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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58025619 No.58025619 [Reply] [Original]

chainlink is hiring +100 engineer positions

in a recession with industry wide tech layoffs

hr roasties stay winning

>> No.58025630

senior only
it's over noobs

>> No.58025639
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>> No.58025663

Ah yes, 100 additional salaries to pay with chainlink.
I'm sure Sergey won't dump even more now!

>> No.58025684
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fud then: 2 man team
fud now: Ah yes, 100 additional salaries to pay with chainlink.

>> No.58025686

Sirgay is relevant to /biz/
Twitter screenshots are detested when they are dumbshit like screenshots of twitter embeds of news articles or the opinions of "literally who?"s

>> No.58025711

This. looking for seniors only means they aren't doing well at all. The company I worked for switched to "seniors only" and then started layoffs shortly after.

>> No.58025779

So is chainlink an oracle network for smart contracts still? What the fuck is all this tokenization shit? I thought every major business agreement would be using smart contracts and therefore chainlink. That’s the entire reason I invested in 2018

>> No.58025781


NoLinks are so desperate now.

>> No.58025791
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You invested in a price feed. Deal with it.

>> No.58025810

nice i applied for their incident response role a few days ago but haven’t heard back yet. might try for some of their SRE roles too

>> No.58025950


>> No.58026252

afterwards everyone will say yeah chainlink was obvious we knew from the start
all the publications and what passes for online journalism that is utterly ignoring link now will say they knew and bought in early

there is absolutely zero doubt that link wins it all and the banking integration is going full steam behind the scenes, now its waiting for the public announcement
all the while the fuddies will grow increasingly more unhinged

>> No.58026371

This is bullish af and a massive expansion. Last I saw, Chainlink were at 500+ employees so a further 100 engineers is a huge move. We really are gearing up for something big. Now, about that GA.....


>> No.58026381

>there is absolutely zero doubt that link wins it all
famous last words

>> No.58026390

Absolutely bearish.
Literal desperation to get things to work after dumping on holders and wasting countless millions (billions) trying to shape up a failed concept.

>Linkies are stinkies again

>> No.58026407

why do you pretend to hate chainlink?

>> No.58026462

>Noone can possibly dislike what I like!!! They must be pretending!!!
Must be nice being so simple. Though it explains why you're so good at coping

>> No.58026563

name one other project with the connections and devs link has that isnt eth
lol at pyth api3 and band
its quite hilarious that the fud went from 2 man team cant get anything done
to too many employees fatman doumpf on you

>> No.58026635

funny that you mention ETH, which has actual headquarters and ONLY around 100 employees
so this begs the question, why the FUCK does a completely remote company with no products apart from price feeds need 600 employees
baffling isn't it

>> No.58026640

what does chainlink actually do? i've never heard of anyone using it

>> No.58026687

This is pretty crazy. Putting aside /biz/s retarded fixation on hr roasties, this is a massive hr challenge.
Think about how much onboarding, training, cultural integration, etc 100 new roles requires.
Yes, it strongly suggests that Chainlink will be going fucking turbo mode in the next couple of years, but keeping your company ethos and all of your plates spinning while hiring 100 new people into a 500 person company is a crazy Human Resources challenge on its own.

>> No.58026696

Damn another chain link thread!!! Let's go!!

>> No.58026699

are we sure they're new employees or is this replacing turnover

>> No.58026705

the timing during massive Web2 layoffs is pretty baller though. Sergey will have an army of hungry ex-FAANG to slurp the employment dip.

>> No.58026707 [DELETED] 

>sitting in your room writing code
pick one

>> No.58026714

bit of both. I know that the guy who headed data streams went off and started chaos labs. Chainlink is basically the Google of Web3 and has a certain attrition rate as its gigabrains drop out to start their own companies (or, you know, write airport novels)

>> No.58026715

It's a ruse

Ded project
Token not needed

>> No.58026727

The 2 biggest things sofar are providing accurate and reliable price feeds. Every bigger exchange, dexs etc use chainlink to get the price of ETH/USD for example

The other major thing is VRF, basically safe and reliable random number generation which is very valuable in a lot of dapps.
They have tons of other features that tbf aren't really used as much yet (PoR, Functions, Automations etc)

Everyone is waiting for CCIP which would make transfering and letting assets interact on different blockchains much easier and safer but obviously the team is kind of shitting the bed about that rn, and its been delayed multiple times sofar.
While understandable for such an important product, it's extremely aggravating to token holders

>> No.58026730

I dont care for xrp or some meme coins but i dont go those threads to fud. Link fuddies are something special

>> No.58026755

why do we want these overpaid losers again?

