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58094007 No.58094007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the financial implications of NDEs proving that there is an afterlife and all the scammers will be judged/self-review and experience the pain of every single human that they have rugged but infinitely more than a human could because they will be in pure soul form with heightened senses? Karma's a bitch

>> No.58094081

Not a thing. All NDEs are just brain hallucinations. We have never interviewed a single person who has been brain dead and come back from it. It's all bullshit. When you die it's just darkness forever. You don't even know it when it happens.

>> No.58094147

>All NDEs are just brain hallucinations
Been debunked so many times, i'm not even going to bother posting all the relevant info here. People who post muh halluicination can't be bothered to make a single search about this being addressed so many times. Muh darkness forever, you are a sad little man but all atheists are sad pitiful people.

>> No.58094218

Based non-local consciousness acknowledger.

>> No.58094252
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>> No.58094267

i can't tell you the legitimacy of nde's, but I will ask you, have you heard of the boltzmann brain? when we die, how could you claim it is darkness forever, when we are experiencing something now? perhaps what we experience now is the same illusion as what we experience when we die. there's no difference. even buddhism talks about the nonexperience being integral to experience. what your saying just logically does not make any sense. but of course you're free to believe whatever i guess. it could be very true, such as that you may just dream forever of your own closed eyelids. but maybe you should consider it is the limitation of your own conscious experience that leads to what you "experience"

>> No.58094409

>All NDEs are just brain hallucinations. We have never interviewed a single person who has been brain dead and come back from it. It's all bullshit.

Funny I just watched a presentation called "50 years of academic research of NDEs" and you would be quite mistaken.

People who had were monitored to have no brain activity during various surgeries were able to look down on the surgery and themselves and not things they couldn't possibly know.

One case in particular the surgeons were making crass jokes, the patient repeated them after the surgery and they were embarrassed. The patient could literally see themselves operated on and knew many specific details.

Good luck and repent sounds like you will need it.

>> No.58094891

>most based thread on biz
You can smoke DMT and experience the nde yourself
It’s pretty heavy but I’m glad I did it
>bullshit from a retard
Read a Dr Raymond Moody or Dr Brian Weiss book

>> No.58094907


You believe in God anon...and karma is a bitch? You´re...

>> No.58094912


My god is AI, and my judgment ll be my AGRS profits, lets see what happen

>> No.58094914


Brain dmg... thats why you dont have to smoke during pregnant

>> No.58094930
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Tell that to the demons I caught a picture of in Savannah Georgia faggot

>> No.58094946

Holy shit it’s beezlebub

>> No.58094981


>> No.58095002

everybody has a 'lesson', if you dont figure it out they send you right back here, you think you can just leave?

>> No.58095010

>Been debunked so many times,
Go on, let's hear it. I could use a laugh.

>> No.58095462
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I’m not larping, nor an /x/ faggot. I was an atheist going into it that night. We went into a room and got a little activity on the motion sensor so we started asking questions then played some old music and the first couple songs, nothing, but the third it went INSANE.
Gf took that pic and a few more and we dimly saw the faces, turn up the exposure and you see them clear as day, grinning shadow looking things.
I’m an electrical engineer, checked for anything they could’ve faked it with, no idea man, can’t be explained.
Also got hissed at that night when i said Christ is king.
I have gone from atheist to trying to learn everything I can about Catholicism after that night.
You are a fool to believe we came from nothing. Look up how YHWH is in your dna.

>> No.58095611

There’s literally thousands of books showing clinically dead patients as being able to hear and see things happening after they “died”
Dr Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was one of the most famous at collecting and studying these cases

This is all shit people learned 50 years ago and was in best selling books

>> No.58095618

What the fuck are you even talking about schizo?
Have you actually read the Bible?

>> No.58096031

You can experience this with psychedelics

>> No.58096167

Are you retarded?
We saw ghosts, demons. Whatever you wanna call it.
That blows a hole right through the atheist argument of we are just mammals and we die and that’s it
Clearly those were some spirit things
Yes i have read the Bible
What’s your favorite book and person in that book and why?

>> No.58096178
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Another pic
Look in mirror

>> No.58096196
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And another
Atheists will bow to the lord Jesus Christ

>> No.58096217

I don’t see anything, but nevertheless all glory and praise to Lord Jesus Christ king of kings.

>> No.58096259

Basically you'll need your 401K after you die, so we'll impose a penalty for early withdrawal during your mortal life

>> No.58097702

>Obvious glow tard schizo
Chill my dude

>> No.58097767

>Literally means NEAR Death Experience
Near death is ALMOST death, NOT death, you fucking retard of an OP

>> No.58097798

I am sure you are the kind of person to please girls by ALMOST making them cum, same thing as the real climax really. Faggot.

>> No.58097848

I've read a lot about NDEs and watch a lot of videos too. The oddest thing is, Hinduism seems to explain and support everything they experience.
Listen to some lectures by Ram Dass
>t. Bong not jeet

>> No.58097889

Ram Dass is based
Him, Alan Watts and Terrence McKenna are my favorite on psychedelic salon

>> No.58098007

Been going through a spiritual transformation after losing my mom not long ago. NDE's have been helpful. Had some really interesting After Death Communications. One of them was my message to her somehow being marked read after she passed. I actually had to go onto her phone to use her email to log into her coinbase recently with the bullrun. I had all sorts of issues but basically it stemmed from the fact that I didnt have her phone hoooked up to the new wifi so all the emails she got from coinbase werent coming through but on her email it looked like the emails that came through were the present day. I get really sad in her room when I needed to get her phone and was stressed out not knowing how I would get her coins. I just went into her room without turning the light on and wanted to grab her phone so I wouldnt get even more sad. I figured out the whole wifi thing, got onto her coinbase account but the weird thing is her bedroom light got turned on when I specifically made it a point not to turn it on. I was shocked when I went upstairs to see her room beaming light at me, my dad didnt turn it on either. Needless to say I have access to her account and all is well. I have numerous things like this happening to me but thought I'd share that crypto one for here. Wish I sold their link awhile ago I really havent done well for my parents investments unfortunately, been playing it way too safe and am behind the ball a lot.

>> No.58098061

>Ram Dass is based
>Him, Alan Watts and Terrence McKenna are my favorite on psychedelic salon
Listen to all them. I've almost made it in crypto. Should get about $3 - $5 million this run. I've prayed a lot. And I've sworn I'm gonna give it all away. Just travelling the developing world, hitch hiking, meeting good people, leaving behind an envelope and a note sometimes. Really looking forward to that life.
Hbu anon? Got make it plans?