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58079742 No.58079742 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58079750

I wish I didnt have to work, but until I have made it its the only way to not be a pathetic loser

>inb4 some virgin that larps he is slaying pussy while being a neet

>> No.58079917

My penis can't even get hard anymore. I was a wagie for two years and I wanted to kill myself. I got pussy and I was not satisfied. I just felt like garbage knowing how hard I worked for so little reward. Being a NEET was the logical conclusion. Work be damned, family's opinions be damned, the whole world can go fuck itself.

>> No.58079922

true that

>> No.58079923
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>> No.58079929

I am "working" from home rn

>> No.58079947

i work like a slave and my peepee is still like diamonds at 38
fix your diet, go carnivore. you will not regret it

>> No.58080467
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>having sex

>> No.58080516

op you made me laugh thank you

eu "people"


>> No.58081037

any good sites for finding "work" from home jobs? i do application support / site reliability / devpoops

>> No.58081080

I work as a cover to keep investing
Everyone thinks I'm a small fry but I will buy the whole place in less than a year, out of spite
Then I will sell it, and everyone will lose their jobs
I will keep the money, the crpytos, everything. It will be a fun story to tell

>> No.58081125
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>> No.58081151

My fellow McWagies, how do we respond?

>> No.58081162

>work from home
>post on 4chan all day and play videogames

>> No.58081204

Working is the worst way to fill your time. Except for all the others.
Just so all lurkers are aware, pussy is not better than jacking off. Pussy is just as unfulfilling but now you have to deal with someone else's BS instead of going back to games or whatever you wanted to do. Not saying skip it if you haven't had any, but don't operate under the illusion that it's anything special either.

>> No.58081218

I'm 8 weeks carnivore and my test came back under normal range on the blood panel. Not sure what else to do. Are there any supplements you recommend? I don't want to go on injections, I heard that they lower your body's natural test output.

>> No.58081236

The only thing worse than the wage cage is not having one.

>> No.58081928

pussy serves not as entertainment, anon. pussy bares offspring.

>> No.58081940

Most dudes aren’t using pussies to shit out kids tho lol they use it give themselves HPV

>> No.58081961

> pussy is not better than jacking off.
bro you have mental issues if you think that's true. First time I had pussy I thought to myself "I'm never jacking off again!".

>> No.58081976

What's your age bro? And when you say carnivore do you mean like highly buttered up steaks and stuff or factory farmed lean chicken? Try a bunch of shit, check prostglandin, check progesterone (you need that shit it is not a tranny hormone that is a fucking lie), etc. Introduce dairy as well. You need to eat carbs too don't be a fag who just nukes carbs for LE CARNIVORE diet. Sugar is vitally important for dealing with metabolic stress.

>> No.58081996

>bro you have mental issues if you think that's true. First time I had pussy I thought to myself "I'm never jacking off again!".
I think for a lot of dudes it's about not having ownership. Hooking up to many people feels like masturbation. I don't see the mental issue there, you just have neurotic normalfag brain kek, and there's nothing wrong with that but try to understand other perspectives.

>> No.58082221

29. My test should be in the normal range.
>what do you mean by carnivore
Steak and bacon mostly. Some beef roast. I will throw in Tuna or Salmon to break up the monotony.
I rarely eat chicken because I get hungry again too soon. I do have a few carbs here and there, mostly from dairy.
My doctor wants to put me on replacement injections but I want to try oral supplements first if possible. I'm just not sure what do take.