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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5806448 No.5806448 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5806485
File: 19 KB, 655x355, breakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't miss the moon faggots

>> No.5806550

>>5805324 We're thinking the same thing anon, they're not listening though

>> No.5806664

what a beautiful chart

>> No.5806776

I want to get some icx but coinbase will take days to get my USD in my account. Any quicker way?

>> No.5806889

great minds think alike anon, we are going to be rich, shame they don't listen

>> No.5806909

This will go up easily. There's still time to grab some. Breakout coming

>> No.5806971

whales are keeping the price low before the BREAKOUT.

I'm waiting for a good entrance, but I think we ll take off sometime this week.

>> No.5807015

What's your guess for 24th guys? 3x? 4x?

>> No.5807018

It's consolidated at the current price.

Now is a good time

>> No.5807024

good entrance is RIGHT NOW anon, or if you want the /biz/ way and buy high tomorrow

>> No.5807191

feels good to buy XLM at 1620 sat when it stayed like this for a couple of days, same thing happening right now to ICX

>> No.5807267

Probably 10x not even memeing

Its undervalued and before anyone says its not possible lumens and ripple did a 10x in the same time period

>> No.5807278

everyday it dips below 0.007 eth, whenever BTC goes up or an alt moons severly.

I already have some ICX but i'll wait for it to dip to buy more, I already made the mistake 2 days ago to buy some at 0.0084

>> No.5807328

>risking missing out on a 30x moon mission because of potential 10% profit

>> No.5807407


>> No.5807417

These potential have my money placed on REQ XLM ENG AND TRX which already gave me x3 each.

So yeah; i'd rather fomo later

>> No.5807465

bought REQ at 1700 and XLM at 1620 sat, enjoy your fomo later when ICX goes interstellar in couple hours

>> No.5807621

REQ gave me 20x so far. You know how? I bought when it was low, instead of fomoing like you.

>> No.5807625

we're preparing for lift off, get the fuck in

>> No.5807668

Fuck off pajeet, you're making ICON look bad.

>> No.5807743

So i sold all my nice gains from trx for 60 icx .
Whats the roof target for icx today sir ?

>> No.5807775

I'm hype guys!

>> No.5807783


>> No.5807837


this shitcoin is brutally undervalued.

just look at the marketcaps of cardano or iota.

it makes me mad as fuck because my money has been stuck in this coin for far too long without any movement. i nearly bought at the top a few days ago and it instantly dipped from 7 dollars to 5.

>> No.5807881
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>t. I don't have anything to counter with, so I'll call him a pajeet. That way I'll surely fit in with the mad boys from /biz/.

>> No.5807887
File: 89 KB, 1000x583, doge-meme-196737_w1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddcoin is mooning right now. you know which coin always moons after, right /biz/?

>> No.5807913


Its been released for two weeks now approx, so you cant have been holding it for "far too long". Especially considering how for a solid couple of days the price was around 2 USD, meaning that if you bought early you would have seen x3 by now.

So you need to relax and learn to be patient.

>> No.5807924

>tfw had 30k DOGE on cryptsy

>> No.5807927


>> No.5807968
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20 eth rolling into binance now boys.

going to bite on some /biz/ shillery for once. missed too many moons. please don't dump boys

>> No.5808018

Price projections EOD through end of Week?

>> No.5808036

Thanks for your buys sirs. Have fun with nice coin and good coin

>> No.5808122

Yall are fucking dumb.
This is gonna drop back to 5.00 in 2 days lmao.

Stop FOMOING, I need to accumulate more. Only sitting at 1100.

>> No.5808194
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Whales aren't gonna let the price up. It's not the right time yet

>> No.5808217

This shit will moon

>> No.5808225

That's no whales, that is plankton level in terms of ICON

>> No.5808237

got 50k in ICON 15k in AION

2018 going to be a good year

>> No.5808240

Plz no bully

>> No.5808245

>t. moron who doesn't know how "sell walls" work
lurk moar

>> No.5808297


imb4 pajjets, see you at 0.007, sorry that you missed XLM and TRX because you 're bag holding since 7 $

>> No.5808315

So...10x soon?

>> No.5808328

>mfw i have 28 of this coin

>> No.5808367

>just look at the marketcaps of cardano or iota.
Grossly overvalued shitcoins.

>> No.5808622

>imb4 pajjets
kill yourself nigger

>> No.5808648

considering dropping CX into my tron cause i got in a $3

>> No.5808732

are you retarded? don't go in TRX now, it already mooned, wait patiently for moon in ICX

>> No.5808754

How long until moon? I am waiting for funds xfer.

>> No.5808781

Just go get a gun and put it in your mouth if you want to an hero

>> No.5808879


When TRX goes to $1 I make over 10x gainz

for the same to happen with my icx it must go $30

My gainz ratio is 30;1

>> No.5808891
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This coin is going nowhere because Im holding it and whales are keeping the price down.

