earth, I'll advocate for it as long as I'm holding it.

>> No.58111908 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58111915

I'm not defending him, I came here to inform you that Zach is 100 times worse than him
if you still don't believe me, I implore you to go visit him in person, his address is over there>>58111635
go and beat the shit out of him and then report back for the lulz
>But you're angry at all "avocados".
>Do you assume all of them are rugpullers like Zach, even though they never even mention other protocols?
no? next question?
>Even if I were to somehow find myself the owner of the dumbest project with the worst fundamentals on earth, I'll advocate for it as long as I'm holding it.
cool, but them advocates I'm inferring to are shilling "the tech", so that does not apply to what you're saying here
ok? have a good day!

>> No.58111918

expressing the negative sentiment, however ineloquently

>> No.58111935

>is the most basic bitch trap for crypto newfags, it's amazing you people have managed to latch on it for 6-7 years
t. got burned really hard last cycle and has become so jaded that they no longer believe any crypto at all has any real utility so now they've rebranded as an enlightened grindset hustler realist who understands that only profit matters and everything else is just an illusion

>> No.58111951

>no, I'm not angry at all avocados

What about >>58111279

Not to mention your other ids: >>58110696

>but them advocates I'm inferring to are shilling "the tech"
That's exactly what I would shill (or at the very least not fud), as long as I'm holding.

>> No.58111953

>came to inform
>if you still don't believe me
Nah I just dont care. Where else do you spread the good word? Are you sure you dont have a twitter?

>> No.58112021
File: 21 KB, 636x222, nicetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's quite the opposite
>only profit matters and everything else is just an illusion
this is the mindset I came in this market with
what about them? "faggot advocate" was a tongue in cheek response to "faggot loser"
>That's exactly what I would shill (or at the very least not fud), as long as I'm holding.
cool, good for you?
yes I'm sure
I also challenge you to find my twitter account if you can

>> No.58112074

>what about them?
You hate the very existence of advocates, see >>58111028

Everyone who defends Link is an advocate in your eyes, and that's a bad thing.
If you can't advocate for your own bag, then it's time to get out.

>> No.58112097

I don't what is this projection dude?
are you retarded? why are you so desperately trying to semantically twist my posts into something they aren't?
is anybody going to address the only useful post in this entire thread instead of whining and deflecting and goalpost moving?

>> No.58112116

ah fuck it I already know you won't, so long advocate baggies! see ya when I get bored again

>> No.58112119

>what is this projection dude?
You hate all advocates, which you equated with "paid shills".

So in other words, every anon who defends Link is an advocate in your eyes, someone to be despised.
This means you should not be holding Link.

>> No.58112130

I really think youre retarded. This is just embarrassing now.

>> No.58112152

paid shills yeah I hate their guts because they have an obvious incentive to lie as you have admitted yourself, retarded unpaid baggies not really
the rest of your train of thought is garbage
dude, so are YOU!
ok now I'm gonna literally touch grass, see ya nerds, have fun posting for the next 14 hours straight lel

>> No.58112160

>paid shills yeah I hate their guts
But you consider everyone who defends Link a paid shill.

>> No.58112164

Before you go, can you admit you own link?

>> No.58112185


>> No.58112321 [DELETED] 

kys with the cringe reddit psychologizing tactic. Link gets trolled because it is a pathetic scam cult, you're no different than meme stock baggie schizos. They get trolled too and say the same exact cope lines you do. Same with XRP. Your baggie cult isn't special just because plenty of people have started laughing at it.

>but I can't comprehend your motivation on why people would do this unless you secretly love link!!1
that's because you are either stupid or dishonest.

>> No.58112356

You don't get this obsessed with community figures unless you're heavily involved in the community.

>> No.58112455

You’re in every single Link thread every day tho

Lol wut

Lmao back to plebbit faggot

>> No.58112723

thats bullshit btw, I know every important figurehead in the XRP lore, and some times I even watch those unhinged XRP youtubers yet I haven't invested a single dime in XRP, ever
I simply enjoy watching them getting invalidated time and time again, I genuinely do enjoy it

>> No.58112755

not reading this gay thread
pool's closed

>> No.58112814

OP checking in here, seems like we got a bit off topic.
Always glad to see my assistant >>58111062 swinging by. They call him 'ol reliable down at the temp agency. Sagie - thanks again for the coffee this morning. When you're done laying out my shirts for the weekend we'll cut you loose seeing as it's a Friday
great callout. Chris Barrett has a similar background of grifting. Maybe it's prerequisite to getting on the team?

>> No.58112825
File: 441 KB, 619x723, Screenshot 99999999999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weekend update for the marines: LIVE from the "bootcamp" that YOU funded.

