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58075544 No.58075544 [Reply] [Original]

I warned everyone here about the market corrections. I sold when BTC touched $72k, haha. Don't succumb to FOMO, guys.

>After hitting $58k, there will be a strong comeback. Prepare

>> No.58075600

You have to go back.

>> No.58075673
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>> No.58075695
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>posts a r*ddit pic
Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.
> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.58076292


>> No.58076359

Are you serious?

>> No.58076405

Haha damn go to hell

>> No.58076447

Hahaa when moon?

>> No.58076494


>> No.58076519

>i wArNeD eVrYoNe

and anyone with a high IQ didnt care about the obvious looming correction, but do us a favor and stop talking to white people.

>> No.58076602

>58k? Okay almost there

>> No.58076625

Based retard bots back shitting up another cat thread

>> No.58076667

Be pls serious and what's your basis?

>> No.58076723


>> No.58076749

>I warned everyone about a great buying opportunity
>that's why I sold

>> No.58076773

How did you know op?

>> No.58076848

Are you white?

>> No.58076908


>> No.58077205

58k is shit

>> No.58077265

Okay I'm waiting

>> No.58077277


>> No.58077307

Buy memecoins and have x100.

Buy Kirby x100 soon

>> No.58077337

Fuck off

>> No.58077373

I'm not selling ayehh

>> No.58077623

I don't think selling is an option here. This seems like the final wave for BTC to crash, and the rebound is going to be sweet anon.

>> No.58077718

Until when to wait?

>> No.58077912

Don't lose hope! After this market correction, there will be a huge recovery, leading to even greater gains in the long run.

>> No.58077942

according to my calculations we should hit 53k

>> No.58077941

It's not a "cat thread", it's a reddit thread. OP is a redditor.
>responding seriously to a redditor's garbage thread.
Kill yourselves.

>> No.58077947

OP is a redditor. This is a reddit thread.

>> No.58078121

My portfolio is over

>> No.58078253

As long as you're holding solid alts like FTM, XTP, and HNT and not selling, you won't lose anything.

>> No.58078284

BTC is poised to soar even higher once halving kicks in. I'm sensing a strong wave in altcoins, and I'm strategically investing in payment solutions to capitalize on early opportunities and avoid potential FOMO scenarios.

>> No.58078297

didnt you guys know there will be a green candle after red candles

>> No.58078372

It's a long-term bet, and hopefully, everyone will see its potential in this narrative. I'm sure it won't waste their capital investments.

>> No.58078401

But yet, it's still too early for them to boom in this cycle, even though they're the thing that will truly thrive in the cycle following the next one.

>> No.58078415

I don't think so, I mean it will find support at 58k, but that doesn't mean it's going to hold

>> No.58078432


>I'm sensing a strong wave in altcoins

what if it never happened?

This is unlike the last bull run. alts keep tanking, and many are yet to pick up squarely.

>> No.58078456


Keep holding. Don't panic or fret if you are holding the right assets. The correction is long overdue. Allow the market to do it thingy for a better comeback.

>> No.58078464


It ll go to 14k again looser, get some AGRS and be happy

>> No.58078473


All I know is that we are heading to sub 60k. Once it hits this range, retailers will start pushing in liquidity.

>> No.58078475


Loosercoin, do something good with you live anon

>> No.58078480


I did x6 since Jan with that, so so...

>> No.58078486
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Nvidia partner you cant loose

>> No.58078488


Nvidia suck to

>> No.58078489
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pleb fails to understand that if this head to 14k, every other asset is doomed to fail. zero IQ.

>> No.58078533

Currently, it's the memecoins that are booming, but we're aware that memecoins won't withstand the bear. Look for those with working products instead.

>> No.58078641
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There wasn't an ETF available during the last bull run, or even during the much anticipated halving of Bitcoin. Buying tangible assets is a wise investment plan since it provides an easy way to accumulate wealth.

>> No.58078711

If Tap successfully expands into the US market, it will likely have a huge influence on the token's price, causing it to skyrocket. Maybe?

>> No.58078760

How do you know anon?

>> No.58078771
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meme or no meme, what folks are in for is the bags.

>> No.58078804

You may say so, but we know that the crypto space works differently from the conventional market. Retailers are smarter, unlike then, they are bunch of dumb arseholes that want to make it over night.

>> No.58078821
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Can't you see what's happening? Come on, you're clueless, anon. Crypto is not for you.

>> No.58078832

This was proposed last year, and they have been dragging their feet about it going live. I wonder why the delay.

>> No.58078855
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Anon, exchange tokens are the way to go. Especially when they can lock in for upgrades to higher tier accounts.

>> No.58078892

You are based, Anon. They've got the potential to help DeFi attain mass adoption with their improved payment structures.

>> No.58078919

We don't know what's happening behind the scenes, but compliance may be a factor they need to address.

>> No.58078971

They should have addressed this by letting the public know instead of being silent for a long period of time without proper communication.

