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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5806157 No.5806157 [Reply] [Original]

Never introduce anyone to crypto, biz.

I thought I was doing something good by getting some of my friends onboard the train but fuck me how I was wrong. They saw me absolutely killing the game and buying rich boi shit and it was nothing but envy.

I spoonfed them through everything, setup their wallets and exchange accounts and all they do is ask for advice on what to invest in and do nothing else. Now they’re all getting rich off of my research with no appreciation at all. They just ask and ask.

Worst of all, now they’re getting their fucking family into it and all riding that same wave.

How bad did I fuck up biz? And how do I fuck then off while not being a dick?

>> No.5806198
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Holy fuck, so much this. I introduced one of my normie friends who is absolute shit with computers. Biggest mistake I've made in crypto.

At least he thanked me for making him money once.

>> No.5806309

What's the problem here?

>> No.5806355

>suckering normie money into our grand ponzi
i don't see the issue here

>> No.5806402
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Told my friend about ENG at $1, showed him step-by-step how to setup his binance account, how to buy it, and all that shit. Literally just gave that nigga gold. All he does is text me asking if he should sell it to buy shit like XRP, EOS, and TRX. Like fuck nigga, just stop.

>> No.5806407

start charging them a percentage of their portfolio for advice

>> No.5806414

I guess it’s mostly about the big fuck you in terms of appreciation.

But you’re right, more normies the richer I get

>> No.5806422

I dont have any friends

>> No.5806444

What coins did you shill them on OP

>> No.5806459

Dude also asked me how to get on /biz/. At that point I just told him to never come here, you faggots would steal his money so fucking fast.

>> No.5806468
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tell them about this.
after a couple weeks they'll never talk to you again.
they won't know whether or not to trust you.
i'm serious.

it's that fucking easy.

>> No.5806499

have you considered using your big boy words?

>> No.5806501

yeh i tell everyone i dont do it anymore now coz fuck these normie cucks

>> No.5806508

grow a fucking spine and tell them to fuck off then, bro. you can have all the money in the world, but if you look down on yourself, you are just a loser with money.

>> No.5806526 [DELETED] 

This guy fucks!

>> No.5806632
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Teach them how to breed crypto pussies for you

>> No.5806640

REQ, XLM. This was one month ago, they all put a nice chunk in and I know are making big gains but it’s all just rubbing in each other’s faces, never heard a thank you

The “coin of the month” is ZCL. I won’t tell them when the fork will happen so just when they are happy with their gains they’ll get a big fuck you dump

>> No.5806783

same here

introduced 3 friends to crypto one month ago. they all already made over X2 gain doing absolutely nothing
but not even a thank you

>> No.5807271

same dude. wish i fucking kept my mouth shut. one of these normies started posting on facebook with, i shit you not, a market screenshot on gdax (no candles) of bitcoin with the caption of "starting trading crypto, PM me if you want help starting". Literally 1 day after i told him about crypto and what to invest in. Hes trying to shill people for advice and % of their profit.

He invested in ripple and XLM pre-pump and is probably doing better than me. Now he acts like a cocky piece of shit saying "making lots of trades now".

goddamn it, im not fucking telling anyone about crypto anymore. no thank yous, not shit.

>> No.5807325


Normies are the worst man.

>> No.5807344

Yeah, you feel my pain. It’s not pretty

>> No.5807374

I unironically got a normie at uni to throw five hundred into this yesterday kek

>> No.5807477

Pump and dump on them

>> No.5807530

now you must neet-revenge and shill them some absolute shit that will tank hard. that'll show them

>> No.5807587

I seriously wouldn't do that. First of all, many anons here said that the normies do not even thank them for showing them that huge chance and second, if the markets turn (because atm it is extremely easy to get gains) and they somehow end up with less than what they originally invested they will blame you for their losses.

>> No.5807594

i bet i fucking could i swear to god, they follow my advice like its the lord's saying. im making them a killing, but fuck no appreciation. act like they did it all themselves.

i just get too euphoric on my gains and i have to tell friends. its like being on fucking ecstasy. you cant help but be all fuzzy and talkative.

>> No.5807599

You need to hold the good coins while telling them only a part of the "good" portfolio + some shitcoins.
They will make money, but less than you.
You should do this, because if they do NO research and only expect spoonfeeding they should not get the rewards YOU get because of your effort.

Something like
Your portfolio: REQ, XLM, XRB + other good ones.
Their portfolio: REQ, Potcoin, Verge, Einsteinium.

>> No.5807645

Obviously, you don't tell them you have different coins, but make it seem like you lost along with them. Just shill them shitcoins.

>> No.5807660

tell them to buy moon coin, dump on them for an easy 4x or whaterver moon is atm

>> No.5807686

yeah i have a really good friend and im trying to get him into crypto but im not forcing it and definitely wont tell him what to buy, because if it tanks then its just friendship ruined

its just that making all this bank i felt a little bit guilty not telling him, hes literally missing a chance of a lifetime. i think he bought some eth on his own

>> No.5807692

Betas, The thread

Seriously idiots, look up "nice guy syndrome", then kill yourselves

thank me from hell

>> No.5807704

dont, let them figure it out. youll resent them when they start killing it from your advice without researching.

