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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 204x192, aviator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58059363 No.58059363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine ignoring the official 2024-2025 /biz/ make it ™. NGMI

>> No.58059400

/biz/ is too busy getting rugged by shitcoins like LINU.

>> No.58059487

With all that's happening lately with Base I have a feeling this shit takes off the second the audit is done

>> No.58059516

Not much longer now. Jimmies soon will be blown the fuck out.

>> No.58059604
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We will lift off tomorrow at 10 pm

>> No.58059897

how does avi provide value to avi holders? by giving the devs funds to develop the "arcade"? yeah, i'm sure once they are getting steady income stream from the bridge, they'll shift over to the arcade because, they prefer running the arcade to making money; there isn't like 500 of them already developped

>> No.58059939

durrrrrrrrrrrr..... Read the whitepaper.

>> No.58060004

durrr already done, no answer, btw its the flightpaper not whitepaper

durrrrr no answer here besides
>> its good for the team, more funds = better avi token

>> team will concentrate on arcade once the bridge brings in money

>> No.58060013

These are so fucking good. It represents his several accounts in the Telegram and on here... and in his brain.

>> No.58060115

The token is literally used with the bridge you just have to be oblivious at this point.

>> No.58060116
File: 1.17 MB, 788x974, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> They call me moonboy

>> No.58060135

What's the marketing plan for this project? Haven't seen anyone outside of biz talk about it

>> No.58060358

no it isn't ask in telegram, i have already done so

>> No.58060382

Join the telegram Channel.
Team is very responsive. or visit the website and read the flightpaper. Also couple AMA out

>> No.58060411

It literally is. You did not ask this in the telegram channel.

>> No.58060461
File: 981 KB, 812x1030, Screenshot 2024-03 - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, i'll take your word on it, i'm sure youve read it on the whitepaper

>> No.58060490

It literally says token holders will be granted additional utilities right there hahahaha.

>> No.58060504

Thankfully god blessed me and told me to sell the top about a week ago (made 100k)
There are major vulnerabilities in the code and typos all over the website
I wont be harassed into buying again

>> No.58060505

hahaha utilities = revenue hahaha

maybe one of the 55 members of the "dao" will vote for that jajajaja

>> No.58060552

Providing utilities is not providing value? You are a dumb fucker lmao. You didn't say anything about revenue in your first post. Back to your mud hut Rankeet!

>> No.58060614

the value you speak of is no additional fees to swap avi tokens.
thats the value?

if you dont think value=$$$ stay vested in this token, i'm sure subsidizing the skybridge with your purchases will pay off in the end with the "arcade", EVERYONE will want in on THAT

oh, lets not forget the no fees (except eth) when bridging... where do i signup for this REVOLUTIONARY project

>> No.58060663


Since I don't know if you are serious or not, AVI is used as liquidity for supersonic (aka instant) L2 -> L1 bridging (Magic has a good voice explanation of this in the TG). Later on in the summer there is a plan to add "staking without staking" where you complete some tasks and earn ETH as a reward proportional to how much AVI you earn. This was discussed in the last AMA with CryptoEmpress

>> No.58060697


why isn't this in the whitepaper?

>> No.58060703
File: 195 KB, 693x844, IMG_3715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 11milly of these

What to expect in 2025 and then in 2028-9 for the 2nd cycle

>> No.58060714

Avi shills are delusional. The website or "arcade" or whatever looks like shit. The games look like shit. There is zero interest in "le epic gaming token" attempt #164

>> No.58060719


It's still in the planning stages, with an official date of "summer". There are a lot of regulatory issues around staking they need to work around.

>> No.58060728
File: 210 KB, 509x512, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy my bags
No. I will keep acquiring more pola. I saged btw.

>> No.58060739
File: 65 KB, 645x1280, IMG_20240318_130054_229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't need to buy

>> No.58060740

4h chart shows this coming alive sometime tonight or tmrw

>> No.58060743

so it is not guaranteed. anything regulatory in NA takes time and is strict. if still in planning stages, whats to say it goes through; whats to say it doesnt go through.

its a bet, may pan out, may not. the shills here are talking out of their asses, glad i got an actual answer though

>> No.58060773


The value of AVI as liquidity for the bridge's optimism 7 day bypass, and as the medium for the bridge (including 1% burns per transaction) aren't speculation, however. It's only the "staking" that's in planning stages.

>> No.58060786


Sorry medium for the arcade*

>> No.58060808

retard retard retard retard!!!!

>> No.58060814


It's honestly a really good time to load up because the market maker, Gotbit, has been selling small chunks of AVI for ETH for a few days now. It's pretty clear that their strategy is go make a lot of big buys when this lists to catapult the price. It's similar to what they did with a lot of listings like Bonk etc.

