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File: 40 KB, 1440x784, request-share.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5802864 No.5802864 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously what kind of fucking scammers are you? Entire board gets spammed with request threads making me fomo hard as rock, I buy at 6800 sat and then the thing goes down more than 30% forcing me to sell? And then the next day it goes back up again? You have any idea how much money I lost? Absolute lowest of lowest trash on this website, at least the jokes used to be good here years ago now you actually make money evaporate into thin air


>> No.5802892
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> I buy at 6800 sat and then the thing goes down more than 30% forcing me to sell?

which anon here hijacked your computer and made you sell low, anon?

top kek.

>> No.5802904

Buy high, sell low

typical /biz/

>> No.5802921

When you're thinking about fomoing badly, just turn off binance and 4chan.

It wasn't reall a scam, the coin had been going up for 3 days in a row, it had to stop somewhere but no one exactly knew where.

And if you bought high, don't sell low.
Just learn from it, eveyone fomoed at least once

>> No.5802920

>buying at ATH withiut news

Hodl and sell bacnk once it recovers. This WILL go above $1 within 2 months if not more.

>> No.5802933

why didn't you hodl?

>> No.5802943

I have seen this exact thread about REQ like 3 times today.
Goes like this.
>Degenerate buys @ ATH
>Price corrects
>Autismo doesn't get his moon and panic sells

Quit crypto

>> No.5802948

gj you're gonna make it

>> No.5802958

buy high sell low

>> No.5803228
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>> I buy at 6800 sat and then the thing goes down more than 30% forcing me to sell?

You're a fucking retard and you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.5803245
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>> No.5803303


>buys ATH
>doesn't realiez he bought ATH and now correction at 30% happens (like it usually does you fucking idiot)
>panic sells 30% loss

buy high sell low my friend

>> No.5803310

> forcing me to sell
No one forced you to sell.

>> No.5803344

I will never get tired of this shit

even if I lose it all and go broke I won't go down like these fucking pajeet buy high sell low retards

>> No.5803570
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>> No.5803644


> selling at a loss ever

Spotted your problem. You're a weak handed cuck.

>> No.5803683
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double digits of death, OP btfo

>> No.5803701
File: 350 KB, 900x1222, CHAINLINK LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get your testosterone levels checked.


>> No.5803724


Just to prove to you OP how stupid sellnig at a loss is:

I bought ETH when it was 389$ and crashing. Believe that? I missed ATH and caught the falling knife.

I held through that to 180$, bought some more, bumped back to $900 today

Believe that faggot

>> No.5803736

always sell low

>> No.5803771
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>> No.5803804
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>forcing me to sell

>> No.5803811

With no concept of HODLing or DYORing, newcoiners like you deserve to loose everything

>> No.5803813
File: 184 KB, 1000x1000, 2bc2d5893987119e71bec8ae355a1b99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he bought 1 ETH at $398
>he bought 1 more ETH at $180

nice bro

>> No.5803824

If you ever fomo and buy the ath, NEVER sell low, just hodl

>> No.5803839

Yet you’re still down in sats lmao

You’d of been better just selling at 180 for btc moron

>> No.5803868


>implying I just bought 1

>> No.5803870


>> No.5803881

Bought req at 820 sats. At worst i was down almost 50%. Still quite OK now.

>> No.5803893

Linkmarines will always have a place in my heart. They showed me the true meaning of being a master holder. Just by accumulating and refusing to sell they came to control the entire link network and now the price will only keep rising, because nobody will ever sell.

>> No.5803930

I laughed so hard I woke up my family
Fuck u op

>> No.5803967
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sure fagit

>> No.5803976


At that time if I did, but I didnt expect a bullrun like that on BTC for the 3rd time. I did a few trades however and rode that train, then jumped back onto ETH before it skyrocketed past 350$

>> No.5804011


Found the retard

>> No.5804076

being this retarded

>> No.5804208
File: 19 KB, 534x534, 10246548654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I buy at 6800 sat and then the thing goes down more than 30% forcing me to sell?
You bought on a pump. Enough said.

>And then the next day it goes back up again?
By the book : Buy high, sell low.

kek - Next day as well?

>You have any idea how much money I lost?
I need to laugh more, please tell us....

>Absolute lowest of lowest trash on this website,
Absolute lowest level of intelligence - from you.

>at least the jokes used to be good here years ago
Jokes are still funny.

>now you actually make money evaporate into thin air
Your money evaporated, not ours.

