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58071199 No.58071199 [Reply] [Original]

500k is life changing money

>> No.58071211

If you have a shitty life.

>> No.58071240

if you live in the ghetto yes

>> No.58071286


>> No.58071297

true for 90%+ of people

>> No.58071305

it is even if you live on the nicest side of town, in the nicest state, in the nicest country. Anyone who says otherwise is a demoralizing jew who fucks kids. simple as.

>> No.58071307

I'm not an Amazon worker anon. I spent the day writing 9 lines of code and the rest shitposting. And get paid a fat six figures to do it.

Should have learned to code anon.

>> No.58071309

true for 95% of people

>> No.58071313

He said life changing, not that it’s make it money. Also, 500k can easily turn into make it money.

>> No.58071331

Stick it into a fund and let it sit for 10-15 years and you will be retiring, so it sure is

>> No.58071351

It's enough to buy a small boat you can live on. Or retire in a third world country.

>> No.58071360

Stick it in sp500 and yeah you'll make it in a decade or two

>> No.58071362

>If you have a shitty life
* spends all day every day alone, pooosting on this childrens cartoon forum

>> No.58071375

$500k is life changing money for people who make low six figures a year

>> No.58071411

Yes for the one who has nothing.
Also for someone who needs 500k to pass the line of making it.
If i got 500k now it would be hard for me yo actually quit my job and shit, but i could.
I need like 600-700k yo actually make it so 500k would be hell. So close yet so far.

>> No.58071450


People who make $200k/year, don't have $200k/year to save. 95% of people encounter lifestyle inflation as they climb the income ladder and are essentially just as "wealth poor." It would take them a very long time to save/invest up to that $500k with what they have to spare, therefore getting $500k just dumped on your lap to set away to appreciate would be quite life changing, nest egg is essentially secured.

>> No.58071456

If you think like fire you can reture most good countries but not in capital and not the nicest home.
100k buys you somekind ok home from most places and 400k*,05 is 20k. That will pay for food and housing if you own your home. Ofc not in US, but US is bad place anyways.

>> No.58071457

and I had it, and lost it all.

>> No.58071493

Yeah this is what other anons don't get. It's not that you can save up to 500k on high income, you can. It's that having the 500k at once gives you tons of time for compounding interest that you wouldn't otherwise have. If you have 200k at 18 you have literally made it, early retirement is guaranteed even if you don't invest another cent.

>> No.58071564

For me it would not change anything but the time required to make it.
If i make it with crypto that might not change time neather because cycles are so short and i might just make it in cycle no.5 anyways.

I plan to make it then work for few years spending my income to build a house slowly paying everything from the salary while living off dividents and yealds. When my house is done i will quit my job.
I just think i might never quit as i want more and more while spending next to nothing.

>> No.58071650

$500k can mean that you no longer have to worry about savings/retirement accounts. It essentially frees up that portion of your budget every month in perpetuity.

You could also buy a house, and then just pay property taxes/insurance/maintenance every month. Again, that rent/mortgage payment portion of your monthly budget is now available to be allocated elsewhere.

You could throw it into bonds at 5% and let the $2k/mo cover your rent, utilities and groceries.

So yeah it definitely would relieve some pressure and give you a solid backstop, but your life doesn't actually change that much from $500k unless you are in a very LCOL area or already have significant assets.

Personally, I have about $1.2M in other assets right now - but I'm renting. If I was gifted $500k I'd buy a house cash and then the income from my other assets would be sufficient for me to live on. For me, since I've already done well, it would be life changing.

>> No.58071663

$500k is not "making it" immediately but it gives you all you need to make it in the future

>> No.58071682

it certainly is in Europe
in the US it depends on your location

>> No.58071690

By that logic literally any amount of money is life changing money

>> No.58071707

500k is enough that can just dump it in boomer etfs and you'll make it in a decade, you don't need to gamble with shitcoins at that point

>> No.58072491

nah, my dad just worked his whole life neglecting his family leaving my mom to become an abusive alcoholic and leaving me with a ton of damage
but my alcoholic mom died at 50 from heart failure (covid vaccine) and my dad is 82
im set to inherit a +$10 million estate
so $500k simply isn't life changing money for me.

but most people aren't in my situation.
i'd gladly swap for having had a functional happy family.
but better to all things equal, better to have money than not have it no doubt

>> No.58072828

"i'd gladly swap it" lucky faggot, you dont realize how good you have it even with the dysfunctional family

>> No.58074222

it is if you had i 20 years ago

>> No.58074223

My dad has been working his entire life yet he lives in an apartment and only has about $50k in his name. Pretty fucking sad. He got wiped out in 2 divorces though. I really don't want to end up like him, it's scary, but on the other hand I realize I'm not going to make it and trying to spend my entire life steeling myself for the inevitable moment when I end my own life.

