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5804381 No.5804381 [Reply] [Original]

Linkies absolutely blown the fuck out!!!!!!

>> No.5804479

kek i bought it at sibos for 40 cents, 60 cent is still good for this one

it will go to 5 dollars in an instant once they officially announce partnerships and whatnot

>> No.5804501

Are we still below ICO price?

>> No.5804506

>link announcing anything
How fucking new are you? Sergey has been in hiding for almost half a year now.

>> No.5804638


You can say this shit all you want but currently in the catalog you will find a recent SWIFT article stating that DLT PoC's are literal years from viability, and fucking walletinvestor, a notoriously accurate forecast, puts link at $1 by EOY and $9 in FIVE YEARS. In crypto this is quite literally a garbage return and I could be up 5x on my stack if it wasn't sitting in link, quite literally stinking to high heavens while rocket ships blast off all around me.

>> No.5804736
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yfw sergey is actually rory & chainlink is a scam

>> No.5804771

>a notoriously accurate forecast
>this entire post
Consider suicide

>> No.5804774

should have bought REQ dirty stinky linkies

>> No.5804836

Butthurt stinkie linkie

>> No.5804985


so the question becomes, does chainlink have utility to companies/orgs/startups other than swift itself? yes. individual banks could still make use of chainlink, startups, otehr non finance companies, etc.

in another thread, someone said sergey stopped talking to REQ but that may be because he has far bigger fish to fry.

>> No.5804986


How do those link bags feel watching xlm, xrp and kucoin? We have no substantial evidence that link is literally anything more than a few devs dicking around in fucking GO, led by a fucking philosophy major.

Have fun waiting five years to see this hit more than two bucks. Anyone who holds LINK this year is going to get fucking cucked watching other moons. There is simply no reason to expect LINK over $1 in 2018, and if you disagree by sperging you are just making the deluded linky meme a reality.

>muh nda
>muh $50 EOY

Invest in shit that is actually doing something. We got a big dead cat here.

>> No.5805061


Without a confirmed swift partnership, LINK has no bank partnership and only half confirmed partnerships with other platforms.

The real question becomes how much potential windfall from other coins are you willing to watch pass you by so you can hold this shit which has only floated by on swift relations, and now turns out it would be years before any of that came to fruition?

>> No.5805091

My LINK bags feel so good, sold before the final dip, bought at 1300 sats. Holding over 200k LINK right now.
All while knowing that this will explode in 2018 while you faggots chase daily pumps, I'm sleeping without any worries.

>notorious accuracy

Wow, it's a fucking straight line going up over time, amazing!

Lets see what they predicted for Ripple

Oh would you look at that, they predicted a whooping $1 in 2019 and it was already $2.75 in 2017.
Ripplefags BTFO!

Neck yourself if you're actually taking your price predictions from a literal bot who draws a straight line on a chart.

>> No.5805099


>> No.5805165


>> No.5805216

10000 sats back then

>> No.5805226



Yeah we are exploding to $1 by 2019 gonna be epic

>> No.5805233

Why you mad tho. Actual nolinkers don’t even bother to respond in link threads.

Yet you give two detailed (wrong) answers about how LINK isn’t worth it? Why don’t you just no comment?

Oh that’s right. Rent free. Is it that the order book is so small? Picked up 120k LINK between 1400-1600 sats lol. I’m comfy. Also have been riding the main trains too.

Someone wants to be a stinky linkyyyy

>> No.5805244

>While you faggots chase daily pumps

Lmao I'm getting rich off xlm xrp and all the rest and you're still bagholding.

>> No.5805266

I bought about 900 coss and I have 1000 link.
And I'm 90% sure that FRICKEN coss will moon before stinky link.

>> No.5805283
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>> No.5805334

Wow this site is pure retarded holy shit. Sitting with 200k links as well. FUD these days is pretty easy to deal with, back 6 weeks ago it was getting stressful, but now with it gaining more attention + upcoming events its a much comfier hold

>> No.5805395
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rank 104 oh no dump my lamboland tickets ASAP!!!!

