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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58031594 No.58031594 [Reply] [Original]

Damage Report?

>> No.58031670
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Captain, sensors indicate the damage will get far worse.

>> No.58031701


>> No.58032065

massive damage to anon's portfolio, captain

>> No.58032069

still up 300% kek

>> No.58032077
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>> No.58032099 [DELETED] 
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Das shit be hittin some turbulence I bet dat muthafucka Q haves something to wid dis

>> No.58032137
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Captain, I got us covered, I went all in on dog coins.

>> No.58032154
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>> No.58032157

fuck you data, divert power to pump

>> No.58032176
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>> No.58032266
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Damage Report: Market Status

The Market is currently operating at 30% capacity following the recent enemy attack.

-The hull has sustained significant damage, with breaches in multiple sections.
-Several vital systems, including the power core and navigation controls, have been compromised and are operating at minimal functionality.
-Communications are down, making it difficult to send distress signals or receive updates from nearby vessels.
-Life support systems are struggling to maintain adequate levels of oxygen, putting the crew at risk of asphyxiation.
-The engines have taken a severe hit, severely limiting our ability to maneuver or escape further attacks.

Repair efforts are underway, but the extent of the damage is proving to be a significant challenge. Immediate assistance is required to ensure the safety and survival of the crew.

>> No.58032276
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Umbilical cable severed. The ship has switched to emergency power. Operational time: 4 minutes and 53 seconds.

>> No.58032285

The shields are currently offline due to the extensive damage sustained during the enemy attack. Without functioning shields, the ship is left exposed and vulnerable to further attacks. Restoring the shields is a top priority for the crew, as they provide crucial protection against incoming threats and help safeguard the ship from additional damage.

Efforts are being made to repair and reinitialize the shield systems, but the extent of the damage may pose challenges in bringing them back online swiftly. Until the shields are operational, the ship remains at heightened risk and must rely on other defensive measures to mitigate potential dangers. The crew is working diligently to restore the shields and enhance the ship's defenses to ensure its safety in the face of ongoing threats.

>> No.58032319

In the mean time transfer available power to life support number one meet me in my ready room

>> No.58032320


Sold 20% of my Bitcoin at 70k

I'm good whether it goes up or down sir, no damage. Just no crabbing please haha!

>> No.58032335

Holding Apu, reporting… no damage, and all time highs. Never bet against the most popular meme on the internet.

>> No.58032361

I sold half at 72k, 60% of profit still. Ofc i should had sold all, but what the thell

>> No.58032372

$67,000 is the lowest I've ever seen. Is it over for Bitcoin?

>> No.58032382
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>> No.58032392

"Roger that, Captain. The power transfer to life support number one has been successfully executed, ensuring the vital systems are functioning at optimal capacity."

Navigating through the familiar corridors, I can't help but feel the weight of responsibility resting on my shoulders. The fate of our crew and the success of our mission lie in the decisions we make in these critical moments.

As I reach the entrance to the Captain's ready room, I pause to collect my thoughts and steel my resolve. With a deep breath, I push open the door and step inside, meeting the Captain's gaze with determination and readiness for whatever lie ahead.

>> No.58032406

What damage, APU is at ATH

>> No.58032441

>Number one thank you for joining me, our situations is much dire than we originally thought, the Cardassian have rugpulled us with the help of the Ferrengi ....

>> No.58032464
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>the Ferrengi ....
I knew it.

>> No.58032484
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Not selling

>> No.58032493
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>> No.58032557

What the actual fuck is Pigface talking about?

>> No.58032578

No survivors.

>> No.58032628
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I'm afraid it's been … nine thousand USD.

>> No.58032647
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>Meme line language
>The meme language only ever referred to their own memes
>Star Command's system has no memes to make the foreigner's memes make sense
Lol, this was an episode.

>> No.58032704

Temba, his stocks broken.

>> No.58032713

damage report? bitcoin is very close to record highs
i'm flying to vegas on monday for a lavish week of crytpo funded depravity

>> No.58032768

TNG nerd here. He's saying "We need to work together. I'm ready to team up if you are. If we don't team up we'll probably die"

>> No.58032783
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Thanks fren

>> No.58032797

he was actually a retard and the federation was just humoring him for inclusivity reasons

other than neelix and wesley, never has a character been more deserving of a photon torpedo up their anus

>> No.58032891
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Thoroughly fucked, Jean-Luc.

>> No.58032940

Sokath his eyes uncovered

>> No.58033018
File: 168 KB, 1574x904, dba[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer, activate the holodeck program Barclay-Theta-5 and create a scene of a bustling crypto bull market.

>> No.58033217

>Unable to comply. This holodeck can only create images grounded in reality.

>> No.58033250

Minimal damage, actually. Lost some money off a 10% 10X bet I made long that hit my stop loss, that felt bad...but I bet big on a double-bottom pumpback and made it all back, because I didn't trust this fucking thing not moving up out of its hole fast enough.

Good think too since uh...we're kinda dying atm lmao.

>> No.58033400
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Best episode

>> No.58033450

As the Captain's urgent command reverberates through the ship, my heart skips a beat at the gravity of the situation. Crash landing?! My mind races as I quickly spring into action, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Initiating safety protocols," I respond swiftly, my fingers flying across the controls as I bring up the emergency procedures on the display screen. With a sense of urgency, I bark out orders to the crew, ensuring that each member is prepared for the imminent impact.

The ship begins to shudder as we descend towards the unknown surface below. With a firm grip on the console, I brace myself for the impact, steeling my resolve to do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of the crew.

As the ship lurches violently upon impact, alarms blare and emergency lights flash around us. Through the chaos, I maintain focus, working diligently to stabilize the systems and ensure the safety of all on board.

As the dust settles and the ship comes to a halt, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. We may have survived the crash landing, but the real challenge lies ahead as we navigate the unknown terrain and work together to overcome the obstacles in our path.

>> No.58033461

As we emerge from the wreckage of the crash landing, we are met with a landscape unlike anything we have ever seen before. The barren terrain stretches out before us, with jagged rock formations jutting up from the ground and an ominous sky looming overhead.

The Captain's voice breaks through the silence, his tone resolute as he outlines our next steps. We must assess the damage to the ship, gather supplies, and determine our location in order to devise a plan for survival. The crew springs into action, working together to salvage what remains of our technology and resources.

As we explore the surrounding area, we encounter strange flora and fauna, indicating that we are far from our familiar galaxy. The air is thick with an otherworldly energy, pulsating with an unknown force that both intrigues and unnerves us.

With each step we take into the unknown, we are reminded of the fragility of our existence and the resilience of the human spirit. As we face the challenges that lie ahead, we are united in our determination to survive, adapt, and overcome whatever obstacles may come our way. The journey ahead may be treacherous, but we are not alone. Together, we will find a way to navigate this alien world and ultimately find our way back home.

>> No.58033519

As the reality of our situation sinks in, a sense of urgency grips the crew. With the engine obliterated and no way to depart from this alien world, our only option is to focus on getting the reactor back online and fortifying our defenses to ensure our survival in this hostile environment until the crew can rebuild the propulsion system.

>> No.58033834

lost 1k today shorting and longing
markets undecisive

>> No.58033843

yeah im thinkin kino

>> No.58033956
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Relax and BTFD