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58099786 No.58099786 [Reply] [Original]

>Can't get a white collar job anymore because they're outsourced to H1B visas or DEI hires
>Can't get a blue collar job anymore because plants and manufacturers are shutting down left and right
>Most remaining jobs are now being given to women, turning all industries into pink collar

What's left? Unironically? I'm a Zoomer and IDK what the fuck to do for a career. There doesn't seem to be anything for me, I don't even want to be a NEET.

>> No.58099816

>Can't get a blue collar job anymore because plants and manufacturers are shutting down left and right
Work a trade like plumbing, electrical, roofing, etc. That's where the jobs are and the boomers are all retiring. Easy way to make $150k a year.

>> No.58099916

Not everyone can fix toilets, you need unspecialized and unskilled labor that isn't just working in an Amazon warehouse for 12 hours.

>> No.58100005

>he DK wut to do fr no cap
Get a fucking job you lazy ass nigger.

>> No.58100016

Don't worry about them

>> No.58100028

I'm not a Leftist, I think dumb people deserve work just as much as smart people.

>> No.58100032

The world needs prison guards, anon

>> No.58100082
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>the left side of the bell curve

Half are on welfare, the other half in menial retail/food service/labor work. We sold out our manufacturing which used to be the primary pathway to decent income for dumb people.

Yeah it's a clown economy. Will continue to be so until the inevitable regression.

>> No.58100094

People that aren't smart enough to learn to fix a toilet aren't smart enough to concern themselves with jobs beyond Amazon warehouses. Are they even sentient enough to concerns themselves with issues beyond eating, shitting, and fucking? Sorry. The world needs ditchdiggers too.

>> No.58100108


Also we quite literally do need less people right now. We have the technology now to need far less people and then per capita we would be individually better off. It's a shame the West is committing suicide by way of 3rd world immigrant dumping rather than taking advantage of the current tech paradigm to reform society/the economy to be non growth based.

>> No.58100112

my wife works for Deloitte and is heading to grad school (paid for by them) i can't find a job
she recgonizes that I am significant leaps and bounds smarter and more capable than her but yet i can't find a job.
she accecpts what you are saying and we are planning on her having a fang job and me being a stay at home dad.
fucking wild
atlas is shrugging (she does the bare minimum as a woman kek)

>> No.58100131

Do you not realize that it's objectively harder now to teach someone specialized trade work than some of the highest paying remote jobs? What the fuck man.

>> No.58100132

You asked about yourself faggot not everybody else. Go learn to weld or stfu bitch boy.

>> No.58100199

I mean I typed "welding job opening" into Google and the first result pays $30 an hour but as someone with zero experience and not too much strength it'd be a long time before I'm able to even work let alone get paid good money.
Yeah it'd be nice to learn a marketable skill that's productive as well but you can't just up and do that anymore. Everything is a humiliation ritual now designed to get you in a years-long system.

>> No.58100323

Sure I realize that. And that's why those people should work in the Amazon warehouse. They don't know any better anyways.

>> No.58100372

women, blacks and hispanics are the only ones actually getting hired anymore

>> No.58100432

>what's left?
Unironically, violence
Its an easy indicator throughout history that young, unstable, unmoored men will always violently rise up and force changes in leadership and society
This has been brewing (intentionally or unintentionally depending on who you ask) since at least 1913 in the Americas

>> No.58100442

Yeah it's beyond fucked. Most of the job growth is in healthcare and service industry like retail. Everything else is either saturated or gatekept by certifications and years of experience.

>> No.58100444

Turn into piracy its risky but rewarding

>> No.58100452

1) film yourself eating fast food in you car
2) put it on youtube

>> No.58100465

nigga just trade crypto full-time (and also collect neetbux)

>> No.58100504
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the army could always use new golems
if you are afraid of dying I recommend >>58100465 just gotta git gud at nosing out scams and pnd shitters

>> No.58100568

It takes a while to get good at crypto but it's still infinitely preferable to any low-level wagie job long-term
At this point I'm mainly accoomoolating serious utility projects. I still ape a memecoin here and there but mostly these are just scams desu

>> No.58100612

>I'm a Zoomer and IDK what the fuck to do for a career.
Politics. If everything else is broken it's time to fix it

