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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5805810 No.5805810 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else a full blown nazi getting rich as fuck off crypto?

How should we use our money for the greater good of the white race?

>> No.5805877

I am but I'm not rich yet brother. If I had 1488,00 I'd start rahowah.

>> No.5805890

I'm a full blown communist willing to hang Nazis in street light poles, so I guess it evens out.

>> No.5805895

>full blown nazi

Sorry, I'm not retarded

>> No.5806024


> Communist
> Trying to get rich on the crypto board

You have no conviction. If you ever happened to make it you would drop this marxist nonsense immediately.

>> No.5806133

Nazis are like white niggers, no wonder most of them come from fucking Poland and shitty slav countries

>> No.5806182
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By finding a based catholic girl, preferably from eastern Europe so she's had a taste of the absolute hell that is communism, and forming a strong family unit with at least 4 children.

The world won't become some sort of mystical paradise if we kick out the darkies. Talk about the shitskins being the downfall of civilization all you want, but we have our own problems to deal with, and no one seems interested in confronting them.

>> No.5806247
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Buy a house
lure a young white woman into it
Get her pregnant
raise your children
donate to Nazi orgs and propaganda outlets
and develop goy culture untainted by kike degeneration and demoralization. Write a story draw a picture film a video play a song code a vidya make a meme.

>> No.5806266

You under estimate us.
We're only trying to make it so that we can stop working jobs and start working for the good for the human race for FREE.

>> No.5806288


any smart person no matter their politics would take advantage of crypto.

>> No.5806304

not a nazi but a german who hates germany right now because everyone is so busy not being a nazi and hating their own race.

my plan is so get out when i have enough money. not sure where to tho.

>> No.5806343

>How should we use our money for the greater good of the white race?

By buying up media for more influence of course

>> No.5806362

Eastern yurope girls are sluts and prostitutes, fucking vergin faggot.

>> No.5806393

have as many white babies as you can


>> No.5806416

>donate to Nazi orgs and propaganda outlets
dengerous shit actually

better donate to poor white families in case to force them to have more childrens.

>> No.5806420

> full blown commie lurkin' on the most capitalist board in the whole existence of the internet


>> No.5806556

I'll race mix to dilute the genes.

>> No.5806561

Use Monero.
Hostly don't even know why i have to say that.
You do know you are posting on /biz/ right?

>> No.5806568


heh, naice

>> No.5806575

>4 kids
Stay forever poor
>implying your wife will look like pic
Nah you're getting a braphog.

>> No.5806607

>Inbred kike threatens to fuck niggers
No one cares.

>> No.5806674

>Anyone else a full blown nazi getting rich as fuck off crypto

reporting in,

Imma buy me a nice piece of property in the foothills of Alberta and own loads of guns and have around six kids.

That and a nice place in Czech for when Canada becomes a LGBT2WXYZ Islamic paradise.

Set up white only university scholarships and organizations that promote European heritage and culture.

>> No.5806694


>> No.5806729

I hope you donate all your gains to welfare and tertiary education then..........

>> No.5806777
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As opposed to, what? Western euro slags? Australian emu fuckers? American mongrels?

Face it, it's the former communist bloc where you're going to find the purest girls who don't put up with leftist shit.

The question was how to best benefit the white race as a whole, you utter mong. Hording money like Shekelberg alone in your mansion won't keep the darkies from taking your country from you.

>> No.5806792

donate to salvation army and AA. honkies be having drug problems

>> No.5806811

This guy has the right plan.

>> No.5806818

>Hording money like Shekelberg alone in your mansion won't keep the darkies from taking your country from you.


>> No.5806846

Nice Larp Billy.
Now go suck Jamals BBC and back to /pol/ you go

>> No.5806916

This one is probably an Argentinian.

>> No.5807124

/biz/ is /pol/'s treasury department
We are /pol/acks now.

>> No.5807177

Yeah of course that's why you're trying to get rich :^)

>> No.5807337

LMAO probably true

>> No.5807385

It is impossible to underestimate the intelligence of a commie piece of shit. You’re the dumbest subhumans on the planet. Literal niggers. Kys.

>> No.5807533

That's funny because last I heard niggers were ancaps.

>> No.5807592

All the people I know who are getting rich off crypto are nazi-hatin anarchists.
Including me.
See you in the streets, hon!

>> No.5807610

No rich person types like this.

>> No.5807722

I don't think poltards will make it. They are too picky. By buying eth, ripple, iota and xlm or other coins they actually further the communist agenda and not the nazi one. And if they don't buy these coins it means they're not committed enough to make money. So basically it's a lose-lose for them.

>> No.5807764

But I am in xlm and eth and I am getting rich off you commies.

>> No.5807826

There's a thousand coins to pick from. Don't need to touch a rapefugee coin to get rich.

>> No.5807857
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>communist destroying his genetic heritage and having low IQ offspring

everything is well.

In a few hundred years all commies will be retarded mongrels

Meanwhile, the gnaaatzees are impregnating the very best the white race has to offer

over and over again

also, kek at any retard who thinks hoarding money is more important than spreading your genes. I'm going to do both just fine

>> No.5807908

When you buy a coin you are boosting it's agenda.

