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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58071903 No.58071903 [Reply] [Original]

There's been a lot of FUD on /biz/ and Twitter recently over Chainlink's perceived underperformance. This is an understandable reaction as memecoins and SOL take off. It can be tempting to be frustrated that LINK might miss another bull run. But think about this: there is not another coin out there that has a better community than Chainlink does. Being a marine has been the most fulfilling thing I've ever done as an investor. Why would you fade our community in order to chase short term gains? We'll have our day in the sun soon enough Anon. It's like Sergey says, one day the switch will be flipped. But even if it doesn't, I can honestly say being a marine is rewarding enough on its own that even if I never make a dollar off of Chainlink, it's worth it to hold this token with some of the best lads in the crypto space.

Hold tight; we're going to make it. :)

>> No.58071944

Just 7 more years, marines!

>> No.58071999

Seriously, why do you give a shit?

>> No.58072013

Meant to reply to this

>> No.58072014

You care enough to post here. Why though? Does your name start with a T perhaps? Or maybe an A?

>> No.58072040

The whole point is that the community is more powerful than any specific timeline prescription. People that aren't invested in LINK don't need to care. And the people that are invested need to sit back and enjoy the ride. :)

>> No.58072093
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>> No.58072972

I was once a marine. I thought I had become a Veteran by now, but then I was reminded, the war hasn't even truly begun.

Basic training ends soon, son.

>> No.58073860

This has literally nothing to do with Chainlink.

>> No.58074118
File: 110 KB, 813x1011, 1703523322017709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's been a lot of FUD on /biz/ and Twitter recently over Chainlink's perceived underperformance. This is an understandable reaction as memecoins and SOL take off. It can be tempting to be frustrated that LINK might miss another bull run. But think about this: there is not another coin out there that has a better community than Chainlink does. Being a marine has been the most fulfilling thing I've ever done as an investor. Why would you fade our community in order to chase short term gains? We'll have our day in the sun soon enough Anon. It's like Sergey says, one day the switch will be flipped. But even if it doesn't, I can honestly say being a marine is rewarding enough on its own that even if I never make a dollar off of Chainlink, it's worth it to hold this token with some of the best lads in the crypto space.
>Hold tight; we're going to make it. :)

Shalom! Very based rabbi Zach you tell em marine!!
Stay based link rabbi king!

>> No.58074224
File: 4 KB, 250x171, this_pepe_is_haunted_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we care because you care
chainlinkers are a pox on this board
and we are the bleach that shall cleanse 4chan of chainlinker presence