>> No.5805451


If I'm wrong and swift is a real partner go ahead and prove it without referring to muh NDA.

This guy gets it. My link stack would have actually grown if it was invested in xlm instead of sergeys fucking leisurely leadership of his one intern with an "interest" in GO and smartcontracts.


>> No.5805487
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>> No.5805533

Enjoy your cuckcoin pajeet exchange PnD faggot

I'm sorry I don't have to chase PnD's all the time and dwell on /biz/ and pajeet discords to see what's trending 24/7.
I'm well off enough that I can invest in promising projects and leave my coins in a hardware wallet for a prolonged period of time.

And I actually rode the Ripple wave from the original pump to 24k sats months ago and it's still under that price.

It's hard sometimes, arguing with literal brainlets who look at the charts with a straight line and think it's credible in any sense.
It's so easy to disprove those fags with some actual facts and then you leave them without any real arguments so they have to resort to memes.

And also a reminder that most of the FUD comes from actual LINK holders themselves who were daytrading LINK all the time and then they got BTFO when it didn't dump to the old price. I've seen this happen more times than I can count, serves them right for being dumb fucks.
Case in point >>5805451 FUDs the entire thread then says
>My link stack would have actually grown

Stay poor famalam

>> No.5805552

>a recent SWIFT article stating that DLT PoC's are literal years from viability
And nothing happens in between?
Just years of absolute darkness and then *poof* mainstream adoption?

>fucking walletinvestor
Fucking literally who?

>> No.5805591

I believe in you guys and Link.

Hopefully Link is gonna be something worthwhile being around.

>> No.5805636

>Without a confirmed swift partnership, LINK has no bank partnership
AXA currently has a smart contract running on Chainlink, wtf are you even talking about.
Also, the vast majority of top-100 coins have no bank partnerships.

>> No.5805669

>10000 sats back then
How much was that in money?

>> No.5805679

I just find it funny. You had 3 months to FUD, especially post sinister, that was probably the toughest time to hold I imagine.

Linkies have held through the dark, and hype will only build for the block chain super conference where Sergey is speaking as a main speaker. Plus I know I just have to do nothing with my LINK TILL MAINNET and I’m golden.

I can also still chase your pumps and dumps. Trying to fud linkies when they’re over the dark bit? Lmao. They are professional holders lol.

>> No.5805829


If you literally think Kucoin is shit lets have a look at it in four months.

It is easy to be smug when you are holding hundreds of thousands of shares, but my paltry 20k is not going to cut it if I have to hold through months of silence every time Sergey blesses us with "news" that they are doing a full fucking rebuild and have no devs.

Did you all forget that Sergey literally told us to not expect news? The big hyped EOY announcement folks, don't expect news.

>> No.5805868

This was rank 86 when it was 22 cent back in december.

I don't know what's worse how badly link has performed due to the rest of the market or just how crazily inflated every fucking coin in the top 100 has become.

>> No.5805873
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>everything is mooning
>single out LINK especially to "FUD"

the low tier FUD at this point is so weak, I can't really distinguish anymore if people are some kind of super brainlets or if it is some next level 5 layers of irony shilling

>> No.5805944

>The big hyped EOY announcement folks
If you had half a brain, you would've known pretty much exactly what Sergey's EOY announcement was going to be.

I guess if you're a brainlet, disappointment must be a daily grind.

>> No.5805977

Same, it's like 4d FUD Chess at this point. I don't know how to feel.

>> No.5805997

It wasn't an announcement, it was an update. I was telling everyone not to expect anything huge right now, but the price still went up and it's holding just fine.

If you cannot afford to hold for at least a few more months then move on, I don't know what else to tell you. I'm in a position where I can afford to hold and miss other moon mission so I'll keep holding.
Everyone knows this is not a short term hold because that's not how this team operates.

>> No.5806011

Damn, those are some heavy bags.

