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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 200x200, bounty0x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5805682 No.5805682 [Reply] [Original]

All sell walls gone, this is gonna moon!

If you want to join the mission use my refferal 14edd

>> No.5805700


holy shit OP isn't even wrong, better strap in niggers.

>> No.5805709
File: 6 KB, 241x291, Sheriff_Sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go boys!

>> No.5805730

50 ETH buy wall

10 ETH sell "wall"

Strap in you fucks!!!!

>> No.5805732

When do we sell?

>> No.5805773

when we reach the moon

>> No.5805801

Lol sending 100k USD to Kucoin right now to pick some up. I will either regret this for life, or become rich. But I have a weird feeling about this, I think its a good coin.

>> No.5805819

Hard to say, this can go to .25 or 1.50

>> No.5805911

Having trouble with those 5 ETH walls

>> No.5805951

1$ minimum

I would only sell at the end of January. They are going to announce new exchanges in the next few weeks.

>> No.5805976

Whale trying to keep the price down

>> No.5806013

We flying bitches!

>> No.5806054

Infeel like this is the prime time for the whale to dump on us

>> No.5806060
File: 36 KB, 500x500, ea74d339f284900e7a375c36f6ee14da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Initiate moon mission partner.

>> No.5806093

Yeeee Haw!!!

>> No.5806203

Fuck you whale! We ain't letting these buy walls fall

>> No.5806238

moon you fucking thot

>> No.5806239

And fuck you dolphins too!

>> No.5806376


>> No.5806390

Hell yeah please dont wake up mr whale

>> No.5806398

Thanks for the bags, we'll take it to the moon with us.

>> No.5806440

Tear down that wall

>> No.5806649
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This better not be him.

>> No.5806678
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i-iron grip

>> No.5806748


>> No.5806914

Shit and I was about to go to bed.

>> No.5806923


>> No.5806941

This done mooning? I'm considering moving my DBC into this

>> No.5806959

I can feel the sweat over my hand trying not to press sell at .25 Help me not do it and finally make it /biz/

>> No.5806964

>mfw bought BNTY shortly after KC listing
>had 50k
>sold them at 24c for DBC

Well, you get 'em bois.

>> No.5806972

Not even close to done

>> No.5807008

Too late to buy?

>> No.5807014

Its not even started yet get in NOW

>> No.5807042

Hah, is it ever too late to buy bnty? Decentralised freelancing with crypto rewards, working alpha product. This is undervalued as fuck.

>> No.5807094

I'm thinking of selling now and rebuying more at the dip. Thoughts?

>> No.5807096

>can't login to Kucoin

fucking chinks

>> No.5807106

The fact that i understand 25% of what you just said makes me think i need to do a bit more research before spending big bux

But also, i'm an idiot. I'm in

>> No.5807112

you can't even buy this on some bigger exchange and it has a working product. get in faggot.

>> No.5807125

Get this fucking coin if you know what's good for you. Been in a few moon missions and this, AND ENG are the two best right fucking now. Go!

>> No.5807135

You may miss the train. Do it if you got balls of steel. Dip may not be low enough though. I'd say keep keep her steady and steer to the moon.

>> No.5807150

use the mobile app senpai

>> No.5807161

Funny how this is the highest we've been in the past week. But one dump can take us back to the start, these buy walls are weak

>> No.5807166

Alright boss, 2088 BNTY reporting for the mission! TITANIUM HANDS until $1

>> No.5807170

Did you understand crypto? What the hell is 25%?

>> No.5807173

Yeah, I was looking at an ICO these days which would work like Uber for general services, and I was like “wait, Bounty0x already does that”

>> No.5807181
File: 101 KB, 512x1280, 8fHdCeWJW1CBdvXIePkOdj3hwghk3fVxQDSr1Y-A95Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5807190

Yeah, it's real thin on the ground. Nothing to do but wait it out and see what develops.