>> No.58060827
File: 707 KB, 1542x1097, Screenshot 2024-03 - Copy (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 week old news

i dont see it mentioned about the avi as liquidity

>> No.58060836



>> No.58060849


As mentioned earlier, AVI is mentioned as the mechanism for the liquidity bypass in a voice recording by MagicMoneyMover in the TG. It's not hard to search for

>> No.58060881

do you think it would be a good idea for it to be mentioned on the website, maybe a medium article or elsewhere?

is this you? licker of taints?

>> No.58060906

ya I'm pumped. I was hoping some of my other alts would perform in the meantime so I could sell and pump AVI during the next breakout. 18 million AVI here.

>> No.58060920
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It's an internal mechanism/implementation so I don't see why it would be so important for them to include in the medium. If you think it should be, you can always suggest that to the team. The smart contract for the bridge will be open sourced when the Hacken audit is completed so you'll be able to view the liquidity mechanisms there.

>> No.58060975

what does your image have to do with anything? is stix and peter implying a coinbase listing

>> No.58060985


It implies that open sourcing the bridge code is part of their strategy for listing, yes

>> No.58060994

Wen base?

>> No.58061003

Their spaghetti code by a junior dev that has no blockchain experience will never make it through an actual audit. I wonder how much they are paying off hacken

>> No.58061004


They'll be deploying to Base after SkyBridge launch in early spring.

>> No.58061008


The bridge dev has 20 years of experience, and the bridge has already passed preliminary audit. They have no critical issues and the main thing they need to improve is unit test coverage to get a perfect score. An auditing firm is not gonna be paid off stop saying stupid things


>> No.58061041
File: 5 KB, 263x30, Screenshot 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so then whoever is in early is guaranteed gains with an implied coinbase listing.

i love receiving financial advice...

i'll start taking more sceenshots of TG and discord financial advice

>> No.58061052

20 years of experience doing what?

>> No.58061062


20 years as a developer from what I remember.

>> No.58061104


Can't really say I know the point of this post. I really don't care if you buy, sell, etc. because this project's existence doesn't hinge on your support.

>> No.58061139

What exactly does this project success hinge on then if not people supporting by buying tokens being dumped?

>> No.58061157


If you don't have actual questions you don't have to buy. Keep posting fud it's your loss.

>> No.58061168

>stop asking legitimate questions you might expose our scam

>> No.58061202

What fud has been posted by me, please let me know.

You had a few great answers but a few of the other answers are very telling of what your agenda is.
I'm not funding just doing some DD. You are the first person in 2 weeks able to answer a few questions.
Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of your info is from 3rd party telegram chats and not in the white paper, the website or medium articles.

>> No.58061260


> What exactly does this project success hinge on then if not people supporting by buying tokens being dumped?
> what fud has been posted by me??

No one has dumped any tokens, we've held very strongly in a down market, and we've been the top performing asset on /biz/ this year. You don't have to buy you and have all the information you need to make an informed decision and if that's to pass on this that's fine. I'm tired of giving you accurate answers so feel free to chat with someone else.

>> No.58061303

Not a single legitimate question has been asked by that dude and it's taken less than an hour for all of his fud to be disproven.

>> No.58061313

The official telegram with all of the team members interacting in it is a 3rd party? You're going to have to try harder Jimmy.

>> No.58061323

You're DD consists of demanding answers from random people and doing almost no research of your own.

>> No.58061375


For anyone reading these replies, go through the thread, go through previous threads.

The way I see it, the Avi holders are subsidizing the building of the skybridge.

The Avi holders first said that it's good that the team will get fees from the bridge as it will help with dev of the token aka the arcade.

When I asked what will happen to wallets vested for the dev of arcade, marketing etc, I was told I don't understand.

Today, I am being told that there will be advantages to holding Avi token when bridge is out. When I Che k white paper etc, the only listed advantage is some Minor fee reduction on bridging Avi token.

Then, I'm told that Avi token will be used as liquidity for the bridge.
That is written nowhere, not twitter, not white paper not medium.

Gee I wonder...

>> No.58061381

8th time ive seen this sc.
"no time for a live convo"
>fuck off
this is a certified jimmy aka matthew redcomment

>> No.58062237

Imagine not buying in when you know for a fact the star fox is passing 1b with ease, even 10b being on the table

Even worse imagine selling at 30m mc only to get slurped by fish n shrimps HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.58062248

Its over

>> No.58062403

>3 week old news
he made his bit too obvious with this post
you can now safely ignore any future message from this anon

>> No.58062755
File: 1.31 MB, 1148x638, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people don't want to make it.
Ready for liftoff btw.

>> No.58063520

i read that article on medium when it came out anon, the other anon who posted it in response to me did it to "show" me what the token AVI will be used for.
Same as before, to subsidize skybridge and not return any value to AVI holders except, get a 0.3% fee reduction on bridging ONLY AVI tokens

>> No.58063535

forgot to mention

you will all have your taints tickled by this anon
