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58081594 No.58081594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

its so difficult to get laid

>> No.58081602

And also, not actually worth it.

>> No.58081612

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.58081623

It involves a trade

>> No.58081724

getting laid is over rated you want a girl that loves you.

>> No.58081730

$300 and u can pay a 8/10 woman to fuck u, u would never pull them but for a measly amt of money u can experience it

>> No.58081783

well you mus be ugly then

>> No.58081879
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balding currycel here,
i know its over the day i was born, its a tough pill to swallow, forget about getting laid. just make money & play vidya.

>> No.58082159

If you didn't get this before 18-19, it's over, sorry. You best bet is sloppy seconds and emotional baggage

>> No.58082189

>girl that loves you
There's no such thing for the majority of men

>> No.58083513
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forever virgins are better off just playing games in the basement and jerking off, or better yet full web3 p2e games, like eesee who went full gamefi yesterday, that should make you enugh, even to afford some hooker dude, easiest laid you'll ever get.

>> No.58083538

i have been swiping nonstop on bumble and dont have a single match.

>> No.58083561
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>> No.58083593

that way its better to pay for sex

>> No.58083611

it's really not
i know i come from a place of privilege, but just grow out your hair and keep it nice
you need to look like you know what you are doing and dress nice (casual shirts and coats like dr house works best)
then just show the girls that you want them, men are too caucious these days. you need to fake it till you make it. making it is having a few good girls in rotation, and when one of them causes trouble you can just fall back on the other ones. that way you stay cool and the girls will keep coming back
and most important tip, you need to fuck them good, really good
but honestly OP, it is overrated. i find myself having super high expectations and not being able to connect with anyone anymore. some of the girls really are nice. i don't know, hanging out with them for more than a few hours becomes really tiring
i hope ill find "the one" one day

>> No.58083612

gtfo cueballs dont get to talk.

>> No.58083625
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unless you are steve carrell

>> No.58083693

but i want a gf

>> No.58083733
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>Think this way
>Stay a virgin until 25
>Finally find a nice "church" girl who loves me to death
>Feel absolutely nothing about it
>End up dumping her because no sex before marriage and she is too old to be married
>years later
>a normie girl falls in love with me fall in love with her
>Get tired and bored of her after a year
>She still loves me
>Feel nothing about it and dump her to move to another country for my career

Actually it is all about physical contact and not feeling alone at the end of the day, women have no soul and "love" conditionally (eg : they are not able to love)

Don't fall into this trap, a women can't love you in the way you think, and you wouldn't care anyways.

>> No.58083766

Anon just put on a nice shirt and go to a bar for once. Women come up and talk to you, wanting sex. Please just go outside for once. Ive never been to a club or bar without getring approached. Sure, some of the women will be 5s and 6s but even 9s and 10s love talking to men. They all do. And they want sex. Its biological. Just please try for once in your life, its literally that easy

>> No.58083779

>making it is having a few good girls in rotation, and when one of them causes trouble you can just fall back on the other ones. that way you stay cool and the girls will keep coming back
>and most important tip, you need to fuck them good, really good
Based and redpilled.
>i hope ill find "the one" one day
Cringe and bluepilled.
The duality of man.

>> No.58083801

Getting laid isn't difficult, what's difficult is finding wife material.

>> No.58083869

I just keep a few girls who show me there tiddies once in a while on snapchat and never fuck them. Getting laid cannot be that much better and there's no commitment involved, I don't have to play their games and i dont waste any money on them. (I'm a zoomer who read the rational male one time)

>> No.58083873


I went through a bad break up with a bpd girl and decided to reset my mojo by going volcel (incl. nofap). Gosh what a pain in the ass, its like they can smell your masculine energy and instinctively try to temp you with offers of sexual deviancy. I’m tired of it. Leave me alone, stop trying to steal my seed its mine. A couple of spring break zoomer girls even tried to lure me into a threesome like what the heck?

Anyways if you really want to play with the vagina devil I suggest becoming fearful of girls throwing themselves at you. Another anon in the LoA thread on /x/ found fear to be the best way to manifest things.

Also fuck bsv

>> No.58083880
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>still virgin
>has never been in a relationship before

it's over.

>> No.58083979

Concede defeat, accept it, make peace with it.
Life becomes less miserable when you do.

>> No.58083993
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>go to a bar or club
what do I do? obviously not stand in a corner and fiddle with your phone, but fucking what are you supposed to do? Just stand there in an approachable way? I don't get it.
Standing around waiting for women to approach you does not sound like a feasible strategy unless you're a 10/10

>> No.58084010

It's larp, women don't approach men unless you are part of a very small percentage and if you are then you aren't posting in this thread or on 4chins.

>> No.58084012

I lost my virginity to a prostie when I was 30 and fucked 5 more the same year, now my government wants to ban it, it's like the universe conspires to keep me an incel.

>> No.58084066


>> No.58084102

>be 40
>be fit
>dont be bald
>drive an "adult" car thats luxury but not flashy
>wear biz casual
>use the classic "divorced man" cologne
This is irresistible to any girl younger than 20, sorry im just not gonna settle for damaged goods, men age like fine wine and fine wine goes best with prime cuts

>> No.58084135

they've approached me but i'm autistic and freak out and just start being mean to them because i dont like talking to people or being touched (they will touch you when they come up to you makes me freak out)

>> No.58084217

you are bluepilled, women do not "love" they only like you based on a set of superficial ego based criterial, you are nothing but a status symbol for her, she only "loves" you for how you contribute to her ego and make her pussy tingle. The moment something happens that gives her "the ick" and you no longer fit her standards she just leaves you without a shred of remorse.

If a woman can't find a man that bolstered her own ego, social status and satisfy her lust she just will use a man for his money or what he provides for her.

>> No.58084260

going to bars/clubs doesn't work if you go alone, you need a friend group to go with to signal you are not a loser and a fun/normal guy.

>> No.58084316

what is the classic divorced man cologne

i use hugo boss when going out, which my friend's gf once drunkenly remarked smelled like her father's cologne

>> No.58084386

This "just go to a bar" advice doesn't work for anyone here because people here are introverts and antisocial. Going to a bar does not work unless you're a person who loves to hear himself talk and actually enjoys talking to strangers. People here don't do that.

>> No.58084481

>wants sex
>gets freaked about by a little touch
anon get a fucking grip lmao

>> No.58084501

are you really pulling <20 yo girls at fucking 40? what a beast