>> No.5807223

This will be $2 by the end of the month

>> No.5807225

Kucoin is not loading - anybody else?


>> No.5807241


>> No.5807256

Honestly I don't think this is the moon. The beta product release will be the moon. This is just the formation of a new floor.

>> No.5807260

This. I had some very pessimistic sell orders I want to change and fugg imma miss the moon mission

>> No.5807262
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>> No.5807266

There is like 50ETH between the current price and 0.000211.

Not that thin in my opinion.

Of course you can argue that if a whale dumps we're fucked. But you can also say that if a whale buys up we're going to the moon.

>> No.5807285

I don't even have sell orders reeeeee

>> No.5807294

Oh lord, even $1 would be a dream.
I'm not selling, I'm not good enough to time the dips and buy back in.

>> No.5807300

>not setting sell orders when you buy something
Why are you not doing this?

>> No.5807303


>> No.5807315

Because I expect to be able to log into the exchange

Also most of what I buy are long term holds

>> No.5807332

and i just put up a sell wall again enjoy pajeets

>> No.5807334

I understand that smart people think this magic internet money will be worth more in a month than it is now

>> No.5807335

>Because I expect to be able to log into the exchange
Big mistake m8

>> No.5807353

Yep. I'm relatively new but I've learned that now it seems

>> No.5807403
File: 24 KB, 400x400, C_O_M_F_Y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha its so obvious that this was coming. Consolidating for days and suddenly volume starts increasing slowly. Check CMC every now and then pajeets.

I loaded up 2 days ago in preparation for this mega moon thats coming.

>> No.5807409

Yeah I started last month as well. Tbh it's probably better I can't access Kucoin anyway because I'd just becom a victim of a PnD. I've set 70% of by BNTY to sell if it hits +50% so I break even, and the remaining should be enough so that I don't kick myself if it goes 10x or something.

I figured if I define my strategy in advance I won't get fucked by emotions, even if I miss out on some gains.

>> No.5807414

Where do I place my sell orders?

>> No.5807428
File: 43 KB, 1024x576, Boy-It's-inconceivable-to-not-get-on-BNTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ride em' bronco to the moon!
Giddy' up partners!!!

>> No.5807466

You can't kick yourself over not trading everything perfectly, ponder for a second how impossible that is to achieve.

>> No.5807485

have we reached our ceiling for today senpai?

>> No.5807487

Kucoin's shitty servers are pretty good for long term hold.

You can never even log in to buy high and sell low. I wanted to sell DBC at peak but couldn't submit the security verification. Went to bed, woke up to bags

>> No.5807536

BNTY will NOT be allowed to moon until I get my bags back. Don't get your hopes up, kids.

>> No.5807543

Made more than double and got out. Money now on dbc. Bntys having a day, just hodling out for DeepBrain freeze to make a pass for low earth orbit

>> No.5807567

which "the" mobile app would that be?

>> No.5807573

>Kucoin's shitty servers are pretty good for long term hold
Yeah I see that now, lol

>> No.5807595

It's going to dip a little, look at what happened when it was first launched.
Honestly, this is just the beginning. Hold for a month, maybe experiment with selling high and buying low to multiply your coins.

>> No.5807649

Smart. I luckily got in at 10 cent, so I'm happy selling off half of it at .25

>> No.5807653

Aaaaand we have liftoff

>> No.5807684


No, walls are coming in. Apparently this is being targetted for PnD atm.

If thats true set sells at $1. I'm only in 1 PnD group and theres some chatter they are thinking about joining in.