Your donations are being used to teach former gangbangers how to use crypto. Congrats on this, seriously

>> No.58112897

Chainlink wants to be a B2B corporate type SaaS business while having raised money from retail because no sane VC would have invested in them at the time. So now they are stuck in this goofy situation with an angry retail investor base while working with businesses in offchain and private deals.
Honestly I don't see how this can end in a positive way.

>> No.58112955

Also worth noting that when using Chainlink services they want you to pay in dollars and they make you sign paper contracts with your full name and LLC. So they want to revolutionize on chain decentralized finance while operating offchain and with no smart contracts.
Furthermore, the process of becoming a validator is still closed off and private, there is no LINK staking required for validators and slashing is still not active. As of now LINK as a business is still in its 0.1 stage, which can be seen as an huge operational failure considering they are now 7 years old.
Happy to discuss more on these points and be proved wrong.

>> No.58112973

That Thomas weirdo is amazing sometimes. Does he actually expect anyone to think he's the reasonable one and everyone else is just acting in bad faith? kek he's so off his head

>> No.58113097

This is what Chainlink advocates actually do. They organize bootcamps, meetups and other boring shit. They are not arguing with 25pbtid fudders on this irrelevant scamcoin forum. If fudders were honest and consistent in their beliefs they would admit this and just continue to make fun of the meetups being held in 3rd world countries like they did for a while, or call them a waste of money like the guy I'm replying to. But alas. It's easier to just accuse everyone of being an advocate I guess.

>inb4 t. advocate
Anyone who says that is Bulgarian, I win.

>> No.58113124

You held for 4 years and still down

>> No.58114087

>I know every important figurehead in the XRP lore
Do you post and seethe about them every day for years like this guy: >>58111165

>> No.58114821

Oracles are fucking based.

>> No.58114997

BECAUSE ITS INORGANIC CRAP. Ever since advocates were an official thing, all i do is provide criticism. Counterweight these hopium sniffing 80iq retards

>> No.58115287

I've held for 6+, and I'm up way more than BTC and ETH in the same time frame

>> No.58115355 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, SubtleFudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello third-world suicidal porn addict
just laughing at the "check in" thing after obviously making 23pbtids on your phone to try and keep this dumpster fire alive
>w-what about zach though
no one on here cares - crypto twitter fags are parasites that repost shit from here for clout and they should all be murdered and dumped in the same ditch
plus the whataboutism doesn't work, seeing as this is a thread that you made about YOUR twitter account for the millionth time in the last year because you're a lolcow who thinks he can fight biz and has seethed nonstop at this place since being "doxed" because your opsec is terrible and you turned out to be a lower form of life than an internet janny
>e-everyone else is a paid advocate
yeah sorry, the projection doesn't work when biz knows that you and the rest of the discord fud clique will, as per usual, maintain 8 hour shifts to keep 6+ fud threads going in the catalog of a dead business and finance board at all times for an allegedly useless token for no reason at all
fucking morons

>> No.58116236

You don’t seem well

>> No.58116334

The website has been like that by default for about 20 years dude

>> No.58116357
File: 92 KB, 680x756, 1710668363513548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hideo kojima predicted this

>> No.58116553

Lmao looks like the fudcucks REALLY didn't like this one

>> No.58116683

>Which pumps the price.
holy fuck get a load of this retard lmao

>> No.58116956

holy shit

>> No.58116977

Looks like he also stepped on some jannie toes

>> No.58117052

>Counterweight these hopium sniffing 80iq retards
Fud has outnumbered shilling since 2018. See >>58115355

You’re not counterweighting anything, retard.

>> No.58117178
File: 373 KB, 600x624, 1619052815058710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hidden strategy? the only thing hidden is the roadmap, after so much time we still don't know what the fuck chainlink is for, for that I'd better buy something in superverse and stay in peace.

>> No.58117328

biz just needs to take its meds i guess
having 10+ fud threads in the catalog at all times is definitely normal and not paid behavior lmao

>> No.58117786
File: 3.08 MB, 2961x3420, ABSOLUTELY NON COORDINATED, ORGANIC LINK BASHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are hundreds of instances of this unhinged behavior in this place

luckily the pool is closed and they will seethe themselves into an early and shallow grave :)

>> No.58117817
File: 488 KB, 2416x700, more link catalog full of fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too much karmic debt being accrued by these demonic coomers
remember how the most rabid and tyranical jabbies were (are, lol) getting cardiact arrests / cancer left and right? it also happens to fuddies. going out of your way to cause harm rots one's soul, provided they have any at all.

we won, long ago. all of this is annoying, muffled screams that we must endure.

>> No.58117855

kek anyone who makes twitter linkies seethe is okay in my book

>> No.58117877

lmao the grand identity reveal of this clown after he's been doxxed for years on biz. twitter is irrelevant.

>> No.58118782

>LINK 65% down from ATH

Jesus you retards are bad at math

>> No.58120359

linkies always get married to their bags. I love oracles but not a shitty link