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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.88 MB, 1506x858, Marbela.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58039011 No.58039011 [Reply] [Original]

where did you invest your crypto profits ?

I will buy a villa in Marbela later this year

>> No.58039016

bot thread posted many times

>> No.58039024 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, Donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok cool, I wont, my target is 3 tonnes of ramen!

>> No.58039037

not a bot

>> No.58039276
File: 2.11 MB, 3840x2160, 1000025702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I sell into profit, I'll start diversifying. Probably gonna move some into commodities that look near a cycle bottom (ex natgas), and buy some land or maybe my fist rental property. The rest depends on the larger economic situation. If we're headed for hyperinflation I'm going to get my money into safe assets, maybe more land and try homesteading, for example.

If not, may just do lots of high interest savings accounts and shorter investments so I can fight inflation and still buy near the next crypto bottom. Just another 2-3x after this run and I can fuck off to hundreds of acres in a beautiful area.

>> No.58039444

nobody with any intelligence goes to marbella lol

>> No.58039494

I keep my Bitcoin and rent around the world. Bitcoin goes up harder the. Houses. If i have chicken children I might consider settling down and buying a homestead

>> No.58040853

wait, are you a rooster?

>> No.58040928

marbella is run by gangsters and full of rich snobs, there was a shooting there just the other day. there are better places in the south of spain.

>> No.58041043

why is that?

>> No.58041118

buy rural land away from the coastline

>> No.58041134

denounce the talmud then

>> No.58042410

for starters you are capture by retarded spanish taxes
and beyond that marbella is known as a collection point for all manner of drugcartels to the point there are liquidations in broad daylight
good luck staying there as a crypto person, they will crack your seed with the 5 dollar hammer
just do a google search on marbella drug violence

>> No.58042516

T. I was raped in marbella two times when getting outta' my benz.

>> No.58042632

Is that ponzi scheme still running?

>> No.58042634

>be me
>shitcoin connoisseur
>numba go up
>unironically makeit
>sell shitcoins for ETH and BTC
>cash out 90%
>with hold the required amount for taxes
>invest the rest in standard normie portfolio with some twists
>50% stocks, mix of growth and dividend producing value stocks
>10% fixed income to reduce volatility
>10% gold/silver
>the remaining 30% for real estate (vacation house, rental properties, etc.)
>live the good life
>still have at least 1 BTC, 32 ETH and 1k LINK so I'll makeit again next cycle

>> No.58044414
File: 266 KB, 564x409, zxc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people arent here 247 just like you do, faggot. go take a shower
I already chose to cash out completely, money i got was life changing in the country i live in so ill just buckle up to do nothing but expend little on myself an allat.
I have a designated 250k fund to divide in different markets, and im mainly interested on gamefi, due to that's how I kinda made it in the first place. my current scope is these two destiny 2/ apex and tarkov ripoffs that look prolly to do something like operation7 and rakion did back in the day, but without the worthless microtransactions and best of their main net superverse takes care of unifying the token, which is better in the long run

>> No.58044418


>> No.58044506

>1k link
>make it
pick one, anon xdddddD

>> No.58044514

marbella seems like quite the pick for a next multimillionaire.
It usually is Filipines and shit lol
I would just go to Sweden, I think that would be my perfect place

>> No.58044533


>> No.58044571

forget about the rest of the fuckers, metal core is looking fucking metal! that halo vibe I'm diggin! p2e? fuck yeah

>> No.58044581

I'm not sure that's even the monetization they are implementing but yeah... hot game. cant say that for the other one, looks AI made

>> No.58044601

typical biz here

>> No.58044669

>Hotel Don Pepe.