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File: 159 KB, 771x605, 1710817985258866[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58062608 No.58062608 [Reply] [Original]

hoeflation is out of control.

>> No.58062613

my prostitutes are still $60
>relationships, marriage, kids
ah you fell for that scam huh

>> No.58062627

Based downie living her best life

>> No.58062652

wtf, must be the jews

>> No.58062655

i choose porn over this monster

>> No.58062678


>> No.58062693

just wait until the downiecel uprising

>> No.58062720
File: 2.98 MB, 856x480, 1669788020422440.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58062732

yeeeeesh coooooope

>> No.58062789

>all those uggos rating themselves a 7

>> No.58062796

“I think she loves me because I am protective and attentive, but not possessive – when we go to discos I’m so happy if she dances with the other boys because the last dance is always saved for me!”
(Said her boyfriend in an interview)

>> No.58062842
File: 20 KB, 532x618, 490e09f1-d73e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30yr old, never used these kinds of apps, I'm missing something?

>> No.58062850

You're missing nothing. Stay off of them.

>> No.58062889

would you miss your sanity?

>> No.58062924

No, nothing. Women have too much power on those apps. They put no effort into the conversation but expect you to come with the most unique and funny conversation.

>> No.58062925
File: 23 KB, 294x300, 1639762188807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that dude is playing her while she plays travis....


they better be off playing blocklords than with each other hearts.

>> No.58062935

downies are HYPERSEXUAL..... just leaving it there.....

>> No.58062952
File: 32 KB, 300x300, 1610591289681059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMFG MY SIDES.... hahahahaha

>> No.58062962

need more context on this op.

>> No.58062981

bitch is kinda hot for real...

>> No.58062983

brad can't get a normal women so he's resorting to fucking retards. Us betas will be incels forever.

>> No.58063000


That guy go for Biden, love rtrs...

>> No.58063036

that's brutal.
the trick to dating apps is to be fucking good at fucking. go for whores and fuck them into submission. all their beliefs about beauty and politics go out the window when you can satisfy them better than anyone else.
or you could just stop using and supporting gay nigger apps

>> No.58063062

Maybe he has something figured out. These days we have a serious issue of men dating down. It's to the point where 1/10s think they are sex godesses and if you take them out you have more men hitting on them than if they were a 5/10. Maybe the trick is if you are gonna date so far down you have gotta really go for a moonshot. Find the -50/10 and marry her. Think about it, if she has downs you can probably even have kids with an attractive side piece and convince your downsy wife that those are her own kids

>> No.58063063

Yeah you know the things that make life more worth living, such a scam. Enjoy your gonorrhea.

>> No.58063107


Bran love taxes, and dont want MAGA.
Brads sucks.

>> No.58063113
File: 9 KB, 239x239, 1612434892781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trump is sht, fkig orange assholer

>> No.58063122



>> No.58063131

>he thinks there are things that make life worth living

>> No.58063188

Guy is a solid 4/10. Looks matched

>> No.58063199

How the fuck is this real? They look like a player made Sim and NPC Sims couple

>> No.58063212

You sound like such a faggot.
Is that you Anthony? Anthony from highschool? You want me to rape your ass again? No?
Then stop asking for it.

>> No.58063231

Either you live in BFE or they have diseases scientists have never even discovered
Not that i disagree with the sentiment, of course. I always wonder if incels really get turned down by a prostitute, if you have a functioning penis how on earth can you INVOLUNTARILY not EVER have sex?

>> No.58063235

>chad is swooping in on your literal retard girl if you take her out
it's over bros

>> No.58063236

And with an OP image this old, you know hoeflation is way worse than when that ancient fucking image was minted.
Merc dimes are the only out.

>> No.58063274


>> No.58063368

>She's a public figure because of this meme

>> No.58063758

For me it's how even a 40IQ downie has the instinct of "he's just a friend everyone!" to the point that she's spamming it

>> No.58063809

the defeated lobster mentality really craters your T

>> No.58063829

lmao that last one

>> No.58063857

they really just evolved to bait your sense of hope, extremely undignifying experience unless you can convey some universal appeal via your pics (ie masculine face, adventurous high status pics)

>> No.58063879
File: 114 KB, 618x429, 1682448461669916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally can't meet people anywhere else, everyone already has their set up cliques already by the time you're 22 and it's not possible to just enter a circle of friends. This is what you have to deal with

>> No.58063885
File: 66 KB, 860x585, 1421321029206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You looks like Brad when pick memes over AGRS

>> No.58063889


You look like brad picking that sht

>> No.58063894
File: 25 KB, 396x385, 2cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Just friends

It's fucking over...

I'm a former model and I can't even get crippled pussy. I tried hooking up with a paraplegic but she said it had to be a 3-way, with her bf...

>> No.58063895
File: 20 KB, 633x490, ajrgoiejrgioej18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sht gives me 10x since Jan

>> No.58063900


Good for you, now go fck yourself

>> No.58063903


Jew for sure, go for gold asshole

>> No.58063924
File: 22 KB, 600x340, 1710812207663116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys pay for sex? just go out, meet people and go with friends and be normal

its as easy of making it with memecoins like mumu when you KNOW what you're doing

>> No.58063974


>> No.58063983
File: 38 KB, 720x701, 1710826004751504[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just be chad, it's easy

>> No.58063989

>just go out, meet people
Not happening, unless you have an established circle of friends. Literally no one will pick up a lonely man, not even the church

>> No.58063993


>> No.58064081

What's the estimated net worth of that chromosome abundant woman?

