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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 651 KB, 1168x1332, Screenshot 2024-03-16 at 2.15.56 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58028737 No.58028737 [Reply] [Original]

You have a winning lottery ticket, worth millions of dollars. It has a line at the bottom saying "Not redeemable until:" but the date has faded away.
You know it will be redeemable some time in the next 5 years.

Would you be happy about your good fortune? Or would you spend your time absolutely miserable, checking if it's redeemable every 15 minutes, and having a massive tantrum every time the answer came back "not yet"?

>> No.58028757

most monkeys on this site would be checking it every 15 mins and pissing their pants

>> No.58028762

5 years is an eternity for alt coins, quit thinking of things as "sure things" when the industry can be rugged by goyverment at any moment.

>> No.58028771

When Euroclear is crowing about your PoC with SWIFT then you're allowed to be quietly confident.

>> No.58028786

your reaction when all the tokens are dumped and it turns out chainlink isn't going to be used...

>myspace crying to facebook ''but we were here first''

>> No.58028808

It’s never pumping ever. Not in 5 million years. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can find peace in your life. You are cucked

>> No.58028820

>when the industry can be rugged by goyverment at any moment.
This was a risk at any point in previous history, but i no longer think thats the case
Crypto in total has a mcap of 2,6 trillions. Its just way too much money at this point

>> No.58028833

Euroclear? More like bore o clear

>> No.58028850

>be me
>Have fren
>Get 10k both from our summer job
>see fren buy 1 lottery ticket with his share
>I buy silly dog coins instead

FF 4 years
>Fren tells me all the time to also buy loterry ticket so we can make it together
>Finally swap funny dog coins
>Buy 50 lottery tickets

>> No.58028855

>was really impressive
is code for "it was useless tech mumbo jumbo, but i had to write an article"

>> No.58028871

Why would Euroclear's head of digital assets "have to write an article"?

>> No.58028877
File: 293 KB, 2532x1170, D0D33487-8FC8-4F3E-BF86-B94E859712AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link has been trending down against Btc and eth for the past 4 years. What the fuck are you so smug about?

>> No.58028889

checked and correct

>> No.58028902

meanwhile Dogecoin has just done your so called lottery ticket pump in a single 3 day period. Go fuck yourself

>> No.58028909

he's paid to advocate or he's not realising he's being played and doing it for free.
the twitter page is literally marketing

>inb4 hiding strategy
>inb4 that's only for the price

and he's remarketing the marketing

>> No.58028910

>You know it will be redeemable some time in the next 5 years.
I absolutely do not know that, it was a bet when I bought in 2017 and it's still a bet now, if you think anything is sure in life you're deluded

>> No.58028930

thread open for 20 minutes and already got 5 hidden responses, the fudders are working overtime (for pennies) lmao, kek even.

>> No.58028943

yes there is a conspiracy to pump every single coin but link

March 8, 2021:
>LINK: $31.70
>ETH: $1,720
>SOL: $13.95
>MATIC: $0.21
>DOGE: $0.05
>BNB: $290

March 8, 2024:
>LINK: $19.98
>ETH: $3,934
>SOL: $146.17
>MATIC: $1.14
>DOGE: $0.17
>BNB: $490

>> No.58028946
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Yes, and I can remain deluded longer than the market can remain irrational.

>> No.58028953

Any particular reason you chose those coins and those dates? Was it a totally random sample?

>> No.58028998

don't bother responding to me if you have anything negative to say about link it gets auto filtered, only positive thoughts allowed

>> No.58029001

could it be to counter your narrative that link's performance is just peachy and it's the market that is wrong. these numbers show exactly how much sergey has fucked over his holders in the last 5 years. avoid link like the fucking plague.

>> No.58029008

Link has the symbolism the elites want
And so it's the only crypto that matters
Simple as

>> No.58029028

not reflected in the price or usage though is it

>> No.58029078

But cherrypicking a handful of projects on a carefully chosen date wouldn't prove anything, which is why I asked.
I could just as easily cherrypick substratum, ambrosias and jibrel that went to zero. it wouldn't prove anything.

>> No.58029257

then just use cycle performance.
you accept there are cycles, or no?

provided you do,
link's cycle low was around $6.50/7
bitcoin's cycle low was around $18/20.

if you want to be pedantic you might say 4 or 5.71 for link and 15,230 for btc, but let's just say more or less 6.50/7 for link and 18/20k for btc.

since then - IN THIS CYCLE - link hasn't even tripled.
btc has quadrupled.
can look at avax and say the same, can look at xyz and say the same, can look at abc and say the same.
it isn't really cherrypicking carefully chosen dates,
we are using the contextual reference of a cycle, there's leeway here, there's tolerance here, there's ample space here,
and doing that, if you aren't being disingenuous then you know link has underperformed and i'm saying that as somebody who got in a long time ago for way less than it is now and is sitting pretty.
link has still underperformed this cycle and the fud we heard during the bearmarket about new sat ath's never happening appear to have been true.

