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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58086504 No.58086504 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58086527

Do we burn at regular or total mcap?

>> No.58086603


>> No.58086609

Total. 150 million tokens which is roughly $1.5m USD. Total burn will be ~906 million tokens or ~$13m USD. Fudders and sideliners can finally capitulate and enter after that, it's up to them.

>> No.58086643

if it's not a buyback then it's completely meaningless. unless the average iq of the holders is <100, in which case ganbare

>> No.58086702

Total burn as in with the 100m burn that'll be the amount burned since launch, or there's going to be more burnt after 100m?

>> No.58086723

You're right, it's completely meaningless decreasing the total supply of the token by 10% with even more burns to come the higher we go and an in-built burning mechanism in the arcade once it's up. I shall take your advice and go buy GALA now with infinite supply printing every single day and the devs shitting on each other in court. KEEEEEEEKW

It's the make it coin my friend, where have you been? $AVI

>> No.58086755

Since launch so far there's been 756,860,070 tokens burnt. At 100m mcap there will be another 150.000.000 (!!!) tokens burnt which is huge. After 100m mcap there will be votes in the DAO for the community to decide on future burns etc. Also there will be a burn mechanism within the arcade, 1% of transactions.

>> No.58087448

so you guys hit 0.007 yet? no? kek see you guys tomorrow when it’s back down to 0.004 like it has been all week. how’s that bridge workin out? is it out yet? no? kek

>> No.58087505

'shotted for posterity, thank you Jimmy

>> No.58087510

I'm so sad that I didn't buy AVI in December when I first saw it.
Could have had bought around 10mil for the money I used to buy SOLID and other let down alts .
Now managed to grab 1mil bag.
It is wat it is.

>> No.58087541

don’t worry it’ll be real cheap next week when it dumps forever

>> No.58087590

I wish.

>> No.58087663
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>> No.58087730

There are people on /biz/ still sleeping on AVI when we tanked the least on market dips and have the best performance this bull run

>> No.58087799

if the token supply was never in circulation then yes it is meaningless. no new money is entering the system

>> No.58087825

>artificial crab for a week

>> No.58087883

avi tards will never understand this

>> No.58088423


This has not gone over anyones head. This is a long term project, of course a burn doesn't immediately affect price, momentum and trust does however.

How many of your garbage shitcoins decides to burn $1.5m USD? And how many of your absolute trash degenerate coins have instead bagged those $1.5m? These tokens could very well have been released in the future, but now they won't since they are burnt. Do you comprehend this simple logic?

Who is it that doesn't understand? It's not too late to join in btw.
Sui 500k make it 5m.

>> No.58088612

Buys already starting to dry up

>> No.58088689

Here's hoping that your tears do as well

>> No.58088718

i am not crying. I’m not the one who’s about to get dumped on by whales. don’t say I didn’t fucking warn you. you people are so fucking gullible it’s insane to me

>> No.58089609

Bitch, we are the whales. Is it that difficult to understand for you? Is it that hard for you to read between the lines for once in your life? How much spoonfeeding do you need?

This fox is imprinted in your brain, you probably think about it while you sleep and on your way to work. I don't know if you've just seen that the entire market almost collapse while AVI was hovering steady just below ATH the whole time? Yeah, these whales of yours are certainly gonna dump on you. Especially with the liquidity pool options and OTC in the future. You disappoint me anon.

Speaking about gullible.

>> No.58089720
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>> No.58089738

is 7M avi a whale?

>> No.58089756

They are going to dump. the low AVI holder will not be able to keep up with the falling price once whales dump, please everyone look at the holder chart and understand that the whales will dump long before the price reaches what you need to make it. do not fall for their tricks they are deceivers. the whales talk kind now but they are waiting to dump they want you in their clutches. But we will not let them hold us. we will fight we will not obey and we will not Buy AVI. this is why we are anti-whale. not because they are whales but because of what they will do to US if we let them. I implore you find a low mc project and ape in. BECOME the whale. you cannot make it when this coin has so many whales already. I beg you please look at the holder list. Ask your self how many Avis you need to make it and then think. Is it really possible for the price to get so high when the whales will dump? NO! WE SAY NO! TOTAL WHALE DESTRUCTION! My final plea for all decent men, please understand what this is. You may not have time before long to do so.