>> No.5806053


>> No.5806085

I mean I don't even care at this point anymore. I bought 55k LINK at around 0.17$ and now even weekly MACD lines crossed with LINK being like one of the few projects that hasn't been really pumped yet. Even if this tanks 50% over night I'd still be in profits.

>> No.5806111

he's right unfortunately

i went 1/3 of my portfolio in around 40 cents and it has JUST'D me more months

dont know if ill ever recover

>> No.5806115


Garbage return for holding so long, even just holding Bitcoin could have given you better ROI.

Why are so many bizraelis stinky linkies?

>> No.5806129


>> No.5806145


We're still fueling up for the moon mission anon.

4chan memed Trump into the whitehouse. Getting LINK to the number 1 spot when we're ready will be childs play.

>> No.5806167
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>"go ahead and just perfectly time the market"
>still not a millionaire feeling the urge to shitpost on a degenerate pajeet forum FUDing random coins

So how many layers of irony are we in now?

>> No.5806186
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guess who mooning now ;) buy buy buy

>> No.5806192

>dont know if ill ever recover
Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but you're at over 50% profit.

"Bags" means you're in the red.
Having a 50% profit is not "being in the red".

1) only way to know other coins did better is with hindsight
2) the point of hodling is to keep from missing out on future events

>> No.5806218

Meh, since the EOY announcement none of this FUD has any teeth any more. It was more fun in October when some of the FUD was actually half believable.

Enjoy chasing Verge you daytrading retards. My 180k LINK is literally going to retire me by 2020.

>> No.5806230


Wow I'm BTFO lol as though investors should expect anything from the CEO right?

Oh, so it doesn't make a difference to you huh? Gee, must be nice to comment on shit that doesn't effect you as though that were everyones experience, but more really can't be expected from autism.

>> No.5806237

Holy fuck the fud just gets worse and worse doesn't it?

Walletinvestor is a fucking program which uses historical data to try predict the future price. It's fucking fancy linear regression. Says Monero will be up 63% in a year, when anybody with half a brain cell knows that at least $1000 by end of 2018.

>> No.5806244

Nice! Most of my shares were bought ~.30, but my stack is only 3.5k. I intend on getting to at least 5k before pursuing other coins, but who's to say how long I have to do this? One of the most frustrating things lol

>> No.5806245

same here, only 55k however. Guess I have to hold my "bags" a bit longer until I can retire.

>> No.5806255

It's already pumped twice recently to new aths and will likely continue even without updates. Iron hands holding what they know is a golden goose. Sorry, but if you don't understand why link will go over $1 then you are unfortunately the deluded faggot, not link holders.

>> No.5806272

>Wow I'm BTFO lol as though investors should expect anything from the CEO right?
If you had half a brain you would've known pretty much exactly what to expect from the CEO.

I guess brainlets like you can't help building traps for your future self to fall into.

>> No.5806285

Damn, that fud got me and I lost 100 LINKS. Anyone else looking at the chart?

>> No.5806323

You've got to keep in mind, the influx of normies means there are now thousands of people browsing /biz/ whose brains are literally incapable of delaying gratification, so the prospect of having to wait more than a few hours for gains is like trying to quit heroin. A lot of them also have extremely poor reading comprehension and reasoning skills, so they also virtually could not understand the white paper on a superficial even if they tried.

I'm not trying to say you have to be really smart to understand why Chainlink and Smartcontract are big, but if you grew up in a true middle class or above neighborhood you don't understand the sort of people we're dealing with here.

>> No.5806338


Again with austists who don't read.

Holding 200k link? Great, you might make it in a few years.

Holding 20k? You'd have been infinitely better off holding almost anything over the last month, and could have rebought your same position in link with much to spare or increased your link.

Is it that hard to understand?

>> No.5806349


The only reason you're up 50% is because of Bitcoin going up, don't get ahead of yourself, you are actually way down in sats. You could have held literally anything else and made better profits. So relatively, yeah you are holding bags.