>> No.58029335

>called out for cherrypicking
>cherrypicks harder
I'm going to hold the cards to my forehead and pick a completely random timeframe - say, a month ago, when chainlink had run up to $20 and was the best performer in the market this year

>> No.58029355

everyone would be a billionaire if they managed to catch every bottom and sell every top, I feel for you being a top buyer can't have been easy, I personally never bought a top but I can imagine how rough that must've been

>> No.58029363

>$5 to $20
>$16k to $64k
>$1600 to $4k
it's done about the same as BTC and better than ETH.

>> No.58029387

Is 200 LINK enough to retire in South East Asia? Asking for a friend.

>> No.58029437
File: 159 KB, 578x525, 1709820336664223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, did we know about Euroclear participating in the poc?

>> No.58029445

Link crashed much harder tho, but you already know that. 40% of ath whereas btc made new ath

This comparison is especially relevant to biz as most here bought pre ‘20. So you’re down 6x since then

>> No.58029453

I love how you assume every Link holder is somehow only holding Link.
Projecting hard, my brother.

>> No.58029469

They say when analyzing your current investment, you should look at as if hypothetically, if you had that amount of cash on hand, would you buy your current holdings. So in effect, every day from ‘20 until now, you have bought the top, and as a result, have sufferred tremendously

>> No.58029483

Nice projection

This is a link thread

>> No.58029485

Yes it was the "12 financial institutions" one.

>> No.58029489

Wow. We're at the end-stage for fud these days. We literally have Swift, DTCC, Euroclear, SDX and a whole tranche of other huge entities who have confirmed what we always knew and the fudders can only whimper "but.. price" and "no it won't happen it just won't no no no".
For a long time i used to enjoy 'fighting the fud' but it's too weak now. I'm resigning from it before the end as it's oddly like losing an old friend to alzheimers. I'd rather not have to watch their indignity.
So long, boys. Will see my marines at the yacht party. We made it, fellas.

>> No.58029495

>everyone who posts in a Link thread only holds Link

Projecting really hard, anon.

>> No.58029497

No one cares about your paid research. Monetize it or stfu

>> No.58029513

>They say when analyzing your current investment, you should look at as if hypothetically, if you had that amount of cash on hand, would you buy your current holdings. So in effect, every day from ‘20 until now, you have bought the top, and as a result, have sufferred tremendously
you're a weirdo, you're only trying to word 'if you bought every bottom and sold every top perfectly you'd be richer' differently, I know. But I don't live in a chinese urban time travel novel so I can't do that.

>> No.58029517
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Just found it, they were listed by name in the Swift press release.

>> No.58029656

Now let’s complete the story. Everyone gets to draw a lottery ticket from a hat.

You draw a ticket with no known redemption date. In fact, it may never be redeemable for all you really know, and it doesn’t tell you the amount it’s redeemable for.

Literally everyone else around you draws a ticket with a multiple of 5-2000x on it with a guaranteed redemption date of within the next couple of months.

As the months go by and everyone is redeeming their tickets, you still have no news at all about if your ticket will be redeemable at any point or for what. You are then offered a chance to trade your ticket for any other ticket in the hat, as a new round of people choose new tickets as well. But you choose not to. As this new crowd redeems their winnings over and over you still sit idly by, waiting for some news, but there is no hint of it. All of the lottery winners have started making fun of you nonstop. They call you “the cuckold of the lotto hat.”

You now get another chance to trade your ticket for another one in the hat, as a new crowd gathers around. Do you swap? Are you happy with your ticket, OP?

>> No.58029724

This is actually the perfect explanation of the fudder mindset who literally thinks that "everyone is making it except me" as they watch one thing moon after another and somehow convince themselves that "everyone" is just rotating perfectly through every single winner and making millions.

