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File: 40 KB, 640x640, Esteban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58027536 No.58027536 [Reply] [Original]

I still fucking think that Esteban is some important motherfucking dude, shit like Satoshi Nakamoto or a big whale of Bitcoin, super early investor of btc/eth, and he believes so much in this project and big fucking important whaleS ARE watching this CLOSELY.
communities, now it's not like that anymore.
I need plebbit in my life bro, shit like plebbit make you tolerate the shitty non sense real life we're living right now, a fucking degenerate world where people hate each other and not colaborate anyway so on and so on. We need plebbit man, we fucking need plebbit to give equilibrium to INTELLIGENT STILL SANE people who cannot tolerate this bullshit irl, we need a temporary way out, like a fucking drug, but that helps you, not kill you, like a GOOD heroin shot, a SAFE FUCKING PLACE where you can temporarily shut down and STOP REAL NON SENSE LIFE, where you can express yourself, your thoughts, satisfy any fantasy you might have (no pedo pls), be your FUCKING SELF and not having to be afraid of people judging you and shit like that. We need a fucking way out, there was the internet but SLOWLY AND SLOWLY THEY ARE REMOVING US EVEN THAT AND WE CANNOT REALIZE, everything about the internet is political, monopolized by big fucking corruption, INTERNET HAS BEEN OWNED BY THE SAME PEOPLE WE RAN WHEN WE OPENED THE INTERNET, WHEN WE INJECTED OUR DRUG, THEY TOOK OVER THE FUCKING INTERNET AND WE NEED TO GET IT BACK AS SOON AS FUCKING POSSIBLE AND ONLY PLEBBIT CAN DO THIS SHIT CAUSE ALL OTHER PROJECTS ARE BASED ON THE SAME FUCKING MINDSET of the corporations and corruption and GREED, THIS IS THE ONLY FUCKING PROJECT WHO IS A REAL NIGGA, THIS IS NOT SOME FAKE WHITE SHIT (im white btw), that's why I keep most of my money on this shit, cause I believe in this shit and since fucking years and during the whole history of internet PROJECT LIKE THESE ARE RARE ASF

>> No.58027602


>> No.58027845
