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58049419 No.58049419 [Reply] [Original]

So I know Goyimbase is completely cucked and I haven't used them in years. I also know Kraken was forced to hand over any data prior to 2021 of customers that transacted over 20k or something.

So what is my best bet for an offramp that allows US customers, but likely won't sell me to the jews without a fight if I just transfer a few grand every year or so?

Should I go with Kraken, even though they got cucked? Is there any non-US based offramps that might stand a chance? I guess if I go with kraken I'll convert to USDT before sending there since they calculated all transaction including if you changed 5k eth-5k tether than cashed out (10k to the jews).

What would you guys recommend? I looked into BISQ and its way too slow and the orderbook is razor thin and spread is gay. I also live outside the US which makes p2p difficult, and I need the money in my checking account. What do my fellow undeclared to the US tax jew chads do? Should I just cuck up and use kraken since its just 2k I wanna cash out?

>> No.58049458

glossing past your hip antisemitism , you don't have a choice.
any and all regulation-compliant US exchanges will have to hand over data to various agencies under various conditions. they will not notify you.
they will also be forced to freeze your account under various conditions that they will not provide to you, neither before not after your account is frozen.
also yes, you're overcomplicating this in your head. just go through the humiliation ritual of KYC-ing yourself on Coinbase, Kraken or Gemini to get your account verified, and trade your puny amount.
track your cost basis, length of holding and gains/losses, you'll need it to assuage the IRS.

>> No.58049486

I've come up with a solution, and though not ideal I think it would work.

First, for all online based payments (phone, subscriptions,) I will use paybymoon. I can convert my shitcoins to BTC by using a service like fixedfloat. Then pay with a virtual debit card for most things other things (hotels, flights as well).

Then, for local currency, I can launder through my 3rd world girlfriend who can do p2p trades on binance and have the $ within her account in minutes. The only downside to this is if we breakup.

This should suffice until I am able to travel to my mother's home country and receive a passport from there, which I can then use to open bank accounts in foreign countries that I reside in instead of my US bank account.

How deluded is this plan?

>> No.58049517

You're going to be in for an extremely rude awakening if you try to keep this up in the long term and then get audited.

>> No.58049553

If I get audited, and I never delcared my crypto to the tax Jews, they won't see any transactions coming from the bank accounts they know about except legit ones. All virtual transactions will be coming from virtual debit cards with no kyc, and cash withdrawals from a non US passport in a non US country in a non-dollar currency. Also, I plan to declare and pay tax on my staking gains as income. It just hasnt gotten to the point where it's worth it yet. In the meantime I just want to play with a 4-5 figures of cash without paying the jews a dime. How are they gonna audit my third world gf?

>> No.58049584

I just use Coinbase. I never keep more than 50k on it at a time. Withdraw only to one bank account and it's in my name. It's not glamorous but this is what it means to be a Muttmerican
>Inb4 jump through a million hoops to avoid KYC and cashing out
Yeah I have cashed out like 250k this year. There's really no way for me to avoid the glowies.

>> No.58049589

On second thought you're right man, this is a stroke of genius. You're the first guy to ever come up with the idea of evading taxes via crypto and foreign bank accounts.

>> No.58049612

I'm not claiming to be a genius, just wondering at what point the IRS can penetrate my defenses. It seems pretty foolproof if I have a job, pay for things normally with it, but just use the crypto as luxuries / rent payments in foreign countries.

>> No.58049644

When you get bored, google "FATCA."
It's a fun law/treaty/dildo crafted very specifically for people like you.

>> No.58049852

Yeah, FACTA requires reporting US citizens to the US government. I know about that. Hence, why I mentioned using a passport from my mother's home country to open a bank account in a non us country, withdrawing in non-us currency. In fact, I've opened a bank account with my US passport in this third world country, and I had to check a box and sign an extra paper about FACTA. But had I used my other passport, that would not have occurred.

>> No.58049911

ignore the kike in the thread op, just get a SEA gf and use her identity to trade/cash out. this makes the amerijew screeeeeeeeeeeech