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58049720 No.58049720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

33 year old male. slutty neighbor is 26. 2 years ago we got a drink and we ended up making out. But nothing else happened. After that we joked that it was dumb and we became friends. She went to college but has a somewhat ghetto element. Slutty neighbor is maybe a 5/10 in looks.

I ended up getting a 10/10 girlfriend who is from a good background. New gf told me she would prefer that I don’t do favors for other women so I stopped picking up the slutty neighbor’s packages.

Slutty neighbor sent me a very hostile text message saying she’d received mail at her apartment with my girlfriend’s name, and that my girlfriend is “pathetic” and that I’m a “shitty neighbor” and “good luck in your relationship”, plus some other unflattering things like that the other neighbors were right that I’m “weird”. She also accused me and my girlfriend of avoiding her on the street. No clue what she was talking about. I responded politely asking if she wanted to meet to discuss. She didn’t respond.

I asked her in person if she wanted to talk and she cold shouldered me and said she never got my text and didn’t respond because she didn’t want to.

Finally, fed up after months of tension she created, I snapped one day and texted her that I have a lot going on in life and don’t need this drama. I gave examples of my real life stressors so she could see that other people have lives. I also asked her to compare my girlfriend’s mail situation with her former boyfriend being a ghetto gangster guy. She responded saying I’m a “complete psycho” and that she feels sorry for me and that I am 33 and have accomplished nothing. Then she said it would be embarrassing if my gf ever found out I said she wasn’t pretty (she made this up).

I provided her an analysis that since she is slutty, she feels bad about her life and wants to project drama onto me. She responded with put downs of me and my gf.

What was this all about? Why are some people/women like this?

>> No.58049723

One note to add, I don’t think the slutty neighbor had a crush on me. If I thought it was a case of romantic heart ache, I’d have been nicer to her. She once set me up with one of her friends. And, she always struck me as a slutty woman who wasn’t looking for quality conversation and instead just sought attention from all kinds of random men. Like she was playing an immature social game and just going for all kinds of random guys and being slutty. I think she might have daddy issues too. She hates her dad but he paid off her being credit card debts. She sex body count, according to her, was 30 men by the age of 25. She also gained a good bit of weight since we met.

I really think she’s just miserable and doesn’t understand that when people form quality relationships, they tend to reduce their social spheres and create boundaries.

>> No.58049724

You sound like a woman

>> No.58049736

Idk how you’re so dumb for being so old. Time to move dude. This is your gf breaking up with you over some lies the slutty chick made up at best and a rape accusation at worst. You should have moved long ago idiot. You’re so dumb and arrogant. No wonder you’re a stupid psycho. Nice waste of everyone’s time on this board. Go to adv with this retarded made up bullshit

>> No.58049750

Just shut the fuck up already. You got yourself into this mess by associating with losers when you had something to lose.

>> No.58049757

how is this business or finance? murder suicide everyone involved

>> No.58049767


>> No.58049778

Why would you say rape accusation? What evidence would she have? I would sue her for defamation.

after the time we made out 2 years ago, she invited me to hang out with her and her friends a bunch of times and set me up with one of the friends. There is enormous texting evidence of these cordial and friendly interactions.

Plus in all the texts that she sent me it is very obvious to a reasonable person that she is jealous. She just keeps taking shots at my girlfriend and wrote that she doesn’t appreciate me switching up on her in terms of not being friends any more.

>> No.58049789

Again idiot. You are trying to befriend losers and problem people. This would have happened sooner or later. Too bad it didn’t happen soon and you wasted so much time with these losers. Ignore her comment and keep her away from your gf. You should still move but you won’t listen

>> No.58049791

You are right about that anon. I should not have associated with losers and in the future I’ll take this as a lesson to be more careful about who I hang out with. Maybe this is the silver lining here.

>> No.58049800

I’m listening. And taking what you’re saying seriously. Would moving a couple of blocks away be ok or do you mean like one city over? I really like my town and neighborhood.

>> No.58049802

BPD create drama sleep around gain weight accuse you of rape and blame you for everything stop the fucking press.