>> No.58064184

>I'm missing something?
Maybe in 2012 when they came out, the e-dating field was being established and as a young 18 year old 7-8/10 guy, I was fucking left and right. Single women in their 30s would hit me up just asking if I wanted to meet for coffee, within 20 minutes of flirting and touching, they'd invite me to their place and we'd fuck 2-3 times min. I'd meet nerdy asian girls on there and we'd go on a casual date or 2 then fuck like rabbits for a month before they moved on to some other guy. Would get the occasional stacy who was bored and felt like "fucking down" and would have a fetish for fucking a young cute guy who was just stepping into the adult world. Right now? You're missing nothing, you have to be bare minimum a high 8 to a solid 9 to get 5% of the experience of 2012. 2012 was a literal fuck fest app to meet people and fuck no strings attached purely based on attraction. Now girls take it seriously and have fucked too many chads and now they scam losers for food or go on there for validation and/or sugar daddies. It's super bleak and sad, it's transactional and girls are literally shopping for paypig providers and chads at the same time.

>> No.58064200

Prostitutes only turn down guys with bad attitude or hygiene, it doesn't matter how ugly you are if you're clean and don't make a scene.

>> No.58064234

>mud id
Brownoid incel detected.

>> No.58064279

make friends, either online and then meet irl or go to activities that revolve arounds hobbies and shit and meet people there

>> No.58064297

>You're missing nothing, you have to be bare minimum a high 8 to a solid 9 to get 5% of the experience of 2012. 2012 was a literal fuck fest app to meet people and fuck no strings attached purely based on attraction
Worst thing ever was me being in a (shit) relationship with a BPD bitch during the tinder golden age, then when I finally dumped the bitch the rug had already been pulled and you had to be chad to get a girl comparable to the slut I was already piping. Took a solid two years getting /fit/ to improve my performance on the apps and it's still getting more ridiculous every year since these whores' expectations have no bounds.
t. not even an incel

>> No.58064334

>just make friends bro
Incredible, you people literally run on some basic script

>> No.58064354

Kek similiar. I was in Golden age of tinder 2010-2012 ock and tinder in NYC. 23 Years old. Slayfest. Then had a gf for 10 years. Went back on. Deleted that gay shit. Like people said. Bunch of hoes who think they are 10/10 wanting prince chadling

>> No.58064358

>VD bj ID
AIDS fag detected

>> No.58064369


>> No.58064479

Nigga i'm fucking autistic and i have friends. Making friends its easy as shit, you're quite literally a fucking retard who does nothing but drown himself on self-pity while not doing ANYTHING to improve your situation or yourself, you avoid people because you're afraid of getting rejected and NEVER try, thus you're fucking alone.
YOU'RE the reason you have no friends. Sorry this is how you get to know this information, sorry for not telling you "ohh poor you, it's not your fault", i'll tell you how it fucking is. Deal with it and take control of your fucking life, stop being a loser, only YOU can make yourself a better person and improve yourself and stop being a loner.

>> No.58064488

How many of your friends have you made after 25?

>> No.58064497

Renting always cheaper when it comes to modern western women.

>> No.58064570

>just be normal
>I'm autistic

Which lie are you sticking with sis

>> No.58064594

>the trick to dating apps is to be fucking good at fucking

Yeah, they're going to know how good you are at fucking from your profile picture bro! The "trick" is to be good looking, simple as.

>> No.58064636



>> No.58064649

I could make friends through online gaming addiction or alcoholism or drug addiction or rehab after drug addiction if I get desperate enough. That's all the options unless I get dumb luck. I'm a strange man with niche interests that often have steel learning curves.

>> No.58064660


>> No.58064681

>thread about downies
>first post cites the cost of whores in his/her region
Painfully obvious cope + seeithing that a downie has found a bf while you remain a single man, still a virgin.
>Verification not required.

>> No.58064693

The unbelievable cope and/or seething to make this webm astounds me.

>> No.58064696

Try $25 on my cheap sudaca country with beautiful teens
No, i won't tell you wich one
Fuck off we're full

>> No.58064708

Wow look how well adjusted and accomplished you are writing a literal essay about how some guy you dont even know has to pull himself up by his bootstraps, lmfao

>> No.58064719

>cope seethe virgin reeeee
roastoid detected

>> No.58064722

>sex is all that matters!
>no problem that I will spend my life empty and alone

>> No.58064737

Those very words were going through my mind as I read that pic before reading your post.

>> No.58064738

>I'm missing something?
Fat chicks, emotionally disturbed chicks and/or both.

>> No.58064740

you just insulted someone for being virgin then insult someone else because they have sex. you are a BPD roastoid whore and its funny as fuck seeing you useless holes being replaced by asian women. get rekt niggerfucker

>> No.58064808

>when I finally dumped the bitch the rug had already been pulled
>only "chads" get the gril
Incel rage moment.

>> No.58064864

YT link?

>> No.58064909

that's the most disgusting thing i've seen all day and i work in recycling

>> No.58064981

you could basically trip and fall into a vagina on pof in the early 2010s. in hindsight it was fucking unreal.

>> No.58065074

>living with western women is expensive
yeah, nah - at least here the equality try to reach on expenses too (don't argue with cherry picking tiktok vids). have you any idea what happens with the attitudes the more you go east?

>> No.58065252

You just dodged that question meaning you're full of shit.

>> No.58065292

Better to be alone than with a cunt dragging you down. If women were pleasant to be around, you wouldn't be in this mess where men would rather fuck whores than get married and have kids.