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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 238 KB, 1125x1479, cubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58032211 No.58032211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58032228

12 + 18 + 21

>> No.58032245

There are 17 blocks on the side
From the back and top we see all sides filled
The highest amount would be 17*3*3 = 153
The lowest amount would be, 17 (side) + 6 (back) + 12 (top) = 35
Could be anywhere between 35-153 depending how many blocks are missing

>> No.58032248

it becomes much more complex when you consider that there are cubes within cubes, overlapping cubes, potentially empty space inside the structure, the "cube" unit itself has not been defined, dark matter cubes, cube atom theory, etc

>> No.58032250

only midwits will give an answer like "there is not enough information look at me I am so smart"
low iq and high iq will just give you the most likely answer(which is 12 + 18 + 21) and call it a day and move on with their lives

>> No.58032254

As the tweet mentions there is not enough information.

>> No.58032257

Cubes are floating, gravity is a lie.
There are cubes inside the cubes.
The middle is lower.
The box 3x3x3 is actually one big cube with lines

>> No.58032259

can't be bothered to try

>> No.58032265

literally not enough information

>> No.58032271

The answer cannot be determined because we can't determine the arrangement of cubes visible from the side, or whether theyre eclipsing other cubes or not

>> No.58032299

51, assuming no voids

>> No.58032309
File: 176 KB, 720x541, 1708626768849612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making the assumption that the side view is projected uniformly, its 51. But if the side view isn't projected consistently we don't have enough information to solve it.

>> No.58032310

Nigger is right

>> No.58032317

My math is completely wrong
The most possible cubes are 17*3 = 51
The lowest would be 35
Between 35 and 51

>> No.58032325

How it looks from the side and the too doesn't make sense?

>> No.58032326

Gravity is the 4th piece of the puzzle. Minimum middle lengthwise is 11, minimum side lengthwise is 17 and 17, so minimum total is 45.

Max: 153
Min: 45

>> No.58032331

The range is 35-51

>> No.58032333

17 on the side X 3 deep
Top doesn’t matter because it’s an optical illusion

>> No.58032336

Ye i multiplied by 3 too many times

>> No.58032337

he's right, you can' tell the depth of the boxes so from the side view, while you assume it's a stair step down, just the first one could be, and the rest lay flat.

>> No.58032338


>> No.58032341

51 cubes on the trailer

>> No.58032346


>> No.58032374
File: 750 KB, 798x766, 1696334180336122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the inner cubes that you can't see is actually made up of an infinite number of infinitesimally small cubes, so the maximum number of of cubes is infinity
or possibly, what you are seeing is actually a hollow shell, and there are no cubes at all, and the minimum number of cubes is zero

>> No.58032396

51. Midwits think that some gay cubes can support voids without being glued together

>> No.58032398

there could also be a single white cube that the trailers are buried beneath (we're viewing the bottom)

>> No.58032413

Its not about being in mid air
Its about that the side pic could only be for one row. And the back side could also be for one row.

>> No.58032416


>> No.58032425


>> No.58032502
File: 1.24 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my shitty drawing

why the fuck is /biz/ retarded???

>> No.58032516
File: 324 KB, 868x482, pepe 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's 43-51, we're all retarded

>> No.58032560

The only answer is 51. Wow what a bunch of retards holy shit

>> No.58032562

>Between 35 and 51
correct answer

>> No.58032574

Did I buy poisoned mouthwash again?

>> No.58032576

Why 43 instead of 53

>> No.58032588

I feel like this might relate to the situation in the hotel rather than the motuhwash.

>> No.58032590
File: 41 KB, 656x679, 1163196593179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is 47 and no one can prove me wrong

>> No.58033712


>> No.58033787

One transparent glass cube that's partially painted.

>> No.58033954

This kind of questions on school tests were put there on purpose to penalize the young sperglords who would get stuck trying to solve the problem literally instead of being able to discern what the teacher actually meant like any normal human would.
Otherwise, they might get confused into thinking they were well adjusted and good at things, and that'd help no one.

>> No.58034076
File: 106 KB, 498x498, IMG_5457.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not enough information
But I did have breakfast this morning.

>> No.58034118

About tree fiddy

>> No.58034132

>white cube
>we're viewing the bottom
that's /biz/ since 7 years, give it a rest

>> No.58034153

Hold on, do we count cubes made up of 2x2 or 3x3 smaller cubes?

>> No.58034180

>But I did have breakfast this morning.
I wonder if this joke even makes sense to them

>> No.58034184
File: 212 KB, 1125x1121, IMG_9749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger there’s 51 cubes on that trailer.

>> No.58034200

impossible to tell

>engineer with 6 years of experience in 3D modelling

>> No.58034270
File: 53 KB, 600x582, brainlet8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously the answer is 51

but this is the perfect kind of question that midwit rebbidumbs and niggers will overthink (or underthink) and get wrong on IQ tests. It's really a great question.

>tic toc nigger, clock is ticking. You are burning daylight overthinking this question
>well Ken Jim Sung answered it 3 minutes ago and is already 4 questions ahead of you, better pick an answer quick!

>> No.58034282

...there's 51 cubes, 21 on the bottom layer, 18 in the middle, 12 on the top. twitter users are genuenly stupid holy shit.
>but achuallly
don't care about your math degree or copium induced hypothetical situations. this is a GRADE SCHOOL math problem.

>> No.58034408

these are the dimwits we get our financial advice from kek.
there is no range, you fucking 70 IQ trannies, gravity prevents anything other than 51 to be true.

>> No.58034434

You’re certiied 100 iq
Im not even joking
Maaaaybe 105 iq but no more than that