>> No.5807685

No I'm not, I bought at ATH. Feels bad, but then it was literally my first purchase. I'm still getting used to the feel of it

>> No.5807706
File: 5 KB, 513x96, nrea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can dump 100x worth this. i suggest you guys dont go to excited or im getting it down to 10 cents and thats without my mates even lmfao

>> No.5807715

i fucking calld it, nigga going to 1$

>> No.5807744
File: 2.30 MB, 600x428, 1514591529471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon just bought some walls for you

>> No.5807751

do it faggot nigger


>> No.5807758

kek, same here
bought ETH and BTC on coinbase and the first 'real' altcoin i bought was $100 BNTY at .27
stubbornly holding it to see if i can still break even or even make a tiny profit

>> No.5807780

>Those 20+ ETH buy walls

Holy shit $1 incoming

>> No.5807794
File: 19 KB, 590x397, qtKYJZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy right now. This is going to blow

>> No.5807798
File: 188 KB, 1052x930, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 18.25.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you turbo autist.

>> No.5807828

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

>Fucking doing it cunt

>> No.5807834

keep buying faggots. easiest profit i have made in a long time. some other idiot is putting up huge buy walls now though

>> No.5807860

Guys is kucoin down? I want to log in and sell my deep brain for this.

>> No.5807868

I can't log in to this fuckin chink site. If this fucking shitcoin drops again before I can sell my bags...

>> No.5807882

I managed to log in after a while. Just keep trying I suppose.

>> No.5807883

same here. no luck. we're gonna miss it
chinks fucked us again with their garbage servers

>> No.5807893

Nope, I'm in, but the login may be fucked up again.

>> No.5807911


>> No.5807918

where are you guys from? eurofaggot here having 0 problems logging in and loading pages

>> No.5807933


Kek has blessed you with gains and you dumb cunts want to throw it away, so hes preventing you from logging in.

I have no intention of selling and I got in fine?

>> No.5807934
File: 45 KB, 511x343, MV5BMzM5ODYwMjc3NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDUzODI1NA@@._V1_SY343_CR0,0,511,343_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whale's dead, FUDfags btfo.

Strap in space cowboys, we're off to the moon.

>> No.5808009

On Win10 it never loaded, but android/iOS loaded instantly.

>> No.5808029


I had to download firefox to make it work.

When are we selling guys? How high are we thinking here.

>> No.5808040

Just sold kek

>> No.5808043



>> No.5808059

Only reason to sell now would be to buy even more at the dip. I'm not risking it though.
see you later, space cowboy
I wouldn't sell for less than ATH.

>> No.5808089

It's trying to load it from kitchen-8.kucoin.com
I bet you're hitting a different load balancer.

Again, fucking chinks and their shit tech.

>> No.5808090


That sell wall is getting massive though. Is that a problem?

>> No.5808096

haha you idiot, we've literally just returned to the ATH. Now its time to make a new one.

Better luck next time kid

>> No.5808102
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>> No.5808114
File: 32 KB, 281x500, kik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short term target - 0.000450 BNTY/ETH

>> No.5808115

told all you guys, this is going to 1$

>> No.5808128

newblet here sold at .18 hoping to buy back lower last night A A A A A A A AA A A A A AA

>> No.5808133

I doubled my money so I am happy.

>> No.5808167


I mean do you hate money, you've accumulated long enough faggot.

>> No.5808192

Going to gym for an hour. If this gets dumped...

>> No.5808195
File: 997 KB, 294x202, 1373982013_tumblr_mp1554Zcnr1s8ohmto1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i sell now and but back in at the dip or wait.

>> No.5808199

Why x10 when you can x2?

>> No.5808222
File: 26 KB, 310x210, THEFUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is going on here?

>> No.5808230

sold BNTY for DBC 2 days ago when it was looking like a sinking ship. now BNTY is mooning and DBC is looking like a sinking ship. fuuuck me

>> No.5808232

That is literally poor fag logic, but ok.

>> No.5808277

You'll learn one day...

>> No.5808291
File: 43 KB, 736x552, Eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in no way was BNTY was looking like a sinking ship, same with DBC right now. you are just inpatient and dont know shit apparently but you'll get there Partner

>> No.5808309

dbc has been doing way better than bounty before this random moon retard.