>> No.58026800

they're good at leetcode challenges and building anti-racist image generators.
idk either, bro

>> No.58026816

>with no products apart from price feeds
you cant be this retarded

>> No.58026851
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Fellow LINK Marines repeat with me:
as long as Sergey uses our money to make great tech, we will be his paypigs

>> No.58026859

What a joke. Essentially stealing gains from bagholders by dumping more tokens.
100 engineers * 200k = $20mn more dumps EVERY YEAR. ON TOP OF ALREADY HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DUMPS.



>> No.58026870

How come a philosophy major became the best blockchain coder out there?

>> No.58026982
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>> No.58026993

absolute classic

>> No.58027238

doesn't change anything with price movement. I would buy other oracles like pyth and supraoracles.

>> No.58027379

studying CS is for monkey normies

>> No.58027412

and brown stinky jeets

>> No.58027425

Philosophy is a rigorous degree and non retards can cross train

>> No.58027431
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>> No.58027440

ah yes, eth who still haven't scaled their chain 7 years later. the same reason cll had to pump the brakes and work with arbitrum to make adoption possible. ethereum will end up just being a settlement layer when all is said and done.

>> No.58027483


>> No.58027543

>ethereum will end up just being a settlement layer when all is said and done.
Yea its clear this is the writing on the wall.
It's clear its not really feasible to build a high tps, high security and high decentralized blockchain with our current technology. I do think solana has its place in the future, but the security issues are a no go for certain projects.

Even more interesting will be all dust, ie the stuck value on ETH. Theres probably gonna be pooling bridges that specifically will help people regain their dust. I don't know actually, are "rollup" bridges a thing already?

>> No.58027552

Tokenisation is how you get oracle networks to handle real world data. When a company wants its AI continuously training on product data, it will have to pay for that tokenized data in LINK.

>> No.58027597

100 engineering roles. Seems pretty bullish if you ask me.

>> No.58027615

same. this is a company preparing to grow exponentially.

>> No.58027779

imagine in 2024, years of power slamming sells onto poor holders, any meme could be cool or funny about this fat ass pile of garbage, move on

>> No.58027789

>company preparing to grow exponentially.
typical advocate talking point. The company is growing but how does this relate to price action? I'm starting to think that the success of Chainlink is correlated with the price dumps.

>> No.58027793

Chain link will be $72 by april 2nd

>> No.58027798

In november anons said it would be $100 by this time. All predictions are lies.

>> No.58027804

ill sell one link for $10,000

>> No.58027818

You will take all your links to the grave while literally every other shitcoin holder will cash out and live a fulfilling life. Your exhibiting a spiteful loser mentality.

>> No.58027833
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Repent and you may be forgiven.
>'ACTUAL USE' COINS (chainlink)

>> No.58027844

>'ACTUAL USE' COINS (chainlink)
"use" doesn't correlate with price action as evidently showed by Chainlink, you dumb faggot.
2021 use case = close to zero
>price $50
2024 use case = much greater
>price $19

>> No.58027869

buy dog coins then, i'm not trying to stop you

>> No.58027881

>cultural training

Whats so difficult. You get hired, give them a laptop and email address and then ok you’re free to head home and do nothing. We’ll pay you every two weeks, thanks!

>> No.58028118

its probably just some cringe cbt videos about dei and sexual harassment. they ask for your pronouns and shit during the application process

>> No.58028305

In the U.S. there is an emphasis on symbolic analytical philosophy, it is very rigorous.

