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5807061 No.5807061 [Reply] [Original]

REMINDER that crypto will come and go but work ethics stay forever

This great country didn't get built off of autism and laziness, it got built off of a bunch of people that worked their asses off for an ideal of freedom for all

Learn a skill, get a job, buy bonds, and be a great man!

>> No.5807147


Im not retarded so i dont have to work hard

I think I'll just play path of exile today while my lumens moons making me another 2k in a day

You can go work hard for some kike thougb and pay my unemployment kek

>> No.5807160

>have skills, education, track record, proven track record of making money for my companies, worked as high as VP
>literally can't get a job now because of jews

do you think I want to do this bugman shit? I don't have another choice besides starve or the dylann roof retirement plan.

>> No.5807214

Tell that to countless engineers who had their inventions stolen from them by corporations e.g. inventor of the optical drive. Not even mentioning hundreds of thousands thrown out for cheaper hb1s.

>> No.5807215

>Properly tamed goy
Very nice, now back to work *whiplash*

>> No.5807217

>literally can't get a job now because of jews

>Muh jewish menace is holding me back

what did the jews do to make you unemployed? Give me details.

>> No.5807231

Fuck off pajeet. Nobody wants to work in your sweatshops.

>> No.5807281

lol no
I made 3000$ in my sleep
Keep working wagecucks!

>> No.5807296

I'm a student.

I'm fucked if I graduate in the current state of the world. Probably never earn enough to buy a house, and no banks earn any interest rates at all. I'm also sick of inequality and I think crypto will be the great equalizer.

I'm not in this for moon missions and lamboland. I'm investing in my future and the future of the world.

>> No.5807339

It really is just euphemism for the mega gangs known as corporations

>> No.5807371

fuck off im going to play pubg and make thousands of euros doing so

>> No.5807406

You don't get my rich by breaking your back for Mr. Shekelstein. Finding ways to make your money grow is the patrician way.

>> No.5807439

>t. Actor pretending to be blue collar cuck to appeal to blue collar cucks

>> No.5807454

That's hubris speaking.

>> No.5807603

Yup pretty much

I have a lot of chill jew friends but we can't deny that these corporations are mostly run by Jewish people.

>> No.5807642

Lol I like some subtle touches to help appeal to racist blue collar rednecks so they can go
>niggers are lazy!

>> No.5807695

>work ethics stays forever

Nah, I was .mil/public service ground pounder for 11 years. Saved money, took out loans, got out of the gf meme market and put it all into crypto a year and a half ago.

Now all I do is lay around all day despite the fact I have tons of work I could be doing to make even more gains.

Just day trade until you hit 7 figures then pick whatever roastie you want to suck your peepee

>> No.5807782

I have a p good job now. Contracted work making $40-60 hr depending on the job. Lots of travel. Living at home rent free 1 year out of college saving up.

Trying to get into investing, to get out of working. What wallet do you guys use to support your shitcoins? Also outside of Crypto, anyone have some suggestions for an ETF that I can dump 5k into and let sit for 5-10 years?

>> No.5807795

lol you live in murica
the most fucked up country full with propoganda to get you into war
wtg guys wtg

>> No.5807877

>the most fucked up country full with propoganda to get you into war

Fucking puuu leassse We elected Trump that is cutting through that Bullshit

No more foreign wars, no more foreign debt, no more being a slave to Israel, no more illegal immigration. Best year to be an American. If you can't make money and succeed you are lazy, Trump is giving us everything.

>> No.5807985

Lol fucking retard

I bet numbers and statistics scare you huh

>> No.5808172

Libtardf detected
Did you buy feminist coin YET?

>> No.5808175

>This great country

I don't give a FUCK about a country built on slavery only to create a military industrial complex. I'll follow the rules until I have the opportunity to move.

>> No.5808270

>boomer advice
just shut the fuck up

>> No.5808286

How can crypto equalize?
We make money off the poor not the rich.

>> No.5808294

boomers built this great country you cuck

>> No.5808342

"I live in America"


>> No.5808392

Fuck off i dont give a shit about my country or even this world we are all going to die make the most of your life while you are alive and i am sure as hell i wont live and waste my life to improve the lives of people i dont give a shit about

>> No.5808409

America was built on the backs of inventors who had their inventions stolen (Nikola Tesla etc) and died poor as well as slaves.

>> No.5808440

kek america was built by the greatest generation

the boomer generation destroyed america

>> No.5808484

You're the type of person that holds humanity back. Nothing wrong with enjoying your life to the fullest but it's important to devote time for others too.

>> No.5808492

>haha don't you hate the idea of work ethic, fellow re- I mean 4channers? haha, I posted it again!

fuck off

>> No.5808497


This is all great. I was in the Army and started a business that went under, started another that maintains 10 employees. I work my ass off. In my spare time risking 35k I've made almost a mil.. sick of working "hard"

>> No.5808539

They sold the company I worked for to other Jews. Now I’m replaced by an Indian and I’m basically blacklisted in tech cause I donated the max to trump’s campaign and I’m doxxed as anti-gay, anti-immigrant etc.

>> No.5808562

>this great country didn't get built off of laziness

Hmmmm... could've sworn slaves were brought over for that exact reason because whites didn't have the hard work attitude to pick the cotton themselves.

>> No.5808645

>everything is made of cotton
>the south was the countries powerhouse
Oh wait

>> No.5808646

Quiet the opposite the way i see it humanity is held back by sentimentalism if we could all stick to logic and leave those primitive cave man feelings and thoughts back nothing would stop us not even god if he even exist

>> No.5808650


how to be a good subservient little worker boy for your fatcat boss.txt

>> No.5808666

I only wageslave as my backup plan.

>> No.5808713
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>dylann roof retirement plan.
thanks for the hearty kek anon

>> No.5808720

I agree that we must stick to logic, and a logical conclusion to preserve our human race is to invest in creating a world with less conflict which is ultimately raising everyone's standard of living.

>> No.5809471
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my jamaican IT teacher always used to say this:

>"Work smart, not hard"