>> No.58089759

If you were a whale you wouldn't have to ask

>> No.58089775

i might dip into my link stack to get to 15-20M avi then faggot

>> No.58089782

Yeah, this one ain't gonna make it

>> No.58089786

link better

>> No.58089890

Holy fuck you sound gay, also I'm not buying any of your jeet scams.

>> No.58089904

You're in dolphin territory.

>> No.58090135

The sad part is he hold 5M avi and it’s basically all he has. Idk wtf kind of schizo autism this kid has, but it reeks

>> No.58090185

When you say long term, what are you implying? It will take long to develop? The arcade will be around for long? I am not sure I understand you "english"

>> No.58090216

>How many of your garbage shitcoins decides to burn $1.5m USD?
they do it all the time. is the alternative that the dev was planning to dump them? if not, then they weren't worth 1.5m, they weren't worth anything, and it's little more than an empty gesture. sure the tokens "could have" been released, but they never were, they had no price impact whatsoever. they went from 0 to 0

>> No.58090286


>> No.58090379

uh oh

>> No.58090664

Uh oh aviators…care
Three strikes and your out this is embarrassing. Did you guys even notice this? Or too busy moonboying? Stupid fucks illiterate fucks this REEKS SHIT COVERED hands all
Over the code all over the transactions gooey shit faggot

>> No.58091111

hahahaha over for avitards bring this up in the tg and you WILL get banned, take it from me, jimmy aka matthew red.

>> No.58091279

Probably just linu fags. They go and FUD everything doing well as a massive cope for their shitty chart. AVI has performed incredibly and it’s super obvious that it will the distance.

>> No.58091375

It's for marketing dumbshit. We're about to leave this world behind with you stuck on it. AVI at .015 is programmed before halving. Marketing comes with a successful audit that appears to be basically done

>> No.58091393

fuddies were talking about this last month
>team token unlock coming up
nobody cares dude. team is getting paid, but haven't even bothered to sell a single token yet.

>> No.58091574

page 9 of flightpaper, frens

>> No.58091639

no marketing
“Web3 gaming” KEK
Bridge no one asked for
Jesse endorses other project
Ignored by coinbase (no listing)
Posting food in tg
So why exactly should I buy the coin?
What are the positives?

>> No.58091718

>8 posts by this ID
get a job gaylord

>> No.58091741

>Obsessive schizo fud 24/7
Why wouldn't Avi make it if it truly bothers a single person this bad? No matter how many people you pretend to be and all of the separate accounts you make, you're still just one crazy obsessed retard who will never make it because of your own inability to just fucking hold. My Avi stays wavy never selling

>> No.58091765

> What are the positives
Buying Matt’s 22m bag at .0002 after he came on biz to announce that he was dumping it. I was already priced in from August last year but, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to price out a fudder. Thanks for the easy gains, Matt!

>> No.58091969

nig>>58091765ksgen listen here jackass inn not buying your fucking coin

>> No.58092363


Good, you weren't made to make it anyway

>> No.58092371

hi jimmy

>> No.58092412

I’ll make it, at least the coins I have now aren’t going this stupid crabbing shit. i don’t see AVI going fuckin anywhere. >>58092371

>> No.58092866
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that's the furriest version of miles prower i've ever seen
hopefully it goes well to all of us anons, i'm still pumped cuz of loaf cat's 43% increase today. but i want more, fuck

>> No.58093250

i remember you taking this picture
4mm mcap was only a month ago? damn
bless this coin

>> No.58093711
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>> No.58093743

this is unfathomably based