>> No.58029746

I resemble that remark

>> No.58029776

I started moving my LINK which I have held 50,000 of since 2017 into random shitcoins and other top 10s like SOL AVAX BTC just a couple of months ago and within that time I have 3x’d from where I would be if I just held LINK. I’ve only sold of like 20k because I was hoping to get another LINK pump at some point to sell the rest so was releasing slowly but the move would have clearly been to just dump everything and move the fuck on in life. Of course I do have 15k staked. You can call it fud but the reality is this is what is actually happening. It’s a dart board out there where everything is going parabolic basically except LINK. As long as you don’t enter actual rugs like go SOL casino you can’t fucking lose. I bought bags of LINK “competitors” like PYTH and AXL thinking I was going to lose all my money and I was being a bitter idiot and they both have massively outperformed LINK. I bought SOL thinking with the high mcap it had I was probably buying a snail token which would get nuked on any BTC dump and it has more than doubled and is completely resilient to BTC dropping, sometimes it even continues to go up while LINK shits itself 10% on a 1% BTC move.

>> No.58029893
File: 59 KB, 906x548, LINKMARINE_OUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer to participate in the bullrun than seeing more smoke and mirrors thrown around by sergey and his WFH company

>> No.58029909

linkies are mentally ill cultists stay as far away from them as you can

>> No.58029950
File: 834 KB, 3798x1278, merge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58029962

cope post by a mentally ill baggie

>> No.58030028
File: 16 KB, 551x210, old lottery ticket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58030030

the company paid for the thing to get publicity. having no tangible results is bad enough, by calling it "impressive" they can at least save some face

>> No.58030205
File: 795 KB, 1253x882, 1672673000324250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58030312

The fuddies got REALLY riled up by this one

>> No.58030320

Well /biz/?? Would you take $1M now or $???? In ???????? Years? Or dinner with Jay Z?

>> No.58030336
File: 314 KB, 1170x2089, IMG_2168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry what?

>> No.58030364
File: 11 KB, 1155x119, paypal two weeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58030846

thank you wise fren, i will live today exuberantly, as if i have already made it. i will do my best

>> No.58030993
File: 362 KB, 851x1772, purpledrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space aliens are coming to Earth and all you care about it magic internet shekels.

>> No.58031036

You ever considered for a minute that if link was that big of a deal, why would they even let you buy it?

>> No.58031336

If it was released today, they wouldn't. The launch of LINK during the ICO boom when the public had maximum access to early stage investing is one of those miracles that you can attribute to extreme good luck, coincidence, or divine intervention, depending on how schizo you are.
Personally I think 5th dimensional angels intervened so we would make it, and I'm not joking.

>> No.58031389

>but.. price

All that matters, and crashing as we speam

Also lol at “whimper”…you are rattled as fuck, lay off the onions bitch

>> No.58031400

>literally doesn't even know about /biz/ filters
why does it seem like fudders are always a constant influx of newfags who can't bear to stick around?

>> No.58031421


>> No.58031448

Congrats nerd.

Also congrats on the 3x from bottom. Your only gain in 4 years. I did that this past week on frog memes

>> No.58031454

>hey you should buy this shitcoin it will make you rich
>how DARE you complain about the price? Just use filter man haha

>> No.58031480

Thanks man! that 3x is a huge amount of money. I hope you're doing well too.
>so ESL he doesn't know I'm talking about the söy/onions filter and thinks I'm talking about filtering threads
literally proving my point hahaha

>> No.58031530

You know I heard the same shit all through 2017 and 2018. All these meet ups, events, and announcements. Absolute shit pumps or none at all compared to jeet tier shit coins.
Dumped at 20, enjoy holding something that has price control embedded by sirgay

>> No.58031555

But still here after selling. It's pretty addictive, huh.

>> No.58031584

I agree, but sometimes I wonder didn't the XRP fags have and still have this same mindset.

The lottery tickets isn't a guarantee, a ton of things can happen between now and then.

>> No.58031591

we know you're not joking.
that's why i think most fellow linkies are deluded.
and i believe in Angels.

but the idea they let us buy it then, and wouldn't let us buy it now, and , i guess, that this price performance is to make us sell, is off kilter anon.
We obviously aren't ever selling even if they drag it all the way back down to $1 i will just ride out on the horse i came in on, but i'm not selling, but there's no agenda to make me sell.
If there was they wouldn't be marketing on twitter everyday, or a conference every 3 weeks,and pay advocates to keep it's imagine in line.
They have 1 million followers on twitter anon. Even accounting for those with 2 or 3 accounts, and dormant accounts, that's a lot of people interested in link. You might be right to think a lot of those have a financial interest. That's a lot of people.
We aren't as unique as you think.
There's no agenda to push you out.
Just an agenda to distribute the tokens at a particular price and yes, they can move the price up and down as they like.

>> No.58031925

checked. it's because they are all newfags from twitter circa 2020. imagine buying a "suicide stack" of linkies at $16 lol

>> No.58032778

But by the same token, with keeping the price down, they're letting new people buy in easier than if they just let it pump