>> No.5808337
File: 451 KB, 1445x674, bounty0xcucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5808343

I hate pnd so much. It's always poorfags that flood these discord groups anyways. I make decent gains but I hate timing shit. We all know this can easily 100m market cap. This is the 2nd time in 2 days my coin has gotten targeted. Ye it makes me money but I like normal hype rise not pnd.

>> No.5808349
File: 177 KB, 1920x1200, BNTY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5808404


>> No.5808427
File: 52 KB, 1000x676, TRUMP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5808542

Stop selling, Anon

>> No.5808578

not fake i made those screenshots yesterday. look on the bnty0x subreddit and look at mods

>> No.5808598


Why would you sell BNTY something thats going to have an obvious space on the internet with an already solidified market for some Chink Pie in the Sky AI promises.

I'm not saying DBC won't make money because people hear AI and think its future dollars, but BNTY was the smarter hold.

Its a lot easier to see a future where kids make neetbuxx on bounty0x platform than one where Skynet goes active on DBC network.

>> No.5808614

Its over

>> No.5808668

You guys can sell and buy at dip. This is going to rise once the pnd lose their money and move somewhere else. They literally bought 100k+ at .300 and now dumping at less lol

>> No.5808676

everyone keep hodling your pnd pajeet scam coin

>> No.5808685

Feeling comfy on my new support line waiting for the actual takeoff.

>> No.5808688


So what? The coinbase is only normie in the fact he needed someone over 18 to sign up to buy him Ethereum

>Eth will hit 900 dollars today

How is anything he said wrong? lol

>> No.5808699

.000300 eth*

>> No.5808739

>t. pask7

>> No.5808760

In hindsight, this would have been nice to sell and buy back now.

>> No.5808779

Hindsight trading is best trading.

>> No.5808811

the point is is that this is obviously just a target for PnD groups who found something that looks remotely viable even tho it's the exact same thing as ethlance.com.

>> No.5808814

We're all millionaires in hindsight.
At least we know this thing's still got potential. FOMO is one hell of a drug.

>> No.5808876
File: 290 KB, 1564x853, 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess again nigger. We just rode the fuck out of the 95 RSI, the dip was obvious. We will consolidate for a short period of time and then run again. This is actually looking more natural than a PnD.

>> No.5808884
File: 123 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-01-03-15-34-55-933_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe could you not?

>> No.5808897
File: 138 KB, 1182x886, BOUNTY0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The thing has been out a week and its been featured on Plebbit best buys, FORBES, among other shit.

Even if the kid is new and young they're doing a pretty good fucking job honestly.

Its a safer hold than literal vaporware horseshit put it that way, toss in the 72+ hours of constant whale rape, and it all ads up green.

>> No.5808928

Dumped all my bounty bags at 0.003 eth bought in at . Bought in at .0017 thank you for the 2x boys

>> No.5808959


See you in a week when you could have x10.

>> No.5808999

I kept $100 in bounty for the memes, but I'd rather get gains from icx than stress over this shitcoin

>> No.5809053

Forbes was a paid advertisement on a freelancer blog you deserve to lose your money.

>> No.5809090

already at 23, expect it to be back down to .18 once you bagholders realize you just got just'd again by a pnd group lmfaoooo

>> No.5809159

>3000 bucks
>Threatening to crash market

Lol kys faggot

>> No.5809203

Nope it was on a steady rise until pnd came. It's back on that path. They literally lost 1000s$ in like 10 minutes. Not sure why they would attempt to pump something low volume because the only ones buying are themselves.

>> No.5809230


Whale is currently enjoying his gains, if he was around he would have smashed this to bits before it got to 20 cents.

Someone said there was a trader contest that expired last night on kuckcoin, probably what it was, plus accumulating a shitload of a coin that will clearly hit $1 soon.