>> No.5809082

TRX is literally 8 cents right now, it needs to x12,5, which wont happen

>> No.5809229

Are you out of your mind, TRX will hit atleast 5 EOY

>> No.5809282

what's wrong with you? Are you just looking at the price?

>> No.5809295

ICX will hit $30 long before TRX nears $1

>> No.5809301


>> No.5809340

>missed xlm because I thought it was too late an hour ago
>missed ada for the same reason
>fomo'd intro TRX at literal ATH

please tell me I can buy this and still make it out just fine

>> No.5809351

wow you actually don't know what is a market cap you fucking retard?

>> No.5809377

Oh god dont tell me you fell for the market cap meme

Yea was considering holding ICX until after mainnet, was just making a comparison in a previous post for better understanding of what i was trying to convey

Partnerships, connections, overall potential. Ive done my research on it and you have to be dense to not see this blowing up

>> No.5809389

>implying market cap matters in crypto

>> No.5809450


you said that yesterday and it went sideways the same as it's been doing all week

went into XLM after waiting a few hours for the 'moon' and caught an actual moon mission

>> No.5809497

>implying it will 2000% just because it costs 8 cents and has a market cap of NEO

>> No.5809550

enjoy your dip to 4k in couple hours when it corrects

>> No.5809574

3 weeks bro.
3 weeks and we all gonna fucking make it.

>> No.5809601

>37k to 50k in a couple hours
>going sideways
ok anon not my fault you cant run basic TA

>> No.5809618

only 120 ICX here.


>> No.5809623

i'm going to jump out when it begins to correct though and jump on early on another moon mission

you slowpoke coin loyalists are dumb

why spend days sitting in a coin that is going to moon when you can be waiting for it while in a coin that IS mooning

>> No.5809668

How much ICX should I have to 'make it'?
>tfw only 75
I had more but put it into XLM which I'm enjoying right now, might take some out later and put back into ICX

>> No.5809715
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it's been the same rough price since christmas ya dumb cunt

>> No.5809881

if your investment is small sure but it has fluctuated hard in value if you've got anything worthwhile

The breakout two days ago from 37k to 50k made me quite a bit of profit, but sure, same rough price, whatever anon.

>> No.5810129

Holy fucking shit you nimbwit

It woukd need to got 65x to reach 5USD

THAT WOULD PUT THE TOTAL marketcap at $328,741,380,485

Which is higher than BTC's current marketcap and nearly half of ALL THE MONEY in crypto right now

IF TRX gets to 5 USD smaller coins will easily do 100-1000x and we'll all be millionaires at the EOY

>> No.5810171

How are you this dense, im not gonna spoon feed you on how you're wrong.

i hope you make it though one day anon

>> No.5810241

Please do explain to me how you expect crypto to keep growing at this rate, long enough for this coin to be worth more than BTC currently is

>> No.5810258


>> No.5810332

Just an FYI I have had TRX for a while now and I think it can go 10x eoy but I also understand the limitations.

If crypto bubble doesn't pop before trx reaches 5 usd then there are coins right now that will easily go 500x

>> No.5810367

Look mate you're a fucking idiot. Price is dictated by market cap divided by circulating supply.

328 Bil is the requirement for $5 trx unless the coins get killed off.

>> No.5810377

Hi cucks. I predicted the XRP and then the XLM moons. This is the next one and will be huge. Hope you listen.

>> No.5810459

we're done refueling. please board the transport. we are taking off in 4mins. anyone not onboard within 2mins will be left behind on earth

>> No.5810473

Aw yeah cause moons are sooo predictable and happening exactly one after the other

>> No.5810562

I'm literally all in, I'm ready for whatever the future holds

>> No.5810653

All in. Don't fail me now anon!

>> No.5810687

round bottom. looking bullish for more mooning

>> No.5810852

We're slowly apporaching the wall

>> No.5811339
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Any moment now

>> No.5811782
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Moon already!

>> No.5811930
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>> No.5811993

Woof! Here we go

>> No.5812053

When to sell and buy back in..?

>> No.5812084

It did this at the same time yesterday, watch as it stops at around $7, then drops.

>> No.5812090


>> No.5812106

btc rising, wait a little more

>> No.5812181
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>> No.5812530
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>> No.5812839
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If Buttcoin stays stable today, I think the new floor will be ~.008.

Pray to the money gooks to make us rich.

>> No.5813057

Btc is the biggest shitcoin

>> No.5813084

Soooooooo... still at 45xx on Choynance.

>> No.5813140

Tell me about it. God damn thing is like sitting in a room with a live bomb. Very un-comfy. These 700+ ETH buy walls are shit too. Whales deserve a special place in hell.