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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58033898 No.58033898 [Reply] [Original]

Will I have to get a job?? Who's even hiring these days?

>> No.58033907

Fucking no one lmao that’s why I’m NEETing it up waiting to buy your cheapies

>> No.58034044

Apply at your local Mcdonald's. it may not be glamorous, but shit income is better than no income. then throw as much of it into crypto as possible.

>> No.58034115

top signal

>> No.58034162
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, as56d1as65da65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told my boss to go suck a bunch of nigger dick at the start of the month

im so dead

>> No.58034190

Baggage handler at an airport, they are always hiring.

>> No.58034216

if your boss is a cute blonde girl like illya, then chances are that's what she does for fun anyway, and won't take offense to it.

>> No.58034420

What's your stats anon?

I applied for 90 internships since November, rejected from 30, progressed past the initial screening from two.

>> No.58034465

McDonalds is a life risking job in modern day America. You shouldn't work there unless you have a death wish. Same thing goes for any kind of chain fast food or retail store.

>> No.58034511

what's life risking about it. the obesity you might obtain from having access to free fast food on your lunch break?

>> No.58034529

Have you been living under a rock? There are probably hundreds of videos of chimpouts at McDonalds and retail stores posted on the internet every single day.

>> No.58034543

kneepads always beckon

>> No.58034558

I work at UPS where some of my coworkers chimp out all the time. you'll be fine. its not like they're going to shoot you or stab you. worst thing that happens is they throw their drink at you.

>> No.58034573

You're insane if you think that kind of behavior is normal or should be tolerated in a society that white men built. I'd rather commit suicide than ever subject myself to being around "people" like that.

>> No.58034632

keyed and absolutely correct

>> No.58034636

its not normal and shouldn't be tolerated, but that's just the world we live in now. so it will happen from time to time. it can be a useful life skill to learn not to freak out when people are chimping out. staying calm under heated and unorthodox situations is a valuable life skill in the kind of degradated society we live in. odds are, even if you don't work retail or food service, you'll run into someone like that sooner or later as you have to interact with society on some level, and you'll know how to deal with them with no stress to you. maybe even learn to laugh at it.