>> No.5806391


>you could have made more money predicting the market better.

Thanks for your insights, Mr Buffet.

>> No.5806446


>> No.5806482

Literally the only reason it hasnt6 done as well is because they openly admitted they did not intend to hype the coin due to the type of customers they are catering to. Now they can only do so much to control the price, but no way are they risking pending partnerships to appease autistic faggots on /biz/ who are only chasing pumps. Had they done what REQ is doing with bi-weekly updates this shit would be over $1 already. Buy some and hold like a non-autist or stay poor, your choice

>> No.5806532
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quoting myself here
The levels of brainletism is astounding.

If you were less of a brainlet you'd understand that EVERYBODY that bought in below the current sat price, is currently up in sat price. And many people, like me, just bought around the 1500-2000 range. So even in BTC most people are up, also someone who bought it at ~0.40$ is actually up more in sats than in USD at this point thanks to BTCs shitty sideways performance. Is this too hard to grasp? Also measuring value in volatile bubblecoin: see picture

But again: I don't really know if you're not even trying to FUD properly anymore because you actually want to do some shilling or because you have serious, serious, serious braindamage.

>> No.5806645

Then don't invest in the coin, it's simple really. Nobody is asking you to

>> No.5806659

What is this meme?

>> No.5806769


For the last time I am pitching because I hold most of my gains from last year in link. I am all in, I am not holding at a loss, I have no lost links trying to short the market.

I am simply worried my stack isn't big enough, and I only have about 2eth to play with on the rest of the market. It is physically painful to have been advising people to buy xrp and xlm while I sit on my link filled hands.

>> No.5806773

>The only reason you're up 50% is because of Bitcoin going up

That's it, the most hilariously stupid response of 2018 so far.
Congrats, trenchbrain.

>> No.5806985


original poster bought at SIBOS, learn to read dumbass, it was 8-7k sats at the time


see above

why are linkies so deluded and stinky? makes me embarassed to share a board with you guys

>> No.5807041

He's right tho

>> No.5807084
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>> No.5807257
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You are my favorite nominee for the dumbest person of all time that actually manages, despite his misisng brainhalf, couple of extra chromosomes and serve autism to handle a computer well enough in order to write such gold nuggets of insight, enriching the internet with you flavor or retardation. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your existence in this world. It is truly honorable to share the same age of living with you.

Only downside is that I don't even have a proper brainlet ready for this very special occasion, but I will try my best.

>> No.5807298
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>hundreds of thousands of shares,

You have to go back

>> No.5807349

I'll give you a hint: for much of the time when Bitcoin was mooning, Link was going down in fiat.
In fact, it's a well-known meme that Bitcoin mooning = alts crashing.

To say an alt is only up in fiat because Bitcoin went up is hilariously stupid.

You do know that sats are valued in fiat, right?

>> No.5807632

I laugh at you from the moon station

>> No.5807658


Linkers live RENT FREE in nolinkers heads because they post about us so much

>> No.5807666
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How will linkies ever recover?

>> No.5807740

Technologically I have never understood the appeal of LINK. There is nothing revolutionary about LINK. I mean people could have made hundreds of thousands dollars by buying either SNT or XLM.

>> No.5807871

>There is nothing revolutionary about LINK.
It's the first blockchain-agnostic decentralized network of oracles. The real revolution lies in the mainstream smart contracts, which have remained a theory to this day.
If/when Link becomes the key to mainstream smart contracts, you can be damn sure it'll be revolutionary.

>people could have made hundreds of thousands dollars by buying either SNT or XLM.
Did you?

>> No.5808139


Stinky linkies

>> No.5808693

>Technologically I have never understood the appeal of LINK. There is nothing revolutionary about LINK.
imagine being this braindead

>> No.5809520

I will keep holding my 20k link to at least 5$ or till 0$

Do or die, no in between bullshit. I'm like a computer, 1 or a 0, moon or death.

>> No.5809640
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Are you me?

>> No.5810283
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