>> No.58078972

Payment gateways got some serious long-term potential, especially the ones that are publicly listed and regulated.

>> No.58078979


Aside from CEX, I think I prefer using their card service most often.

>> No.58079034

since when does reddit have a monopoly on cats?
too young to remember caturday?

>> No.58079074

You are the dumb here, people's motivations and strategies vary, and it's essential to approach investing with understanding, regardless of the market.

>> No.58079088

Not selling mine yet. Still holding onto it, along with SOL, Matic, and BNB on Revolut and Tap

>> No.58079097


>> No.58079098

They've become more active in communication, can't you see? Maybe it's not enough for others since it doesn't directly correlate with the token's growth, but we'll be there.

>> No.58079155
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It's possible, Jeet, 'coz US is the biggest crypto market, expected to gobble up 48% of global market growth from 2022 to 2027

>> No.58079185

That's not enough anon, it's crucial to approach such predictions with caution. Market dynamics are complex, and various factors can influence token prices. It's wise to temper expectations and monitor developments closely.

>> No.58079197

Because that move's gonna fuel their global growth and expansion. Not surprised they're teaming up with Zero Hash to make it happen.

>> No.58079228

Agreed, and some people don't even think when it's obviously self-explanatory.

>> No.58079240

I'll give them the time they deserve before passing judgment, Pajeet. Could all come down to regs and other factors in the end

>> No.58079292

Old baggies lol

>> No.58079324

Since its launch, the focus has been on innovation, regulatory compliance, and collaborating with the financial system rather than opposing it

>> No.58079370

That means it's still valuable no matter how long it's been around. Utility matters, so don't underestimate it; it can surprise you in the long run.

>> No.58079414
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It making it easier to utilize digital assets in everyday transactions.

>> No.58079464

Being active on X indicates that something huge is developing behind the scenes. In the future, I anticipate the token to have more utility.

>> No.58079519

They are too blind to see the truth. There's a reason for every action, and this is clearly self-explanatory

>> No.58079557

The prob is that wen bitcoin hits the 58k price, alts will further go down 60%-70%.

But you know what anonfag? Quite a better chance to ape in more on what you are optimistic about. Fucking getting in on bnb, cro, xtp, dot and atom.

>> No.58079591

Yeah, money is made on X and so on 4c. What are project is active on X and it seems like you're rating them because of that?

>> No.58079609

You're just jealous because he holds old bags on a regulated app for peace of mind. Share your portfolio with the chads.

>> No.58079610

Crypto payment solution providers are the real vibes.

>> No.58079651

Being compliant with the regulatory bodies shows serious commitment to doing better in the crypto space.

>> No.58079688

LMAO. Fair enough to say he tries.

>> No.58079701

you sound more like a bot now.

>> No.58079759

He's referring to the crypto app that teamed up with TapiX to simplify spending experience

>> No.58079764

I'm not pushing the narrative of you selling now, pleb. If you can hold, hold, because long-term holder will reap the most reward.

>> No.58079778

Some folks don't understand that because they only care about instant profits without considering the risks, like investing in shitcoins on Solana.

>> No.58079786

just this period. We needed this long ago, but if they communicated, there would be more holders by now. Regardless, I'm still bullish.

>> No.58079824

You seem not to get me. I know regulation is a pain in the arse, but keeping us on track is what we ever wanted.

to think of, must they play by the rules here?

>> No.58079838
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The whole idea of regs is to remove bad actors from the space and attract more institutional investors into the space.

>> No.58079989

Diamond hands will be handsomely rewarded.

>> No.58080000
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I hope so.

>> No.58080011

They recently added YFI to their app. I've been using the app to seamlessly send, receive, and manage my fiat and crypto, all in one place

>> No.58080026

checked and wasted

>> No.58080031

That's why they're proceeding slowly to ensure full regulation. It's better to proceed slowly but surely than to use unregulated platforms that are full of uncertainty.

>> No.58080118

Why are you shilling non popular coins?

>> No.58080134

dubs confirm: it's time to pre-order those lambos, fellas, because we moona soona

>> No.58080145


What has that got to do with me? Instead of YFI, I better stick with BTC.

>> No.58080152

wtf are you saying?

>> No.58080212

It's just an addition to the platform. People were asking which coins will be listed, so that's what they wanted. I think more tokens will be listed as well.

>> No.58080273

Then list known coins shit

>> No.58080317
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There are already major crypto coins out there. Why not install the app so you can also use their services, including card payments?

>> No.58080396

I don't like using what I don't know

>> No.58080452

That's why installing the platform will let you explore its services. It's easy to install, so don't be lazy, as that's not an excuse.

>> No.58080854

Without SUPRA on the list, YNGMI

>> No.58080947

My bag is heavy with SUPRA gotten from last year's public sales.

>> No.58081179

I'm diamond handing my shorts

>> No.58081262

>he was too greedy to buy back in at 59k
So this is how you're going to miss out on generational wealth. Well okay then