>> No.58028368

all washed up has-beens especially ari kinda sad he's discarding his legacy for a bag

>> No.58028809

>The company is growing but how does this relate to price action?
the keyword was preparing. the price action action will follow suite, especially as more network activity picks up and more and more companies adopt. you don't hire that many tech heads if you aren't planning for success. think about amazon's price action in the early days as they laid the groundwork to swallow brick and mortar stores.

>> No.58028844

>think about amazon's price action in the early days as they laid the groundwork to swallow brick and mortar stores.
Posting this classic again:

>> No.58028848
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>> No.58028980
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I wouldn't be surprised if we were at green arrow and literally 1 or 2 more washout dumps from making it

>> No.58029007

i also think we're closer to the 2010 parabolic pump since this foundation is digital and works with pre existing finance structures.

>> No.58029041

Lol i think we're closer to 2004 with bleeding out yet again

>> No.58029048

8 years of agony and then the road to making it started for those Amazon investors. Imagine if fuddies weren't still shitting in diapers back then and had access to stock forums. Would've been entertaining to watch.

>> No.58029053

just realised?

>> No.58029162

holy baggie cope

>> No.58029184

possible but i don't think these cases are exactly identical. there are no physical shipping depots and networks to be set up. this is all code monkeys plugging in api gateways to a system that already exists and the internet already being more refined than it was in early 2000s.

>> No.58029199

>hiring 100 technical roles
"muh roasties"
maybe if they were hiring 100 HR people this would make sense, they're hiring 100 devs because chainlink services have trillions of dollars worth of pet up demand waiting at the gates before they've even opened

>> No.58029471

aren't price feeds free for dapps to use?

>> No.58029661

can you imagine how many jeet applications the HR roastie has to sift through because of the 100 open engineer positions lol

>> No.58029824

Again, I fail to see the correlation between company success and price action. Could you explain to a retard like me how they are related? Is Link selling a product that fuels price increase? I’m fully staked but don’t understand why LINK was worth more 3 years ago.

>> No.58029881
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i want to become an internet manager lawyer barbarian

>> No.58030249

What do you gain by being disingenuous on the internet? Serious question.

>> No.58030272

be sure to watch our 150 hours of training youtube videos !
get back to us in 6 months !

>> No.58030291

cuckold linkies are paypigs for sergey and his hr roasties

>> No.58030485

Holy shit imagine the amount of dumps that will be required to pay all these losers. Sirgay would take us all the way back down to $5 and keep us there

>> No.58030544

is this just in general or specifically for chainlink? not sure if trolling. but link is providing a service uniquely dependent on its token as it is the currency used to pay the fee to access the network as well as the staking reserve resource that validators hold in supply as collateral in case wrong data is supplied to a request. think of it as a company share that also is the fuel of the service provided.

>> No.58030610
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We’ve come so far

>> No.58030621

>sehr gay would never fake a job posting

>> No.58030636
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Imagine the tens of millions of tokens they will have to DUMP to pay these people to pretend to work.

>> No.58030779

I applied and this dumb fucking gorilla didn’t hire me. Then he proceeded to stuff his business with conmen.

>> No.58030924

has anybody on /biz/ who's applied for a job with them ever gotten one? has anybody been on the chainlink labs linkedin and counted how many 'nameable' and contactable engineers they have? actually don't know the make up of the company, always hear it's just human resources

>> No.58031111

it's hard to believe they have a team of 10 engineers, much less hundreds. look at the progress, what do these people do? build websites with counters on them that go up? does every engineer have to review that?

>> No.58031266

Solves the lambo problem

>> No.58031314
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This is what the average chainlink wfh dev looks like...

>> No.58031341

Hahaha why are you such an angry faggot? Fucking loser.

>> No.58031362

>Inda, India, India, Nigeria, Bangladesh
Checks out.
The entire thing is being built by ChatGPT

>> No.58032117

at least they are stinky

>> No.58032201
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oooo, very diverse
how do I buy

>> No.58032273

That’s an extra 35 million to dump every year. And linkies pay for it by holding

>> No.58032466

Does the Chainlink sexual harassment training have a practical component? Asking for a friend.

>> No.58033094

Insider here. Craig Steven Satoshi Wright will take over as the new Chainlink CTO.