>> No.58049807


If we ll talk about who fks, biden fks me, so I go for trump and he says, come on bby lets do MAGA

>> No.58049812


And he didnt fck you cos you re an old fag

>> No.58049818

>New gf told me she would prefer that I don’t do favors for other women
what the fuck is this? "Do what I tell you". Are you a fucking automaton? A slave? Who the fuck does she think she is to tell you not to do that. This is a HUGE red flag because it means shes a jealous, insecure little bitch at heart, and you're a cuck in waiting if you don't tell her exactly where you stand (i.e. back the fuck up). Stand up to that sort of behaviour. Is it wrong to do favours for people? If the answer is no she can get to fuck mate thats just utterly pathetic. I didnt even read any more of your blogpost after that.

>> No.58049821
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He fcks with paid Russians only.

>> No.58049822
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So sexy anon

>> No.58049826

Ok sorry for being mean then but i had to get though with you. Try moving a few blocks away. But tell her you moved farther away but not out of the area. You need to avoid where she goes and running into her as this would tip her off. Try to keep talking to her and then after you move gradually stop communicating with her.

>> No.58049828


Fking fag, trump and MAGA is dead

>> No.58049833

>text message saying she’d received mail at her apartment with my girlfriend’s name, and that my girlfriend is “pathetic” and that I’m a “shitty neighbor”
She's fucking RIGHT about this you are a shitty neighbour and a pathetic man that you wouldn't pick up some neighbours mail because your gf told you not to what the fuck are you even thinking here man? YOU HAVE BALLS not your gf. Use them or lose them. Just have some fucking self respect you tool. Im unironically triggered by my fellow man who acts like such a stupid fucking simp to their girlfriend for a little taste of pussy.

>> No.58049841

You need to slowly ghost her bc when you cut contact quickly with mentally ill people they feel abandoned and freak out. You need to remove yourself from her area and gradually stop talking to her. Don’t let this crazy chick destroy your relationship with your nice gf. Just remove yourself from this situation quickly and gently

>> No.58049844 [DELETED] 

struggling a lot to pay for my university semester exam fees. Can any anon enough kind to help me with $1.7k?

>> No.58049851

He’s smart to stop being the slut’s little servant. Go get her mail yea we’re not talking about the old lady who makes your meat loaf down the hall, we’re talking about a BPD psycho chick

>> No.58049859

Yea send me a pic of your asshole filled with cement

>> No.58049877
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these 2 are completely right, you're a retard and deserve this for befriending people with issues

Develop some awareness before this inevitably happens again

>> No.58049960
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how is this streetshitter not banned yet

>> No.58050776


Just be honest and tell your gf you kissed your neighbour years ago when you were drunk. No big deal.

>> No.58050808
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>Finally, fed up after months of tension she created, I snapped one day and texted her that I have a lot going on in life and don’t need this drama. I gave examples of my real life stressors so she could see that other people have lives.
>I snapped one day and texted her that I have a lot going on in life and don’t need this drama. I gave examples of my real life stressors so she could see that other people have lives.
> I gave examples of my real life stressors so she could see that other people have lives.
>tried to reason with a female.

>> No.58050821
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>friends with the neighbor
this is where you went wrong

>> No.58050867
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Just tell your gf you fucked the ugly duckling back in the day and the bitch wants child support.

>> No.58050886

You’re a retard for engaging her to begin with. Sluts are headcases. But I’ve done the same and ignored them. I really hate women and when I see that they’re murdered on the news I assume they deserved it.

>> No.58050911

I understand the desire to befriend neighbours.
But please consider the 4 possibilities :
Good people( not niggers etc ) good relation ( don't pester you/you're here for each others in times of needs ) : best case scenario
Good people bad relation : you ignore each others with maybe some backstabbing from the wife. Worse than being strangers
Bad people ( druggies/niggers/other filth ) good relation : Say goodbye to your home being an island of peace
Bad people bad relation : genuinely fear for your life

It's like pascal's wager except non-fiction.
Don't risk it, just keep it to non-verbal hellos and goodbyes, this is enough to not be complete strangers in case shit hit the fan.