>> No.5807761

Good. More people here should get their friends into crypto. Parents especially, once they get a bit of gains they won't get out. They will want to make those great profits. We on this board are already heavily invested in crypto. If you can bring more people, it gives us more money.

>> No.5807816

So you have no friends because you’re just a round the clock fuckhead and don’t give a fuck about anyone?

Wow, alpha as fuck

>> No.5807874


lol you dumb cuck, alphas have friends but they are kept at whatever distance that the alpha decides. You clearly are a doormat

>> No.5807960

lol req alone will make them millionaires

>> No.5807982

Rules of /biz/
1. Do the opposite of biz
2. Don't panic sell
>3. Never tell anyone about your cryptogains
5. Trade in satoshi, not in fiat

>> No.5808351


Why 4

>> No.5808454

nr. 5 is obsolete rule

>> No.5808509

>setup their wallets and exchange accounts
Ifthey are actually making gains you should make nice exchange comisions.
Fuck off larper

>> No.5808570

Prices of all crypto currency will rise because more and more people are using it, and more and more people are starting to trust in crypto currency more than irl currency. So, in the long run, you did good.

>> No.5808609

>I spoonfed them through everything
This was the beginning of the end, OP.

>> No.5808633

>trade in dinosaurcoin

No thanks

>> No.5808639

you fucked up. just tell them to all-in Confido and be done with it.

>> No.5808683

I never introduce people to crypto, because then you will feel guilty when they fuck up and buy Bitcoin at 19.5k.

All I so id tell people to consider investing in crypto, its going to be huge. Then its up to them what to do. I dont tell them what I have in the game or give them advice.

>> No.5808707
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Started in crypto with a friend. We just share friendly advice, and promising projects with no obligations. It's like having 4 eyes instead of two.

It's comfy.

>> No.5808840

I have a telegram group with about 10 people who I know in real life. Serious crypto bizness, they’re the real deal with good contribution

This other group have no interest whatsoever, they just want to make their money (as with everyone) and leave. I don’t know, I guess it just feels shitty when there’s no support

>> No.5808849

All you get rich quick faggots that are complaining about your normie friends getting into crypto are fucking morons and I hope you all get your portfolios emptied. Crypto isn't about making a quick buck. The name of the game is accumulating as many coins as you can and making crypto mainstream. The fuck are you doing here summerfags?

>> No.5808908

Get your second group to invest in the first groups research.
Soon you'll be a shepherd guiding gullible sheep, leading pump and dumps wherever you so please.

>> No.5808921

You seem like a pretty smart guy desu. Those are ones of the few coins that have any real basis for going up (both undervalued with massive fundamentals backing them). I shilled XLM about three weeks ago to a bunch of people and everybody's happy so far though.

>> No.5809065

Same her man. Shilled a friend into it and he bought litecoin "because it was cheaper" and rode that big wave a few weeks ago and cashed out to go on a holiday. Now he texts me asking about dash, if he should buy ripple, what my portfolio is made up of, and he's made over 6 figures already because he got stupidly lucky with ltc

>> No.5809146

Had a friend like that too. I told him about SALT now we dont talk anymore lol he is now missing some moon shots i got recently hehe

>> No.5809158

What's wrong with other people getting rich ?
You should work on yourself and your confidence.

If you can't be happy because other people are happy then you got issues.
Just say yes or no to their questions that's it.

>> No.5809259
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advise them to invest in whatever pajeet is pushing heavily that day, they'll soon either be broke or won't ask you anymore.

>> No.5809350
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>tfw introduced smarter friends to crypto, and now all i have to do is to listen to their advice

>> No.5809390

>How bad did I fuck up biz?

you didn't. feed them wrong info and dumb your bags on them.

>> No.5809474


>> No.5809545

It's a pain but I got like $50 for referring people to Coinbase and 5 people reff'd to binance.

They're really shitty at this always asking should i sell should i sell.

like motherfuckers. what do you not understand about HODL!?

>> No.5809589
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>5. Trade in satoshi, not in fiat
Centralized mentality.

>> No.5809685

I’ve been spreading the gospel. You just have to be clear that you and your advice holds no liability.

>Told wagecuck buddy to put in $300 in XRP December, $3000 now
>wagecuck friend happy

>> No.5809867

maki-chan, you're everywhere desu ne~

>> No.5809964

>Hang out in /biz/ everyday
>to afraid to put a single $ into whatever shitcoin

I wish someone would hold my hand.

>> No.5810062

>acting altruistically and then getting bitchy that people aren't worshiping you for it
If you truly want to get them to fuck off just start giving them bad advice, it's not that hard. They'll probably become bagholders after that so I don't see what the problem is.

>> No.5810862

Respond with, “I don’t know.” Repeat.

>> No.5810957

>How bad did I fuck up biz?

You didnt. Getting normies involved can only be good for the market. More investment means more profit.