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58078353 No.58078353 [Reply] [Original]

I'm done. Getting BNB vibes. Why does everyone on here convince others to buy shitcoins?

>> No.58080155

Unrelated, but brazillian scamming faggots on solana are like jeets but smarter.

>> No.58080165

It's Jews spamming SOL. No one here actually uses it.

>> No.58080199

Never buy brand new coins. Look for established coins that are proven to be serious, then wait for a dip.

>> No.58081048

im 24 hours into it. got rugged for the first time yesterday - down $300 from my initial $600. now I can spot a rug. it's sketchy shit but i could see how you could make money off of it. i have to white knuckle it the whole time - im not sure if the stress is worth it.

>> No.58081102

what token?

>> No.58081107
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Should have chosen Base. Thanks for playing.

>> No.58081142

it was a retard move, i deserved it. now i know better. had i not been rugged i would have broke even.

>> No.58082778
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I've gotten fucked on everything today, absolutely fucking demoralised. Scammer devs on sol are more ruthless than they ever were on bsc back in the day I swear.
I don't care if there's no volume I'm going back to utility projects on ETH.

Is it much better over there anon?

>> No.58082873

SOL is hot garbage, come home to ETH white man

>> No.58082930
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Base was easy money up until about a month ago when all the .eth shitters on twitter started shilling it to draw in retards. Devs over there are learning a thing or two from SOL and stepping up their scam game big time.

Best bet is to just lick your wounds and figure out how the game is played if you want to continue in this space. Learn to detect bullshit, especially from anons on here who want to dump on you. Anyone who claim to have made FACE MELTING GAINS off shitcoins either had insider information or are straight up lying to farm you. All the major players know eachother and conspire in private tg group to farm as much money as possible from newbie degens who haven't figured that out yet.

It's called a shitcoin casino for a reason. Just be slightly less greedy than everyone else.

>> No.58082933

such as?

>> No.58083138
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Also know that 99.9999% of new pairs launched on Solana are going to either rug immediately, get dumped on by eca sniper bots, or are a total farms by scammer devs and callers who all work with each other to pump and dump on newbies at certain physiological milestones (1 hour, 100K, 1mil, ect.)

But as a hint, a lot of these devs are creatures of habit, same funding exchange for CA, same amount of supply, same decimals used in CA, and so on. So if you spend time researching you can link a few and know what to look out for to avoid getting wrecked. Get out before the rug is inevitably pulled.

If you're going to go this route, ignore everyone else getting hyped up in tg (they're all bots and idiots) or stick to larger cap, more established coins that have been around for a while and ride the waves up and down.

>> No.58083198

DEATH...by liquidation!

>> No.58083225

>Why does everyone on here convince others to buy shitcoins?
gee i wonder. whos gonna hold the bags?

>> No.58083240
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Thanks for taking the time to type that anon, it's all common sense and I am aware of it, but somehow my brain tends to go blank and on greedy mode when aping shit that starts doing several x's in a few minutes. Just not made for the fast 30min sol PnDs, any crypto gains I ever made was holding and DCAing on shit, I keep fumbling bags on the express plays in the most retarded way.
Defo gonna stick to the more established/higher mcap shit meme wise. I keep spotting good ones and thinking I am gonna attempt a quick flip on a lower mcap one to be able to buy a bigger bag of the good higher mcap ones, and surprise I keep getting rekt kek.

Rotated my bag of Houdini into CSWAP recently as I expect it to do similar numbers if not higher. Holding a bag of TypeAI since 5M mcap. Want to get more CROC for airdrop farming now that the mcap is back below 1m. Those are just some promising ones but yeah I better put my money into utilities before I lose all my liq on meme pnds holy shit.

>> No.58083291

baggies deserve the rope, especially if they are cope holding some dimwit memecoins
didn't even know Houdini had a token lmao
also, airdrop meta is dead

>> No.58083315

switch to fetch.ai
i bought in 2.30 but its gonna pump to $5 by april

>> No.58083339
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High mcap meme shitters? wolf an avax is a good example. bought at 40m and guess what, ot shat the bed shortly after
Avoid avax and sol at all cost imo
CSwap = Chainswap?

>> No.58083372

Don't gamble on memecoins. The winners are pre-ordained, but extremely few and far in between. The rest are scams.

>> No.58083428

Unless you find yourself a legit presale. Which is literally never.
That said, if you get in early and out early enough there are small profits to be made.

>> No.58083492
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Kek yeah, went above 50M mcap. For Croc I don't care about the value of the token per se se, I care about the addresses farming. Airdrop meta is only dead until the next big aidrop. Then everyone will seethe about missing out and start farming airdrops seriously for 2 week again until they get bored. And so the airdrop farming cycle goes.

Yeah when I said high mcap for a meme I meant between 2-5M, I don't touch anything above that if it's a memecoin, higher is just a shit risk to reward ratio considering the size of the bags I can afford.
And aye Chainswap, it's looking very decent and still with a bunch of catalysts ahead imo.

>> No.58084257

so far today i've lost $130 on memecoins. thats $460 in my first 3 days down the tubes. going to try the bot route. it's so frustrating seeing 200% pumps and soon as I buy in it dips, and just praying to get my money back out in time. there's gotta be a way to figure out how to get into coins immediately after launch, before they're on dextools, and actually see those 4000% gains.

>> No.58084578
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Sounds like you might be both revenge trading and impulse trading anon. Both will obliterate your liq in a short minute.

>> No.58084693

but 5 Sol last night to dump into the casino. Luckily I fell asleep before my CEX initiated the withdrawl as all the tokens I was looking had already rugged.

Its over

>> No.58084701
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Liquidity must gongo up before the rug
You're one of the providers of liquidity