>> No.58074462
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A functional happy family would have left you a $10 mil estate regardless. You don't know how good normaloids actually have it.

>> No.58074504

Yes retard that shaves decades off wage slaving

>> No.58074555

Europe has the richest countries in the world
your comment makes non sense

>> No.58074628

Bet that 500k was life changing money when you wanted to leave that house, faggot.
Checkmate, homo.

>> No.58074668
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is your company hiring?
mine laid everyone off.

>> No.58074872

Ok now try having a dysfunctional family that’s broke….

>> No.58075048

would you rec learning to code to someone with a BA? Not sure I want to entirely switch fields, but I sort of want to have that option, as I think it would open up more higher paying jobs. Wouldn't know where to begin, wouldn't want to get an entire BS degree. I'm 38 and there aren't lots of high paying jobs in my field.
and what other hard skills do you need to do coding professionally?

>> No.58075418

unless you're making that amount online while living on another country where everything is cheap as shit KEK
the time i spent on sudamerica, even if sometimes it felt like walking into a monkey den it was one of the few times in my life i ever felt like a rich man
hopefully i can make a x3 soon on dextools so i can get enough to live for a month in Buenos Aires or Florianopolis this summer

>> No.58075539
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500 without k is life-changing money for most americans. Stop listening to LARPers. >>58071240

>> No.58075694

It's really not, unless your life is very short. I just recently exceeded $500k in my 401k at work. If that money disappeared or doubled nothing about my life would change at all. If you only had 5 years to live $500k could make an enormous difference to the quality of your life over those years. But if you're in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s, $500k one way or the other is not going to meaningfully impact the trajectory of your life.

>> No.58075718

10k of crypto is life changing if you bang out those 10% trades.

I could survive very well off 2 trades per month.

>> No.58075831

jesus. I feel like a failure with a measly 200k

>> No.58075834
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For me, 100k would be life-changing money. Heck, 75k would be.

>> No.58075866
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this person is totally correct although they clearly haven't found any great financial success if they believe that 500k is life changing money you see this is how far most people get in life but i'm different because i am a spurdo chad i don't conform to the traditional notion of success because i am already successful while others struggle to save a small amount i am investing in my future and i know that when my $spurdo token hits 50$ i will be driving a spurdo limousine straight into your wife

>> No.58075910

You’re on 4chan pal, guess what you have?

>> No.58075947

it is
you just have lost contact with reality

>> No.58075972

Absolutely and incredibly wrong. 500k in just about any stage of your life can change the trajectory of your life. 500k affords you the ability to build something for yourself or make something of yourself comfortably. Even 100k of usable money on tap is plenty to eliminate petty worries like “will I have enough money for rent/mortgage this month if I pay for my car insurance?” These are things many people are faced with unfortunately. “But just don’t be poor!” If it was that easy everyone would do it. There’s freedom that comes with not having those worries which opens up time to pursue more. Free time is the most valuable thing money can afford, because chief you ain’t getting more than what’s been allotted to you and once its run out you’re in the box.

>> No.58076424

give it to me straight: is 500k enough to retire in the Philippines? it's my dream to move there since that biz poster kept posting the same copy pastas about barebacking filipinas and filling them up

>> No.58076437

It's more than enough, but you also have to be pretty confident you won't move back to the West

>> No.58076641
File: 62 KB, 497x453, LookingForAttention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you don't have a fucked up family that is also saddled with debt that'll follow them to the grave.

>> No.58076743
File: 324 KB, 882x1201, 1692711334194777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the paycheck to paycheck I was talking to you about

>> No.58076825

>18k to charity
This is completely made up shit. Nobody living paycheck to paycheck is doing this, who made this?

>> No.58076912

You would be surprised to know that being broke is 90% a personality issue. Do you know how many millionaire athletes, artists, and lottery winners end up bankrupt?

>> No.58076935

You could just buy a house and pretend you made it with money like that. That's my dream.

>> No.58076967

Did you know there are services where you can rent a car or house just for taking social media brag photos?