>> No.5809383

>using blockfolio for live candlecharts

>> No.5809427
File: 267 KB, 388x602, E02E6FD0-F2D1-48B0-BA71-3755FC270BDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please Bounty hunters, I am making a request:
I was going to try to increase my Bounty stack by jumping on some moon mission on another exchange. Problem is, the BTC transaction back to Kucoin has been stuck at unconfirmed for over 9 hours and I’m missing this moon mission because of that. I’ve tried to use ViaBTC but to no luck and can’t afford the paid service. Please I don’t want to beg but please if you are a kind person, help me out and I fucking promise to pay back with 10% extra asap once the transaction gets confirmed
My transaction ID:

>> No.5809460

I've watched a few of the pajeet pump&poo discords do just this, tho. A lot of hype over a coin with no movement. The "high ranking" toilet-witches hold all the bags, their street-shitting minions drive the price up in one sudden buying surge, and the witches start the dump in a matter of 10 seconds.

The "owners" make all the money, the paid-poo status members get a few second head start, and the "free" members are left holding bags.

>> No.5809530

>he actually transferred btc
This is why you buy ETH or LTC and move that instead.

>> No.5809531

Nice try pajeet

>> No.5809577


I've been doing this for a little over two weeks and even I know you dont use fucking Bitshit to alt trade.

Fuck off pajeet scum.

>> No.5809632
File: 77 KB, 922x704, DMJS7kzUMAEZ5HJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put a tiny sum in but my crystal ball tells me this is actually retarded.

>> No.5809707

newfag here what do you mean by 'wall'? Please don't be mean or hurt my feelings

>> No.5809778


Explain to me how a 20mil cap coin at 25 cents with a working product and established market is retarded.

Explain to me which literal chinese scam coin you think has a better future.

>> No.5809870

that's called gambling anon do your research

unless that's like 10% of your assets then do yo shit

>> No.5810101

>32 ETH sell wall


>> No.5810230

> there is a 32ETH buy wall too

>> No.5810235

I think we'll drop to 22c and that's going to be the new floor for a few days.

>> No.5810273

Its when there are big sell orders at a certain price level. If you look at the order book, it looks like a wall

>> No.5810380 [DELETED] 

Thing is I'm having trouble visualizing the need of something like Bounty based on the abstract.
It's a decentralized "token" intertwined with user created hubs for hosting different types of contracts to the host's standard from how I'm reading it, but like how does that differ to postings and exchanges in other mediums?

It makes mentions of native currencies so is the conversion of foreign currencies integrated on the fly or like what?

Maybe I'm the retard; I have to do more reading.

>> No.5810481


You post bounties using the token, you have to stake to post the bounties, coin holders or sheriffs stake to confirm the bounty's completion, bounties can be paid out in any crypto of choice.

>> No.5810658

32 eth buy wall vs 32 eth sell wall. Sell wall is winning. FOMO is real

>> No.5810753

Why is the FOMO real if the sell wall is winning?
Plz don't be a pump & dump.

>> No.5810823

Hardly pumped... I really wish the worst on this whale

>> No.5810865

Don't worry!

We went up 50% already today. This coin is on track for 1.5$ by the end of the month.

We're gonna make it!

>> No.5810924

This whale is a fucking dumbass. How much does he want to fucking accumulate? He's killing this coin.

>> No.5811221

Fucking whale keeps adding to his sell wall.

>> No.5811343

Won’t be the first time this bitch has butchered a bull run this week

>> No.5811394


Dude literally has to be autistic, theres no way any sensible human being would intentionally kill the coin at this point.

>> No.5811445


... Sell wall getting eaten??

>> No.5811482

You have to be aretard to go for a coin by a 16 year old high school drop out who didn't know how to use CoinBase.

By all means, enjoy your gains here fags.

>> No.5811544


Fuck off whale, looks like your sell wall is getting eaten, hope you lose it all fampachi.

>> No.5811550

And that would lower the price?

>> No.5811556

>didnt know?
>literally not old enough to do it legally. thats why he had to ask.