>> No.58100676

how about you stop being a little bitch
crypto is a scam convince me otherwise

>> No.58100694

>crypto is a scam
I would grant you this one, on the caveat it is the least of the scams that exist today

>> No.58100731

Define scam
In 15 years, your fiat money will be worth about 46% of what it is now. And the stock market will crash again at some point.
Most crypto projects won't be here anymore by that time either, but if you take profits regularly and reasonably, you will be much better off than in fiat or stocks

>> No.58100782
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>> No.58100846

Don't do a career, just get a job and get on with it. There is a shit load of low-effort jobs out there, the type of job where you "get on the clock" and chill/work a little.
yeah, the pay is obviously less, but let's face it you don't sound like a $100K employee in any reasonable timeframe, might as well chill and collect your $40K.

>> No.58101017
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Each white person that takes a menial $40k a year job means that that job can't be taken by an illegal immigrant. So the key to stopping illegal immigration is actually white people quitting their $100k email WFH jobs to flood into $40k menial jobs to stop the magnet for illegal immigration.

>> No.58101118

I couldn't even get a job working as a trainee industrial sewist. Maybe I was supposed to take my degree off but I can sew pretty well, wrote a good cover letter and had specially tailored resume for just that position. I don't know what people are looking for. Fortunately I have my own projects to work on. Screw em all.

>> No.58101181

I'm of the school of thought that we should domestically produce essential items for logistics and transportation in the US.
We certainly can put people to work in ways that would actually enrich the country, the problem is that our "leaders" have sold us out.
To make a single break pad for airplanes you need at least 100 people working in various positions and industries. There are countless critical logistical items we can produce that would employ many people.
What we do for the healthcare industry (which we refuse to outsource for good reason) we should also do the same for other industries.

>> No.58101218

>What we do for the healthcare industry (which we refuse to outsource for good reason)
We are in-sourcing millions of third worlders to work bedpan jobs, as well as chinks and pajeets to become doctors.

>> No.58101312

The point is though that those doctor positions pay US salary ranges and their pay isn't diminished like traditional outsourcing tends to do. For example, IT H1B visas diminish pay for the fields they work in.
But for critical manufacturing we shouldn't hire H1B visa worker nor outsource them to other countries.
True outsourcing of our medical system would be having US patients video call with doctors in Turkey or fly doctors from India to US patients for surgery because they'll do it for cheaper.

>> No.58101331


>> No.58101342

Or just remove the jewish mafia in power

>> No.58101344

Fair enough.

>> No.58101482

I agree with your sentiment though. We need to protect jobs for American citizens (and frankly, we need to stop importing more 3rd world "citizens" because that will not help us long term).

>> No.58101868

Here's a free tip for you, anon. Everyone needs drinking water. Everyone needs to shit.
There's an industry that will never go away or even get smaller.

>> No.58102532


>> No.58102600

>gf/wife gets hired by firm where the only males are handsome middle aged darkskin black men who were 2.0 gpa atheletes or made it out of the hood and hispanic castizo men with criminal records

its permanently ogre

>> No.58102608

Deloitte doesn't gift people masters degrees what the hell?

>> No.58102684

I did the career path for 5 years and wanted to kms. I just wanna chill. I quit careering and work a relax job every now and then while I sit on my buttcoin stack. Career people are pathetic desu. Work work all the think and know is work.

>> No.58102724

Aaaaand now you know why the COVID shots were necessary.

>> No.58103369
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being an indie graphic designer worked pretty well for me so far
like i get to decide my own prices, i establish deadlines, etc
from time to time i also make some trades with dextools with money i can afford to lose in the worst case scenario, etc

>> No.58103381

>150k a year
lol good one

>> No.58103497

Possible if you're an entrepreneur and ready to work hard for 5years.
Know a guy who did this he actually works when he wants he just need to be sure 2weeks before so hehas nothing on his schedule. His wife is a doctor and work like a slave for 80% of his salary.
He covers 3 areas, manage 2 (paper work) and has practical work in 1.
Every month he goes 1week here and there. Living in Switzerland he's been to NY and Manhattan more recently. He has a bachelor but he quickly bought a business while yound (24) and worked hard to make it work. Then he bought the others 2.
Quite impressed I mean when I'm with him (we train for triathlons) I know I don't have his mental resilience and his courage, simple as that. Imagining 5min what he has maid to reach that lvl makes me want to go to bed for a week. That's the difference between losers like me and guys like him.