>> No.5804316

The mistake you made was selling you absolute retard.

I'll wait until you fomo back in at $2.

This is like Selling ETH when it fell to $1 from $2 you dumb fuck.

>> No.5804633

i hate REQ but i hate you more faggot. hurr durr buying at 6800 hurr durr selling after 30% hurrr next day it goes back up. fuck off rlly you disgust me with your weak hands

>> No.5804669

It's probably his first crypto buy ever.

>> No.5804839
File: 28 KB, 480x480, 23BA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>REQ goes up almost 200% in the span of 2 days
>Dips 20% shortly afterwards, as is healthy
>Stabilizes and continues an upward trend

You need to fucking kill yourself.

>> No.5804854

Ye he will never make it.

OP pls stay away from XLM and FUN , you're unworthy and don't deserve the free rides. Wagecucking is in your blood

>> No.5804873

>I'm a faggot who has extremely weak hands

why am I not surprised. Always Hodl you mother fucker. It isn't just a meme for a reason.

>> No.5804901
File: 97 KB, 480x480, 175 - AiBU6g3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's your own fucking fault for being so fucking retarded. Get off this board and stay poor, faggot.

>> No.5804906
File: 284 KB, 650x581, 1471988836707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they dipped 10% tomorrow he'd sell them anyways. He doesn't understand that a day has 24 hours, a week 7 days and a month 4 weeks. He only knows a minute candles.

>> No.5804917

I also fell for the biz pump and dump. Got in at 80 cents and sold at 69 cents think it was going to crash. Notice they only shilled this coin after it mooned and all of them accumulated at low prices. This board is full of shady fucks.

>> No.5805031
File: 14 KB, 478x523, 1507589185850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you're trolling or legit retarded. People like you need to be forced to be rich. But I guess that's why it's so easy to make money on cryptos.

Buy REQ, put it on MEW, give the private key to the bull who fucks your wife and tell him to give it back to you one year from now. Wow! The money is suddenly 10-20 times what it was!

>> No.5805305

Fuck you shill

>> No.5805352

Neck yourself, my man.

When it goes down, I hold. When it reaches bottom, I buy more. Maybe I bought some of mine from you.

>> No.5805403
File: 1.16 MB, 250x250, 1498072296977.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was serious

Let me give you some quick tips:
2: Don't daytrade, fomo, fud etc. Instead just close /biz/ and all your cryptocharts the moment you feel like fomoing or fudding
3: After a while if you hold a coin with an actual project you WILL come to a point where you made money on them

Don't worry everyone has made the FOMO/FUD mistake once. Especially if you start.

Learn and prosper anon. (Or step out if you are weak)

>> No.5805427
File: 53 KB, 640x622, 3EA4D1E3-1206-408E-B7F8-63231241526E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s not shilling you brainlet. if you spent any time at all on this underwater basket weaving image board you’d know req is a solid choice and at a discount right now. If dbc would do something already I’d get In on the reqt train myself

>> No.5805501

/pol/ was recently flooded with normie boomers. I have a feeling they've come here to get rich quick. I've honestly never seen this level of retardation by so many on /biz/ before.

>> No.5805590

you clearly are a newfaq. This has been chilled since 0,04 cents. You are the definition of dumb money - chasing pumps and selling at a loss.

>> No.5805637

Look up Palm Beach Group Confidential and realize they made 26,000% profit investing in niche yet promising blockchain projects.

Look for membership and realize costs $3,000 for a subscription, and even if you had the money you need a private invitation to sign up.

Realize you can get every single one of their monthly Newsletters + Buy/Sell Alerts here instead: https://discord DOT gg/QjWhsJ

Stop gambling on shitcoins, the newsletters + buy alerts have exact buy-up-to prices and sell alerts so you're never caught at the wrong side of the bottom or top. Profit.

>> No.5805749

pls be bait
you are so incomprehensibly retarded and have such a weak sense of responsibility
at this point i hope you are underageb& because anything else would only be fucking sad

>> No.5805763

literally up %2,198.69 from november. not surw what you're bitchig about. Oh.... wait.... you FOMO'd ATH and have no patience.

>> No.5805772

Tell me you're trolling. You know how much shit and FUD I had to tolerate here when we posted about the absolutely bargain of REQ being ~40% below ICO for WEEKS? Fuck you, really.

>> No.5805990


>> No.5806023


i bought. at ED. good times. only better time was at the binance drama dump.

>> No.5806075


>Buying high, selling low.

Well done lad.