>> No.5811669

I’ve seen so much retarded manipulation before but this tops everything by far

>> No.5811696
File: 19 KB, 322x400, mbuCowbounty0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I left a sell order at 262 last night when the buy price was 202, thinking I could increase my stack if I hit my sell.

But with this bull run I don't know if that's possible anymore.

If this run keeps going, it's been a sweet ride cowboys.

>> No.5811704

bought at ath is that bad

>> No.5811721

We've been cursed with the dumbest whale I've ever seen.

>> No.5811764

its always bat to buy at an ath, but bount is probably gonna go up much more through out the week

>> No.5811789

hmm what makes you think it'll go up more?

>> No.5811798

Enough orders matching or a bigger order on the other side matching the wall

>> No.5811844


Sell wall down??

>> No.5811847

This is the first time I see a whale pushing the price down this much, once that fucker is comfortable with whatever hes looking for hell probably pump it, but to be fair this whale is quite a nasty guy, be carefull

>> No.5811900

He keeps taking it down and putting it back up

>> No.5811905


I'm not seeing a sell wall here kids on the ETH side, but maybe I'm reading this wrong.

>> No.5811912

So when a whale sells a bunch, the price goes down, then he buys a bunch back to raise the price? i'm sorry i'm completely new at this. how can you tell he's a 'nasty guy'? lol

>> No.5811932

He’s probably moving it lower

>> No.5811980


Basically yes, he undercuts current price by a bunch with a huge premade buy order low.

He's particularly nasty because he's been doing it for going on 4 days now, keeping the price very very low.

Right now im not seeing a sell wall, maybe he got what he wanted, but I wouldn't count on it with this moby dick bastard.

>> No.5812054


I mean it got half eaten maybe he got scared who knows, hopefully he's just ready for gains now.

>> No.5812067

He hasn’t. Yesterday he had a 630k buy order at .000160 he was trying to get to and he almost did. He knew he couldn’t make it so he pushed it up to .000175 and that’s what his goal is now. Fucker has probably lost some money doing this shit too cus the buy order is a lot smaller

>> No.5812103

hmmm I see. thank you for your time anon

>> No.5812132

Just checked he took down his major buy order too. Hopefully you’re right and he did get scared and is just gonna let it run it’s course now

>> No.5812139


I don't think he's going to get it for that low, and personally I hope he has lost money, we could have been well over 50 cents by now if he wasnt such a prick.

>> No.5812151

He's retarded he's never getting that low. He doesn't know what he's doing.

>> No.5812190

so numerous big sell orders or a bigger one that's being bought will lower the price?

>> No.5812224


>> No.5812283
File: 183 KB, 643x533, 1514596318344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically FOMO - fear of missing out, or HYPE combats whales.

One sell order for 50,000 can get eaten by 50,000 buy order of 1, so even if there is a big "wall" represented by a huge sell order, with enough hype and market-price buys you can eat through it.

I think we might have officially broken the whale, his sell wall got half eaten by hype, I think we're out of the gate here, but time will tell.

>> No.5812308

I'm a newbie and I don't get this shit at all, anon. Let's say that whale puts up 50eth wall at 0.000280. What makes the price drop in this situation?

>> No.5812325
File: 160 KB, 500x683, welcome-montana-ben-o-garr-son-zyklon-bens-pepe-21959858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

97k checking in, feels comfy man

>> No.5812344


Fear of getting dumped on.

>> No.5812348

Shitcoin, sell before your losses triple

>> No.5812358

a) the time it would take to eat through that and b) in that amount of time many people will panic sell underneath him, lowering the price

>> No.5812407

ahhh i see. hey thanks for your time anon i really appreciate it. i'm a newfriend here, could you recommend me any books/websites/lectures/videos/advice?

>> No.5812431


It would drop if the current price was say .290, it makes weak hands think theres a big drop and they panic sell adding to the snowball.

Also a huge sell wall at .280 if the price was .270 say, you have to have enough buy orders at .280 to eat through that huge sell order to continue upward momentum.