People who don't pick coins based on arbitrary reasonings aren't motivated enough. You're going to drop a coin the moment the devs say something tolerant.
Look at video games. Every big video game has diversity and it works. They're not crashing and burning. All you have is call of duty. You poltards cannot play video games now.

>> No.5808205

>Slavs have 1000% more chance at std, divorce, drug abuse etc
Looks like someone bought the putinbot bait

>> No.5808384
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>there are people on /biz/ that do not prefer Asian QT 3.14s

>> No.5808506

what up homie, eurofag commie here

>> No.5808541


Both of you should kill yourselves

>> No.5808553

>low iq internet nazis not reproducing with their inferior genes
feelsgoodman, make way for normal white people to carry on the white race while you neets die out. you're no better than commies, larping rats

>> No.5808599
File: 89 KB, 584x759, white power pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's do it ourselves.

DOTR when

>> No.5808643
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never, because this is you in real life

>> No.5808657

>thinks a "full blown national socialist" has any more validation in a capitalist board

>> No.5808667
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All the evidence is out there. Who is low IQ? Maybe you're not even low IQ, but just another coward.

You really want me to cherrypick some commie larpers for you?

>> No.5808686

>eastern european
>being such a retarded nazi that you don't know eastern european = untermensch

>> No.5808709

revolution soon comrade.

>stopping marxism
Mate, crypto is the vehicle of the revolution. We've hated the banks and the state for far longer than you.

>> No.5808725

ye lets burn those mofuckas

>> No.5808800

>"White males should commit suicide to benefit society"
quote was LITERALLY stripped from a satire piece mocking nazis for taking this guys quote out of context LOL

HOW can you be this dumb

please look up the noel ignatiev quote in context, and try to rub those 2 braincells together real hard to see what he could have meant you uneducated degenerate

can't believe you think a list of 5 individual jews being misquoted is reason enough to become an adherent of national socialism, how fucked must that little brain be

>> No.5808801

This is the most anti-communist board. All communists will be purged on sight

>> No.5808819

You are the most willing useful idiots of plutocrats and cultural elites. Don't kid yourselves. You are not in ANY way a threat to them

>> No.5808838

and re: commie larpers, obviously antifa and commies are larping too you idiot, normal people aren't commies OR nazis, what a shock.

>> No.5808890

>i-its all satire goyim!

and /pol/ is also satire, trust me.

>> No.5808903
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>we hated banks and the state for far longer then you

karl marx was funded by JEW bankers. Hope you stay and commie so we can hang you very very soon.

>> No.5808989
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>tfw you don't care about any of this and just want to be left alone but some left or right side is gonna start a race war soon so at least your guns will be useful

>> No.5809028

and "normal" people always do whatever is acceptable if not outright popular. I couldn't care less about what normies do. They've never been the harbingers of

>> No.5809072

>heheheh dumb goy, all these Jewish quotes about destroying the white race are mis quotes! You dumb filthy goyim should be ashamed for being so dumb

>> No.5809115
File: 26 KB, 283x283, 418E4A2C-ADE0-4D53-8B24-CF8D74EC0C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention 1930s Commie/Nazi larpers, this board is ANON FIRST.

>> No.5809127

Buy a membership to Blacked?

>> No.5809129

We killed all the good Aryans in the war. Find me a better stock of strong white genes.

Nazi is your label. I'm not a dirty socialist. Germans are cucked hard as far as I'm concerned, let them taste Muhammed's diseased cock. We can rebuild the Fatherland elsewhere.

>> No.5809219

Yes well crypto is all about an centralised authoritarian ethos

>> No.5809266

Don’t have any coins can I have yours?

>> No.5809419

SHITSKIN detected, you will never get our precious gains. You're only hope is to beg the jews for meager bags in hopes that in doing so they will stop the SUPERIOR WHITE RACE from overtaking their monetary stronghold on the world.

>> No.5809428
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There would be nothing more autistic than a world populated by bottom-feeding subhumans like OP

I'm also up hanging Nazis from street light poles.

Let's do it!

>> No.5809429

Ah yes, please go ahead guys. Let the trash take itself out by cancelling itself out. Hedonist/live for the now masterrace sure is comfy.

>> No.5809522

>knows nothing about national socialism
read a book nigger

>> No.5810133

>Thinking crypto is about being a nazi
>Thinking crypto is about being a communist
>Thinking crypto is about being a racist

Crypto is about using it to buy meth and say fuck you to the fed and society in financial form

>> No.5810686

I guess that's why they always vote for more democrat gibs.

>> No.5810713


k i l l y o u r s e l f

>> No.5810906

They vote republican to impress the white man.

>> No.5810961
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>being such a conspiracy nut that everyone who debunks your conspiracy becomes just another actor in the conspiracy
you must die for being this dumb

>> No.5811042


>> No.5811059
File: 32 KB, 624x470, _92349606_us_elections_2016_exit_polls_race_624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers vote republican

>> No.5811132

Wait how did trump win if people voted against him...

>> No.5811167

Buy a helium tank and breathe in deep

>> No.5811367
File: 67 KB, 720x741, 1505312913697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contribute to organizations that help red pill white people. American Renaissance is pretty dope, Jared Taylor is impressive.

>> No.5811522


> thinks internet nazis want actual socialism and not just killing jews and rekting feminists