>> No.58103524

Sry autocorrect is shit and I'm tired

>> No.58103584



Go into the medical field
2 years of JuCo maybe less

>> No.58103720

Do you have a cute bussy? Just start an OF bruh.

>> No.58103745

People will talk shit buy join the Air Force. Get a job that doesn’t deploy. Guaranteed job, free food and housing, get OJT if the job worth a damn, and guaranteed pension after 20 years. Being a slave to the government is no worse than being a slave to a corporation that makes you go to the MLK Jr and fag parades.

>> No.58103763

If there's one thing being dumb has taught me, it's that inclusivity and all other liberal schtick generally does not mean us. Society generally still views dummies like me as disposable and largely reviles us. I got made fun of for being slow in math so often that I started sweating and hyperventilating my first time I took a calculus class in college. Eventually after I accepted that genuinely valuable research and high paying private sector jobs were both unfeasible for me I basically just shrugged and got a manual labor gig for 20/hr. Pretty soulcrushing but its better than pretending I am some misunderstood smartypants that just needs one more try with high school level mathematics to become a master chemist.

>> No.58103775
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>"Forklift operator"
>0 results
Where the fuck are my PALLET HOUNDS at? Ain't nothing better than stacking shit for 70 bucks an hour + triple digies overtime. All it took was some time in the simulator and a 200 dollar cert and now I've got a house with 12 sinks in it.

>> No.58103872

I got the first job I applied for as a cashier and I'm going to try to go to a trade school soon, but I live with parents so I can afford to be a cashier for the time being. I feel bad for the other zoomies that are stuck on their own. Can't live off of entry level.

>> No.58103929

burgers have it so easy in life holy shit

>> No.58103988

I'll tell you all how I went from $30k labor wagie nobody to $250k WFH gigachad finance bro. But you're not going to like it. Because you need three things that are all in short supply, and nearly impossible to find all in one man.

1. Genius level IQ
2. Iron-clad will
3. Balls the size of Texas

You have to be born with #1, being desperate may get you #3, and having something to work for like kids will get you #2, but if you don't have ALL THREE, it will not work. You will fail, quit, or be found out. Also need a pinch of luck.

For context, Everything else about me is pretty much bottom of the barrel. Turbomanlet, bald, insane, grew up homeless stealing food, drug problems, autistic, huge emotional problems that made me a pushover pussy my whole life. I'll try to generalize as much as I can so you can tailor it to your own path.

>Identify people making alot of money doing something you wouldn't mind doing
>Become an absolute expert in whatever those people do
>Cram 24/7/365 on that subject. Pretend you're in a fucking prison, and talking like an expert in this subject is the only thing keeping you from getting your bussy blown out. Drill yourself RELENTLESSLY
>Include subjects like appearing confident, deflecting questions, and making pleasant conversation part of this
>Fabricate anything non-verifiable about the subject and claim it as history. Make up a fun story about some of them so you can bring up the subject. Say you went to conventions on your own dime, participated in meetups, clubs, hackathons, whatever.
>Insert yourself into their communities, watch them like a hunter. Find out who gets jobs, when, for what, and what they needed.
>Find the absolute minimum entry point and stab inwards. Bottom of the barrel bullshit startups and fly-by-night firms. Even if you're the office dicksucker working for used bandaids, you then have something verifiable on your resume.
>Leverage it HEAVILY. Lie about what you did, and don't stop job hopping

>> No.58104077
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>every time you job hop, the last thing you did can look more prestigious. Don't be afraid to switch verticals a little. Go from intern, to party planner, to BD, to sales, to fundraising, to dev relations, to product, to engineering management
>even if you totally suck at your job, it's now on your resume
>find your way through this maze, getting more and more certs and resume-padding on the way up, until in a couple years you look like a goddam grizzled industry veteran.
>talk yourself up the whole time. Anyone that's met you wants you on their team. Being a good hang, funny, charismatic, and sharp is key here.
>Once you are near your goal, start PLANNING how to be exactly the best guy for this. Become friends with people that work there. Fucking soft-blackmail someone if you have to. Date the owner's gay son. Whatever you have to do. If you won't suck a dick or commit crime for your dreams, stay home.