Long story short
>Weak hands feed whales

>> No.5812452

we mooning again boys!

>> No.5812470

Sell walls have been eaten, we're ready to go again!

This is why having iron hands pays off!!!

>> No.5812550


Whale moved his buy order up to .270, guess he did get scared, officially hoping for just a small dip before the gains now.




>> No.5812572


>group of people want to sell soon because impatient
>whale puts sell wall up
>'ah, shit, that'll take days to get bought'
>they sell lower
>Whale and friends take advantage to accumulate

>> No.5812642

nice thread theme

>> No.5812712


>> No.5812889

Can some one shill me this?

>> No.5813013

How many BNTY should you have to be considered a whale?

>> No.5813042

- 20 million MC
- platform that works and is actively being used
- aggressive marketing
- founders communicate directly with investors via telegram
- actively pursuing every exchange possible
- whale seems to have fucked off for now

>> No.5813053


You done fucking with the line boyo want to brag on your autistic gains?

Just post it already lol.

>> No.5813055

A few hundred thousand at the very minimum.

>> No.5813094

what price do I dump this at /biz/

>> No.5813138

50 cents short term, $2 in a few months.

>> No.5813170


I'm not cashing out until at least a dollar, and even then im probably just going to stack split.

Don't want to have nothing in it and its a 25 dollar coin sometime next year.

>> No.5813174


>> No.5813184

Quick, if you sell your DBC now, you can be just in time to buy BNTY at ATH and then sell at a loss when it dips while DBC starts mooning. Then just rinse repeat until you're broke.

>> No.5813246


I was just asking because I feel like if I try to sell them I'll fuck up the price


Alright, so I'm like a tuna.

>> No.5813317

wtf is this 22 eth buy wall just sitting there

>> No.5813372


My understanding is that's good. Still kind of new to things, but it sets the floor for the price I think.

>> No.5813413


Desperate autistic whale hoping for a slight dip to make up for his losses on his half broken sell wall.

Whale just fucking buy in at market price and blast us off, for fucks sake.

Either way its a nice safety blanket.

>> No.5813437


>> No.5813489

Lifting back off, almost over 300 gwei

>> No.5813515
File: 41 KB, 400x416, 1489568034325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be whale
>go to bed after another comfy day of price manipulation
>wake up, all BNTY gone
>price at .28c

>> No.5813530


We already broken him about an hour back, I was sitting there watching the red bar on his 22 eth wall slowly dwindle away and then he took it down.

He could be a REAL COOL FUCKING GUY and redeem himself right now and just buy in but instead he's trying to play further autistic games.

>> No.5813566

i see. thx anons :-)

>> No.5813579
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1514406259299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah he sold about 40,000 BNTY give or take at about .250 for a pretty solid loss, and then he took his shit down lol.

Feels good desu.

>> No.5813782

Wtf is he trying to accomplish with that buy wall?

>> No.5814021

Don't let the price fall to that wall, that's all I can say.

>> No.5814233

say more, senpai

>> No.5814639

I am, but i wish to strap in more. Too bad it's only on kinkoin which doesn't actually function as a website

>> No.5815431

I can smell the desperation in that whale.

>> No.5815486

It’s glorious how his greed and selfishness fucked nobody over but himself

>> No.5815779

Is it gonna keep rising?

>> No.5815879

Looks like it

>> No.5815931

I have some more to put in, but i just wanted to know, what are you basing your assumption on, it's kinda just standing there

>> No.5816095

Its normal to go a bit sideways after such a big move up. Its called price discovery.

I base my assumption on the hype this coin has, how undervalued it is and with big news coming in January. I would say it goes to 50cents to 1$ before the end of the month.

Anyway, it can always dip a bit before going up again. Don't blindly follow my advice.

I see it going up and down now and I'm not selling, and if I had more I would probably try to buy in around 0.000295