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58050183 No.58050183 [Reply] [Original]

"If there is an escape, that escape will be used."

- Christine Lagarde, 2001 (talking about Bitcoin)

"An almost hysterical antagonism toward the gold standard is one issue which unites statists of all persuasions...In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. The financial policy of the welfare state requires that there be no way for the owners of wealth to protect themselves."

- Alan Greenspan, 1966

>> No.58050197
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dying on that hill, nigger

>> No.58050211

meant 2021 kek

>> No.58050288


>> No.58050347
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>.In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value

>> No.58050351


Bullish for XRP

>> No.58050356 [DELETED] 

badly need $1.7k to completey graduation. Please help me guys :'(

>> No.58050374

>backed by work
sounds like communism to me
How exactly is that supposed to be quantified anyways?
Currencies backed by debt or gold are and were a thing because debt and gold are measurable

>> No.58050414


>> No.58050427
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>How exactly is that supposed to be quantified anyways?
Same as bitcoin, it's what it sounds like. Proof of work. The German people were the country's real resource. Hitler wanted to change money from a tool of speculation to actual barter.

>> No.58050435
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>> No.58050446

>Hitler wanted to change money from a tool of speculation to actual barter.
thanks for clarifying anon

>> No.58050463
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It's also why WWII started, Germany was prospering while the rest of the world was in an artificially created depression and the banks weren't pleased because it delegitimised their monetary policy.

>> No.58050717

exactly, if I recall correctly WWII was because Germany was threatening the UK's position as the world's superpower, which happened because Germany didn't submit to interest bearing private central bank currencies

>> No.58050747
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There's a hilarious part in that book that I can't be bothered to look for where it talks about the cruise ships Hitler bought for German workers to cruise to other parts of Europe they otherwise never would have seen, the British told them never to sail within viewing distance of their ports because they didn't want workers getting any ideas about more rights or benefits.

>> No.58050902

>6 million
Why always with this number

>> No.58050914

saturnians and their hexagons

>> No.58050994

Another stance of the nazi party was one developed by Gottfried Feder (the man who convinced Hitler to join the party): that speculation on housing should be illegal.

Their policies would save the world if we didn't have a planet full of retards who believe shit like the holocaust.

>> No.58051267

When I realised a few years ago that we were/are the bad guys and Hitler was some kind of monk warrior, I went through a period of dark months of sorrow. Sorry that we did that to him, sorry I live in this dark dimension, sorry that his good will and dreams for us were crushed.
Now we exist in this hellscape were Jews slow genocide us. The hardest pill to swallow is the black pill.

>> No.58051791

Its a real shock at first because we've been conditioned since birth to believe the opposite was true.