Success for those of us not born into money and power is a brutal gladiatorial climb to the top. And you're always minutes away from fucking it all up. But you can do it, you just have to be smarter, stronger, harder, BETTER than everyone else. This is the fucking curse of being low-born, like me. But remember these words:



>> No.58104080

This is some seriously broad definition of manufacturing, thats for sure

>> No.58104109

Shes going to get very tired of this arrangement once she starts actually getting stressed at work

>> No.58104172

I used to work for Deloitte (UK), most pozzed company ever. All the work is done by white men, but promotions are done by diversity quotas.

The week after George Floyd we had all hands meetings where the UK CEO was talking about his "black action plan".... it happened in the USA and has nothing to do with the UK, but they made it a thing.

>> No.58104178

Yes - also, as much as they won't admit it, women resent men who earn less than them.

>> No.58104193

learn chinese, move to china, become work in white collar position as bilingual analyst

>> No.58104235

Tell more? How2pirate?

>> No.58104286

Actually inspiring and worth the read. Thanks anon and double checked.

>> No.58104331
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Carlos put some 50lb boxes of meat on the wrong ballet about an hour ago. Get in the trailer and find it

>> No.58104437

>If you won't suck a dick or commit crime for your dreams, stay home.
and here we get to the root of it, "dude just sell your soul bro"

money isn't that important, you can live comfortably on a lot less without giving up your ass for a promotion. becoming a criminal is more dignified and gives you more valuable life skills than being some status striving cutthroat cretin

>> No.58105095

>intentionally or unintentionally depending on who you ask
Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack, cant fret over every egg!

>> No.58105337

>Easy way to make $150k a year
I'm convinced that people spreading this meme are in on some fedposting social engineering psyop. Same goes for the "learn 2 code" fags, it feels inorganic.

t. tradie

>> No.58105852

Holy shit. My entire life has been on a downtrend to the exact date.
This is nightmarish. I used to laugh at clown world because some things were still fine now nothing is fine. I fucking loathe it.

>> No.58105861

>Easy way to make $150k a year.
It's not easy anon those guys put their bodies through hell

>> No.58106027

The Bell Curve already explained that this was happening.

What will they do? Mainly continue to ruin their bodies with tattoos and drugs and alcohol and eventually get on welfare and do nothing. There's nothing for them TO do. Robots got it covered.

At some point the government will start a program trading UBI for sterilization and they'll all jump on it. Politicians will campaign on "protecting" the UBI from the other side, just like they do with social security today.

>> No.58106219

Most of the crazy DEI numbers that get thrown around are intentionally misleading by including stuff like sales and service workers.
White collar degree jobs are still majority white. Anyone struggling to find a job right now simply isn't as smart as they think they are.

>> No.58106251

Boomer tier retardation
How many years have to pass before you accept that the jab wasn't a mass death dementia virus
(I wish it was)

>> No.58106263

>Unintelligent wagies replaced by shitskins
>Intelligent wagies replaced by AI
Buy bitcoin if you want to live.

>> No.58106311
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MSNBC boomers were the most unhinged during the scamdemic

>How many years have to pass before you accept that the jab wasn't a mass death dementia virus
probably as long as it takes for you to realize it did you no good and you were duped by now discredited institutions for the sake of pharmaceutical megacorps

I realize it's hard to walk back the realization that you're a human guinea pig but only engaging with the most exaggerated claims of the opposition is a form of cope for you that you should have been over by now. the only person you fool is yourself. go get your booster faggot.

>> No.58106407

we all just lived crammed together with roommates
t.pizza guy
You literally need a gf to split bills with to get by if you're poor

>> No.58106463

become a shitcoiner

>> No.58106475

its funny how the msm is always so quick to point out china has the 2nd largest economy and managed to raise their standard of living substantially over the past few decades when the simply just took all the jobs from the western world. these were the menial jobs that allowed retarded boomers to afford a house, a stay at home wife, and money to send 2+ kids to college while working menials jobs. instead of allowing their children to have that same type of lifestyle boomers voted against unions and in favor of buying mr goldberg a 6th yacht. i hope they all suffer a slow death from a brain eating parasite.

>> No.58106923

>apply for trade job
>still have competition from 20+ other people
This job market sucks. Even stupid trade jobs need 5+ years of experience.

>> No.58106983

skill issue
I just started a new job this week